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    资料收集于网络,如有侵权 请联系网站删除复试英语材料复试法律英语题目好像各个专业通用的,以往很多师兄师姐都曾经贴过这些内容:1、could you tell something about the separation of judicial system?2. Do you hink that states has the right to take citizens lives ?3、whats the best way to learn law in China?4、Talk something about WTO?5、Do you think the legal system need some reform ? Why?6、案例教学与板书教学比较?7、对现行民法体系的看法?8、法律和社会的关系?9、如果你被录取,你有什么计划?10、大陆法系与英美法系比较?11、对司法独立有什么看法?12、介绍我国的程序制度?13、介绍我国的律师制度?14。谈谈学习方法。15。你为什么选择人大为什么来人大上学,为何选择人大法学院?16。你为什么选择法律17。两大法系的区别18。中国司法制度评价19。法治20。法治改革的必要性21.介绍我国司法制度22。法律教育方法的看法谈谈中国法学教育现状和改进23。谈谈我的家庭24。评价我国的教育制度25。对联合国的看法26。对我国法律体系的看法27。你是否认为法官应该遵守法律/为什么28。毕业以后你想成为律师还是法官29对民主的认识30简要介绍一下什么是福利社会31简要介绍一下你的家庭(嘿嘿的复试题)32你喜欢在大城市还是小城市生活(我的)33why do you want to study law?34. 对我国法律教育制度的评价?Selfintroduction【正文】May I introduce myself first? So we can get a good relationship among us. Thank you very much.So good afternoon, my respectful teachers, its my great honor to be here for this interview.First let me introduce myself My name is .Im a senior student and have graduated fromschool of law, *university. During my four years campus life, I am hardworking and have wonscholarships several times.只供学习与交流 资料收集于网络,如有侵权 请联系网站删除English is the favorite of mine besides my major .Though the weak basic skills I had when I justwent through the college gate had been improved much through my painstaking efforts, I have along way to run because I can not use it freely. Besides, I pass CET Band 4 when I was afreshman , and then CET Band 6 when I was a sophomore, meanwhile I got an admissionqualification of SET of Band 6 at last.When it comes to my free time , I indeed have a lot of hobbies , for example: 1) Pop music(I like itvery much because it can encourage me, comfort me and sometimes relax me); 2) Reading novels,I prefer to read novels which can convey the true meaning of life to me , for example , LIVE byYuhua ; 3) Swimming. Backstroke仰泳and crawl自由泳are the common ways I use. WhenI am in water ,the whole body of mine will feel very comfortable: 4) Kong-fu is my favorite ,though Im only a new-comer. I respect Bruce Lee very much because he was a patriot【peitriet爱国者】and broke though the limit he could stand . Though died many years ago , he will be atrue idol【aidl 偶像】of mine for ever .My hometown is a beautiful and quiet place near .If you have a chance to go there , you wouldbe deeply attracted by its perfect combination of city and country , because you can enjoy moderncity life there ,and more importantly ,you can live a happy and desirable country life there Pureblue sky ,lovely white clouds and vast green grasslands.When it comes to my college, I ll say “I love her” , from the bottom of my heart. Through fouryears school life, I learned a lot from her, not only knowledge ,but also how to be a real person. Iappreciate her very much , no matter where I go , no matter how I get along, she ll be my oldschool母校forever .Thats all, thank you. Wish you a happy day.二、谈谈学习方法Study MethodsSince I have been a college student, I have reflects the study habits of my own and I think thosecan be put as follows:1. Plan my time carefully. Make a list of my weekly tasks .Then make a schedule or chart of mytime .Fill in committed time such as eating、sleeping、meeting、classes, etc. Then decide on good、regular time for studying .2. Find a good place to study .Choose one place for my study area. It may be a desk or a chair athome or in the school library, but it should be comfortable, and it shouldnt have distractions.When I begin to work, I should be able to concentrate on the subject.3. Skim before I read. This means looking over a passage quickly before I begin to read it morecarefully. As I preview the material, I get some idea of the content and how it was organized. Laterwhen I begin to read, I will recognize less important material and I may skip some of theseportions. Skimming helps double my reading speed and improves my comprehension as well.4. Make the best of my time in class. Listening to what the teacher says in class means less worklater. Sit where I can see and hear well. Taking notes helps me remember what the teacher says.5. Study regularly. Go over notes as soon as possible after class. Review important pointsmentioned in class as well as points I remain confused on. Read about these points in my textbook.If I know what the teacher will discuss the next day, skim and read that material too. This will helpme understand the next class. If I review my notes and textbook regularly, the material would bemore meaningful and I will remember it longer .Regular review leads to improved performance on只供学习与交流 资料收集于网络,如有侵权 请联系网站删除tests.6. Develop a good attitude about test. The purpose of a test is to show what I have learned about asubject. The world wont end if I dont pass a test, so I dont worry excessively about a singletest .Tests provide grades ,but they also let me know which part I need to spend more time on, andthey help make my new knowledge permanent.7. The last but not the least, read plenty of books especially those concern with my major, whichcan expend my view.There are other techniques that might help me with my studying .Only a few have been mentionedhere, and I will discover others as my study continue.