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    部编RJ人教版PEP 初二八年级英语 上册第一学期秋季 (教学设计 电子教案)Unit 9 教案.docx

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    部编RJ人教版PEP 初二八年级英语 上册第一学期秋季 (教学设计 电子教案)Unit 9 教案.docx

    部编 RJ 人教版 PEP 初二八年级英语 上册第一学期秋季 (教学设计 电子教案)Unit 9 Can you come to my party?Talk about how to make,accept and decline invitations andobligations:in this unit,students learn to how to make,accept anddecline invitations and talk about obligations.prepare,exam,flu,available,until,hang,catch,invite,accept,refuse,weekday,invitation,reply,Key Words forward,delete,print,sad,goodbye,glad,glue,preparation,without,surprised,opening,concert,event,guest,calendar,daytimecome to.,prepare for an exam,go to the doctor,have the flu,go to the movies,another time,hangKey Phrases out,the day before yesterday,the day aftertomorrow,look after,turn down,take a trip,lookforward to,at the end ofKnowledgeGoals【知识目标】1.Can you come to my party on Saturday Sure,Id love to./Im sorry,I cant. I have toKey Grammar canv.(原形)Ability Goals【能力目标】学会邀请别人以及回答的方式。Moral Goals【情感目标】培养学生礼貌用语的习惯,学会人际交往的基本常识。Period 1 Section A(1a2d)Period 2 Section A(Grammar Focus3c)Period 3 Section B(1a1f)Period 4 Section B (2a2e)Period 5 Section B (3aSelf Check)Teaching Time【课时】 部编 RJ 人教版 PEP 初二八年级英语 上册第一学期秋季 (教学设计 电子教案)本单元以“Can you come to my party ?”为中心话题,围绕“发出,接受,拒绝邀请”展开,学习礼貌用语的表达和人际交往的基本常识,谈论自己和别人的义务和责任,学习如何安排好日程表,同时根据日程表中的计划安排自己的活动。分为 Section A,Section B,Self Check 三个部分。Section A 主要通过听力测试,小组结对练习等方式掌握单元重点词汇及语法结构。Section B 则通过阅读、写作、小组合作学习等方式对新旧语言知识综合运用。Self Check 则通过填空和对话的方式对知识点进行进一步的复习巩固。本单元内容与实际生活息息相关,是学生感兴趣的话题,是对情态动词 can 引导的一般疑问句的进一步学习。第一课时 Section A(1a2d)Teaching Goals 【教学目标】Key words:prepare,exam,flu,available,until,hang,catchKey phrases:come to my party,prepare for an exam,go to the doctor,have the flu,go tothe movies,too much,another time,go bike riding,hang outKey sentences:1.Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?Sure,Id love to./Sorry,I cant. I have to prepare for an exam.2Can you go to the movies on Saturday?Im sorry,Im not available. I have too much homework this weekend.3Can you hang out with us on Monday night?Sure!Catch you on Monday!Teaching Key Points 【教学重点】The vocabulary:prepare,exam,available,until,hang,catch,prepare for,hang out,anothertimeTarget language:Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon ?Sure,Id love to. Sorry,Icant. I have to prepare for an exam. Im sorry,too. I must go to the doctor.Can you go to the movies on Saturday ?Im sorry,Im not available. I have too 部编 RJ 人教版 PEP 初二八年级英语 上册第一学期秋季 (教学设计 电子教案)much homework this weekend. Thats too bad. Maybe another time. Sure,Joe. Thanksfor asking.Teaching Difficult Points 【教学难点】情态动词 can 引导的一般疑问句表达邀请之意时的礼貌作答。Teaching Aids 【教学工具】An English textbook,a tape recorder,CAI or courseware.Teaching Steps 【教学过程】Step 1 Leading inPlay the song:Happy birthday.Say,Today its Meimeis birthday. She wants to invite you to her birthday party.Can you tell me what she should say?Ask students to say.Step 2 PretaskPage 65,1a & 1b.1Ask,Can you come to my party?Ask some students to answer. Ask the students who cant go to tell the reasons.2Call attention to the words in Activity 1a.Read together.Say,Look at the picture. Ask Ss to tell what they see in each scene.3Match the words with the pictures and check the answers.Say,Now listen to the recording. Write the name of each person next to his or herpicture.4Play the recording. Ask Ss to complete the activity individually.5Correct the answers.Step 3 WhiletaskPage 65,1c.1Point to the example in the box. Ask Ss to do a practice with partners.2Ask some groups to act.3Game:One student invites some students to his/her party. The other students answer.Page 66,2a.1Point to the five sentences.Say,Listen to each conversation and then circle the word that makes the sentencescorrect.2Play the recording.3Check the answers.Page 66,2b.1Call attention to the five sentences in Activity 2a ,ask a student to read thesesentences to the class saying the correct word “can” or “cant”2Say,Now listen to the recording again. Write the names who cant go to theparty and the reasons.3Play the recording. Write down these answers. 部编 RJ 人教版 PEP 初二八年级英语 上册第一学期秋季 (教学设计 电子教案)4Check the answers.Step 4 PosttaskPage 66,2c.1Call attention to the points listed in Activity 2b.2Ask students to make their own conversation like the example. As studentswork,move around the room and monitor.3Ask some students to present their dialogues.Page 66,2d.1Have Ss scan the conversation in 2d.2Lead Ss to practice reading the conversation.3Make Ss roleplay the conversation. In this part,student A will be Jeff.Student B will be Nick. As they talk,move around to monitor their work. Offerlanguage or pronunciation support as needed.4Ask a pair of Ss to present the conversation to the class.Step 5 Homework1Practice:Invite your friends to come to your home for dinner. Write down theiranswers.2Do the exercises on Page 60 in students book.Board Design 板书设计Unit 9 Can you come to my party?The first period Section A(1a2d)1Key vocabulary:prepare,exam,flu,available,until,hang,catch,preparefor,have the flu,too much,another time,go bike riding,hang out,go to the doctor2Target language:A:Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?B:Sure,Id love to.C:Sorry,I cant. I have to prepare for an exam.D:Im sorry,too. I must go to the doctor.