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    精品文档2018 苏教版译林六年级英语下册词组Unit 1 the lion and the mousein the forestlarge and strongone day在森林里又大又强壮一天wa lk b y走过wake the lion upwant to eat the mousesome day叫醒狮子想要吃老鼠某一天help you帮助你(宾格)又小又 虚弱让。走sma ll and we akle t gothe next day第二天catch the lion with a large netbite the net with his sharp teethget out用一张大网抓住狮子用他锋利的牙齿咬网出去j u s t t h e n就 在 那 时make a big hole in the net with his teethfrom then on用他的牙齿再网上弄了个洞从那时起become friends成为朋友e x c i t e d l y激 动 地q u i e t l y安静 地l o u d l y大 声 地h a p p i l y开 心 地s a d l y失 望 地Aesops Fables伊索寓言find many animal storiesa Chinese idiom bookplay table tennis happilybe good at =do well incheer for them loudlytoo excited找到许多动物的故事一本中国成语故事开心地打乒乓球擅长大声地为他们欢呼太激动(人)用力的击球(打球)在地上发现一个洞太深hit the ball hardfind a hole in the groundtoo d eepreach it够到它have an idea有一个主意快速地带来一些水把。倒入干得好bring some water quicklypour intowell donea shopping centreon the floor一个购物中心在地板上take to把-带入。给他一块糖give him a sweet =give a sweet to him精品文档 精品文档the sweet shop糖果店没关系It doesn t matter.Unit 2-Good habitsa good boy一个好男孩有很多好习惯起得早have many good habitsget up earlyin the morninggo to bed latebrush one s teethbefore bedtimeat home在早上睡觉晚刷牙睡觉前在家put in order把。放得整齐晚饭前完成家庭作业听老师的话在学校finish ones homework before dinnerlisten to his teacherat schooldo well at homekeep his room clean and tidyhelp his parentshave some bad habitsdo ones homeworklate at night在家表现好 (做得好)保持他的房间干净整齐帮助他的父母有一些坏习惯做某人的家庭作业在深夜be sleepy困的feel sle epy感到困know sb well了解某人run through the grassrun very fast穿过草地跑的很快come to see hershow sb around来看她带某人参观某地走进客厅go into the living roomwalk slowly走的慢sin g b a d l y唱的不好在早上七点at seven oclock in the morningUnit 3 a healthy dietlike eating sweetsdrink water喜欢吃糖喝水a little wa ter一点水e v e r y d a y每 天have some bread and milk for breakfasta lot of rice早饭吃一些面包和牛奶许多米some fish and some meata few eggs every week一些鱼和肉每周几个蛋精品文档 精品文档a he a lth y d ie thave a lot of noodles for lunchsome vege tablesa l i t t l e r i c elike sweet foodat a time一个健康的饮食午饭吃许多面条一些蔬菜一 点 儿 米喜欢甜食一次e a t s o me f r u i ta lot of food吃 一些水果许多食物my f a vo u r ite f o o dlike sweet food very muchg e t o u t我最喜欢的食物非常喜欢甜食出 去a little mouse一只小老鼠中国人Chinese peoplewestern people西方人some porridge一些粥steamed buns包子cereal谷物s a u s a g e香 肠much food许多食物in the fridge在冰箱里have to go to the supermarketwant to come with mesee some drinkssome cola不得不去超市想要来和我一起吗看见一些饮料一些可乐take a small bottledrink too much colaw a n t s o me f i s hneed a lot of ricego ho me拿一小瓶喝太多的可乐想 要 一些鱼需要许多米回家too heavy太重have a rest休息一下in your meals在你的饮食中对你身体好想 要 。想要做某事对你的健康好名词:健康be good for your bodyw o u l d l i k e = w a n t + 名 词 ( 复 数 )would like to do sth = want to do sthbe good for you healthhealth比如:keep a good healthhealthy形容词:健康的比如:keep healthykeep 是系动词+形容词精品文档 精品文档Unit 4 Road safetymany busy roadsin the city许多繁忙的公路在城市里cross them safelylook for安全地过它们寻找wait for等待a zebra crossing斑马线look at the traffic lightswait for the green mancross the road看交通信号灯等绿灯过马路a pavement人行横道to keep safe为了保持安全在人行横道上等待当心小汽车和自行车看左边wait on the pavementlook out for the cars and bikeslook leftcross the road with other peopleplay football on the roadon the left side of the roadon the right side of the roadgo to see their auntget to your housetake the bus和其他人一起过马路在路上踢足球在路的左边在路的右边去看他们的阿姨到达你的房子乘公交车get on the busget off the busso many cars上车下车如此多的小汽车继续go onmust stop and waitsome elephantswatch TV必须停下等待一些大象看电视go to the doctor去看医生be sick生病road safety道路安全follow the rules遵守规则drive safely安全地驾驶交通安全traffic safetywhat makes a good student?什么早就一个好学生精品文档 精品文档Be late for school= be late to go to schoolsay good morning to sb.safety上学迟到像某人道早安安全safe安全的安全地safely精品文档


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