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    四年级英语练习根据中文补充句子Lets go and play football _ _(放学后)。I get up _ _.(六点). That is _ _(船). Mary can _ (游泳).Look at these _ and _ (树和花).It is _ (温暖的)in _ (春天).Lets _ _ _ (吃冰激凌)now.Can you _ _ (堆雪人)?Lets _ _ (去野餐)in the _ (下午). _ _ (好主意).I _(通常)_ _(堆雪人)in_(冬天).I want to _ _(去爬山)._ _ (谁的铅笔)is it? I _ _(不喜欢)PE.连词成句1. at, subjects, have, school, five, We (.)2. like, what, do, subjects, you (?)3. morning, what, do, this, we, this, lessons, have (?)4. to, likes, Liu, after, play, Tao, school, football (.)5. on, river, can, the, see, you, boat, the (?)6. pictures, draw, lets, some (.)7. see, tree, the, a , near, can, river, I (.)8. Chinese, for, lesson, its, our, time (.)9. can,a , I, near, tree, the, tall, river, see (.)10. come, please, play, table, and, tennis (.)11. up, the, in, I, early, get, morning (.)12. in, it, summer, hot, is (.)13. spring, in, we, go, can, boating (.)14. autumn, lets, climbing, go, in (.)15. today, cold, its, day, a (.)按要求写单词easy (反义词)_ these (单数)_ can (否定形式)_ we (宾格)_ that (复数)_skate(动名词)_英汉互译what a pity _a footbal match_what day _1第页 共 4 页 eleven fifty_do my homework_a short dress _八点十分_一些花_在河上_干得好_好主意_在下午_吃晚饭_在夜里_试一下这件衬衫_谁的短裤_迈克的裤子_她的牛仔裤_在星期五_在夏天_在那里_单项选(A. our) Look!This is _ new timetable.B. we C. Me() A:_ do you like? B: I like Maths and PE.A. What lessons B. What subjects C. What day) My sister _ a swimming lesson today.A. has B. have C. is) I _ at six in the evening.A. get up B. have lunch C. have dinner( )A: Lets play basketball now. B:_A. Yes, it is. B. Thank you. C. Good idea!( ) Look at the cats. Can you _ ?A. drawing B. draw them C. draw they( ) _ is a tree and _ are flowers.(A. This, theseB. This, this C. These, This( )A: Lets play football here. B: _A. Here you are. B. Thank you. C. Good idea!( ) A: _can you do? B: I can make a cake.A. Who( )Its _. But I can have a try.A. nice B. difficultB. WhereC. WhatC. Easy( )A: _ shoes are they? B: They are Helens.A. Whose B. Whos C. Whats( )A: _ shirt is this? B: Its _ shirt.A. whose, his( ) Her _ are too big.A. jacket B. dressB. Whose, hisC.Whose, hersC. gloves( ) My rubber is too small, but your rubber is _.A. big( )The jeans _ too short.A. am B. is( ) This long jacket is my _ .A. sister B. sistersB. longC. shortC. AreC. sisters( )A: _ is your toy car? B: Its in the classroom.A. Where( ) The dress _ too long.A. am B. isB. WhoseC. WhatC. Are2第页 共 4 页 ( ) _ shoes _ they?A. Who,areB. What, areC. Whose, are选出与画线部分单词属于同类的词( )Look! This is our new school.A. lesson( ) Its Monday today.A. PE B. Saturday( ) I see a hill over there.A. try B. lakeB. timetableC. parkC. ChineseC. Homework选出每组中不同类的单词。(()1. A. lake) 2. A. hill)3. A. zoo) 4. A. isB. pictureB. inB. parkB. itC. riverC. OnC. matchC. They(找出下面每句中的错误并在横线上订正( )How can you see in it?_ABC() Look at the dogs. Can you draw they? _ABC) Lets going to the park. _ABC按要求改写句子1. I can play football. (对画线部分提问)_ can _ _ ?2. I can see some trees in the park. (对画线部分提问)_ can _ _ in the park?选择适当的单词填空look, over, in, on, to1. I can see a tiger _ there.2. Theres a boat _ the river.3. Let me have a _.4. Whats _ the box?5. Its ten _ nine now.根据中文情景选择正确的英文表达( )1、当你想知道对方会干什么时,应该问:( )2、当告诉别人你能看见一些红色的花时,应该说:( )3、当你想知道对方是否能在公园里看见一条河时,应该问:A. I can see some red flowers.B. Can you see a river in the park?3第页 共 4 页 C. I can draw pictures.4第页 共 4 页


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