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    1.The first impression is vital. We should be neatly dressed to leave a good impression on the audience.2.If you have a good sense of humor, it helps to enhance atmosphere at thepresentation and the audience will become more friendly and engagingTeamwork (mutual trust, full co-operation)1. What is important when managing a project?Firstly, encouraging teamwork is very important when managing a project. Teamwork reflects the combined experiences, knowledge, intelligence and views of a group of people, so it will definitely improve the quality and efficiency of the work.Secondly, keeping to schedule is also important. Time is always of essence for a project. You should ensure that you would be running before the schedule rather than after it. Otherwise it will lead to late completion.On top of that, selection of the participants should be also taken into consideration. People with a wide range of experiences can enhance the chance of the successfully sorting out problems.2. What is important when choosing people to work in teams?Firstly, variety of experience is very important to a team member, because you never know what kind of problems might suddenly come up to you. Experiences in different fields will enhance the chance of successfully sorting out problems with you knowledge which is based on your past experienceSecondly, personal qualities are also important. The basis of the team work is mutual trust and friendly atmosphere, which requires team members to be patient, modest and to have good interpersonal skills.Whats more, attitude should be also taken into account. As the old saying goes “Attitude is everything”. It has a direct impact on the success or failure of the teamwork.Recruiting & SelectingWhat is important when selecting staff for promotion? (selecting new applicants for candidates)Firstly, when aiming for promotion, work-related qualities are important .These qualities include qualifications, skills and abilities which are necessary for any job.Secondly, personal qualities are important as well, such as loyalty to the company, responsibility and so on, since these can help to establish personal credibility and integrity among colleagues.On top of that, current performance is another factor to consider. Successful performance can at least demonstrate some aspects of the staffs ability, such as communication skills, sales experiences and so on.What is important when aiming to retain good staff?What is important when aiming to reduce staff turnover?What is important when motivating staff?Firstly, creating a pleasing workplace is very important when aim to retain good staff. A pleasing workplace includes everything from having the right tools available to provide basic comfort, such as proper lighting and noise control, etc. Secondly, career opportunity is also important. Employees will remain withtheir employer if career opportunities are presented. Career plans for those who what to upward in the company undoubtedly improve morale and boost engagement. (This can lead to some motivational values and enhance employees fulfillment.)On top of that, flexible working hours should be also taken into account. It allows the staff a certain degree of freedom, which is essential for the balance of life and work.Financial benefits are also important. Staff want some sort of recognition for the job that they do. Correct financial benefits plan will arouse their enthusiasm. Otherwise, they would feel being ignored (neglect/overlook). Besides, training cannot be neglected, since training can keep their skills current and up-dated, thus making them more competitive throughout their lives.What is important when aiming to improve career prospects?Firstly, reading business articles is very important when trying to improve career prospects. This is a good way for you to keep up with the latest development in related field which may give you a clue of what to do next.Secondly, learning a foreign language is also important. For instance if you are good at speaking English ,that would add weight to the improvement of career prospects since the globalization economy and the wide-spread international corporation all needs the bridge of a common language ,and English is one of the most widely used languages.Thirdly, training is another factor to consider. By doing so , you get access to a range of skills to meet different sorts of needs from different jobs.Conference and PresentationWhat is important when organizing a conference?(Presention)Firstly, I think conference speakers are a very important factor to consider. If they are well-known people knowing a lot about a particular field ,or come from big multinationals, the conference/presentation will be likely to be informative and you may benefit a lot from it.(A good presenter knows what his audience want and is able to demonstrate (speak) in a clear, accurate and honest way to grab their attention and to raise their interest.)Secondly, location is also important. If the conference is held in a place with beautiful surroundings, more people will go and its good for you to do some useful networking. (Help you free from nervousness)On top of that, topics covered should be taken into account. To ensure all the audience can really benefit from the conference, what the speakers talk about ought to be something that the participants are interested in and relates to their work To ensure the success of the presentation, some facilities are needed, such as OHP, microphone and PowerPoint that work. They can help to make details more clearly expressed and the presentation more impressive to the audience. The audience is also very important. Their participation and interaction can be helpful to the success to the presentation. It has to be decided first who is the target audience and then according to the result, send out the invitation letters to the right people before the presentation.What do you think is important when planning a career?Firstly, its important to consider qualifications, since qualifications, to some extent, means relevant education, knowledge and ability, which are essential to the development and success of your career in the future. With qualifications, it will be easier for you to be accepted and acknowledge by others.Secondly, its also important to consider future trends. Following future trends will keep you up with the times and bring you more chances. Persuing a career with good future trends is undoubtedly more promising.Furthermore, personal interest should be also taken into account. Interest will bring along active attitude, thus making it easier to overcome work stress.Marketing1、Advertisement2、Packaging包装3、Setting pricesWhat is important when dealing with competition?l Pricing policesl Advertising strategiesl QualityWhat is important when aiming to reach new markets?Firstly, market research is important when aiming to reach new markets.By carrying out market research, a company can get such information as whether theres a market for a new product, and what are customers needs and tastes for new product. Thus, the new product will sell well when it is launched into the market.On top of that, pricing should be also taken into account. In order to capture a large market share, you must set a price lower than your competitors. If you