三、为什么选择中国人民大学Why to Choose Renmin UniversityRenmin University is a famous university of our country, and her study level of humanities is veryhigh in all high schools.I heard about Renmin University many years ago and then I told myself in my heart that somedayI must be a member of hers, It was very disappointing that the dream did not come true four yearsago, so when I just walked into the gate of my university, I sweared that I should be a postgraduate of her four years later.I love her very much for the following reasons:First, there is an atmosphere of pursuing the truth in Renmin University, which is respectable andlovely. Im the people who do not like things which are impractical and superficial; therefore Ithink I have at least this point in common with her.Second, she has a lot of famous and respectful professors who contribute a lot to our country. Ithink I can learn a lot from them and finally use the knowledge to serve the people. Morality 、scholarship are the merits I can learn from them.Third, it is said that students in CUPL are practical, while students in Beijing University areknowledgeable, but students in Renmin University are both practical and knowledgeable. I want tobe a person who is practical and knowledgeable as well, so Im eager to be a post graduate of hers.Fourth, Renmin University is a famous university of our country, and her study level ofhumanities is very high in all universities. In recent years, the educational facilities of her havebeen more and more perfect and sound, which make her more attractive to me.Finally, through the visit of many universities of Beijing and other place, I find that I love herheart and soul. When I just walked into it, an unjelling feeling of familiarization and kindnessappeared in my mind, as if I had been a member of here sometime.In a word, I love Renmin University!四、为什么选择法律Why choose law as your majorWhen I was a little boy, my grandfather told me that he wanted me to be a lawyer when I hadgrown up, because in that age, there were few lawyers in our country, nor did the people whoknow law. From then on , I knew lawyer、lawthese mysterious words.Several years later, my uncle, a prosecutor ignited my enthusiasm from law with his honesty andhatred of evil. He has dealt with many cases about the corrupted and punished some of them,which made many people fear about him but made him a real hero in my heart. So, from then on, I只供学习与交流 资料收集于网络,如有侵权 请联系网站删除wanted to be a judge or prosecutor who knows law very well and establish justice in our society.When I have been a college student and got some knowledge about law,reasons to choose it as my major.I think I have enoughFirst, law is an old and huge subject, and its content rich and interesting. It is said that in ancienttimes of Europe, there are only three disciplines in collegetheology、medicine and law,therefore, it is indeed a traditional subject which attracts me very much.Second, law is a powerful social adjustment tool. As we know, many conflicts can be smoothed offthrough the application of law. Im very glad to use my knowledge of law to solve some prac ticalproblems, and even more, I may fall in love with it and take it as my career.Third, law is not just law, it has many things to do with economics 、philosophy、sociology andeven literature, so through the study of it, I can learn a lot and improve myself a lot.In a word, its my honor to choose law as my majormy whole -life career. I think in the resttime of my life, I should not only study it well, but also let more people know it, apply it and loveit!五、大陆法系与英美法系的区别The Differences between Continental Law System and Anglo-American Law System ?The term Anglo-American Law System refers to the system of law developed in England andtransferred to most of the English-speaking world. It is distinguished from the Continental LawSystem used in Continental Europe, and in those nations settled by European peoples. Both thetwo systems are the basis of law in most of the western world.The continental law system can be traced back to Roman law, which extended to the limits of theEmpire. It received its modern impetus from the early nineteenth-century French codes of lawcreated by French jurists.The differences between the two can be put as follows:First, the basic distinction between the two systems lies in the sources of law upon which they rely.The Anglo-American Law System