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    新概念一册阶段测试(2548 课)一翻译下列单词或词组1、牛奶_2、老板_3、后面_4、蛋糕_5、喜欢_ 6、想_7、鸡蛋_8、香蕉_9、橙子_10、苹果_ 11、黑板_12、肉_13、牛肉_14 鸡_15、告诉_ 16、西红柿_17、梨_18、葡萄_19、桃子_20、丈夫_二、写出下列动词的现在分词形式 20 分1. work_ 2.sing_ 3. play_ 4. study_5. dance_ 6. have_ 7.write_ 8.take_9. run_ 10.sit_三选择题 30 分( )1、I like_ at school.A. playing basketballC. play the basketballB. playing the basketballD. play basketball( )2、_ your mother_ the music?A. Does; listen B. Do; listen C. Does; listen to D. Do; listen to ( )3、Is there bread in the kitchen?A. some B. any C. a D. an( )4、I _.going to take her those flowers.A. is B. are C. am D. /(不填)( )5、Do you want to _TV?A. watch B. look C. looking D. watching( )6. He reading newspapers in the evening, his fater.A, like; like B. likes, like C. likes; likes D. likes; liking( )7. I dontwant to eat . I want to drink .A. oranges; orange B. orange; orange C. orange; oranges D. oranges; oranges ( )8. Tina can and she English songs well.A. sing, sing B., sings, sing C. sings, sings D. sing, sings( )9. He wants a musician because he likes .A. being, singing B. to be, to sing C. to is, singing D. to being, to sing( )10. There sixty minutes in day.A. is; a B. is; an( )11. Dont talk here. Grandparents _.C. are; a D. are; anA. is sleeping B. are sleeping ( )12. Who _ over there now? A. singing B. are singC. sleepingC. is singingD. sleepD. sing( )13. -Thank you for your help. -A. All right. B. Ok. C. Thats right. D. Youre welcome. ( )14、I can jump_ this box.A. of B. off C. for D. /(不填)( )15、What are you going to do _ that vase?A. with B. it C. for D. /(不填)四、用 a、some.或 any 填空:10 分1、I have _new bike. 2、There is _milk in the glass.3、Is there _bread in the kitchen. 4、I want coffee.5、There is _apple on the table.五、按要求改写下面的句子(一空一词)20 分1.There are some watches on the table.(改为否定句)There watches on the table.2.There is a knife in the box.(改为复句)There in the box.3.They are playing football in the park.(改为一般疑问句)playing football in the park?4. She likes milk.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) she milk. Yes.,she .5. Simon and Daniel are good friends .(改为否定句)Simon and Daniel _ good friends.六完型填空Im a lion. My name is Linlin. I have a big head and a big 1 . I have two little earsand 2 tall legs. I live in the zoo now. 3 I dont like it. My favourite 4 is green. I likegreen 5 and green grass. I want to live in the forest(森林). My favourite food 6 meat. Ilike to 7 small animals(动物). I dont like the meat in the zoo. Its not 8 . I want to go 9 . I feel lonely(孤独的). I want to go back to my 10 in the forest.( )1. A. shoulder( )2. A. one( )3. A. But( )4. A. food( )5. A. trees( )6. A. am( )7. A. cut( )8. A. delicious( )9. A. inB. hairB. twoB. AndB. drinkB. rosesB. isB. drawB. purpleB. outC. armC. fourC. OrC. colourC. strawberriesC. areC. singC. longC. atD. mouthD. fiveD. TooD. clothesD. applesD. hasD. eatD. youngD. on( )10. A. teachers B. boys C. girls附加题:用动词的正确形式填空 20 分D. friends1. My father always _(come) back from work very late.2. The teacher is busy. He _ (sleep) six hours a day.3. Listen! Joan _(sing) in the classroom. She often _ (sing) there.4. _ your brother _(know) Japanese?5. Where _ you _ (have) lunch every day?6. The girl _(like) wearing a skirt. Look! She _(wear) a red skirt today.


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