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    罗密欧与朱丽叶第一幕: 舞会邂逅,一见钟情旁白(王泓栋): One ordinary night in the city of ItalyVerona. The Juliafamily was holding a party. Romeo went to the party with his friends. This nightis doomed to be romantic and unusual.开场王锦涛唱歌,众人跳舞。Julias elder brother(王锦涛): Be quiet please! Our distinguished guests! Ladiesand gentlemen! Welcome, welcome! I hope everyone can enjoy yourself here.Romeo(岳晓雪): Wow, great honor to meet you-my goddess, Julia.Julia(于慧敏): Hi, wow! Look at you, so handsome, so charming! Your clothesfit you so well.Romeo(岳晓雪):Ur Oh, really? Thanks !You look charming, too. Actually,I I have something to tell you.Julia(于慧敏):Do you mind telling me what is it ?Romeo(岳晓雪):Ur actually, you know, I am a little shy! Its a little difficult to say. Just,justwow.I love you more than I can say(唱出来)Julia(于慧敏):Oh,Romeo , this is just the way I feel about you. However, youknow our families dont get along well; our parents will not allow us to fall inlove with each other.Romeo(岳晓雪):Never mind, honey, believe me! Ill try my best to get ourparents approval.Julias elder brother(王锦涛):What a shit! Romeo, its you!? Youre Romeo!Youre not welcome here. Get out of here!Romeo(岳晓雪):哎呀,未来的大舅子啊! Come on! You bite me.Julias elder brother(王锦涛): Nonsense! Shut up! Youre a jerk! Get out ofhere!Julia(于慧敏):Run, run, Romeo, run away! 罗密欧,快跑,快跑!Romeo(岳晓雪):My dear, wait for me! I will come back!Julias elder brother(王锦涛):Get out of here immediately! Jerk.1 第二幕:花园私会,互定终生旁白(王泓栋):After the meeting on the party, Romeo misses Julia day and night. So he called afollower to find out Julias residence.Romeo(岳晓雪): My Julia baby lives here, right ?Romeos follower(梁雯雅):Yes, I am sure!I have confirmed!Julia(于慧敏):Are you sure my dear Romeo will come to see me?You know, i miss him so much!Julias follower(孟芷冰):Sure, I bet your Romeo will come. Oh, Miss, look, hes coming.Julia(于慧敏):oh, I cant believe my eyes! Its really My dear Romeo!Romeo(岳晓雪):Yes, its me! My Julia baby! (唱情歌)Julia(于慧敏):Oh, Romeo, I .I cant help loving you. You have stolen my heart.Romeo(岳晓雪):Honey, I love you too. You see the light in the distance? Its my love for you.Julia, youre my sunshine.Look at your hands, so rough. Look at your back, so toughJulia(于慧敏):Wait, Romeo, how do I feel like your mother?Romeo(岳晓雪):Dont focus on the details!Julia(于慧敏):OK, Romeo ,youre shining like a star in the sky!oh no! You are brighter than the stars.Romeo(岳晓雪):Oh, My baby, I promise, I will marry you.Julia(于慧敏):Romeo, promise me! do come back! Im always waiting for you.2 第三幕: 浴火重生,举案齐眉旁白:王泓栋Julias mother knew she and Romeo had fallen in love, so she had an fierceargument with her. Julia angrily eats a kind of medicine specially made for peoplewho want to pretend to die. So many people attended her funeral.1.(葬礼现场:)Julias mother(班吟汝):This is really a sad day, my daughter Julia, she killed herself.She was a good child, very beautiful, very elegant! May she can restin heaven, lets mourn her. Amen.(手势)Julias sister(吕洋): What a pity, my sister is really a good girl.Julias friend(王禹琪):Yes, yes. I still cant believe she has dead.It is really unbelievable!Julias aunt 谭鑫茹:My niece Julia is really a brave girl. So touching a love story!Julias friend:李晓彤:Quite true, Julia is so brave in the face of love.Few people can make it! Doesnt it?画外音:(王泓栋)so, for Julia, what is love?大家一齐: For Julia, love is as strong as death!2. (Romeo 买药寻短见,阴差阳错结姻缘)Medicine seller:李邵惠: Would you like something to drink? coffee, tea orcoca-cola?(模仿金星)Romeo: 岳晓雪:No no no! I dont need it! I only want to die! I want to buy poison.Medicine seller:李邵惠:A.No problem! let me have a look, oh, its here, men, it ispoison. I promise it will work!Medicine seller 张翰林:Ei Honey, are you sure it is poison rather than chocolatebean? Let me have a try! (吃一颗!) en. yummy!李邵惠:Xu you stupid guy! Bullshit! nonsense.3. (Remeo 来到 Julia 尸体面前,准备殉情)Remeo 岳晓雪: Oh, Julia, you are so charming even you are dead!I am coming!Romeos follower 梁雯雅:Romeo, what happened! Wake up!Julia:于慧敏:No, Romeo! No! Why do you do this stupid thing?Romeo:岳晓雪:Didnt I drink poison? Am I dead? Am I ghost? (使劲捏脸)Julia:于慧敏:Great! Romeo, you have come back to life!Romeo:岳晓雪:oh, Julia, we finally meet again here! I am sure I am ghost!3 4. (Julias 父母妥协, 欢乐大结局)Julias father:关智铭:Oh, my dear daughter! 吓死宝宝了!Thankfully, youre fine,promise me, and dont do this again! And I will. promise you what youwant.Julias mother:徐培培:Come on, honey! Promise please! You are my life you know!Julia: 于慧敏:Father, you should know me! I want nothing; I just want to marryRomeo. Romeo is my life!Julias father: 关智铭:sigh!(叹气) I promise you.Julia: 于慧敏:Great, Romeo, we can finally be together.所有演员上阵: 开始重复一开始的舞蹈!音乐声中谢幕!4


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