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    书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全大学英语六级翻译分类模拟题644大学英语六级翻译分类模拟题644Translation问题:1. 汉字 汉字(Chinese character)是世界上最古老的文字之一。它在古时由汉族人所创造,历史甚至可以追溯到五千年前。所以,汉字的起源也可以被认为是中国古文明的开端。汉字这个名字,得名于汉族和汉朝。汉字是迄今为止连续使用时间最长的书写系统,集发音、形象和词义三者于一体,这在世界文字中是独一无二的。汉字往往可以引起人们美妙而大胆的联想,给人以美感。汉字体现了中国历史和深远思想的精髓,是中国最宝贵的文化遗产。 答案:The Chinese character, one of the most ancient characters in the world, was created by the Han Nationality in ancient times, which could be traced back to 5,000 years ago. So the origin of Chinese character can also be regarded as the beginning of ancient Chinese civilization. Chinese character is named after Han Nationality and Han Dynasty. Being the oldest continuously used writing system in the world so far, Chinese character is a combination of pronunciation, shape and meaning, which is unique in the world. Chinese characters can often arouse wonderful and wild fancy, bringing people a sense of beauty. The Chinese character displays the essence of Chinese history and deep thought and is considered the most valuable cultural heritage of China.解析 1第一、二句都是对汉字的简单介绍。第二句的“它”指的是上一句的主语“汉字”,在翻译时可以调整句子结构,将两句合译为一句话。“世界上最古老的文字之一”可用同位语的形式one of the.;“可追溯到”可使用非限制性定语从句which could be traced back.表达。 2在第五句“汉字是迄今为止是独一无二的”中,有三个分句,其中前两个分句的主语都是“汉字”,后一个分句的主语是“这”。在翻译时,可以将“汉字集于一体”作为主句部分,“是迄今为止连续使用时间最长的书写系统”用being结构作伴随状语置于句首,“这”用which引导的非限制性定语从句衔接。“集,于一体”可译作.is a combination of.。 3第六句“给人以美感”即“带给人美感”,可以用现在分词bringing作伴随状语来表达。 4最后一句翻译可使用谓语并列的结构,“是中国最宝贵的文化遗产”中的“是”可翻译为be considered“被认为是”。 问题:2. 天宫一号目标飞行器 天宫一号目标飞行器(Tiangong-1 target spacecraft)于2011年9月29日发射,是中国第一个目标飞行器和空间实验室。它使中国人的飞天(flying Apsaras)梦想得以实现,成为中国探月工程(Chinese Lunar Exploration Program)的里程碑。天宫一号的成功发射表明,中国经过几十年的经济发展,国家实力得到大幅提升,有能力发展高端航天科技。但是,与俄罗斯、美国等国家相比,中国的空间站技术仍处于起步阶段,“天宫一号”的发射是中国努力缩小差距的开始。太空是人类共同的财富,在探索太空的事业中,中国应当做出自己的贡献。 答案:Tiangong-1 target spacecraft, launched on September 29, 2011, is Chinas first target spacecraft and space laboratory. It fulfills the Chinese peoples dream of flying Apsaras and becomes a landmark of the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program. The successful launch of Tiangong-1 indicates that after decades of economic development, Chinas national strength has increased substantially, which enables the Chinese people to develop high-end aerospace science and technology. However, compared with Russia, America and other countries, Chinas space station technology is still in its initial stage. The lift-off of Tiangong-1 is the start of Chinas efforts to narrow the gap. The outer space is the common wealth of mankind and China should make its own contribution to the exploration.解析 1第一句中的“于2011年9月29日发射”可用过去分词表达,作插入语,相当于which was launched on September 29, 2011。 2在“天宫一号的成功发射表明”中,“表明”的宾语很长,所以用that引导的宾语从句表达,句子的逻辑关系更清晰。“中国经过几十年的经济发展,国家实力得到大幅提升”使中国“有能力发展高端航天科技”,可用which引导的非限制性定语从句来修饰主句,并且用enable(使能够)来表达“有能力”。 3“与美俄等国家相比”用过去分词短语compared with表达,作状语。