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    2019年高考英语知识点总结总复习 介词和介词短语.docx

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    2019年高考英语知识点总结总复习 介词和介词短语.docx

    专题三 介词和介词短语题组 1 介词1.2017 乙卷(全国),61This trend, which was started by the medical community(医学界)amethod of fighting heart disease, has had some unintended sideand heart disease.effects (effect) such as overweight2.2017 甲卷(全国),62It ran for just under seven kilometers and allowed people to avoid terriblecrowds (crowd) on the roads above as they travelled to andwork.the fishing industry.3.2017 北京,35Many people who live along the coast make a living4.2017 天津,12When you drive through the Redwood Forests in California, you will betreesthat are over 1,000 years old.5.2016 丙卷(全国),50In India, for example, most people traditionally eat6.2016 浙江,7The study suggests that the cultures we grow upby which we see the world around us.their hands.influence the basic processes7.2015 重庆,10Last year was the warmest year on record,with global temperature 0.68 theaverage.8.2015 浙江,3Have you ever heard of the trees that are homessea?animals both on land andhardly working.9.2014 安徽,31What we expect from you is working hard rather10.2013 新课标全国,34It was a real racetime to get the project done. Luckily, we made it.11.2017 丙卷(全国)改错When I look at this picture of myself, I realize of how fast time flies.12.2016 丙卷(全国)改错Now I am leaving home to college.13.2015 新课标全国改错Tony saw a toy on a shop window.14.2014 新课标全国改错Therefore, we have more time with after-school activities.题组 2 介词短语15.2017 江苏,32Determining where we arerelation to our surroundings remains an essentialskill for our survival.16.2017天津,13We offer an excellent education to our students.return, we expect students towork hard.17.2016 浙江,6That young man is honest, cooperative, always there when you need his help.short, hes reliable.18.2015 新课标全国,67When a new day breaks, the walls have given up their heat and are now coldenough to cool(cool) the house during the hot day;night.the same time, they warm up again for the19.2015 安徽,33They believe that there are transport developmentsthe corner that will bringa lot of changes for the better.20.2014 天津,6addition to the school, the village has a clinic, which was also built withgovernment support.21.2017 乙卷(全国)改错It was a relief and I came to a sudden stop just in the middle on the road. 22.2016 丙卷(全国)改错At the first, I thought I knew everything and could make decisions by myself.A 组基础题A 单句填空23.2018 山东、安徽名校高三大联考,65They believe they can achieve anythingmerely clickinga button.24.2018 吉林高三阶段性统考,66He was also known25.2018 山东实验中学高三二诊,70Thankswith the act.the Father of Modern Air Conditioning.classical music concerts, Ill never fail to carry on26.2018 河北衡水中学高三一调,68The effect that music can haveour emotions istremendous.27.2018 安徽江淮十校高三第二次联考,66.War for the Planet of the Apeshas taken science fictiona thoughtful and intelligent direction.28.2018 山西吕梁高三段考,44.attackers are most likely to be29.2018 