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    2018-2019 学年度第一学期期末质量检测初二英语亲爱的同学:你好!答题前,请仔细阅读以下说明:1. 本试卷为笔试题,共 80 分。考试时间 90 分钟。2. 请将答案填写在答题区上,将卷答案蓝色黑色钢笔、圆珠笔填写在试卷上。希望你能愉快地度过这 90 分钟,祝你成功!一、试试你的判断力(共 15 小题,请将答案填写到答题卷指定位置)从每小题 A、B、C 中选出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。1. -Is Toms father_artist?-Ne, he is_singer.A. an, a B. a,aC. the, a2. -My dear, Im so sorry that I cant go with you.-Dont worry, Mom! Im a big boy. I can take care of _.A. me B. myself C. I3. Let me show you_our school.A. from B on4. Its not necessary to read todays newspaper because there is_in it.A. nothing new B. anything new C. something new5. The mouse was_big_everyone was scared when they saw it.:A. too, to B. because, so C. so, thatC.around6.You should drive_when you see someone crossing the road.-Youre right. A clearly7. - How was your school trip?-Great. I_lots of animals in the countryside.A. saw B.see C am seeing8. I think football is as _as basketball.A. most popular B. more popular C.popularB. slowlyC. quietly9. I think we can _a tent by the lake:A. put up B. stay up C. stand up10.Good evening._?Yes. A bowl of beef noodles and a glass of orangejuice.A. What would you likeB. What do you like to eatC. May I take your order二、读书破万卷(共四篇短文。阅读 A、B 篇,从文后每小题 A、B、C 选项中选择最佳答案。)AInformation about BooksPriceFlowers in Your GardenThe History of GermanyMary Brown$9.43Taking a Trip in Australia John Steinbeck$10.60 Healthy Food and OurBodyHelen Brown$12.8011. Who wrote the book Fish and Water?A. Lillian Hellman B. Anais Nin C. Mary Brown12. How much is The History of Germany?A.$15.5013._may be interested in Taking a Trip in Australia.A.Driver B.Cook C.A visitorB.$17.25C.$9.4S14. Which book is the most expensive?A. Healthy Food and Our BodyB. How to Grow Nice Flowers in Your GardenC. The History of Germany15. Where can we probably find the chart(图表)?A. In the park,B In the library.C. In the classroom.BRichard is the unluckiest boy in the world. He hardly ever falls ill (生病), but if hefalls ill, it is on the weekend. He is a good student, but when he takes a test, his penbreaks. His bird sings very well, but when he asks his friends to listen to it, the birdbecomes silent (沉默的). But Richard thinks he is the luckiest boy in the world. He has wonderful parents and alovely sister. He has a singing bird. His classmates are friendly. Richard is alwayshappy and he is kind.One day his mother gave him some money to buy an ice-cream. When he arrived atthe ice-cream shop, he saw an old man outside it. He had old clothes, terrible glasses,and he looked hungry. Richard thought he was poor. He decided not to buy theice-cream and gave the money to the man.“Thank you. You are a kind boy. But Im not poor. Keep your money. Im the richest(最富有的) man in town and I sometimes wear old clothes to see what people do,”the man said and gave the money back.The man took Richard to the biggest shop in town and said, “Choose anything youlike. I can buy you the most expensive one.” Richard asked, “Can I choose two?” “Ofcourse,” answered the man.Richard chose the newest radio because when his bird keeps silent, he can at leastlisten to it with his friends. He then chose a new pair of glasses for the man.16. How does the passage show us"Richard is the unluckiest boy in the world "?A. By giving examples. B. By asking questions. C. By describing his look.17. Which of the following does NOT make Richard feel lucky according toParagraph 2?A. A singing bird. B. A lovely gift. C. Wonderful parents.18. What did Richard do after he saw an old man outside the ice cream shop?A. He gave him some money.B. He gave him an ice cream.C. He bought him new clothes.19. How many gifts did Richard choose?A.1.B.2.C.320. Why did Richard choose the newest radio?A. Because it looked cool.B. Because he and his friends can listen to it when his bird doesnt sing. C. Because it was the most expensive in the shopC阅读 C 篇,将下面方框中的句子还原到短文中,使短文内容完整。请将答案填写到答题卡指定位置。Today more and more young people in China would like to spend their school holidayworking for others. 