“但是,与俄罗斯、美同等国家相比缩小差距的开始”,这句话很长,可拆译为两句,前一句比较中国与俄罗斯、美国的技术,后一句说明“天宫一号”的发射是缩小差距的开始。 4“太空是人类共同的财富,在探索太空的事业中,中国应当做出自己的贡献”,含有两个主语:太空、中国。在翻译的时候可使用and连接的并列句来表达。 问题:3. 中国传统婚礼 中国传统婚礼是华夏文化的精粹。中国古人认为黄昏是一天中最吉利的时间,所以会在黄昏举行婚礼。中国人喜爱红,将红色看作是幸福、成功、好运、忠诚和繁荣的象征。因此在传统中国婚礼上,主色调是红色,有红色的蜡烛、红色的缎带(ribbon)、红花和新娘的红衣和红鞋。新娘吃的食物也是一种文化象征。新娘一般会吃红枣(red date)、花生、桂圆(longan)和瓜子(melon seed),其中的象征意义可以从这四种食物的读音中看出。当这四种食物放在一起读时就是“早生贵子”。 答案:Traditional Chinese wedding is the essence of Chinese culture. Chinese ancestors believed that dusk was the luckiest time in a day, so they held the wedding at dusk. Chinese are fond of red color and regard red as the symbol of happiness, success, luck, loyalty and prosperity. Therefore, in traditional Chinese weddings, the main color is red. There are red candles, red ribbons, red flowers as well as the red dress and shoes worn by the bride. The food the bride eats has cultural significance. The bride usually has red dates, peanuts, longans and melon seeds, the symbolic meaning of which is evident in the Chinese pronunciation of these four foods. When pronounced together, it sounds like "zao sheng gui zi (Have a lovely baby soon)"解析 1“吉利的”是汉语的表达,英文中对应的表达应该是“幸运的,好运的”。因此“最吉利的时间”可译为the luckiest time,也可译作auspicious time。 2“新娘的红衣和红鞋”如果逐字对译为the brides red dress and shoes则显得有些生硬,此处宜译作the red dress and shoes worn by the bride,使用过去分词作定语,句子读起来更顺畅。 3“新娘一般会吃”,这个句子较长,为了让句子更加紧凑,后半句“其中的象征意义可以从这四种食物的读音中看出”在翻译时可以使用非限制性定语从句:the symbolic meaning of which is evident in the Chinese pronunciation of these four foods。 4“当这四种食物放在一起读时”译成英文时主句和从句主语一致,可使用“when+分词”结构,译作when pronounced together。 问题:4. 毛笔 毛笔(brush pen)是中国传统的书写工具和绘画工具。中国人使用毛笔写字作画的历史已有数千年之久,历史上有秦代蒙恬造笔的传说。笔头(nib)多用动物毛发制成,比如兔毛、羊毛、狼毛等等,笔杆(penholder)多用竹子。由于社会经济文化的需求,毛笔已经逐渐被其他书写工具取代,成为收藏和鉴赏的古玩。现在,用毛笔写字和作画仍然是许多儿童和中老年人的爱好,因为它可以平静心情、强身健体。毛笔是中国书法(calligraphy)和绘画中必不可少的元素。 答案:The brush pen is a traditional Chinese tool of writing and painting. Chinese people have used the brush pen to write or paint for thousands of years. There is a legend about Meng Tians creation of the brush pen in Qin Dynasty. The nib of a brush pen is made of the hair of an animal, say, the rabbit, the sheep, the wolf, etc. The penholder is often made of bamboo. Because of the requirement of social economy and culture, the brush pen has been replaced by other writing tools, and has become an antique for collection and appreciation. Now it is still a hobby of many children and elderly people to write or paint with a brush pen, for it can make people calm, strong and healthy. The brush pen is an indispensable element in Chinese calligraphy and painting.解析 1第二句“中国人使用毛笔的传说”表达起来比较复杂,可以译成两个句子。前一句说明中国人使用毛笔的历史之久,后一句说蒙恬造笔的传说。这样可避免表达不清而出错。 2“历史上有秦代蒙恬造笔的传说”中的“历史上”处在主语的位置,但是从逻辑关系来看,它不是“有”的施动者,本句缺少施动者,因此译文应使用there be句型。“历史上”可以不翻译,因为“秦代”这个时间状语已经包含了“历史上”的意思。 3第五句“现在,用毛笔”中的主语是“用毛笔写字和作画”,在翻译时,为了避免头重脚轻,译文采用了it作形式主语,将真正主语to write or paint with a brush pen放在后面,这样更符合英文的表达习惯。 4第五句中的“平静心情”是两个词,但在翻译中,用calm一个词表达即可,因为calm本身暗含了“心情”的意思。 