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    Unit12 What did you do last weekend?I 词性转换1.beach 复数:beaches3.nature 形容词:natural5.visit 名词:visitor2.sheep 复数:sheep4.butterfly 复数:butterflies6.mouse 复数:mice8.fly 过去式:flew7.baby 复数:babies9.sing 过去式:sang10.swim 过去式:swam12.wake 过去式:woke11.surprise 形容词:surprised,surprising13.put 过去式:put14.tell 过去式:told15.leave 过去式:leftII 短语归纳1.do my homework 做作业3.go boating 去划船5.go to the beach 去海滩7.visit my grandma 看望我奶奶学习备考2.go to the cinema 去看电影4.by the lake 在湖边6.play badminton 打羽毛球8.study for the English test 为英语测验而9.the Natural History Museum 自然历史博物馆11.stay up 深夜不睡,熬夜13.be afraid 害怕10.kind of 有点儿12.give back 归还14.play the guitar 弹吉他16.in a swimming pool 在游泳池里15.go to the library 去图书馆17. shout at 冲大声叫嚷19.fly kites 放风筝、21.put up 搭建18.high school 高中,中学20.go camping 去野营22.make a fire 生火23.tell stories 讲故事25.go to sleep 入睡24.each other 互相26.get a surprise 吃惊27.shout to 呼喊喊叫29.wakeup 把弄醒上28.up and down 来来回回;上上下下31.on Saturday morning 在星期六早32.have a good weekend 周末过得愉快33.the next morning 第二天早上35.run away 跑开 36.move into 移34.work as 以身份而工作进1. 表示“发生在过去的动作”,要用一般过去时,句中常含表示“过去”的时间。一般过去时的结构:主语+V 过去式。翻译时加上“了”。(不管主语是“单数”还是“复数”,动词始终用“过去式”)练:(1) He _ (go) to school on foot yesterday.(2) What did Jim do? - He _ (go) to the movies.(3) We _ (not go) to the cinema last Sunday.2. 你上个周末做了什么?- What did you do last weekend?原)(did 引导,动词还-在星期天上午,我打了网球。- I played tennis on Sunday morning.在上午/下午/晚上:in the morning/afternoon/evening 在星期天上午/下午/晚上:on Sunday morning/afternoon/evening在上个星期天上午: / last Sunday morning (前不用冠词)在上学的白天/晚上:on school days/nights3. Tina 的周末怎么样? - How was Tinas weekend?-它很棒:It was great. 它还不错:It was not bad. 它很糟糕:It wasterrible.4. 该是回家的时候了:Its time to go home.句型:该是做某事的时候了:Its time to do sth5. He spent half an hour _ (play) computer games last night.句型:某人花费时间在某事上:人+spend+时间+on sth句型:某人花费时间做某事:人+spend+时间+doing sth6. 句型:做某事怎么样? What/How about doing sth?某人/某东西怎么样? What about sb/sth? 如:你怎么样?What about you?7. 常用 do, does, did, dont, doesnt, didnt 代替前文提到的动词。(1) Who cleaned the room? - Mike _.A. was B. does C. is D. did(2) I dont think he is so great, but my mother _.(3) Peter visited his English teacher this morning, but Tony _.A. isnt(4) I like Sports News very much. _.A. I like, too B. I do, too C. I dont like, either(5) My father likes Sports News, but my mother _.B. wasntC. doesntD. didntD. I dont, either8. 去爬山:go to the mountains去购物:go shopping爬山:climb the mountains去看电影:go to the movies去散步:go for a walk去图书馆:go to the library9. 待在家里:stay at home看电影:see a movie = watch a movie散步:take a walk去城市图书馆:go to the city library10. 为考试而学习:study for the test = study for exams11. 举行派对:have a party举行晚会:have an evening party12. 阅读:do some reading13. 去海滩:go to the beach (beach 变复数+es)14. 练习英语:practice English句型:练习做某事:practice doing sth15. 过了一个繁忙的某末:have a busy weekend (此处的 have 翻译为“度过”) 16. 一本关于历史的书:a book about history(此处的 about 翻译为“关于”,=on)17. 带某人去某地: take sb to sp18. 乘车去某地:go to sp by car (car 前无其他单词,“乘”用 by)= go to sp in their car (car 前有其他单词,“乘”用 in)19. (1) last 最后的;在最后一张照片里:in the last photo(2) last 上一个;上个星期:last week 上个月:last month 去年:last year20. (1) spend 度过; 如:How do you spend your summer holidays?