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    1.SCOPE OF WORK (前言)This section sets out the design, fabrication, supply, deliver, installation, test and commission of the gas distribution system. The gas distribution system shall cover from the gas outlets on the benches or fume hoods to gas regulator manifolds at the cylinder area. 这一部分介绍了气体管路的设计、材质、运输、安装、检验等方面的内容。气体管路安装从气瓶站总阀门到工作台上各个气体阀门。There are six types of gases in CCIQ laboratory and the main include the following:CCIQ实验室里面使用的气体有6种,其中主要的气体包括: a Argon (Ar) 氩气 b Helium (He) 氦气 c Oxygen (O2) 氧气 d Compress Air (CA) 压缩空气 e Acetylene (C2H2) 乙炔气 f Nitrous oxide (N2O) 一氧化二氮气 2.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED GAS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (综述)Laboratory gases shall be piped into the laboratory work area from a gas yard outside of the laboratory. All gases shall be supplied from Pressurized Gas Cylinders except for plant/instrument air that is supplied from the production facilities. There shall be semi-auto change over system in the gas yard and main pressure valve and relief valves should be located outside the lab building. The gas pipe, made of stainless steel, shall be led into lab by running below ceiling or along the wall so that all gas pipes should be easily checked and maintained. In addition, pipe shall be delivered to island benches via service columns. All point of use shall have suitable valves and fittings within easy reach. All gas line joints shall be orbital welded except those connecting to valves.实验室气体由实验室外气瓶区域用管路引进。除了仪器空气(工厂空气)是工厂直接生产外,其余气体都是采用高压气瓶柜供气。安装半自动转换阀控制气瓶更换,主要的控制阀门和减压阀门都安装在实验室外。实验室气体管路主要材质为不锈钢,安装在天花板下方,沿着墙走,这样便于检查和维修。此外,中央台气体管路的引入通过服务柱。所有的气体管路在工作台上有合适的控制阀门,便于操作。所有气体管路的连接采用无缝焊接。3.GENERAL REQUIREMENT (总体要求)For Compress air going into chemical analysis area, the supply shall be backed up by at least 2 cylinders of compressed air. The line shall be connected via a flange and the pipe leading into the labs shall be stainless steel. A filter for particulate and water shall be used at this point preventing particulates and heavy moisture from getting into the laboratories. This filter shall be installed with proper isolation valves so that operation would not be affected when there is a need to perform regular maintenance on the filter. The following describes the gas piping system intended for chemical analysis area.引入普通分析实验室的压缩空气都至少需要有2个压缩空气钢瓶的备份。气体管路为不锈钢,在管路上有个过虑杂质和水分的净化装置。此净化装置并联一管路,用单独的阀门隔离,这样在不影响正常使用情况下,可以对过滤装置进行维修。 4.CYLINDER MANIFOLD AND REGULATORS (气瓶连接和调节阀门)4.1.Each gas manifold shall be constructed to provide semi-automatic switch over from in-use cylinders to online backup cylinders. 使用的气瓶和备用气瓶之间有一个半自动调节阀来控制。4.2.All gas plumbing for manifolds shall be constructed from high quality, fully annealed seamless type stainless steel SS-316L. Gas pipes used for O2 gas lines must be specifically cleaned and suitable for use with O2 in order to prevent accidents.所有气体管路都是高质量的、完全退火、无缝不锈钢SS316L。所有氧气管路都需完全清理干净,使其适合氧气使用。4.3.Manifold shall have safety pressure relieve valve, pressure regulators, and pressure gauges indicating inlet and outlet pressure, bleed valve (vent valve) and pigtail for cylinder connections. 气体管路需要有安全压力释放阀门、压力调节阀门、压力表来指示气体压力。4.4.All relieve & purge valve shall be connected by a vent line leading away from the gas storage area. Vent lines for combustible/oxidizing gases shall not be grouped together. 所有减压阀都需要连接一条通出气体存藏区的排气管路。易燃、氧化气体排气管路不能并在一起。4.5.Pigtail shall be flexible type (made by stainless steel tubing)盘管由不锈钢材料制成,有足够的韧性。4.6.Safety relief valves shall be labeled for relief pressure rating.安全减压阀要有标示,标明压力释放级别。4.7.All valves, regulators and gauges proposed shall be of good quality, stainless steel type, made for specific gasses and shall be provided with standard fittings. 所有阀门、调节装置、压力表都由高质量的不锈钢制成。并且都是标准配件。4.8.All regulators shall be stainless steel diaphragm type. Regulator with heat sink shall be used for N2O cylinders. Full stainless steel regulators shall be used for gases that contain sulfur. Fittings and valves shall be from Swagelock or equivalent. 配件、阀门一般采用Swagelock或类似品牌的产品。4.9.A flashback arrester of approved type shall be included in the Manifold for Hydrogen提供气体倒回控制器。4.10.All manifolds shall be labeled with names of gasses it supplies.所有管路标明连接的气体。4.11.All labeling shall withstand local weather.所有管路能在所处环境下正常使用。4.12.Secured holders shall be installed to hold all gas cylinders. All gas pipes shall also be properly grounded for safety reason. 所有气体管路有合适的接地保护措施。5.Gas distribution lines (气体管路)5.1.All gas distribution plumbing shall be fabricated from high quality, fully annealed, seamless type stainless steel SS-316L. Copper tubing shall only be used for final termination of gases at are where purity is not a major concern e.g. at fume hoods.所有气体管路都由高质量的、完全退火型、无缝连接的不锈钢管SS-316L组成。