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    书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全大学三级(B)分类模拟212大学三级(B)分类模拟212Reading ComprehensionTask 1 Welcome to the Franklin Business Institute E244 Conversational English class. The object of this course is to learn how to converse fluently and effectively in English. For the next 10 weeks we will finely tune your skills in the art of debating and role-playing. We will also practice speech rhythm and diction with an emphasis on enunciation (清晰的发音) and specific speech problems faced by those who are studying English as a foreign language. Numerous discussions on a wide variety of subjects will be held, including topics in business, fiction, travel, differences between Western and Chinese Culture, education and life experience. You will have many opportunities to give oral presentations and voice your opinions on the various topics that we plan to cover. It is very important that you talk as much as you can. Dont wait for your instructor to ask you to speak, ff you have a question, ask it. Additionally, if you have any questions about anything your fellow students say, please feel free to ask. 1. What kind of the course is E244 ?A.Its a composition one.B.Its a conversational one.C.Its for listening skill.D.Its a grammar one.答案:B解析 题干意为“E244是一种什么样的课程?”由文章第一段“Welcome to the Franklin Business Institute E244 Conversational English class”可以知道答案,故选B。2. The purpose of this course is to make the students _.A.remember those unknown wordsB.know various rules of English grammarC.learn how to write their term papersD.express themselves fluently and effectively in English答案:D解析 题干意为“这个课程的目的是为了使学生_。”由文章第一段“The object of this course is to learn how to converse fluently and effectively in English”可以知道,本课程的目的是为了培养学生流利、高效的交流能力,故选D。3. How long will the course take?A.5 weeks.B.10 weeks.C.One month.D.Two months.答案:B解析 题干意为“这个课程将持续多久?”从文章第一段“For the next 10 weeks we will finely tune your skills in the art of debating and role-playing”可以知道,接下来的10周就是课程的时间,故选B。4. Which topic will not be held during the study?A.Education.B.Politics.C.Culture.D.Business.答案:B解析 题干意为“在学习中不讨论哪种话题?”从文章第二段“Numerous discussions on a wide variety of subjects will be held, including topics in business, fiction, travel, differences between Western and Chinese Culture, education and life experience”可以看出,学习讨论的主题包括商务、小说、旅行、中西文化差异、教育以及生活经历方面,但不包括政治,故选B。5. Its very important for those who take E244 to _.A.talk as much as they canB.prepare the course before the classC.look up every unknown word and phraseD.recite each lesson答案:A解析 题干意为“对参加E244课程的人很重要的是_。”对于学员来说重要的事情在文章第三段提到了:It is very important that you talk as much as you can. 而其他几项都没有提到,故选A。Task 2 In the second half of each year, many powerful storms are born in the tropical Atlantic and Caribbean seas. Of these, only about half a dozen generate the strong, circling winds of 75 miles per hour or more that give them hurricane status, and several usually make their way to the coast. There they cause millions of dollars of damage, and bring death to large numbers of people. The great storms that hit the coast start as innocent circling disturbances hundredseven thousandsof miles out to sea. As they travel aimlessly over water warmed by the summer sun, they are carried westward by the trade winds. When conditions are just right, warm, moist air flows in at the bottom of such a disturbance, moves upward through it and comes out at the top. In the process, the moisture in this warm air produces rain, and with it the heat is converted to energy in the form of strong winds. As the heat increases, the young hurricane begins to swirl in a counter-clockwise motion. The average life of a hurricane is only about nine days, but it contains almost more power than we can imagine. The energy in the heat released by hurricanes rainfall in a single day would satisfy the entire electrical needs of the United States for more than six months. Water, not wind, is the main source of death and destruction in a hurricane. A typical hurricane brings 6-to 12-inch downpours resulting in sudden floods. 1. When is an ordinary tropical storm called a hurricane?A.When it begins in the Atlantic and Caribbean seas.B.When it hits the coastline.C.When it is more than 75 miles wide.D.When its winds reach 75 miles per hour.答案:D解析 根据文章开头第二句,在这许多强暴风中,只有风速达到或超过每小时75英里的旋风才称为飓风(hurricane),所以D是正确答案。2. What is the worst thing about hurricanes?A.The destructive effects of hurricanes.B.The heat they release.C.That they last about nine days on average.D.Their strong winds.答案:A解析 根据本文介绍,飓风破坏不光来自风力,还来自其携带的大量降水。选项B不是直接破坏力,C与题目无关,D以偏概全,只有A正确。3. The counter-clockwise swirling of the hurricane is brought about by _.A.the low-pressure area in the center of the stormB.the force of waves of waterC.the trade windsD.the increasing heat答案:D解析 根据第二段最后一句,D是正确答案。4. The word "downpour" means _.A.heavy rainfallB.dangerous wavesC.the progress of water moving to the hurricane centerD.the energy produced by the hurricane答案:A解析 根据文章最后一句,一次典型的飓风带来6到12英寸downpours,造成突然的洪水暴发,从中可看出,downpours是指特大降雨,所以A是正确答案。