(2) spend 花费; 如:He spent two hours cleaning his room.21. (1) for 对来说; 如:对大多数的孩子来说: for most kids(2) for 为,给; 如:为我烧晚饭:cook dinner for me一般过去时态精讲1.2.用法: 过去某个时间发生的动作例:His mother made some dumplings yesterday.例:Jim was 12 years old.过去某个时间存在的状态过去经常或反复发生的动作 例:He often went to swim when he was a child.与一般过去时连用的时间状语常见的有:Yesterday, last night, in 1990, once, two days ago, the day before yesterday , theother day 几天前3. 一般过去时的四个基本句型They watched TV yesterday.They didnt watch TV yesterday.Did they watch TV yesterday?Yes, they did. No, they didnt.What did they do yesterday?一般疑问句 Was he in the room yesterday?Yes, he was. No, he wasnt.特殊疑问句 Where was he yesterday?动词的过去式和过去分词 的规则变化一般在动词词尾加 ed4.例: want wanted例: live lived以 e 结尾的动词,只加 d以辅音字母加 y 结尾的动词,改 y 为 i,再加 ed例: study studied以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,双写这一辅音字母,再加ed例: stop stopped5不规则动词过去式:am,is-was, are-were, do-did, see-saw, say-said, give-gave,get-got,go-went,sing-sang,come-came, have-had,put-put, fly-flew,write-wrote, draw-drew,sweep-swept, swim-swam,eat-ate,take-took,run-ran,make-made,read-read,drink-drank,ride-rode,speak-spoke,sit-sat 单元测试题一 根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子:1. -Does he often go to Beijing by plane? - Yes, he often f_ to Beijing. Hef_ to Beijing yesterday.2. The girl c_ back from Shanghai yesterday, and now he is very t_.3. There are many wild a_ in the f_.4. These v_ v_ our school yesterday. They said our school was verygood.5. The young woman h_ two twin b_ last week.6. That old man feeds many_(小鸡) and _(绵羊) at home.7. -Did your family go to the _ (海滩) last Sunday ? - No, we _(去了)thepark.8. My mother visited the _ ( 自然的) History Museum and a _( 语言) schoollast month .9. They are on _(假期) in _(加拿大).10. He _ up late(熬夜) last night, dont _ him up (弄醒).二,单项选择:( ) 1 Do you like playing _badminton? -No, I like playing _ guitar.A the;/ B the; theC a ; aD / ; the( ) 2 Jim usually gets up at 6:30 _ the morning on weekdays, but _ Saturday morning hegets up at 9:00.A in ; onB in ; inC on ; in D on ; on( ) 3 -_you busy last weekend? -Yes, I helped my mother clean the house and thegarden.A Were( ) 4 What did they do last weekend?A went a boat B went to a boat( ) 5 How many _did you see on the farm?A sheeps B sheep C cow( ) 6 Did you have a good weekend?-Yes ,it was good. But I was kind of _.B WasC DidD Are- They _in the park.C went boating D took boatingD chicken A interested( ) 7 Mary _very late last night .A stayed up B sat down C woke up( ) 8 Mike _ in the swimming pool yesterday.A swimed B swimmed C swam D swims( ) 9 There isnt _ in the restaurant .A something delicious B anything delicious C everything expensiveexpensiveB happyC tiredD excitedD put downD nothing( ) 10 The movie was _ but _.A interested ; scared B interested ; scaryC interesting ; scared D interesting ; scary( ) 11 Did you see the boy _ soccer on the playground just now ?A played B plays C playing D to play( ) 12 My uncle went to Nanjing_.A a week before B a week ago( ) 13 They _ a tent and made a fire to keep them warm .A put up B put on C put down D put off( ) 14 _ the second night , it rained hard .A In B At C For D On( ) 15 Dont _. He is too tired .A wake him up B wake her up( ) 16 Last weekend I didnt _ my aunt .A