铜管只使用在气体管路的末端,对气体纯度不是太严格要求的地方(比如通风柜)。5.2.All valves, regulators and gauges proposed for the gas distribution lines shall be of good quality, stainless steel type, made for specific gasses and shall be provided with standard fittings.所有的管路、阀门、压力表都由高质量的不锈钢构成,并且都是标准配件。5.3.All main gas line shall be at least 3/8” diameter (1/2” for plant/instrument air and N2 lines). While nearing the points of use, the gas lines shall be stepped down progressively to 1/4” tubing. 所有气体干管的直径为3/8英寸(仪器空气干管直径为1/2英寸)。管路末端,直径为1/4英寸。5.4.All gas lines shall be run below ceiling and then delivered to island benches via service columns. Once on the benches, gas lines shall be run concealed behind laboratory benches and utility service columns. These gas lines shall be easily accessible.所有管路在天花板下面布设,并通过服务柱到中央台。边台的气体管路隐藏在实验工作台后面服务通道内。5.5.Highly combustible gases like acetylene shall be run individually away from other gases. 易燃气体,如乙炔, 需要和其它气体分开,单独引入。5.6.For all gas lines, all joints shall be orbital welded to minimize pressure fittings. Where “T” or “reducing union” is required pre-orbital welded “T”s and “reducing unions” shall be used. (Swagelok or equivalent) type fitting shall only be used where connections are made to valves and regulators. 所有气体管路的连接为无缝焊接。连接到阀门或调节装置时,才可以使用压力配件。5.7.A main gas panels with an isolation valve, a step-down pressure regulator and a pressure gauge for every gas line shall be provided in the every lab area. For gas lines servicing similar instrument, there should be another set of step down regulator at every service column for point of use gas pressure control. 每个实验室都要有单独的阀门、减压阀门、压力表。此外,对于供应多台分析仪器的气体管路,另外还需气体压力控制指示装置。5.8.Gas lines coming onto benches shall be equipped with individual isolation ball valves.引到工作台的气体管路将安装单独的球阀来控制。5.9.1/8-inch outlet points, on each GC benches, for gasses cylinder Air, Nitrogen, Helium and Hydrogen etc. shall be provided with spacing along the bench evenly. A carrier gas filter system is recommended to be installed on the Helium line (He). 气相色谱工作台上均匀的排放各种气体的出口龙头,管径为1/8英寸。在氦气管路前面建议安装气体净化装置。5.10.For instrument with individual pressure regulating needs, gas outlet points on benches shall be terminated with an individual regulator bracketed to the bench. 工作台上气体出口龙头由单独的阀门来控制。5.11.All gas outlet points shall be terminated with a stainless steel toggle valve with a final reducer of compression joint of 1/8” outlet.所有气体出口龙头为不锈钢toggle 阀门。5.12.Each gas line shall be clearly labeled (colour and written code) for every 1.5-meter distance. Labeling shall also indicate the direction of gas flow.气体管路每隔1.5米的距离,都要有明确标示,同时指示气体的流向。5.13All gas line support brackets and tie rods will be galvanized type.气体管路所有的支架都要镀锌防腐。5.14There will be a support every 1.5 meter or less. Support distance will be determined by the tubing with the smallest diameter.每隔1.5米左右,气体管路就需要有支架。另外根据气体管路弯曲的直径,设置合适的支架位置。5.15All bends will be supported independently both sides.所有弯曲处都要有支撑。5.16All “U” bends (or 180o bends) will be supported in the following manner:所有“U”型弯曲根据以下情况,需要有支撑6.GAS PIPING SYSTEM FOR TS AREA (TS管路系统)A main gas panel shall be installed at the entry point of the gas lines equipped with regulator and gauge. Another regulator with gauge set shall be installed at every point of use. Gas regulators and gauge shall be ruggedly built, suitable for warehouse type of operating environment. 气体管路的前段安装气体调节装置和压力表。然后在每个气体使用端口安装另外的调节装置和压力表。所有的配件要适合使用环境。Gas lines shall be well supported by the same manner as in gas lines for Chemical Analysis area.气体管路的支撑类似普通化学实验室。7.DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING (运输、存储和安装)Delivery shall be scheduled so that spaces are sufficient to complete the equipment installation following delivery immediately.需要有时间表来确定运输、安装时间,保证实验室有足够的空间来存储配件,可以在运输到后马上安装。Installation process shall be arranged so that there shall be no disturbance to the schedule of laboratory project.气体管路安装过程不会影响整个实验室工程的时间进程。8.Testing and Commissioning (检验)The Contractor shall ensure piping system cleaning, moreover testing and conditioning shall be completed and documented for all piping: (All test and commissioning of gas distribution system shall follow approved procedure). All gas lines shall be pressured tested for leakage. A calibrated meter shall be used and test results shall be witness and documented. 实验室承包商要保证气体管路系统的清洁,所有气体管路的检验根据标准程序。气体管路要做压力检验,防止管路泄漏。9.WARANTY (保证)9.1 There shall be a 1-year warranty on parts and labor for the gas distribution system from the date of hand over of the project.从交付之日起一年内对气体管路质量进行保证。9.2The warranty shall apply to manufacturing defects and other defects caused during transportation.对生产、运输产生的质量问题进行保证。9.3 Installation and commissioning defects/damages caused by the Contractor or its appointed contractors only.对安装、检验过程中产生的质量问题进行保证。


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