衡水金卷全国高三大联考,61I spent the summer holidayBeidaihe.their 20s or 30s.my family at the seaside in30.2018 河南中原名校(豫南九校)二质检,66According to one study published in a cancer researchjournal, drinking green tea reduces the risk of some types of cancer in Chinese men and womennearly sixty percent.31.2018 广西钦州一质检,63I was on my way to work, when I slipped, bending my left ankle from mytoesthe back of my calf (小腿).32.2018 湖北百校大联盟联考,62AlongLondons West End theatres, Broadway theatres arewidely considered to represent the highest level of commercial theatre in the English-speaking world.33.2018 河南郑州外国语学校第五次调研,63Of course, any trip to China wouldnt be complete withoutseeing major cultural landmarks,34.2017 湖北重点高中联考协作体期中考试Cao is a deeply committed writer, whose difficult childhoodhas a great influence on his writing. All of his stories are set China.the Great Wall, or the Forbidden City.35.2016 浙江温州高三联考He reached out his hand to catch the falling glass, butvain. It fellon the ground, broken.B 单句改错36.2018 百校联盟 TOP20 联考Besides, beautiful handwriting makes a good impression in others.37.2018 华大新高考联盟高三质量测评For this period, the reading rooms, including the electronicreading ones, will be closed temporarily.38.2018 安徽合肥第一次英语联考In the beginning of the summer vacation, I was hired as a shoppingguide in a big supermarket.39.2018 贵州黔东南州第一次联考He told me he was in need of money to return to home.40.2018 河南郑州外国语学校第四次调研So when faced about problems, we should overcome themwith great determination and strong willpower.41.2018 深圳高三第一学期综合测试一We had a geography lesson about the Sahara in last week.42.2018 山西 45 校第一次联考Once I talked to her this problem.43.2018 河南郑州外国语学校第五次调研Moreover, people can read whichever section they areinterested. 44.2017 广东惠州高三二调Only this way can they have fun and let others enjoy life.45.2017 辽宁铁岭高三协作体联考We are supposed to read more in that special day.46.2017 黑龙江哈尔滨附属中学高三检测 When the lady came down to the kitchen the next morning,she found a picture of a mouse in the trap besides the picture of the cheese!B 组提升题A 专项语篇型填空(介词和介词短语)As we know, water is very important1man. However, when my classmates and I went to towntogether 2 bike one Saturday, we found many car washes on both sides of the road. Now towns arebadly short3fresh water. We should save every drop of water4our daily life. Water,especially fresh water, is very important to us. We should be clear5the fact and I hope thegovernment can take measures to solve the problem as soon as possible. Do you agree with methis point?6As a student, we should do our part7protecting water. Firstly, we should know that in our dailythe waterlife, we should save water, electricity and paper. Moreover, recycle whatever we can,8that has been used. Last but not least, dont forget to influence those 9 you to follow, and raise theirawareness of saving water! If we dont act now to protect water, it will run out one day, which will be athreat10the survival of us human beings.B 语法填空2018 湖北鄂南高中、华师一附中、黄冈中学等八校联考China has always