21._ Here are some of the kind young mens stories,I will help the Forest Centre build new roads I will spend the summer living in a tentand enjoying the clean air. 22._I can enjoy the beautiful stars in the sky.Building roads will be a nice sport, and I can do something helpful at the same time.This summer, I will take part in (参加) the Spring House Club. They build goodhouses and give them to poor families. I will help them and they will teach me whatto do 23._I will work for the club"Reading for life".Every day, I want to help children findinteresting books, and I want to be a teacher. 25._This will be great forme.A. I can also learn how to build houses.B. And they dont do it for money.C. So I can stay with children every day.D. I will sleep under the stars.E. I will teach children how to read.阅读 D 篇,简要回答问题。请将答案填写到答题卡指定位置。D In England students have two hours of PE every school week. They do sit-ups,press-ups and skipping rope(跳绳). These are hard and not always much fun.But some schools also allow students to jump on trampolines(蹦床), I rememberwhen I was at school, this was my favorite. Jumping high into the air always gave mea thrill (刺激). But you need someone standing by the trampoline watching you.Sometimes you cant land where you planned.There are also games or sports classes. In these classes kids play football andWhen you get your report card, there will be a grade for PE. Your mom and dadwill find out how good you are at sit-ups, just as they will find out how you are doingin Maths and Chinese.It is good to do well in PE because it is important to be healthy. But in Englandthe grade for PE doesnt really affect(影响) how you do in school, and doesnt affectyour chances of getting into a good school.27. Why do students need someone watching them when they are jumping on thetrampolines?28. What sports do kids in England play in winter?29. Where can parents know theirs kids, PE grades from?30. Why is it good to do well in PE according to the passage? 2018-2019 学年度第一学期期末质量检测初二英语第 I 卷答题卷答案21. _22. _23. _24. _25. _26. _27. _28. _29. _30. _第 II 卷 注意事项:1. 第 II 卷共 4 页,用钢笔或圆珠笔直接答在试题卷上。2. 答题前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。三、火眼金睛辨语音(根据单词划线部分的读音,将单词归类,每组词数不定。)enough, both, curly, almost, truly,moon, loud, below, give, move36./ _ _37./ / _ _38./u:/ _ _39./:/ _ _40./a/ _ _四、词汇聚会A.根据句意和所给的提示填入适当形式的单词。1. I want to know the_ hat of the mountain. 2. My sister is taller and_nthan me.3. She bought a new_ mbrel for her daughter.4. The best way to relax is_ ru: exercise.5. I waited for an hour to get two_tikits to see the football game.B.用所给词适当形式填空。6. There are many_(mouse )in the old house.7. Jim decided_(take )the bus to the museum.8. The small car is_(expensive )than the big one9.Mr. Li_(teach ) us English last year.10. Julie speaks as_(loud )as you.五、请你当翻译(将下列汉语句子翻译成英语。)1. 这款自行车越来越受欢迎。_2. 每天喝足够的水是必要的。_3. 由于这场雨他不得不呆在家里。_4. 只要你喜欢,你可以把这本书带回家。_5. 这张照片让我想起了我的小学老师。 _6. 你多久去一次图书馆?_六、短文巧手妙填(共 5 小题)先通读全文,从方框内选择正确的单词或短语使短文完整。请将答案序号填写在相应的横线上。Now lots of parents will buy everything that their children want to have. If theygo on with the habit,their children wont know the money 1._hard work.Some parents like to have 2._for their children. If they keep on doingthis, their children will think it is 3._or them to enjoy birthday partiesevery year. Year after year, maybe they will forgetbtihrtehiarndpaornelynts4._their own.Many parents dont let the children 5._. They think children have onlyone thing to do. They should study hard and 6._their lessons. If parents gocn doing this, the children will learn nothing. When the children grow up, they will beable to do nothing, and they wont even find a job. Parents should teach the children7._to do housework because it can help them start good habits of working8._.七、书面表达同学们都喜欢度过周末,上个周末你干什么了呢?能把你的欢乐和烦恼告诉我们吗?请参考下面图画也可以自由发挥,以 My last weekend 为题,写一篇英语小短文,内容包括:地点、人物、经过以及感受等。要求:1)短文中须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。书写工整,格式规范,句子通顺,词数 80 词左右。 _ _六年级英语 第 8 页(共 8 页)


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