fixed the price higher than your rivals without higher quality, you might soon find yourself in an unfavorable situation. (The fundamental task for a company is to make its products and itself know to the public. There are several ways to achieve this, advertising is the most important one.)What is important when advertising a new product?First, cost is very important when advertising a new product. Without money, there can be no mentioning of training at all. The costs of advertisement should be calculated carefully and reasonably.The mount of advertising budget determines the scale and period of advertisement.Secondly, media is also important. A company, through proper advertisements, can manage to introduce the advantages of their products comparing to their rivals and convince the consumers that their products would be the right choice.Thirdly, target consumers should be taken into consideration. For instance, bill board will likely be an important element for the target market that has a limited number of potential customers, while TV commercial can reaches the most extensive mass and seems to serve a very strong influence on children and women, who compose the major consumers of our products.What is important when setting prices for new products?The first thing we must take into account is costs when setting prices for new products. Prices should cover the costs, such as insurance, raw materials, rent and equipment. Otherwise, the company will make a loss.Secondly, demand is also important. Consumer demand for the product clearly affects the price that can be charged. When demand is strong, we can set high prices, when demand is weak, we can set low prices.Besides, competition should be taken into account. If you fixed the price higher than your rivals without higher quality of service, you might soon find yourself in an unfavorable situation.(The company is supposed to consider the prices set by its competitors.(Last but not least, if a company wants its new products to be competitive, it must take competition into consideration. It must set the prices equal to or lower than its competition.)What is important when packaging?First of all, when packaging, its very important to choose the color, shape and design that convey the high-quality image to our customers. With special appearance, it helps make the product distinct from others and attract consumers attention Second, production process is also important, the product will be handled for many times during its production process, so the packaging material we use should be strong enough to resist any damage.(we should also consider the transit process so that the package we design will protect the product against spoilage.Apart from this two aspects, its also of great importance to offer consumers convenience. Packaging should be designed in such as way to make it easier for customers to open the container and use the product.l What do you think is the basic objective underlying all promotion?I think its to provide information. Companies want to tell customers about themselves as well as what products are available, where they can be purchased, and for what prices.l What do you think are the promotional alternatives? They are advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, and publicityDelegationEntertaining Clients招待客户l Do you think its necessary for a company to establish a good long-term relationship with its clients?Yes. A good long-term business relationship with clients means better understanding and greater trust between you and your clients. That will definitely help retain clients.Location and Relocationl What is important when relocation a business?l What is important when choosing retail premises to rent?Local workforce available/transportationDemand for products or services/Labor costsFirstly, Secondly, location of site is very important. You need to consider whether its convenient and easy for raw material supply and transporting out the products, whether its easy to get access to the electricity, water, gas and other supporting energy, whether its convenient for staff to go to work.Furthermore, length of contract is also important. Longer contract would cover issues in more details. The contract should cover certain matter, which are likely to happen, such as, assignment, service charges. Competition is another factor to consider. You shouldnt locate in a place where there are already a lot of firms. Competition will severely affect a companys revenue.DiscussionTrade fairWhat is important when exhibiting at trade fair?参加展销会需考虑哪些要点Firstly, when exhibiting at trade fair, quality of display is very important. The quality of the display will affect the public image of the company. Therefore you should make sure that what you display should be of high quality and show the best of your products.Secondly, it is also important to select the right staff. There have to be people who are informative and have excellent communicative skills so as to answer any kind of questions produced by potential customers.All this is impossible without careful planning. So you have to plan in advance to make your display a complete success.What is important when planning the layout of a stand at trade fair?展销会展位布置需考虑哪些要点? Firstly, attractiveness is very important when planning the stand layout. In order to get more people to visit your stand, it should be designed in a creative way to make it as eye-catching as possible. Secondly, security of exhibits is also important. No one want to see any visitor to your stand be hurt due to the neglect of security of exhibits. So make sure your exhibits are placed in safe way to avoid any potential dangers. On top of that, space arrangement should be also taken into consideration. For instance, there should be area for demonstrating your products as well as for discussion with visitors.l Entertaining Clients(organise outdoor activities户外活动、商务活动)l Arrange a meeting(travelling and accommodation arrangement, information ,travelling) give presentationl How important is it for a company to have regular meetings?Very important. It is an effective way to collect ideas and to communicate. Also, it keeps employees well-informed with the latest developments of the company l Video conferencingl Training(seminar/programme) for new staff(students/appraisalmeasure/evaluate1.offer a training on sth. for sb. Its certainly a good chance to improve- Training is to the mutual interest of both the individual and the company The growth of the company depends on the development of its staff.2.focus on issues/topics like XXXX, which are important when holding a training programme3.I am with you here./You bet./I couldnt agree with you more. This aims to - Besides that,-Its a very good idea.So that leads to the next item-谈论如何做,以及这种做法的意义。Have we covered everything? Oh,one more point;-Lets look forward to the training.What is important when organizing an in-house training course?Firstly, course contents are very important when organizing an in-house training. To ensure all the participants can really benefit from the training course, the contents should be something that the members are interested in and be practical to their work.Secondly, participants selected are also important. That includes trainers and trainees. To ensure ef


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