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    必修 3 第 3元 短 解1. Bet bet bet n., 打 1). 打 (+on)Lets have a bet on the result of the election. 我 就 果打个 吧!2). 金 , 注3). 意 ,猜 +(that)My bet is that she wont refuse his invitation.我 她不会拒 他的邀 。You shouldnt make bets= (make a bet打 ) against himv.,1) . I bet you dont know who won the game last night.我肯定你不知道昨晚 了比 。2) . He bet twenty dollars on me to win the fight.在口 中I bet =I m sure 我肯定I bet it will rain tomorrow !我肯定明天会下雨!2. scene n., 面 , 情景 , 景色 , 生地点 , 一 , 布景 , 道具布置3. tale 故事; A Tale of Two Cities 双城 4. permit/ allowallow /permit 两个 的意 与用法相近。其句型 :1、 allow/permit sth 2、allow/permit sb to do sth 3、 allow/permit doing sth如: This plant allows one hour for lunch. 家工厂允 一个小 的吃 。He would not permit the waste of a single grain.他不允 浪 一粒粮食。They dont allow/permit people to smoke in the officesWe dont allow/permit smoking in the offices Talking loudly is not allowed/permitted in the library.permission是 permit 的名 形式5. go ahead 本意“前 ”go ahead “随便, 自便” “ ”着手做某事;尽管去做;不要等(常用于祈使句)“ May I ask you a question ? ”“ Yes,go ahead ”“我可以 你一个 ? ”“可以, 吧!” “ May I start? ”“ Yes,go ahead ”“我可以开始了 ? ”“行,开始吧。 ” 之, go ahead是叫(或同意) 人去做他本来想做的事情。6. by accident1) . by accident 偶然地,无意中。如:I found it by accident.我是无意中找到它的。Columbus discovered America by accident.哥 布偶然 了美洲大 。注: by accident 主要用作状 ,有 也用作表 。如:Our meeting in Paris was by accident.我 在巴黎 面是个巧合。2) . by accident of因 的机会,由于 的运气。如:By accident of birth, he was rich.他有幸生在富裕家庭。3) . without accident平安无事地。如:That night passed without accident.一夜平安无事。The ship arrived there without accident.船平安到达那儿。by chance 偶然 ,碰巧 指几率很小by accident 偶然,有 被当作偶遇来解 如: I met him in the street by accident,7. starestare 是 着的意思stare at sb 固定搭配 着某人的意思glance 是一瞥, 随便的一看的意思 glare 是瞪眼怒目注 的意思gaze 是凝 的意思8. Spot n. 班点 ,雀斑, 点 ,地点 , 所 ,vt. 出 ,1a spot on ones fame名誉上的污点a scenic spot风景胜地a historic spot古迹vice spots堕落场所the meeting on the spot现场会议a spot of(一点儿) = a little = a bit of后接 “不可数名词 ”如: Lets have a spot of lunch.让我们吃点午饭吧。9. account for1) .总计 ,占据Two things account for its occurrence.发生这件事原因有两个。2)做出 .解释 ; .说明How do you account for it?这你怎么解释呢?Can you account for all these absences?你能说明你缺席的原因吗。3.)导致,引起Bad weather accounted for the long delay.长期的延缓是因为坏天气10. to be honest 也可以是 honestly (speaking),.To be honest, I dont like him very much.In the long run, it pays to be honest.路遥知马力 人久见人心be honest with对 .说老实话 ,同 .规规矩矩来往11. Silly adj. 愚蠢的 , 无聊的12. tiny taini a. 极小的 ,微小的形容词比较级 :tinier 最高级 :tiniest名词 :tininessThe tiny seed planted it ten years before had flowered.We are living in a big world in which a person is as tiny as a seed.There is no need for you to spendso much time on such a tiny matter.13. Issue n. 结果 , 结局 ;发行 (物 ); 一次发行量 ; (报刊 )期号 ;问题 ; 争端 ; 论点v发行 (钞票等 ), 发布 (命令 ), 出版 (书等 )14. Fake n. 假货 ,欺骗,赝品,冒牌货 ;仿造品 ; 骗子a. 假的v. 假造 ,伪造 ;冒充, 假装 ;假装.的样子 过去式 faked过去分词 faked现在分词 faking 1. 伪造 ;捏造 ;冒充 He faked my signature to get money from my bank.2. 假装 ;假装 .的样子 She faked illness so as not to go to school.n.C1. 冒牌货 ;仿造品 The experts discovered several fakes in the art collection.2. 冒充者 ;骗子a. 1. 假的 ;冒充的 BThis is a fake picture. 这是幅假画。15.rag1 旧布 如:a piece of rag 2 破旧衣服 in rags, 表示衣衫褴褛 3质量低劣的报纸lose his rag是失去理智的意思16.Indeedadv.(1)的确是;实在是 I was indeed very glad to hear the news.(2)(表示惊奇、反语等)真的,的确 Who is this woman? Who is she, indeed! (I wonder at your asking.)(3)(用于 very + 形容词或副词后,加强语气)Thank you very much indeed.17.even if= even though 是 “即使 ”get into trouble “陷入困境,惹麻烦 ”get into trouble (with) 的同义短语getintotrouble (with) put sb. into trouble =bein trouble(with)=get in sour=in hotwater=in the soup218. decade 十 , 十个一组 ;十年 , 十年间19. Contest v. 竞赛 , 争辩 , 争取 ; 争夺vi.争夺;竞争;争论 (against, with)n. 