visited B saw C visit( ) 17 Jenny often _ to school early , but this morning she _ to school late .A go ; went B went ; goes C goes ; went D goes ; goes( ) 18 My father _ to America last week .A flew B flyed C flied D flies( ) 19 Do you have _ to say ?A something important B important something C important anythingimportant( ) 20 -_? - She played the piano .C before a weekD ago a weekC wake up himD wake up herD lookD anything A What does Betty doBettyB What did Betty do C What is Betty doingD Where was( ) 21Who cleaned the room ?- Li Lei _.A was B did C is D had( ) 22Li Lei _ the book _ the library last week .A gave ; back B gives ; back C gave ; back to D gives ; back to( ) 23 The mouse _ when I came in .A ran away( ) 24 Tony was very angry with his sister , so he _ her .A shouted B shouted to C shouted with D shouted atB in runningC run awayD runs away( ) 25 How many languages can Sally _ ?A talk B say C speak D tell( ) 26 Tom played _ badminton with his friends yesterday afternoon.A a B the C at D /( ) 27 I often do my homework and read books _ Saturday morning.A on B in C at D by( ) 28 How do you study _ your test ?A at B with C in D for( ) 29 Could you tell me something about your _ ?A live habit B living habits C life habit( ) 30 Linda _ very late to learn Chinese last year .A is B was C does D did三, 句型变换:D life habits1. His mother did the shopping. (对划线部分提问 )shopping?_ the2. They played football(对划线部分提问)3. The boy went to the park.(对划线部分提问 )_?_ _ they do ?_ the boy4. She felt well. ( 对 划 线 部 分 提 问 )_ ?_did she 5. He put it here. (否定句)He _ _ it here.四. 用括号内单词的正确形式填空:1 -Did he go _ (camp) last summer vocation ? - Yes, he _(do) that every year.2 There were so many _ (mouse) and _(butterfly) in that old room.3 Tina _ (sing) two Chinese _(sing) at the party last night.4 Li Lei _ (leave) school two years ago and now he _(be) a teacher.5 I _ ( start) _(learn) English five years ago .6. Snakes _(not have) ears but they can feel things _(move).7. I got out of the room and _(see) the boys _(play).8. Last weekend_(be) a good one, my parents _(take) me to the park.9. It is important for us _(do) that well.10. That is a very _(use) lesson.五 补全对话。A: I had a school trip last week . B: Really . _ (go)A: I visited the fire station .B: _( go with )A: I went with my classmates . B: _ ( do )A : We watched the firefighters work . What an interesting job they have !B: _ ( learn anything )A : Sure . We learned how to call the fire station and what to do when there is a fire .六用下面方框内所给的单词的适当形式完成短文,每词只用一次saybeclimbsee run awayA family of mice were in the kitchen on Saturday morning when they _ a big cat . BabyMouse _ afraid and _ onto his fathers back. Father Mouse shouted at the cat ,“Woof,Woof!” The cat quickly _. “Wow, Dad, youre good!” _ Baby Mouse . “ Well ,son,thats why its important to learn a second language,” answered FatherMouse .七根据汉语提示,用英语词组完成句子。1. My teacher _(对-大声喊叫) me just now. 2. When he saw us, he _(跑开了).3. My friend, Xiao Wang often_(打羽毛球).4. They_(走进)the room , but nobody was in.5. _(在第一天夜里),I couldnt sleep.