5. How long is the average life of a hurricane?A.19 days.B.22 days.C.9 days.D.10 days.答案:C解析 根据第三段第一句,C是正确答案。Task 3We have chosen what we believe to be the five most spectacular natural wondersthose that are the biggest, longest or most impressive of their kind. These natural wonders inspire awe(敬畏) in everyone who views them. Mt. Everest Mt. Everest, which is located at the border between China and Nepal, is the world s highest mountain. It measures 29,035 feet. And the mountain is still .growing! Geological forces push it up a few millimeters each year Grand Canyon Visitors to the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River in Arizona admire its breathtaking colors,rock formations and cliffsNo picture call adequately capture its beautyThe canyon is 277 miles long and from 4 to 18 miles wide Great Barrier Reef The Great Barrier Reef extends l,200 miles along Australias northeast coast through the Coral SeaIt is the largest coral formation in the world and is visible from space! Actually,it is not one reef but a chain of thousands Victoria Falls Victoria Falls stretch across the Zarnbezi River between Zimbabwe and ZambiaLocals call the falls“Mosi oa Tunya”or“The Smoke that Thunders”The roar of the water call be heard long before the mist from the falls comes into view Amazon Rain Forest The Amazon Rain Forest covers more than a billion acres of northern South AmericaIf this rain forest were a country,it would be the ninth largest in the world! 1 is the worlds highest mountain The Grand Canyon is 2 in length and from 4 to 18 miles in width The largest coral formation in the world is located in the country of 3 “Mosi oa Tunya”is the name of 4 called by the locals The area of the Amazon Rain Forest is more than 5 1.答案:MtEverest解析 从原文“MtEverest,which is located at the border between China and Nepal,is the worlds highest mountain”可以找到答案。2.答案:277 miles解析 从原文“The canyon is 277 miles long and from 4 to 18 miles wide”可以找到答案。3.答案:Australia解析 从对Great Barrier Reef的介绍的第一行可以找到答案。4.答案:Victoria Falls解析 从Victoria Falls部分的第二句可以找到答案。5.答案:a billion acres解析 从Amazon Rain Forest部分的第一句可以找到答案。Task 4 A. initial capital I. reserve fund B. frozen capital J. buffer fund C. fixed assets K. self-financing D. real estate L. travellers cheque E. circulating capital, working capital M. ready money F. allocation of funds N. ready money business, no credit given G. contribution of funds O. exchange rate H. working capital fund 1. _不动产,房地产 _流动资金答案:D E2. _现金交易,概不赊欠 _公积金储备金答案:N I3. _自筹经费 _旅行支票答案:K L4. _冻结资金 _固定资产答案:B C5. _汇率,兑换率 _现款答案:O M解析 Ainitial capital(启动资金) Bfrozen capital(冻结资金) Cfixed assets(固定资产) Dreal estate(不动产,房地产) Ecirculating capital,working capital(流动资金) Fallocation of funds(资金分配) Gcontribution of funds(资金捐献) Hworking capital fund(周转基金) Ireserve fund(公积金储备金) Jbuffer fund(缓冲资金) Kself-financing(自筹经费) Ltravellers cheque(旅行支票) Mready money(现款) Nready money business, no credit given(现金交易,概不赊欠) Oexchange rate(汇率,兑换率) Task 5Although college education is quite expensive it is important to achieve competitive jobs with good pays. Hence, many students want to know how to get a student loan. There are two broad types of student loans: federal loans and private loans. Federal loans are offered by the federal government. Students should fill up the Free Application for Federal Student Aid and hand it in online. This loan is granted to students who display extreme financial need. Remember that private loans should be your last choice as interests on them are generally higher than federal loans. You have to find out whether the university youre admitted to has school channel loans which are loan programs planned as collaborations between colleges and financial organizations. If not, dont lose heart as there are other options available. There are several private financial organizations that specialize in direct-to-consumer private loans, so you can contact them. 1. Why do many students go to college though college education is expensive? It helps students to get competitive jobs with _. 答案:good pays解析 由线索词college education,competitive jobs定位到第一段第一句。定位句指出,尽管大学教育的费用十分昂贵,但是对于找到一份具有竞争力的高薪工作是重要的。对比题干和原文,可以确定本题的答案为good pays。2. What kind of students can get federal loans? The students who show _ will get them. 答案:extreme financial need解析 由线索词federal loans,students定位到原文第二段。由本段末句可知,急需经济援助的学生会获得此类助学贷款,可以确定本题的答案为extreme financial need。3. What is the difference between federal loans and private loans? Private loans have _ than federal loans. 答案:higher interests解析 由线索词federal loans,private loans定位到原文第三段第一句。本句指出,私人助学贷款的利率往往会高于国家助学贷款,可以确定本题的答案为higher interests。4. What are school channel loans? They are loan programs collaborated between colleges and _. 答案:financial organizations解析 由线索词school channel loans定位到原文第三段第二句。由定位句可知,校方渠道贷款是一种学校与金融机构联合的助学贷款,由此可以确定本题的答案为financial organizations。5. What should students do if there are no channel loans in their colleges? They should contact some organizations providing direct-to-consumer 答案:private loans解析 由线索词there are no channel loans,contact定位到原文第三段末句。本句指出,学生们申请助学贷款的最后途径是一些民间的私人贷款,可以确定本题的答案为private loans。 14 / 14


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