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    毕业论文(设计)外文翻译标题:Winning Twitter Marketing Tools & Tactics原文:Whats Twitter, and Why Use it? Twitter is a communications platform with millions of users, and growing at a phenomenal rate. It helps businesses stay connected to their customers. As a business, you can use it to quickly share information with people interested in your company, gather real time market intelligence and feedback, and build relationships with customers, partners and other people who care about your company. Tech Crunch reports the Twitter user base is expected to be close to 25 million by the end of 2009. Mashable has calculated the rate of Twitter growth in 08 was 752%. With Twitter you have both the advantage of a huge market base, and the momentum of rapid growth. In this short guide, well tell you exactly how to capitalize on this huge buzz and "microblogging" phenomenon with some suggestions for professional tools and techniques to save you time. When youre new to Twitter, you might be wondering - does anyone do anything besides talk about what they had for lunch? Short answer. yes. We thought the same until we got a large client totally on Twitter. If youre already aboard, you might like to learn some ways to accelerate success, and be efficient about it. Well tell you in this Guide. These are proven strategies and tactics weve used to gain clients and grow our business in the last six months.Well cover: Time saving professional tools CRM Integration options Integration with your website and Business Blog Getting more followers the smart way - targeted for your business Advertising Tools in the Twitter arena A winning formula of tools, tactics and strategyTime Saving Professional ToolsFor our clients, our professional Twitter tool is EasyTweets for three main reasons: Automated scheduling of tweets, automatic search and find targeted followers, and the ability to manage several Twitter accounts. There is currently a special to try EasyTweets for $1.Above are four of 12 professional tools we use for automation, market research, and smart feedback built into Easy Tweets.Compare - Online Twitter Tool to Downloadable Tool: EasyTweets is an online service, so its available from any computer connected to the internet - upgrades are planned in Fall of 2009. If you prefer a downloadable program, we also like Hummingbird - there are a number of excellent features and its marketing reach extends beyond just Twitter. Larger companies may like to assign a marketing coordinator oversite and writing duties using the EasyTweets multi-twitter account software online, while the CMO - Your Marketing Chief - takes charge with Hummingbird, which integrates with Facebook and PingFM (still another gateway to several Social Media Markets. you should be using it, and we can tell you how).CRM Integration Options - Its all about the RelationshipMost businesses, large and small, understand the need to manage their customer relationships.First we saw databases designed for the tasks. Then email. Then stand-alone CRM - Customer Relationship Management - software, with some great options now online - in cloud computing solutions. Here, well take a quick look at how three CRM providers are integrating Twitter and Social Media.SalesForce.com versus SugarCRM These two contenders for a cloud solution to Customer Relationship Management are often thought of as Proprietary (SalesForce.com) versus Open Source (SugarCRM) - but Sugar CRM also offers some paid package options. Both are now integrating Twitter in interesting ways:Above, SalesForce does a good job of integration into their CRM solution, and note that