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    新冀教版三年级起点四年级英语下册《Unit 4 My FavouritesLesson 20 My Favourite Clothes》教案_26.doc

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    新冀教版三年级起点四年级英语下册《Unit 4 My FavouritesLesson 20 My Favourite Clothes》教案_26.doc

    冀教版小学英语四年级下册第四单元第20课教学设计科目英语课 题Lesson20 My Favourite Clothes课型新授作课人教具及课件多媒体课件,衣服,衣服图片,录音机,话筒教学目标知识目标:1、学生掌握四会单词clothes, our, their2、学生掌握句型Our favourite clothes are_. Their favourite clothes are_.能力目标:1、学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:clothes, our, their. 2、学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本的句型结构:Our favourite clothes are_. Their favourite clothes are_.情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣,通过活动让学生体验学习英语的快乐。教学重点词汇clothes, our, their句型Our favourite clothes are_. Their favourite clothes are_.教 学难 点Our favourite clothes are _. Their favourite clothes are _.的运用教学过程教 学 程 序 与 策 略Step1 Greeting Hello! How are you!(设计意图:通过问候,拉近师生距离,给学生营造宽松的学习英语氛围)Step2 Warming-up and review1、 Warming-up Lets chant!(设计意图:通过chant来活跃课堂气氛,同时引出要复习的衣服单词)2、 Review The chant is fun. There are many clothes in this chant. I have many pictures about clothes. Do you want to see? Look at the screen. Show some pictures about clothes to review some words about clothes. (skirt, shorts, trousers, shirt, sweater, coat, cap, scarf, dress)Put the pictures on the blackboard.(设计意图:通过丰富多彩的衣服图片,引导学生复习一些衣服单词,为新知识做铺垫;同时利用这些色彩鲜艳的图片进一步复习颜色词,把这些图片作为奖品,在学习新知时奖励给学生)Step3 New Concepts1、Learn the word “clothes” Point to the pictures on the blackboard and say “These are _”引导学生说出clothes. Learn the word “clothes” write it on the blackboard, and then let students read it. Correct their pronounciation.(设计意图:通过复习的一些衣服,自然引出新单词clothes)2、引题 Point to the pictures on the blackboard and say “There are many clothes. I have many clothes, too. ” 出示自己的裙子Look, this is my skirt. Is it beautiful? My favourite clothes are skirts. Today we will learn Lesson20 My Favourite Clothes(write it on the blackboard)Let students read it.(设计意图:通过展示自己的裙子,来吸引学生的注意力,从而引出本课主题My Favourite Clothes)3、 Look and talk My favourite clothes are skirts. Whats your favourite clothes? Lets talk about it.(1) 师问生答(ask about three or four students) T: Whats your favourite clothes? S: My favourite clothes are_. T: His/ Her favourite clothes are _.(设计意图:教师自然引出课题后,与学生进行轻松的谈话,以自身为例,为学生做示范,从而让学生自己领悟含义,并试着回答)(2) 生问生答(about four or five groups) S1:Whats your favourite clothes? S2: My favourite clothes are_.(设计意图:为学生做几组示范后,放手把课堂还给学生,让学生之间互问互答)(3) Learn the words “our” and “their” Learn the sentences “Our favourite clothes are_.” and “Their favourite clothes are_.”a、T: Whats your favourite clothes? S: My favourite clothes are_. T: I like _, too. So we can say “We like _. Our favourite clothes are_.”(write the sentence on the blackboard)(设计意图:通过刚刚练习的对话,与学生进一步谈话,自然引出本课重点词汇our以及重点句型Our favourite clothes are_.让学生在不知不觉中学习新知)b、T: I like skirts. Who like skirts? S: 学生举手示意 T:So we can say “We like _. Our favourite clothes are_.”(设计意图:教师通过描述自己喜欢的衣服,让和自己喜欢同样衣服的学生举手,并引导学生进一步巩固重点句型Our favourite clothes are _.)c、Work in pairs. Talk about it with your partner. What the same clothes do you like? 同桌讨论两个人共同喜欢的衣服,并运用句型 “We like_. Our favourite clothes are _.”来表达。每一组说完后,教师要引导 “They like_. Their favourite clothes are_.”Learn the sentence “They like _. Their favourite clothes are_.”(write it on the blackboard)(设计意图:让学生与同伴讨论他们共同喜欢的衣服,并运用所学句型进行表达,进一步巩固重点句型,同时引出另一个重点单词their以及重点句型Their favourite clothes are _.)d、Make up a dialogue in groups.For example:A: I like _.B: Me, too.C: They like _. Their favourite clothes are _.(设计意图:通过小组合作,巩固重点单词their以及重点句型Their favourite clothes are _.的用法,让学生体验小组合作的乐趣)Step4 Listening and reading1、 Today I bring some new friends to our classroom. Do you want to know what clothes they like? Lets call them out.(1) 出示Kim的图片:She is our new friend. Her name is Kim. Guess, what clothes does she like?(2) 出示Jenny的图片:Guess, what clothes does she like?(3) 出示Danny的图片:Guess, what clothes does he like?(4) 出示Steven的图片:Guess, what clothes does he like?(设计意图:通过课本中的人物图片,引出课文内容,为学生设谜,让学生猜各个人物喜欢的衣服,调动了学生学习的热情,并给了学困生开口的机会)2、 Answer the questions Now I have many questions. Look at the screen. (1) What clothes does Kim like?,(2) What clothes does Jenny like/(3) What clothes does Danny like?(4) What clothes does he like? Read the text by yourselves and then help me find the answers.(设计意图:通过问题来检查学生对课文的掌握程度,并以帮助老师解决问题的名义让学生投入到对课文的朗读中)3、 Listen to the tape and read after it. Pay attention to your pronounciation.(设计意图:跟读录音,让学生自己纠正自己读的不准确的单词,纠正自己的发音,培养学生的自主学习能力)4、 Read the text together.(设计意图:通过齐读课文来检查学生对课文内容的掌握程度,以及学生的发音,同时让学生感受朗读英语的快乐)Step5 Practice 小记者采访(小组活动)教师把自己装扮成小记者模样,并为学生做示范: T: Now I am a repoter. Whats your favourite clothes? S1: My favourite clothes are_. T: Whats your favourite clothes? S2: My favourite clothes are _. T: Whats your favourite clothes? S3: My favourite clothes are _. T: Now I can report. Her favourite clothes are _. His favourite clothes are _. Their favourite clothes are _.(设计意图:通过小记者采访这一活动,为学生创设了真实的语言情境,给学生发言的机会,让学生将学到的知识得以升华运用,并培养了学生的小组合作意识)Step6 Lets do it. Do some exercises.(设计意图:通过做练习,让学生检验自己的掌握情况,将知识得以运用)Step7 Summary What did we learn in this class?(设计意图:通过让学生自己总结本课所学,加深学生对知识的掌握程度,另外培养学生的总结能力)Step8 HomeworkStep9 Class closing作业设计1、 Ask your good friends what their favourite clothes are, finish the chart.2、 Copy part1.(You can choose one.)板书设计Lesson20 My Favourite Clothesclothes our their We like_. Our favourite clothes are _. They like_. Their favourite clothes are_.


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