been famous for being a"State of Etiquettes(礼仪)". According to historical documents, as early as 2,600 years ago, this nationhas already established a thorough setA famous 19th century Russian writer, Anton Chekhov, once invited a Chinese mana drink in a bar. Chekhov said, "Before drinking from his cup, he held 63 with his hands and61dining etiquettes.62(have)presented to me and the bar owner and bar tenders,China. They are not like us to finish it in one drink,6465(say) qing (please). This is the custom ofprefer to drink by taking a small amount at atime. With every sip (一小口), he67 (coin) to show gratitude. This is a rather interestingly polite nationality." This was the mostvaluable opinion of a Chinese person66(eat) some food. Afterwards he handed me some Chinese68was given by a foreigner two centuries ago. Chinese traditional dinner procedures used tobe long and dealt69(serious) with; the 70(important) the occasion was, the more complexthe procedures were.C 短文改错2018 湖南浏阳一中、株洲二中等湘东五校联考Dear Tom,You have told me that you are very interested in what we Chinese celebrate our traditional festivals.With the Spring Festival approached, I would like to invite you to join us the celebration in our school.A variety of activity will be included at the celebration, such as performances, games andgift-exchanging, which will surely make you to know better about our culture. To get full involved, I ,together with my classmates, hope that you can put on a performance with ourselves. And I thought it willbe a good combination of both our culture or yours. By the way, the celebration will take place in theschool lecture hall from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m on December 30, 2017, according to a Chinese lunarcalendar.We are looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua 答案专题三 介词和介词短语题组 1 介词1.as 考查介词。分析句子结构可知,此处在句中作状语,表示"作为一种抵御心脏病的方式",所以填 as,意为"作为"。2.from 考查介词。此处是指"当他们来回上下班时"。3.in 句意:沿海地区的许多人靠渔业为生。根据句意可知,空处用 in 表示"在方面"。4.among 句意:当你开车穿行于加利福尼亚州的红木森林时,你就会被有一千多年树龄的树木包围着。这里用介词 among 表示"在中",与前面的 through the Redwood Forests 呼应。5.with 考查介词。此处指大部分人用手吃饭,故填 with。6.in 句意:研究表明,我们成长于其中的文化影响着我们看待周围的世界的基本过程。we grow up是定语从句,修饰先行词 the cultures,省略了的关系代词 which 或 that 在从句中充当空处的宾语,结合 in thecultures 这一搭配可知空处应用介词 in。7.above 句意:去年是有记录以来最暖和的一年,全球气温比平均温度高 0.68 摄氏度。依据句意可知,去年天气非常暖和,因此与往年平均温度相比要高, 故用 above,表示"高于"。8.to 句意: 你有没有听说过这样的树,陆上动物和海洋动物都以它们为栖息之所?be home to 为固定搭配,意为"为的生息地/栖息地"。9.than rather than"而不是"。working hard和hardly working是完全相反的两个概念,故前后为对比的关系。句意:我们期待的是你努力工作,而不是几乎不工作。10.against 句意:完成这个项目真是一次和时间的赛跑。幸运的是,我们做到了。a race against time 表示"和时间赛跑",符合句意。11.去掉 of 考查介词。realize 后可直接接宾语从句,介词 of 多余。12.tofor 考查固定搭配中的介词。leave.for.表示"离开某地去某地"。13.onin 结合生活常识可知,这里表示在商店橱窗里摆放着一个玩具,故应用 in。14.withfor 考查介词。后接表示对象、用途等的名词时应用介词 for,意为"对,给,供"。题组 2 介词短语15.in in relation to "关于,相对某事物而言",符合句意。16.In 句意:我们给我们的学生提供优质的教育,作为回报,我们期待学生能努力学习。根据句意,这里用介词短语 In return 表示"作为回报"。17.In 句意:那位年轻人诚实、有合作精神,当你需要帮助时,他总是会及时伸出援手。总之,他是个值得信赖的人。根据句意可知,in short"总之,简言之"符合语境。18.at 考查介词。