Facebook is also available. SugarCRM is adding Twitter search integration via its open source community "add-on modules."BatchBook - This lesser known contender to services provided by SalesForce.com and SugarCRM is positioning itself as the "CRM that knows the Business of Social". One example,you can view blog posts, photos, tweets and more alongside contact history:Above, BatchBook screen shows how using their CRM solutions "Social Media SuperTag", you can enter information such as Twitter usernames, blog feeds and LinkedIn profile URLs (plus many others!) on a contact record. Read more about BatchBooks Social Media integration here.Integration with your Website and Business BlogAbove, we configure your website to connect with your twitter page and vice-versa for a powerful synergy. We develop Content Management Solutions and Business Blogs on the award-winning WordPress platform, and one great time saver and powerful integration tactic is to use Twitter plugins on your sites to automatically tweet out your latest blog posts to your twitter page, and also show a running commentary of your Twitter feed on your site. This synergy will build you a powerful presence in the Social Media sphere, keep your CMS updated and fresh, and do it mostly on auto-pilot. This is one of our core services and we will be pleased to provide an estimate to convert your "old school" site to an optimized, dynamic Content Management Solution, help you connect and build visibility with a Business Blog, and integrate them all with professional twitter tools.Whos Using Twitter for Business?Heard of Dell, JetBlue, and Pepsi? Those are some big name companies making it work for them.ComCast uses Twitter for customer support. Some smaller successful players in the new Social Media space include CoffeeGroundz, NAKEDPizza, and Teusner Wines. (click to read a case study). You might also like to read, "40 of the Best Twitter Brands, and the People Behind Them."Getting more Followers the Smart Way - Targeted for yourBusinessYou may have seen some of the SPAM programs out there advertising "Get 16k followers a day," etc. Volume is not the answer. Targeting is, and automation can help. You want to proceed in such a way that you gather followers who are interested in your industry and business. And you want to engage them by providing valuable information so they recommend you to more followers with similar interests. Heres our two-step, proven formula:1. Set your automatic search and follow controls for people using key phrases specific to your industry. Below is screenshot showing this tactic in Operation using EasyTweets - you can do that yourself, or contact us and well provide you this service:2. Write short, compelling, and interesting tweets about your business, services, and industry - and provide links, not only to your site but to other helpful reference material. If you dont have time - well quote you on this. For larger companies, we recommend you use 4-20 of your Twitter accounts (an EasyTweets Plus account manages up to 5 twitter accounts & a Pro Account up to 40 from the same dashboard) for your sales staff, marketing managers, and at least one C-Level executive.Important Twitter Search Tools: Local Search - Nearby Tweets finds Tweeters in your neighborhood. Big Tip for sales people . find and engage people talking about your services, and industry. Scoopler - Designed to search for hot topics, Scoopler returns the latest conversation in one column with a global search of videos, links and images in another. Twiogle - Twiogle combines the power of Google with the immediacy ofTwitter. Monitter - Monniter (shown right) brings up a split