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    重点句型(必修4 Unit 1 Women of achievement) (同步练习).docx

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    重点句型(必修4 Unit 1 Women of achievement) (同步练习).docx

    (答题时间: 15 分钟)一、完成句子1. Surprised and happy, I (偶然遇到) the very book that I was longing for.2. You should respect them; after all no one likes being (瞧不起).3. Though it was late into the night, Mr. Smith still (继续工作) in the office. 4. They are (过着一种简朴的生活) in the remote mountains far away from thetown now.5. He (把一生献给) studying maths and won great fame for our country.6. We agreed never to (谈及这个问题) again.7. Max has (偶然) come up with the answer to the problem.8. Happy scenes of the past (涌入他的脑海) while he was reading her letter. 二、完形填空In my dual(双重的) profession 1 an educator and health care provider, I have worked with many children infected with HIV. They have taught me so many things, but I have especially learned that great 2 can be found in the smallest individuals. Let me tell you something about Tyler.Tyler was 3 infected with HIV; his mother was also infected. From the very beginning of his life, he was dependent on medications to 4 him to survive. When he was five, he had a tube inserted in a vein( 静脉) in his chest. At times, he also needed extra oxygen to support his 5 .Tyler wasnt 6 to give up one single moment of his childhood to this deadly disease. It was not 7 to find him playing and racing around his backyard, wearing his medicineloaded backpack and 8 his tank of oxygen behind him in his little wagon ( 小手 推车). All of us who knew Tyler were impressed by his pure 9 in being alive and the energy it gave him. Tylers mom often 10 him by telling him that he moved so 11she needed to dress him in red. That way, when she peered through the window to check on him playing in the yard, she could quickly 12 him.This deadly disease eventually 13 down Tyler. He grew quite ill and, unfortunately, 14 did his HIVinfected mother. When it became 15 that he wasnt going to survive,Tylers mom talked to him about 16 . She comforted him by telling Tyler that she was dying too, and that she would be with him soon in heaven.A few days before his death, Tyler 17 to me to come to his hospital bed and 18 “I might die soon. Im not 19 .When I die, please dress me in 20 . Mom promised shes coming to heaven, too. Im be playing when she gets there, and I want to make sure she can find me.”1. A. in2. A. pleasure3. A. seriously4. A. cause5. A. breathing6. A. happy7. A. common8. A. dragging9. A. characterB. forB. painB. bornB. enableB. livingB. willingB. unusualB. carryingB. joyC. asC. sorrowC. unluckyC. makeC. runningC. daringC. surprisedC. pushingC. momentD. onD. courageD. disappointingD. leadD. walkingD. discouragedD. ordinaryD. takingD. excitement第 1 页10. A. comforted11. A. slowly12. A. know13. A. tore14. A. neither15. A. apparent16. A. life17. A. waved18. A. whispered19. A. excited20. A. redB. scoldedB. happilyB. spotB. brokeB. soB. hopelessB. dreamB. saidB. shoutedB. surprisedB. whiteC. teasedC. quicklyC. stopC. woreC. suchC. sureC. futureC. signedC. criedC. scaredC. brightD. praisedD. fastD. observeD. kickedD. norD. terribleD. deathD. explainedD. spokeD. happyD. beauty一、完成句子1. came across 2. looked down upon / on 3. carried on with his work4. leading / living a simple life 5. devoted all his life to6. refer to the matter 7. by chance 8. crowded in on him二、完形填空1. C 解析:由第一空后面的 an educator and health care provider 可知,前面缺少表示“作 为”的介词来连接后面的双重职业身份,因此用 as。2. D 解析:从下文可知,“我”特别了解到了 Tyler 这个弱小的家伙身上有着巨大的勇气 (courage)。3. B 解析:be born infected with HIV 表示“出生时携带 HIV”,从后半句 his mother was also infected 和后一句可以推知答案选 B。4. B 解析:从上文提示可知,他依赖药物治疗,这使他能(enable)活下去。5. A 解析:从该句中的 oxygen(氧气)可知,他需要额外的氧气来支持他的呼吸(breathing), 其他选项不符合语境。6. B 解析:根据下文语意可知,Tyler 不愿意放弃他童年的快乐时光,此处语意表示他的 心理状态,用 be not willing to 不乐意,不愿意,符合语境。7. B 解析:所以“我们”经常(not unusual)可以看到 Tyler 背着装满药物的背包,后面小车 中拖着(drag)氧气瓶,在后院玩耍、跑步。8. A 解析:参见 7 题解析。从常识可知,车在后面,应该是拖着(drag),而不是 carry“携 带”;push 推;take 带走。9. B 解析:从上下文可知,“我们”都对 Tyler 的那种努力活下去的纯真快乐(joy)印象深 刻。10. C 解析:从常识判断,他母亲也是苦中作乐,常取笑(tease)他,告诉他跑得太快(fast) 了,以致于他需要穿红色衣服,以便她透过窗户看他的时候能够很快发现(spot)他。11. D 解析:参见 10 题解析。slowly 和 happily 不符合语境,quickly 强调动作迅速、敏 捷,而 fast 则强调速度快。12. B 解析:参见 10 题解析。spot 在这里表示“发现,看见”。13. C 解析:从上下文可知,这致命的病最终消耗了 Tyler 的生命。wear down( 使)消耗, 损耗;break down 作“垮掉”讲时应表达为 Tylers health broke down。14. B 解析:此处是 so 引起的倒装结构,表示“他感染了 HIV 的母亲也如此”。15. A 解析:apparent 明显的,显然的;hopeless 无望的;sure 跟从句时不能是 it 作主语; terrible 可怕的,糟糕的。语境表示“很明显 Tyler 活不了了”。16. D 解析:他母亲跟他聊起了死亡(death)的话题。由后面一句可知,答案选 D 项。第 2 页17. C 解析:他死前几天示意(sign)“我”到他病床边。18. A 解析:由常识判断,他濒临死亡,肯定很虚弱,只能轻轻地对“我”说(whisper)。 19. C 解析:Tyler 说他不害怕(scared)死亡,但他死后,要给他穿红色(red)衣服,这样在天堂他母亲就能很容易地认出他来。根据语境选 C 项。20. A 解析:文中 11 空后有提示。解析参考 19 题。得分策略完形填空试题做完后,有没有必要逐空检查?只需要对自己觉得模棱两可的选项仔细推敲,对于完形填空题的检查问题,可从以下几 方面核查:语法、惯用法对不对;是否符合上下文的逻辑;是否符合科学道理;是否符合故 事情节的发展;是否符合文章的主题、作者的态度和意图。另外,万一有个别空格实在无法确定,千万不要空着不填,应根据语境和上下文推测此空所 要填的词。第 3 页


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