八阅读理解ABilly is six years old . He has no sister . but he has a brother . Billy likes eating apples , oranges,bananas and so on . Sometimes he eats some of his brother s. And his brother often hits(打)himfor that . Its September . He goes to school. One day Billy and his classmates are having a newlesson . “Billy , whats three from five ,please ? “the teacher asks.“Its ., Its .”“Now, if your sister has five bananas and you eat three of them”“Oh, sorry, but I have no sister. I have a brother only. “Good. If your brother has five bananas and you eat three of them, how .”“Hell certainly give me a good beating (狠揍一顿)”Billy says quickly!( )1 Billy has _.A. only a sister B. only a brother C. a sister and a brother( )2 Billys brother is _.A. older than him B. younger than him C. shorter than him( )3 Billys brother _.A is friendly to Billy B. often gives Billy things to eat C. likes eating things , too( )4 Billy is in _.A Grade One B. Grade Two C. Grade Three( )5 Billy isnt a _ boy.A. cute B. smart C. intelligent一般过去时练习一、翻译下列句子1. 我过了一个忙碌但却刺激的周末。I _ _ _ _ exciting weekend.2. Jenny 喜欢看书。昨晚她看了一本英语书。Jenny likes _ _. She _ an English book lastnight.3. Emma 每天都看电视。可是昨天他没有看。 Emma_ TV every day. But he _ _ _yesterday.4. 上周六他们做什么了?他们做作业和购物了。What _ they _ _ Saturday?They _ _ homework and _ _.5. 今天早上方方得做饭,因为昨天他父亲不在家。This morning Fangfang _ _ _ _ because his father _ _ yesterday.二、改写句子:1、Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句)Lucy _ _ her homework at home.2、He found some meat in the fridge(冰箱).(变一般疑问句)_ he _ _ meat in the fridge?3、There was some orange in the cup.(变一般疑问句)_ there _ orange in the cup?4. Frank read an interesting book about history. (一般疑问句)_ Frank _ an interesting book about history?5. Why not go out for a walk? (同义句)_ _ _ out for a walk?课后阅读选择:BNameSteveHenryNancyJulieTimeJuly 15thJuly 25thAugust 1stAugust 1stCentral ParkStudentDoctorThe Summer PalaceCity MuseumTerrible( )6 What does Nancy do?A doctor B A policeman C An actor( )7 When did Henry go on vacation ?A On July 15th B On July 25th( )8 Where did Steve go ?D A studentC On August 1st D On August 10thA The Summer Palace B The Central Par C The Mount Tai D The City Museum( )9 How was Julies vacation?A Fantastic B Not very good C Pretty goodD Terrible ( )10 Which of the following is NOT true ?A Julie is a doctor .B Henry is an actor and his vacation was not very good .C Nancy went to Central Park on vacation . D Nancy and Julie went on vacation on the sameday .参考答案:一 、1、flys, flew5 had,babies2、came, tired3、animals, forest4、visitors,visited6 chicks, sheep7 beach,went8 Natural,language10 stayed, wake二、15 DAACB2125 BCCDC三 、1 who did四、1 camping did6-10 CACBD11-15 CBADA1620 CCADB2630 DADBB2 what did3 where did go3 sang songs4 what feel 5 didnt put2 mice butterflies4 left is 5 started to learn6 doesnt have moving 7 saw playing 8 was took 9 to do 10 useful五、1 where did you go ?who did you go with ?what did you do ? Did youlearn anything ?六、 saw , was , climbed, ran away, said七、1 shouted at2 ran away3 plays badminton4 moved into / came in5 Onthe first evening八、15 BACAB (smart 指小孩聪明伶俐; intelligent 指智商高的; wise 褒义,有智慧的; clever 与 smart 差不多,smart 口语化;brilliant brilj nt【bright聪】杰出的,优秀的;明的,思维敏捷的,多指年轻人或小孩,常用语口语 eg:She is really a bright little girl.一般过去时:1 had/ spent a busy but 课后阅读:610 DBCDC


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