问题:5. 年糕 年糕(Chinese New Year Cake)是中国人的传统食品,距今已有两千年的历史。早期被用来祭奠灶神(the Kitchen God),其后渐渐成为一种春节特色食品。年糕主要是用糯米粉(glutinous rice flour)制作而成,有黄、白两色,象征金、银。在汉语中,“粘”与“年”同音,而“糕”与“高”同音,所以年糕寓意人们的生活水平一年比一年提高。年糕营养丰富,不但吃起来香甜可口,而且还有健身祛病的作用。中国地域广、各地的风俗习惯不同,因而年糕的种类也多种多样。 答案:Chinese New Year Cake is a traditional food for Chinese people with a history of 2,000 years. In early times, it was used as an offering to the Kitchen God and gradually evolved into a kind of food typical in the Spring Festival. Chinese New Year Cake is made of glutinous rice flour, with yellow or white as its color, symbolizing gold and silver. In Chinese, "sticky" is identical in sound to "year" and "cake" to "high", so Chinese New Year Cake also implies that peoples standard of living would be improved year by year. Chinese New Year Cake, containing lots of nutrition, not only tastes sweet and delicious but also benefits peoples health and wards off diseases. China is vast in territory and its customs vary from place to place, thus the types of Chinese New Year Cake are also various.解析 1第一句话的主干结构是“年糕是中国人的传统食品”;“距今的历史”可翻译为with a history of 2,000 years放主句后。 2第二句应增译主语“年糕”,为避免重复,故翻译为it;“被用来”和“渐渐成为”作it的并列谓语,第一个谓语动词要使用被动语态。 3第三句“年糕主要是”中,“象征金、银”是对年糕颜色的进一步说明,可处理为现在分词短语symbolizing gold and silver。 4第四句“在汉语中”较长,句中“所以”提示,可用连接词SO承接前后分句。注意so引导的分句中“人们的生活水平提高”要使用被动语态。 5倒数第二句的主语是“年糕”,后跟三个谓语。可将“营养丰富”处理为现在分词短语containing lots of nutrients在句中作状语:“不但而且”连接两个并列谓语可套用not only.but also.句式来表达。 问题:6. 中国地理 中国位于亚洲东部、太平洋的西岸,总面积约960万平方公里,是世界第三大国家。中国南北相距约5500公里,东西相距约5200公里,在地图上的形状像一只雄鸡(rooster)。中国地势(terrain)西高东低,地形多种多样,包括山地、高原(plateau)、丘陵(foothill)、盆地、平原。中国山地面积广大,几乎占陆地面积的三分之二,蕴藏着丰富的矿产资源。中国大陆海岸线长达18000公里,沿海岛屿数量众多,台湾岛是最大岛屿。中国有许多河流湖泊,是中国地理环境的重要组成部分。 答案:Situated in eastern Asia, on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean, China is the worlds third largest country with a total area of 9.6 million square kilometers. Extending about 5,500 kilometers from north to south and 5,200 kilometers from west to east, the shape of China on the map is like a rooster. Its terrain is higher in the west and lower in the east with great varieties, including mountains, plateaus, foothills, basins and plains. Chinas mountainous areas, broad and vast, occupy nearly two-thirds of the land area and have abundant mineral resources. Mainland China has a coastline of 18,000 kilometers and a large number of offshore islands, with Taiwan Island the biggest one. There are numerous rivers and lakes in China, which make up an important part of Chinas geographical environment.解析 1第一句话中有三个短句,首先将“中国是世界第三大国家”确定为英文句的主干;“位于”译成situated in.,用过去分词短语作状语,置于句首;“总面积约960万平方公里”可处理为with引导的介宾结构,紧跟在“世界第三大国家(the worlds third largest country)”之后。 2第二句较长,同样先确定“中国的形状像一只雄鸡”为句子主干,再将“中国南北相距约5500公里”和“东西相距约5200公里”处理为现在分词短语作状语,即extending about.from north to south and.from west to east。 3“地形多种多样”,可采用with引导的介宾短语来表达,译成with great varieties,补充说明句子主语terrain的特点。 