screen where you can track three related Twitter conversation threads. WebFadds likes to watch SEO, Analytics, and CMS side by side.TIP: Open all four of the above search sites and spend 30 minutes looking at search results for terms that relate to your Brand, Services & Products. This is a powerful tactic for both research and sales teams.Advertising Tools in the Twitter ArenaAs Twitter matures, more and more service providers are offering advertising opportunities on the platform. You can of course, use your twitter account to advertise direct to your followers. Youll need to concept, prepare, and test the copy and graphics for your campaign - give us a call. well help. And then, extend your reach using a good combination of the following tools: Bubble Guru - Video Ads for Websites & Twitter - easy to set-up and use.At right, Bubble Guru lets you simulate how the guru will look at your site. Your "guru" appears in a circular "bubble" that pops up over the desired page at your site. Controls go away so your talker is alone in "bubble" to present your company in a unique way. We installed a similar video marketing pop-up for ConditionedAIr.com. Featured Users - Feature your user profile across the Social Media landscape.TwitAd Service - Get other to tweet about your company, products and services. Twitter Coupons - Offer exclusive coupons to your followers. Above. BajaFresh serves up a Twitter Coupon TwiveAway - Run your own Twitter Give-away Contest on autopilot. TwtPoll - Take a poll for marketing research, and at the same time. advertise your company. Above is a "TwtPoll" about Business Process Management - the firm "IMGWorld", which is in the business of BPM, gets recognized within the Poll. Sponsored Tweets - Another service that connects advertisers with tweeters - you can create "sponsored conversations" on Twitter.A Winning Formula of Tools, Tactics & StrategyOk. Weve given you a brief overview in this guide of tools and tactics for marketing on Twitter. There are a number of services and software solutions out there, so here well sum up our formula for winning (which means getting customers and doing so efficiently) in the Twitter arena: Establish a Twitter account for each key member of your marketing and customer service team, plus at least one C-Level Executive. Establish additional Twitter accounts per service/product focus to serve the Twitter community by talking about and linking to sites of interest - and occassionally your own. This is a secondary, but powerful technique that allows you to grow targeted followers who value your tweets, and so will follow your lead. Integrate and automate your Tweeting with your Business Blog and Content Management System Make sure you commit to tweeting helpful tweets 2-3 times a day (cmon - a tweet is only 1-2 sentences long). Yes, theres automation to save you time. No - you shouldnt rely totally on automation - think about connecting with live customers and prospect engagement.Advanced Tip: Using your EasyTweets account theres a way to automatically place feeds from related reference sites in your tweets, with a short comment before each tweet. Learn how in the online guides, or well show you how.Integrate a focused, and well-developed Twitter marketing campaign using a smart combination of tools listed above. Prove it: You and your Executives want to see ROI, right? So, install Google Analytics, set up values for each of your site Conversion goals, then review the value of traffic coming to your site and converting from visitors. to prospects, leads, and customers.Above is a recent report pulled from Google Analytics that shows the "Goal Value" for visitors from Twitter (we can help you with twitter presence, too), who visited WebFadds.com. They converted at around 1%, so each click was worth .23 cents to us.Thats our approach, and it can be your winning approach too. Do it yourself, or contact WebFadds and well provide a prompt estimate for your Twitter Marketing programThats it. We wanted to keep this guide short and to the point, so well end with two recommended books, and a Directory of links to over 30 more resources.