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    (十八) Unit 5 Lessons 3536 (20分钟 50分),. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 (3分钟,5分) 1. Im g_ to see my old friend, Jim. 2. Kim and I are in the same class. Were c _. 3. Tom doesnt like shorts. He n _ wears them. 4. Look! The kite is flying so h _. 5. My father a _ gets up at six oclock every morning. 答案:1. glad 2. classmates 3. never 4. high 5. always,. 单项选择(3分钟,10分) 1. You can come to my house _ before Friday. A. sometimesB. sometime C. some timeD. some times 2. Its _ . I like _ days. A. snow; snowB. snowing; snow C. snowing; snowyD. snows; snowy,3. Which sentence(句子)is RIGHT? A. Here an old man comes. B. Here comes an old man. C. Here come an old man. D. Here an old man come. 4. Tom is a good student. He _ be late for school. A. usuallyB. alwaysC. oftenD. never,5. Dont forget _ the window when it rains. A. closeB. closingC. closedD. to close 6. Annie likes to skate. _ , too. A. IB. MyC. MeD. Mine 7. Im sorry, Mr. Liu. I _ my homework at home today. A. forgetB. leaveC. forgotD. left,8. Whats the name _ your city? A. ofB. forC. toD. about 9. Your shoes are _ size(尺寸) _ mine. A. the same; fromB. different; as C. the same; asD. different; from 10. My little brother is _ . A. two year oldB. two years oldC. two yearsD. two old,. 完成句子(3分钟,5分) 1. 有时候我们去肯德基吃午饭。 _ we _ to KFC for lunch. 2. 听到那个消息我们很高兴。 Were _ _ hear the news. 3. 你住得离你的学校远吗? Do you _ _ _ your school? 答案:1. Sometimes; go2. glad to3. live far from,4. 雪花正从天空中飘落下来。 The snow is _ _ the sky. 5. 我姐姐通常乘公共汽车去上班。 My sister _ _ to work _ bus. 答案: 4. falling from5. usually goes; by,. 补全对话,每空一词(3分钟,10分) P1: 1. _ _ breakfast. I want some milk. What 2. _ you _ ? P2: 3. _ _ some milk, too. Oh! My milk tastes(品尝)not good. Pass me yours. P1: No. Mine is 4. _ _ as yours. P2: OK! What should we do after breakfast?,P1: To the zoo? P2: How far is it? P1: About 5. _ _ walk. P2: Thirty minutes? Oh, no. Id like to go to sleep! 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 答案:1. Time for2. would; like3. Id like4. the same 5. thirty minutes,. 根据Lesson 36课文内容及首字母提示完成下列短文(4分钟,10分) Jenny has two friends. One is Li Ming. The other is Kim. Li Ming is f 1 China. His c 2 is Shijiazhuang. He speaks good E 3 , but he s 4 Chinese at home. Hes thirteen y 5 old. Kim is glad to meet Li Ming. She is also glad to have a new c 6 . Kim and Li Ming are the s 7 age. 答案:1. from 2. city 3. English 4. speaks 5. years 6. classmate 7. same,. 阅读理解(4分钟,10分) The House of Noodles has really good noodles. They are cheap and great! You can get small, medium or large bowls of noodles there. The House of Noodles has some great specials. Special A has beef and tomatoes and it is only 5 RMB. Special B has mutton and cabbages. It is 6 RMB. And Special C comes with chicken and carrots. Its 7 RMB. Special C is my favourite.,You can also get some other nice food in the House of Noodles. For example, you can get 16 dumplings for 8 RMB. You can get great dessert! You can get strawberry, banana and chocolate ice cream. Theyre all very nice! Try the House of Noodles. Im sure youll like it!,根据短文,填入恰当内容完成句子 1. The noodles in the House of Noodles are _ . 2. There are _ bowls of noodles there. 3. Special B has _ . Its only _ RMB. 答案: 1. cheap and great 2. small, medium and large 3. mutton and cabbages; 6,4. You can buy _ for 8 RMB in the House of Noodles. 5. There are _ of ice cream in the House of Noodles. 答案: 4. 16 dumplings 5. three kinds,本部分内容讲解结束,


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