第二课时 Section A(GF3c)Teaching Goals 【教学目标】Key words & phrases:invite,accept,refuse,study for a math test ,watch TV,on the weekend,practice the violinKey sentences:1.Can you come to my party on Saturday?Sure,Id love to./Sorry,I must study for a math test.2.Can she go to the baseball game?No,shes not available. She must go to the doctor.3.Can they go to the movies? 部编 RJ 人教版 PEP 初二八年级英语 上册第一学期秋季 (教学设计 电子教案)No,theyre not free. They might have to meet their friends.Teaching Key Points 【教学重点】The vocabulary:invite,accept,refuse,study for a math testTarget language:Can you come to my party ?When is it ?Next week,on Thursday night. Imsorry. I have to study for a math test.Teaching Difficult Points 【教学难点】Learn to make,accept and decline invitations politely.Teaching Aids 【教学工具】An English textbook,CAI or courseware.Teaching Steps 【教学过程】Step 1 Leading inAsk:How many people did you invite yesterday?What did they say?Ask one student to show his or her answers.Step 2 PretaskPage 67. Grammar Focus.1Review the grammar box. Ask Ss to say the questions and answers.2Talk about the two ways people give reasons for saying no to an invitation.3Call attention to “must” and “have to”Step 3 WhiletaskPage 67,3a.1Call attention to 3a.Read the instructions to the class.2Ask Ss to read the phrases in the box and the five conversations quickly.3Ask Ss to complete the answers following the instructions.4Ask two Ss to act out the conversations they have just completed.Page 67,3b.1Call attention to 3b.2Ss complete the sentences with the words in brackets on their own.3Ask some pairs to present the conversations to the class.Step 4 PosttaskPage 67,3c.1Read the instructions for this activity to the class.2Ask Ss to read the sample dialogue.3Ss complete the chart on the right.4Then invite classmates to your party. Make conversations following theexample in the box.Step 5 Homework1Review the grammar box.2Do the exercises on Page 61 in students book. 部编 RJ 人教版 PEP 初二八年级英语 上册第一学期秋季 (教学设计 电子教案)Board Design 板书设计Unit 9 Can you come to my party?The second period Section A(GF3c)1Key vocabulary:invite,accept,refuse,study for a math test ,watch TV,on the weekend,practice the violin2Target language:A:Can you go to the movies tomorrow night?B:Sure. That sounds great./Im afraid not. I have the flu.A:Can she go to the baseball game?B:No,shes not available. She must go to the doctor.A:Can they go to the movies?B:No,shes not free. They might have to meet their friends.第三课时 Section B(1a1f)Teaching Goals 【教学目标】Key words & phrases:weekday,weekend,Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,the day before yesterday,the day after tomorrow,play soccer,play tennis,study for a test,have a piano lesson,look afterKey sentences:1Whats today?Its Monday the 14th.2Can you play tennis with me?Teaching Key Points 【教学重点】The vocabulary:weekday,the day before yesterday,the day after tomorrowTarget language:Whats today?Its Monday the 14th.Can you play tennis with me?Teaching Difficult Points 【教学难点】Train students communicative skills of making,accepting and declininginvitations.Teaching Aids 【教学工具】An English textbook,a tape recorder,CAI or courseware. 部编 RJ 人教版 PEP 初二八年级英语 上册第一学期秋季 (教学设计 电子教案)Teaching Steps 【教学过程】Step 1 Leading inAsk the student who is on duty to say something to the class.Step 2 PretaskPage 68,1a & 1b.1Show the days of the week in a large monthly calendar.2Point out the days of the week at the top of the calendar and ask a student toread these words aloud.3Ask a student to point out todays date,tomorrows date,the day aftertomorrows date and yesterdays date.4Complete Activity 1a,then check the answers.5Ask students to write the words today,tomorrow,yesterday and the day aftertomorrow in the correct space on the calendars in their books.Step 3 WhiletaskPage 68,1c.1Call attention to the example in the box. Ask two students to read it to the class.2Ask Ss to work in pairs.Ask:What do you want to do on Monday,Tuesday?Write down your answers.3Make some conversations with your partner.4Ask some Ss to present their conversations.Page 68,1d&1e.1Point to the picture.2Listen to the conversation. Can Vince play tennis with Andy ?Circle “yes” or“no”3Play