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    练习(一)基础知识与运用(每小题 1 分,共 30 分)V. 选择填空:从 A、B、C 中,选出一个最佳答案完成句子。21. The teacher said you had been late for school this morning. Yes. I wanted to explain. But he didnt give me any.A. excuseB. chanceC. choicesame clothes as I do.C. athey may come true one day.B. or C. and22. I am mad at Linda. She always buysA. theB. an23. Hold on to your dreams,A. but24. The hair band in the backpack is Ritas, so the backpack could belongto.A. sheB. herC. hers?25. Dont go to sleep with your bedroom lightafraid of dark. But ImA. onB. offC. in26. Whats wrong with you? My stomach feels terrible. I thinkI atesomethingA. tasty27. Hi, you look happy, Are you going on vacation?at lunch time.B. badC. different No. Imfrom Xiamen to Beijing. I have found a new job there.B. leaving C. movingthan it was before.A. travelling28. Now the air in our city is evenmust do something to stop it. So weA. worse29. I want to buy a new computer, but I cant decide You can go to Buynow Shopping Mall. Its the biggest mall for electronicproducts.A. whatB. dirtyC. betterto buy.B. whichC. whereat the local30. Lucy likes to be a volunteer. She spends every Sunday morninghospital.A. workingB. to workC. works31. Has the Ping pong match started? Started? Finished! Youcant believe JennyA. is winning.B. has wonC. will win32. Have you seen Jim anywhere? He was going to meet me at four, but hedidntA. wake up33. Put some relish on a slice of bread.B. cheer upC. show uprelish?.A. How much34. Do you believeA. everythingB. How manyyou read in ads?B. anythingC. How about No, only some of them.C. something35. I cant stand the soap opera from Korea?ones from Hong Kong. I likes theA. So can IB. So do IC. Neither can I36. There are many rules in our school, for example, students aremotorbike to school.ride a A. not suggested toB. not allowed togoing to Sanya? Sorry, I dont. Maybe nextB. how long is he C. when he isC. not invitedto37. Do you knowmonth.A. when is he38. Do you know the lovely boy Lin Hao? Yes, he is the little hero has saved two classmates in the earthquakein Sichuan.A. whoB. whichC. whom _.B. Sorry, I need it39. Could I use you car?A. Sure, Id love tolotC. Thanks a40. What did the head teacher say?. He said _.A. our school is organizing a talent show to raise money for charity next weekB. our school was organizing a talent show to raise money for charity the nextweekC. our school will organize a talent show to raise money for charity next weekVI. 完形填空:从 A、B、C 中,选择一个最佳答案,使短文意思完整。Jackson works in a college. He likes reading and often 41 some books fromthe library. He keeps listening to the radio every morning and reading newspapersafter dinner. So he knows much and teaches well. His 42 worship崇(拜) him verymuch. Mike, Jacksons little son, is only nine. He 43 likes reading books. Andoften asks his father some questions. Jackson always thinks Mike is too 44 tounderstand him. So he chooses easy ones to answer. Of course the boy is not satisfiedwith(对满意) it.One day Mike read 45 about the electric lights and was interested in it. Whenhis father 46 him to do housework, he went on thinking of it. He asked his fathera few questions, and his father answered all. Then his father said proudly, “Fathersalways know 47 than sons!” The boy thought 48 a while and said, “ 49 !”“Oh? Why?” Mike didnt answer and asked instead, “Who invented the electriclights? ” “ Thomas Edison,” answer Jackson. “Why didnt his father invent themthen?” Mike asked again. Looking at his son, Jackson didnt know 50 to answer.41. A. lendsB. buysC. borrowsC. classmatesC. ever42.43.44.45.A. childrenA. alsoB. studentsB. neverB. oldA. youngA. anythingC. smartC.B. everythingsomething46.47.48.A. madeA. lessA. forB. toldB. moreC. letC. fewerC. sinceC. I dontB. withB. I hope so49. A. I agreethink so50.A. whatB. whenC. which情景交际运用(共 20 分)VIII. 根据对话情景,填入恰当的单词。(每空一词,每词 1 分,共 6 分)A: Have you ever been to Japan? Im going in the fall.B: Yeah. Ive been there (86._).A: Really? Tell me about it. Whats it like?B: Oh, Its fantastic. A: (87._) did you go?B: On my (88._) trip I went to Tokyo, and on my second trip I visitedKyoto.A: What did you (89._) of Tokyo?B: Very big and exciting, but very crowed, too.A: Yeah. Ive seen pictures of the crowds!B: And the restaurants are excellentbut theyre kind of expensive.A: And how about Kyoto?B: Kyotos lovely. Its full of beautiful old temples and gardens. Its acity with a long history.A: How was the (90._)?B: I was in Tokyo in August, and it was really hot and humid. I went to Kyoto inOctober. It was hot and sunny, but not humid.A: (91._) perfect. I cant wait.IX. 根据情景提示,用恰当的短语或句子填空。(每空 2 分,共 8 分)* 你想告诉问路人药店就在银行的对面,你应该说:“92. The drug store is* 你 想 知 道 Nancy 正 在 做 什 么 , 你 会 这 样 问 Mary :Mary, ?”* 你看到有人随意扔垃圾,你想劝他别乱扔,你会说:“ 94. Would you mind_here?”“93.* Jim 和同学发生争吵,你建议他主动给同学打电话,你会说: “95., I would call him up.”IfX. 根据语篇情景,用恰当的短语或句子填空,使之意思完整。(每空 2 分,共 6 分)Once a man went to the beach for his summer vacations. He asked his house-keeperto post all letters that she would receive during his vacation. She promised(承诺) him to do that. The man was having a good time. A month passed but he (96._). He thought it strange and he rang up his house-keeper,“Why didnt you post me my letters?” “Because you didnt (97._) of the letter-box,” came the reply. The man said he wouldsend her the key. The next day he put the key into an envelope, (98._) the address on it and posted the letter. Another monthwas passed but still he did not receive any letters. When at the end of the monthhe returned home, he spoke angrily to his housekeeper. “but what could I do?” askthe poor woman, “the key which you posted was in the locked letter-box,too” 参考答案:练习(一):21-25 BACBA 26-30 BCACA31-35 BCAAC89. think36-40 BCABB41-45 CBAAC87. Where46-50 BBACA86. twiceSounds88. first90. weather91.92. across from the banklitter 95. I were you93. what is Nancy doing94. not dropping96. received no letters/didnt receive any letters98. wrote down97. leave/give me the key


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