出处:Danielle Chonody. Co-Founder of the Association of Pet SittingJ.Twitter Secets.2008(10).pp76-89二、翻译文章标题:赢得推特营销的手段和策略译文:什么是推特和使用推特的原因。推特是一个数以万计的用户交流的平台,并且用户量以惊人的速度增长着。它帮助企业与其客户保持联系。你可以利用推特快速地将信息分享给对公司感兴趣的人,收集市场情报和反馈,并且建立与客户、合伙人和其他对你公司感兴趣的人的关系。有科技报告指出截止09年底,推特的用户将达到25000000。Mashable计算在08年,推特的增长速度为752%。推特拥有其优势即巨大的市场基础和强劲的发展速度。通过这短短的指导,我们会告诉你如何利用专业的推特工具和技术来帮助你节省时间。当你开始加入推特时,你会感到奇怪人们除了谈论午饭外还会做些什么事?简短的回答是的。我们也是这样想的,直到我们在推特中得到了一大笔客户。如果你已经加入,你也许想学习一些方法来加快成功的速度。在这个指南里我们会告诉你一些方法。在过去的6个月里,我们已经通过获得客户和业务的发展来证明了自己的这些战略和技术。我们将讨论:节省时间的专业工具CRM集成的选择网站和商业博客的整合获得更多追随者的方式 为您的业务寻找目标广告工具在推特的舞台工具、战术和战略的胜利方程式。节省时间的专业工具对于我们的客户,我们的专业推特工具是EasyTweets。主要原因有三:自动化安排的推特,自动搜索针对性的追随者,并且能够同时管理几个推特账户。目前EasyTweets的特殊尝试价为1美元。以上四种专业工具,我们使用了自动化、市场调研和智能反馈来建成简单的推特。在线推特工具与可下载工具的比较:EasyTweets是一个在线服务,它允许任何连接因特网的电脑使用计划在2009年秋天进行升级。如果您愿意,我们也可以使用“蜂鸟”可下载程序 它有一批优秀的多项功能,其营销范围不仅仅是Twitter的延伸。规模较大的公司可能要指定一个营销协调以外的网站以供描述多推特账户软件在线EASY TWITTER的使用职责,而你的营销总监 - 需要利用“蜂鸟”这个下载程序,因为它与Facebook和PingFM(还有一个到几个社会化媒体市场的门户)集成了若干收费的社会化媒体市场。CRM集成选项 - 它包括了所有的关系。大多数企业,不论大小,都明确知道他们需要管理客户关系。首先我们看到的是通过任务而设计的数据库,然后再通过电子邮件引导,接着是独立的CRM客户关系管理软件。现在有一些非常好的在线选择- 云计算解决方案。在这里,我们可以快速的查找三个整合的CRM供应商和社会媒体推特。窗体顶端SalesForce.com 与 SugarCRM:这两个竞争者往往认为自己在云解决方案中拥有专有权(SalesForce.com)与开放源码权(SugarCRM)但是SugarCRM还提供了一些有偿包装的选择。 以上示例,销售人员对他们的CRM解决方案也进行了集成工作,值得注意的是FACEBOOK上的数据也是可以利用的。Batch Book这个鲜为人知的竞争者,是为SalesForce.com 与 SugarCRM 提供服务的,它将自己定位于“客户关系管理,明确自己企业社会中的商业”。举例来说,你可以查看博客文章,照片,推送内容和更多的接触史。从上面可以看出,BatchBook的屏幕显示着如何使用他们的CRM解决“Social Media SuperTag”。你可以输入信息,如Twitter的用户名,博客资料和个人资料网址增加更多联系人的记录,了解更多整合于BatchBook的社会媒体。网站和商业博客的集成通过图片显示可知,我们配置您的网站就可以与您的推特页面达到强大的协调作用,反之亦然。我们开发的内容管理解决方案与商业博客在WordPress平台上屡获殊荣,这是一个能够节省时间的和强大的整合策略,将推特的插件安装在你的网站上,他便会在你推特的页面显示最新博客文章和得到的内容评论。这种协同作用将建立一个强大的社交媒体,让你的CMS更新和更有趣,也能使你更自由的驾驭它。聪明的获得更多追随者的办法有针对性的进行买卖你可能已经看到了“一天获得16K的追随者”的广告或者一些类似方案的垃圾邮件。其实追随者的数量多与少并不是推特成功的真正答案。正确的定位和自动化才是真正能帮助你的。你持续收集对你的业务感兴趣的行业和追随者这样一种方式,这样,你便能提供更加有价值的信息,获得他们的建议,得到更多有相似利益的追随者。这是我们的两个步骤,是较成熟的公式:1、 设置自动搜索和跟踪关键短语。2、 写简短、引人注目和有趣的关于你企业的内容,并提供链接(链接不仅是你的网站,还可以使其他有益的材料)。对于较大的公司,我们建议为你的销售人员、营销经理和至少一个的C级行政机关使用420个的推特账户(一个EASYTWITTER PLUS 账户可管理多达40个来自同一仪表板的账户)。重要的推特搜索工具:本地搜索发现在你附近的推送者。销售人员的大秘诀:查找和聘请人员对你的服务和工业进行讨论。Scoopler旨在寻找热点。Scoopler能够通过在另一地的全局搜索到的一个视频,链接和图像带回一系列的最新谈话。Twiogle - Twiogle 直接结合了GOOGLE进行推特。Monitter Monniter可以将屏幕进行“分割”,在这里你可以跟踪三个有关推特的对话线程。提示:打开所有的上述搜索网站,通过30分钟的搜索可以找到很多涉及你的品牌、产品与服务的内容。这是研究和销售队伍的强大战术。推特的广告工具推特的日益成熟,为越来越多的服务商在这个平台上提供了广告机会。你可以用推特账户直接向你的追随者宣传。但是你仍需要测试广告系列的显卡,做足相应的准备,然后你才能将以下工具很好的结合起来。Bubble Guru视频广告网站及易于推特设置和使用。使用“泡沫大师”后,你的“大师”会在弹出的你所需要的网页上出现一个圆形的“泡沫”,当你离开控制键时这个孤独的“泡沫”就以独特的方式呈现在你公司的网站上。TwitAd 服务让其他的人推送你公司的产品和服务。推特优惠券给你的追随者提供独家的优惠券。以上便是BajaFresh提供的一个推特优惠券。TwiveAway 运行自己的推特赠送大赛。TwtPoll以市场研究为调查,并在同一时间宣传你的公司。以上是一个“TWTPOLL”关于企业的业务流程管理,正在BPM的业务上,获取投票确认。Sponsored Tweets另一项服务,连接推特与广告你可以创建对推特的“主办谈话”。战术和战略制胜的工具我们已经给出了推特上的这些工具营销策略指导的简要概述。有许多服务和解决方案在那里。我们将要在推特的舞台上总结出我们的制胜公式(即让客户有效的这样做。)建立与每一个营销客户与服务的竞技队伍,再加上至少一个C集级的主要成员的推特账户。增设推特服务/产品的重点账户服务,谈论和链接到有关网站利益的推特社区。强大的技术,可以让你成长成为有追随者珍惜并且又有针对性的推特,并使他们一直跟随你的领导。集成和自动化你推特的商务博客和内容管理系统。确保每天发布两次2-3次的有帮助推特(来吧,每次内容只要1-2句就可以了)。当然,自动化可以帮助你节省时间,但是,不能完全依靠自动化,必须考虑到与客户的交流和前景参与的连接。高级提示:使用EASY TWITTER账户有一个地方的方式,它将自动从你的提供的推特内容相关的参考网站的进行简短的注释,集成一个重点,与发达的推特营销活动上列出


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