the recording. Ask,What can Vince do today?Pay attention to the list of five activities,and the three lettered words.4Point out the sample answer,say,Number 1 is b,that means Vince is playingsoccer tomorrow.5Play the recording.6Correct the answers.Step 4 PosttaskPage 68,1f.1Help students find partners. Say,One student is Andy,the other is Vince.2Ask the pairs to practice for a few minutes like the example.3Ask some pairs to present their conversations.Step 5 Homework1Make a calendar(日程表)next week.2Do the exercises on Page 62 in students book.Board Design 板书设计Unit 9 Can you come to my party?The third period Section B(1a1f) 部编 RJ 人教版 PEP 初二八年级英语 上册第一学期秋季 (教学设计 电子教案)1Key vocabulary:weekday,weekend,the day before yesterday,the day aftertomorrow2Target language:A:Whats today?B:Its Monday the 14th.A:Hi,Vince. Can you play tennis with me?B:When?A:Today.B:Sorry,I cant. I第四课时 Section B(2a2e)Teaching Goals 【教学目标】Key words:invitation,reply,forward,delete,print,sad,goodbye,glad,preparation,glue,without,surprised,housewarmingKey phrases:turn down,take a trip,at the end of,have a surprise party for sb.,think of,look forward to,accept an invitation,make an invitation,turn down an invitationKey sentences:1.Im sad to see her go ,and this party is the best way to say “Thank you andgoodbye.”2.To show how much were going to miss her,lets have a surprise party for hernext Friday the 28th!3.Can you come to the party?If so,can you help with any of these things?Teaching Key Points 【教学重点】The vocabulary:invitation,reply,forward,delete,print,sad,goodbye,glad,preparation,without,surprised,turn down,take a trip,look forward toTarget language:Can you come to the party?If so,can you help with any of these things?Teaching Difficult Points 【教学难点】Learn to make,accept and turn down an invitation.Teaching Aids 【教学工具】An English textbook,CAI or courseware.Teaching Steps 【教学过程】 部编 RJ 人教版 PEP 初二八年级英语 上册第一学期秋季 (教学设计 电子教案)Step 1 Leading in1Greetings.2Check the homework.T:There are all kinds of parties,formal or informal. For formal parties,invitationsare usually sent to those who are invited from the hosts. They mainly tell the receiversthe kind of the party,when and where it will be.Step 2 PretaskPage 69,2a.1Call attention to 2a.2Ask Ss to write as many kinds of parties as possible.3Ask a student to show his or her list to the class. Then the others add moreitems on the basis of the list presented.4Write down all the parties Ss think of on the board.Page 69,2b.1Project some invitation cards in and out of our country. Talk about them withSs.2Project these new words on the screen or write them on the board and teach thenew words. Ask Ss to repeat them over and over again. Make sure everyone knowstheir meanings.invitation n邀请;请柬;reply v回答;forward v转寄,发送 adv.向前;glue n胶水;delete v删除;print v印刷;sad adj.(令人)难过的;goodbye interj.& n. 再见;glad adj.高兴的;preparation n准备;without prep.没有;surprised adj.惊奇的,感觉意外的;turn down 拒绝;take a trip 去旅行;look forward to 盼望,期待3Read the instructions to the class. Give Ss 5 minutes to read the messages. AskSs to put a mark in the contents that are unfamiliar to them.5 minutes later,ask astudent to answer the question:Why did the people write them?Then lead Ss to readthe message. Explain the new words during the procedure. Pay attention to the keywords and phrases.4Ss match the reason with each message.5Check the answers.6Practice reading.Step 3 WhiletaskPage70,2c&2d.1Make Ss read the messages again quickly. Before that,Ss scan the fivequestions in 2c and the invitation in 2d.2Ss complete the tasks in 2c and 2d on their own.3Ask 3 or 4 Ss to present their answers.4Check the answers.5Further activity:Focus on Activity 2d.Ask the students the following questions:(1)What kind of party is it?(2)When and where will the party be?(3)Can guests bring their friends or family members to the party?(4)Should guests reply to the invitation,and when? 部编 RJ 人教版 PEP 初二八年级英语 上册第一学期秋季 (教学设计 电子教案)Step 4 PosttaskPage 70,2e.1Read the instructions to the class. Make sure Ss know the task in Activity 2e.2Ss read the 9 questions quickly.3Pair-work. Ask and answer the questions with your partner. As Ss work,movearound the room monitoring their work. Offer support as needed.4Ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class.Step 5 Homework1Review the messages on Page 69 to see how to make,accept and turn down aninvitation in a polite way.2Do the exercises on Page 63 in students book.Board Design 板书设计Unit 9 Can you come to my party?The fourth period Section B(2a2e)1Key vocabulary:invitation,reply,delete,print,sad,glad,preparation,without,surprised,turn down,take a trip,at the end of,look forward to,make/accept/turn down an invitation2Sentences:To show how much were goin


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