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    七年级英语上册 Module 5 Unit 1 I love history教案 (新版)外研版.docx

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    七年级英语上册 Module 5 Unit 1 I love history教案 (新版)外研版.docx

    Lead inactivity 2 by themselves.Book 1 Module 5 My School Day一 教学内容: Unit1 I love history.二 课型:Listening and speaking三 教学目标:1、 掌握本节课的单词:half, past, oclock , art, geography, history, maths, PE, IT, lesson, like, difficult, love, subject, because, interesting, love2、 能听懂时间的表达法和分辨学校的科目。3、 能理解有关 a school day 的对话。4、 能介绍学校开设的科目及上课的时间。四 教学重难点:能介绍学校开设的科目及上课的时间。五 教学准备:本课指导学生通过听力获取信息,培养学生听力技能。课堂上采用多媒体手段辅助教学,多 媒体课件;挂钟一个;模拟钟一个(可任意调整时间)。六 预习要求:根据音标自学本课新单词;七 教学过程:教学 教师活动 步骤学生活动 设计意图 (1)Play a game. Say out thefollowing numbers quickly:1.Free talk:one-ten,fourteen,fifteen,twe (1)Review numbers.Step One nty,twentytwo, thirty, forty, Warming- fifty .up (3)为学习 “ 表达时 间”做准备,用游 戏 激 发 学 生 兴 趣,自然导出话 题。( 2 ) Show a big clock to the students. Ask “Whats the time?” and get the Ss to learn how to say out the time.Task1:Check the new words.(2)Look at the clock . They may say :Its one oclock.Its half past one.Its ten past two.Its ten to three.复习小学学过的 时间表达法。在 引导学生学习用 past, to 表达时 间。引导学生谈论实Step Two1. S how some pictur es and things to 1.Look at the pictures and get the students to say out the new things to say out the new words. words: history, maths, etc.物及 ppt 上的图 片 , 检 查 学 生 对 词 汇 的 掌 握 程Pre-task(5 2.Organize the students to learn the 2. Talk about the lessons: 度,训练学生的)key structures by asking: What are We have Chinese, English, our lessons today? mathsWe have Chinese at eight oclock.We have English at表达能力,通过 图片、情景、语 境 学 单 词 和 句 型,做到词不离 句。Step Three Task2: Do activity 2While-task(20)1 Give students some minutes to do 1 First learn by themselves ,then check the answer in the group.2. Think all the subjects in学生通过自学, 完成任务,培养2 Add: biology , politics Task3:listening(1). Play the tape, ask students to listen and answer the two questions: 1. What lessons do they have on Monday?2. What subject is Betty good at?(2).Organize the students to check their answers.Task 3: Reading(1) Organization.(1) Organize the students to read the conversation with the video.(3).Ask the Ss to work with their groups to read the conversation.(4) Have a competition: Read the dialogue in groups and choose the best group.Task 4: Solve the language points (1).Organize students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found.(2).Help the students to solve the difficult points.Task5: Retell the dialogue(1)A sk students to complete the passage.(Activity 5)(2 ) Ask two of the students to retell the dialogue.Task 6:Do some speakingGroup work.Make a conversation.Talk about your lessons.1. What are your lessons today?/school that they study.(1). Listen to the tape and answer the two questions: 1. What lessons do they have on Monday?2. What subject is Betty good at?(2)Check the answers.(1) Ss read the conversation in acti vity 3 and check the true sentences.(1) Student read the passage with the video. Then work in groups to practice.Try to read the best in groups.(1). Students come to the blackboard to show out some language points, the otherstudents listen to themcarefully and note .(2).solve the difficult points. with the teachers help.(1)Students complete thepassage.(2)Several students retell thedialogue, the others listen.(1). Make dialogues in groups with the teachers help.学 生 的 自 学 能 力。熟悉所学科 目名称.训练学生听力及 扑捉对话主要信 息的能力。循序渐进培养学 生的听读能力及 模仿能力。小组 比赛,激发学生 竞争意识。小组合作探究, 共同完成学习任 务,培养学生团 结协作的精神。 培养他们自主学 习的能力。 教师点拨、补充 语言点,让学生 进一步理解知识 点。通过复述对话, 加深对课文的掌 握,同时也锻炼 了口语。通过小组活动进 行对话练习,有 助于学生在情境 中进行交际,提Step FourPost-taskWhat lessons do we have today? 2. Do you like maths?高学生英语语言 的 综 合 运 用 能(9)3. When is your maths lesson?力。4. I have art at eight oclock.(2). Have the Ss to introduce their lesson a day.(2). Introduce their lesson a day in groups.(3) Do the exercise and check(3) Give some exercise on the the answers. Other students screen. correct the mistakes.通过习题,巩固 本 节 课 所 学 知 识。Step FiveSummary(2)1.Get the students to sum up the language points.T: What have we learned today? Ss:1.Sum up the language points: (1). time expressions(2). at, on, in(3). the simple present tense2.To choose the best groups.引导学生对这节 课的总结,让学 生做自由发言, 培养学生自主学 习,自主总结的 良好学习习惯。 简短的评价使学Step SixHome-work(1)2.Let the students to choose thebest team in this lesson.Talk about your favourite school day. Talk about their favo uriteschool day.生的课堂表现得 到肯定并且可以 激励学生的学习 兴趣,树立学习 英语的信心。 分层作业,因材 施教板书设计Module 5 My School Day Unit1 I love history.小组评价1. Whats the time? / What time is it? T1 T2 T3 Its oclock. / Its half past 2. What day is it today? It is 3. When is your lesson? I have at 4. Do you like? Yes. I like / No, I dont like .达标训练题一、写出下列时间的表达法。1. 7:00 _ 2. 9:30 _3. 6:20 _ 4. 11:10 _5. 5:55 _ 6. 3:45 _ 二 根据汉语提示完成句子。1. 今天上午玲玲和大明有一节数学课。Lingling and Daming _ _ _ _ this morning.2. 你的历史课在什么时候?_ _ your history _?3. 我们上午没有英语。We _ _ English in the morning.4. 今天是星期几? 星 期五。 _ _ is it today? Its _. 5. 我们八点钟上语文。We have _ at _ _.6. 他们喜欢化学, 但是不喜欢数学.They _ _, but they _ _ _.


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