竞赛 , 争论speech contest演讲竞赛Dear sir,Last year I buy a refrigerator in your store on Chang An road. We all like shape of the refrigerator. And recently I find something is wrong with it. It begins to make noise when it turned on. At first it is low but gradually it become louder and louder. To make the matter worse, it even stops working sometimes. We all feel disappointing. I am writing you to ask for help. Would you please send a people to repair it? I will at home this weekend. Please call me before you come to here. My telephone number is 6606.5531. Thanks you very much.CustomerDo you want to see the effects of global warming?Then head north. Will Steger is going totake all of us there.Steger, 64, the first person to make a dogsled trip to the North Pole, is a very famous andadmired polar explorer. He s at home in frozen parts of the world, where few humans ever step on.Steger is also a devoted environmentalist who was early to ring the alarm bell on global warming.He saw its effects first hand in frequent polar expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctica.Now Steger is about to lead a team of six young adventurers on a 1, 400-mile, 60-day-longdogsled trip across Ellesmere Island, in the Canadian Arctic. The sea ice in that region should stillbe frozen.“ We want to ourtakeaudience to the front lines of global warming,” says Steger. Theteam will be uploading videos, stories and photos to the websiteglobalwarming101. comas theymarch along, allowing armchair adventurers and kids in classrooms to follow their progress day today.“ We can actually bring the audience up there,” Steger says.Steger teams willincludesome already-famousyoungexplorers.Sam Branson,the22-year-old son of British airline tycoon (大亨 ) Richard Branson, is an experienced Arctic traveler.Also on the journey will be 27-year-old Norwegian Sigrid Ekran. Last year, Ekran became onlythe second woman in history to win Rookie ( 新秀 ) of the Year for the Iditarod Sled Dog Race.What they will see may be very surprising. Even Steger doesntly what toknowexpectexac.Climate change has already reshaped the geography of the Arctic.“ Within a decade or less, itgoing to be impossible to reach the North Pole by dog team withoutflotation(漂浮 ), ”says3Steger.Climate change is happening, but people can change too. Their willingness to change willdetermine the shape of the earth s future.21. Why is Steger about to organize the adventure to the Arctic? A. To collect evidence for his scientific research.B. To develop the young people s adventurousspirit.C. To let more people enjoy its natural beauty.D. To let people realize the bad effects of global warming.22. How can people learn about the progress of Steger s journey?A. Through radio programs.B. By watching TV.C. On the Internet.D. By reading their journals.23. According to Steger, people can save the earth by _.A. changing their harmful way of lifeB. learning more about the environmentC. willingly giving up their comfortable lifeD. getting used to the present changes of the earth24. What would be the best title for the passage? A. The Arctic is in dangerB. Sledding through the Arctic C. Discoveries of the ArcticD. Consequences of global warmingThe importance of English rests with the language being used in most countries in the worldas a communicatingtool. For example, a German and a Chinese cant speak opposite sideslanguage, but they both know English. And then there is no problem between their languagecommunication. We must know the importance and learn the language earnestly.The key to learn English well is to recite words. Words are the bricks of language building.Only keeping them in our mind, can we master them. To learn English well,we need to listen more English broadcast and contact with more foreigners so that we can practise our listening comprehension. Only in this way, can we study for the purpose of application4


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