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    Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball Section A 习题 1.docx

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    Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball Section A 习题 1.docx

    Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball Section A 习题 1. 选择可以替代划线部分的选项()1. His family name is White.A. last nameB. middle name C. first nameD. given name)2. I think the math class is boring, so I dont like it.A. interesting B. difficultC. not interesting D. not difficult)3. Thanks a lot.A. manyB. very muchC. veryC. doesD. muchD. loves)4. Ed likes sports.A. hasB. have)5. Lets have a look at the collections.A. have a watchC. look atB. seeD. look. 用所给词的正确形式填空6. That _(sound) interesting.7. _ you _(have) a tennis racket?8. My brother _(have) a baseball bat.9. We have many _(club) in our school.10. Let watch _(they) on TV.11. She _(play) sports every day.12. Can you _(bring) your new picture books here?13. _ your friend _(like) sports?14. Let _(we) play tennis.15. Thats an _(interest) computer game. . 单项选择()16. I _ TV at night(在晚上).A. look at B. see C. watch)17. Lets _ the map on the wall.A. look at B. see C. watch)18. I can _ many things on the table.A. look at B. see C. watch)19. The question is not easy. Its very _.A. difficult B. difficulty C. relatingD. lookD. lookD. lookD. not difficult()20. Lets play _ basketball. I dont like playing _ violin(小提琴)at home.A. the, theB. the, C. , theD. , ()21. _ your friend like English?A. Does)22. _ our club, please!A. Join B. Join inB. DoC. IsD. HasC. ComeD. Go)23. Lets _ and _ football on the playground.A. to go, to playC. to go, playB. go, playD. go, to play()24. _ they have any sports collections? Yes, they _.A. Are, are)25. Can you _ it _ English?A. speak, in B. say, in C. talk, withB. Do, doC. Can, doD. Do, canD. tell, with. 从右栏中找出与左栏对应的答语26. Are there pictures on the wall?27. Is there a ball under the desk?28. Do they have a tennis racket?29. Does she like the hat?A. Yes, they do.B. Yes, it is.C. Yes, they are.D. Yes, there is. 30. Lets play computer games?31. Is that your baseball?32. Are these chairs?E. Yes, she does.F. They are chairs.G. No, there arent.33. Are these chairs or sofas?34. Whats on the dresser?35. What do you have?H. I have many sports collections.I. There is a watch on it.J. That sounds good. 选用正确的词填空do, does, dont, doesnt, is, am, are, be, can, cant36. What _ Sue have? She has many sports things.37. Do you have some more paper? No, I _.38. There _ two football and a volleyball in the basket.39. Lets _ good friends.40. _ you spell your name, please?41. _ there a football game on TV today?42. Sorry, I _ answer the question. Itstoo difficult.43. Card _ like sports. She thinks its boring.44. _ they need more school things?45. I _ a football fan. I like it very much. 按要求转换句型46. My father doesnt like playing tennis. (变为肯定句)_47. I think tennis is very interesting. (就划线部分提问)_48. Tim has a gold watch. (变为一般疑问句)_49. I play sports every morning. (变为否定句)_ 50. There are old bikes under the tree. (变为单数句)_


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