4第四句“中国山地”中的“山地面积广大”可处理成插入语broad and vast,而“几乎占陆地面积”和“蕴藏着”则译成句子主干的两个并列谓语occupy nearly.and have abundant.。 问题:7. 筷子 筷子(chopsticks)是中国传统的独具特色的进食工具(dining utensils),至今已有数千年的历史。筷子在古代被称为“箸”,大约从明朝开始才有了“筷子”的称呼。筷子多为竹子制成,也有用木头、象牙(ivory)、金属或其他材料制作而成。它要么上方下圆,要么上下全圆而上粗下细。不管其形状如何,筷子必须是成对使用的,并且两只筷子的大小长短要相同。筷子是中国人日常生活的必备工具,它的发明充分反映了中国人民的智慧。 答案:Chopsticks, with a history of thousands of years, are unique traditional Chinese dining utensils. They were called "zhu" in ancient China and the name of "Kuai Zi" began to be used in Ming Dynasty. Chopsticks are usually made of bamboo. Some are made of wood, ivory, metals or other materials. Their upper parts are square and lower parts round, or they are all round with thicker upper parts and thinner lower parts. Whatever their shapes are, they are used in pairs and the pair must be identical to each other. Chopsticks are the necessary dining utensils in Chinese peoples daily life, the invention of which fully displays the intelligence of Chinese people.解析 1第一句的主干结构为“筷子是进食工具”;“至今已有数千年的历史”可使用插入语的形式,进行补充说明,使用with a history of.进行翻译。 2第二句“筷子在古代”中包含时间状语“在古代”,因此句子的时态应为过去时。 3在“它要么上方下圆上粗下细”一句中,“上下”主要指的是筷子的上半部分、下半部分,使用upper part和lower part来表达;“上方下圆”英译时可以分享系动词are,译作upper parts are square and lower parts round,避免重复;“上下全网”可译作句子的主干,后跟介词短语with thicker upper parts and thinner lower parts说明“上粗下细”的形状。 4“不管其形状如何”在翻译时使用“whatever+n. (their shapes)+be动词”结构,相当于状语从句no matter what their shapes are;“大小长短要相同”没有直译成be of the same size and height,而译为be identical to each other,后者的译法更加优美。 5最后一句中“它的发明”可使用which引导的非限制性定语从句结构,对前一句进行进一步的说明。 问题:8. 中国朝代 中国有4000多年的历史,是世界最古老的文明之一。从公元前21世纪的夏朝开始至清朝结束,中国历史上经历过几十个朝代的变更。每个朝代在政治、经济、文化、科技领域等都有独特的成就。汉朝是当时世界上最先进的帝国,“汉族”(the Han Nationality)这一名称就得名于汉朝。唐朝因统一时间长、国力强盛而被国人铭记,因此在海外的中国人自称为“唐人”(Tang people)。宋朝和明朝是经济、文化、教育与科学高度繁荣的时代。但朝代的更替一般会导致连年战争,给人民大众带来了难以言表的痛苦。 答案:With a history of more than 4,000 years, China is one of the oldest ancient civilizations of the world. From Xia Dynasty in the 21st century BC to Qing Dynasty, China experienced dozens of dynasties in history. Each dynasty achieved unique accomplishments in the fields of politics, economy, culture, science and technology, etc. Han Dynasty was the most advanced empire at that time, which contributes to the formation of the name "the Han Nationality". Tang Dynasty impressed Chinese for its long time unification and powerful national strength, because of which overseas Chinese call themselves "Tang people" abroad. Song Dynasty and Ming Dynasty were periods when economy, culture, education and science were highly prosperous. But the change from one dynasty to another usually led to long-lasting wars, which brought unspeakable suffering for the masses.解析 1第一句话中有两个分句,可将“是世界最古老的文明之一”作为主干;“有4000多年的历史”可使用with引导的介词短语来表达,即with a history of.。 2第四句可将前半句“汉朝是当时世界上最先进的帝国”译为英文的主句。后半句“汉族得名于汉朝”可译为which引导的非限制性定语从句,跟前句联系起来,理解为“汉朝对于汉族名称的形成起了作用”。 3第五句“唐朝因统一时间长”由两个分句组成,可将“统一时间长、国力强盛”作为英文的主句;后接which引导的非限制性定语从句,为了突出“因此”,可在which前加because of;“在海外的中国人自称”这个分句里没有主语,因此要采用被动语态来翻译。 