uses prior decided cases as very high sources of authority.Courts should adhere to the law as set forth in prior cases decided by the highest court. The judgeshould determine whether the principle derived from the prior cases is logically essential to theirdecision or is reasonable、appropriate to contemporary circumstances.The Continental Law System on the other hand, is originated from codes of laws. When a conflictis presented to a court or lawyer, the immediate problem is to find the appropriate code provisionconcerning the situation and then to apply it to the problem at hand. Cases are not ignored, butthey do not have anything binding authority on judges.Second, it is the jurist who played an important role when the Continental Law System becamewhat it is now, but, in the Anglo-American Law System, the judges contributed a lot.Third, the Continental Law System pays more attention to substantial law 【实体法】,while theAnglo-American Law System stress on procedural law. The latter underlines trials 、procedure、proof and execution.Fourth, the differences in composition of the two are apparent. In the Continental Law System,public law and private law are the basic classification, and the civil law are the basic classification,and the civil law plays an important role in it. While the basic parts of the Anglo-American LawSystem are common law and equity law, and public law is the key part of it.Finally, the concepts and vocabulary of them are not the same either. For example, “Civil law”of只供学习与交流 资料收集于网络,如有侵权 请联系网站删除the Continental Law System and “Property law”in the Anglo-American Law System.Though these differences mentioned above, a trend of collaboration can be seen nowadays. Forexample, our judicial system belongs to the Continental Law System, but we learned theinstitution of Independent Director from the Anglo-American Law System.司法系统的分离民主长烟一空版谢谢楼主的努力我对部分内容做了一点小改动,只是建议,仅供参考,大家一起来polish一下吧,让这些答案更地道。另:复试考察英语毕竟不是像 TOFEL 以及六级口语考试那样,用一些“冠冕堂皇”的理由去作为标准答案就可以了。在考察英语表达本身的熟练以及准确程度之外,老师或许更在意你英语表达的内容本身。所以,不妨表达一些自己的真实想法。Why do you choose Renmin University?1. First, Renmin University is one of the best universities in China in the field of law science.Being a very important base of Chinese law studies, it has attracted millions of young people whohave great interest in law.2. Renmin University is noted for many distinguished law professors. I believe I can benefit a lotfrom them. Now I am willing to listen to their classes, observe their ways of analyzing legal issues,and follow their instructions in concrete researches. I got my bachelors degree in *and nowfind it urgent for me to refresh myself by further education in my major.3. Another reason why I choose Renmin University that it is located in the city of Beijing. Beingthe capital of China, Beijing is definitely the political, economical and cultural center. At the sametime, its a modern metropolitan, which is full of vigor and vitality. The 48 Olympic Games willbe held here in the year of 2008. As its motto(标语、座右铭、训言) says, “One world, one dream”,the coming Olympic Games will definitely bring a lot of chances and possibilities for anyone withdreams in their heart.4. I wish to become a good lawyer in the future, and I believe this university is the best place thatcan provide me with fundamental theoretical background, with challenges and chances.Why law?1. Law stands for justice and equality. Its impossible for us to establish a harmonious societywithout a sound system of law. And of course, our society is in need of qualified lawprofessionals.2. Law is an effective instrument, by which I could fight against corruption, bribery, and otherunjust or illegal phenomena. It has been also a dream of mine to contribute myself to the course oflaw and do what I can for China in its process towards a more stable、democratic and prosperoussociety.3. I have great interest in the Science of Law. And that was why I chose to study law before Ientered college. I enjoyed great fun in reading books in the field of law.A lawyer or a judge?只供学习与交流 资料收集于网络,如有侵权 请联系网站删除1. Id like to work as a lawyer in the future. I believe its more suitable for me to work as a lawyer.First, I am good at analyzing practical problems. Second, I enjoy communicating with differentpeople. Third, I am an eloquent person.2. Ill use l aw as a tool to help the need and the weak, so that I can realize my value in my ownwork.3. Working as a lawyer, my working hours can be much more flexible and thats exactly what Iwant in the future.Why Beijing?1. Being the capital of China, Beijing is definitely the political, economical and cultural center. Atthe same time, its a modern metropolitan, which if full of vigor and vitality. The 48 OlympicGames will be held here in the year of 2008. As its motto says, “One world, o


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