at the same time 表示"同时",是固定搭配。19.aroundaround the corner"即将来临"。句意:他们相信交通发展即将来临,这将会带来很多好的变化。20.In 句意:除了学校,村里还有一个诊所,这个诊所也是政府帮助修建的。in addition to 表示"除之外还",其中的 to 为介词。 题干中的 the village has a clinic 表明"村里除了学校之外,还有一个诊所"。21.onof 考查固定搭配。in the middle of 意为"在的中间",故把 on 改为 of。22.去掉 the 考查固定搭配。at first 表示"起初"。A 组基础题A 单句填空23.by 考查介词。by 在此意为"通过,借助"。24.as 考查介词。be known as 意为"被认为是"。25.to 考查介词。thanks to 意为"幸亏,由于"。26.on 考查介词。have an effect on sth. 意为"对有影响"。27.in 考查介词。direction 常和介词 in 搭配。28.in 考查介词。in their 20s or 30s 意为"在他们二十多岁或三十多岁时"。29.with 考查介词。with sb. 意为"与某人一起"。30.by 考查介词。reduce by 意为"降低了。31.to 考查介词短语。from.to.意为"从到"。32.with 考查介词短语。along with 意为"除以外(还)"。33.like 考查介词。此处 like 为介词,表示"例如"。34.in 考查介词。be set in 是固定搭配,意思是"以为背景或场景"。此处指曹文轩的小说都是以中国为背景而创作的。故填 in。35.in 考查介词短语。句意:他伸手去抓正在掉落的玻璃杯,但是徒劳无功。玻璃杯掉在了地上,摔碎了。invain"徒劳无益,白费力气"。B 单句改错36.inon 考查介词。make a good impression on sb.意为"给某人留下好印象"。37.ForDuring/In 考查介词。 during/in this period 意为"在这期间"。38.InAt 考查介词。at the beginning of sth. 意为"在的开始"。 39.去掉第二个 to 考查介词。return home 意为"回家",home 为地点副词。40.aboutwith 考查介词的固定搭配。be faced with sth. 意为"面对"。41.去掉 in "上下这那每之前",不再使用介词,故去掉 in。42.this 前面加 about 考查固定搭配。talk to sb. about sth.意为"与某人谈论某事"。43.interested 后加 in be interested in sth. 意为"对感兴趣"。44.only 后加 in 考查介词搭配。in this way"通过这种方式",way 常与介词 in 搭配。45.inon 和具体的某一天搭配用介词 on。故将 in 改成 on。46.besidesbeside besides"此外"beside"在旁边"。根据语境可知用 beside。故将 besides 改成beside。B 组提升题A 专项语篇型填空(介词和介词短语)作者在路的两边看到很多洗车场,这让作者想到水是宝贵的资源,由此建议我们应该学会节约用水。1.to to sb.表示"对某人来说"。水对人类来说十分重要。下文的 is very important to us 也是提示。2.by 这里用短语 by bike 表示"骑自行车"。"by+表示交通工具的名词"表示交通方式。3.of 这里用短语 be short of 表示"短缺,缺少"。4.in 这里用介词短语 in our daily life 表示"在我们的日常生活中"。5.about/on 这里用 be clear about/on sth.表示"对某事清楚、明白"。6.about/on/upon "关于这一点"可以用 about/on/upon this point 表示。7.in 这里用介词 in 表示"在方面"。此处表示"在保护水资源方面"。8.including 语境表示"包括使用过的水",用介词 including 表示"包括"。9.around/round 语境表示"你周围/身边的人",用 around/round 表示"在周围"。10.to 用短语 a threat to 表示"对的威胁"。B 语法填空中国自古就是"礼仪之邦"。文章通过讲述 19 世纪俄国作家契诃夫对酒吧里中国人饮酒礼仪的描述,说明了中国人对礼仪的重视。61.of 考查介词。a set of 为固定搭配。62.to have 考查动词不定式。invite sb. to do sth.为固定用法。63.it 考查代词。指代上文中的 cup,为同一物。64.saying 考查非谓语动词。此处表伴随,且与主语之间是主谓关系,故填动词-ing 形式。65.but 考查连词。not.but."不是而是"。66.ate 考查时态。叙述过去发生的事情用一般过去时。67.coins coin 为可数名词,被 some 修饰,用复数。68.that 考查定语从句关系代词。本句的先行词为 opinion,且被形容词最高级修饰,故用 that 来引导。69.seriously 考查副词。修饰动词用副词。70.more important 考查形容词比较级。本句为句型"the+比较级.,the+比较级."。场合越重要,程序就越复杂。C 短文改错本文作者想邀请对中国传统节日感兴趣的外国朋友共同欢庆春节,以此增进两种文化的交流。1. what how 考查名词性从句。what 为连接代词,此处应用连接副词。2.approachedapproaching 考查非谓语动词。此处非谓语动词作宾语补足语,动词 approach 与 theSpring Festival 为逻辑上的主谓关系,故将 approached 改为 approaching。3.在 us 和 the 之间加 in 考查 join sb. in sth.的固定用法。4.activityactivities 考查名词单复数。a variety of 后面应用可数名词的复数形式,此处表示各种各样的活动。5.去掉 make you 后面的 to 考查使役动词 make 的用法。make sb. do sth."使某人做某事"。6.fullfully 考查副词的用法。修饰动词应该用副词。7.ourselvesus 考查代词的用法。介词 with 后应用代词宾格形式。8.thoughtthink 考查动词时态。此处应该用一般现在时,与全文时态保持一致。9.orand 考查 both.and.固定搭配。10.athe 考查冠词的用法。Chinese lunar calendar 表示特指,其前应用定冠词。


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