4“宋朝和明朝是繁荣的时代”一句中,“时代”的定语较长,因此可处理为when引导的定语从句,用来修饰periods。 5末句可将“朝代的更替一般会导致连年战争”处理为主句;将后半句“给人们痛苦”处理为伴随状语bringing unspeakable suffering for the masses,也可使用which引导的非限制性定语从句来表达。 问题:9. 汉朝 汉朝建于公元前202年,是中国历史上存在时间最长的朝代之一,分为西汉与东汉两个阶段。汉朝被称为黄金时代,在经济、文化、艺术和科技等各个方面均创造了辉煌的文明。汉朝奠定了汉民族的民族文化,西汉所尊崇的儒家思想(Confucianism)成为中国的主流思想。在西汉时期,商业贸易蓬勃发展,丝绸之路(the Silk Road)的开辟就是一个重要的经济成就。技术进步也是汉朝的重要成就,中国两个伟大发明,造纸和瓷器(porcelain)是在这一时期发展起来的。220年东汉灭亡,汉朝统治结束。 答案:Han Dynasty, founded in 202 BC, was one of the longest dynasties in Chinese history. It was divided into two periods: the Western Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty. Considered a golden age, Han Dynasty created a glorious civilization in various aspects, including economy, culture, art as well as science and technology, etc. Han Dynasty laid a foundation for the ethnic culture of the Han Nationality, and Confucianism respected by the Western Han Dynasty became the mainstream ideology of China. Business and trade flourished during the Western Han Dynasty, with the opening of the Silk Road as an important economic achievement. Technological advances were also great achievement in this period. It was during this time that two great Chinese inventions, papermaking and porcelain, were developed. In 220, the Eastern Han Dynasty collapsed and the ruling of Han Dynasty ended.解析 1第一句话中有三个短句,为避免译成英文时句子显得冗长,可处理为两个独立的句子。第一个短句“建于公元前202年”译成founded in 202 BC,作插入语。“分为西汉与东汉两个阶段”独立成句,增译主语it,用以指代汉朝。 2“汉朝被称为黄金时代”译为considered a golden age,用过去分词短语作状语,代替状语从句,这样显得句式简洁而又灵活。 3第四句“在西汉时期”由两个短句组成,可将“商业贸易蓬勃发展”作为句子主干,将“丝绸之路的开辟是”处理成with引导的介宾结构,作伴随状语,即译成with the opening up of the Silk Road as an important economic achievement。 4“技术进步也是汉朝的重要成就”这一句话较长,可拆译成两个句子。“中国两个伟大发明是在这一时期”可用强调句It was.that.表达。 问题:10. “土豪” “土豪”(Tuhao)一词最早可追溯到1500年前的南朝(the Southern Dynasty)时期,其含义随时间的推移而改变。20世纪20至50年代初,它被广泛用于形容那些在中国农村有钱有势的地主。最近,极富创造性的中国网民赋予了这个词新的含义,他们借用该词来形容那些十分有钱却品味差的人。2013年9月上旬以来,“土豪”一词在中国社交媒体上出现了1亿多次。在BBC近期一档关于中国热词(influential Chinese words)的栏目播出后,该词引起了牛津词典编著团队的关注,明年可能会被收入词典中。 答案:The word "Tuhao" dates back as early as the Southern Dynasty 1,500 years ago and its meaning changes over time. From the 1920s to the early 1950s, it was widely used to refer to landholders who were rich and powerful in rural areas of China. Recently, the word is endowed with a new meaning by the highly creative Chinese Internet users and is used to describe people who have a lot of money but bad taste. There have been more than 100 million references to the word "Tuhao" on social media in China since early September 2013. After BBCs recent program about the influential Chinese words is broadcast, the word has caught the attention of the editing team of Oxford English Dictionary and may be included in the next years edition.解析 1第二句话中“地主”的修饰语很长,可把“那些在中国农村有钱有势的”处理成who引导的定语从句,跟在“地主”landholders之后。 2第三句“极富创造性的中国网民赋予了”主语为中国网民,但由于该段落的主题是“土豪”,


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