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    人教八年级英语下册第5单元 B 同步练习题.docx

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    人教八年级英语下册第5单元 B 同步练习题.docx

    Unit5 SectionB强化练习题一. 根据句意用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. I (hear) the news when I was on my way home.1. I am really against (do) that. Its a waste of time.1. I fell ( sleep) while doing my homework last night. 4. While we ( have) dinner ,the telephone rang.5. 一 What- - I was sleeping.you ( do) when your mother came back?6. ( recent), we often pay by Ant Check Later( when we go shopping.7. -Why didnt you come to my birthday party yesterday?-Sorry,I was so busy that l (complete) forgot it.蚂蚁花呗 )8. We should tell our parents the ( true) instead of telling a lie to them.9. She was so (shock) that she could hardly bring out a word.10. Mrs. Wang was very patient and she explained everything very (clear)二. 单项选择。( )1.1 was reading English the teacher came in.A. When B. while C. as soon as D. so that( )2. As soon as Jack saw us,he his way through the crowd to greet us.A. made B. fought C. pushed D. felt( )3.- Were you at home at seven o clock last night?- Yes,I a shower at that time.A. took B. was taking C. take D. am taking( )4. While Kate to school,she saw a dog by the side of the road.A. Walk B. walks C. was walking D. walked( )5. While I was shopping in the mall,1_ a friend of mine.A. meet B.met C. was meeting D. am meeting( )6.-I called Jenny last night. But she didn t answer. Where was she then?-Oh.she in the kitchen.A. is cooking B.wascooking C.cooks D.cooked( )7. -How are you getting on with your study?I have trouble my English teacher. He speaks so last.A. understand B. to understand C. understanding D. understood( )8.-What do you remember about Grade 7?I remember a prize.A. to win B. winning C. win D. wins( )9. He always took a notebook with him so that he could something important at all times and all places.A. take down B. take up C. take away D. take out( )10. -Did you hear the news the radio?-Yes.we did.A. in B.on C. across D, at( )11. They a football game at 8 oclock last night.A. were watching B. watch C. watched D. are watching( )12. 一 How did the accident happen?一 You know,it was difficult to see the road clearly because it .A. is raining B. rains C. was raining D. has rained( )13. 一一Where was your brother at this time lastnight?一 He was writing an e mail I was watching TV at home. A. as soon as B. after C. until D. while( )14. (2018 江苏宿迁中考 ) The manager ofthe hotel was waitingat the gatethe guests arrived.A. while B. when C. unless D. after( )15.-I saw a UFO on the playground yesterday.-A. Youre kidding! B. Im sorry to hear that. C. Thats a good idea. D. No problem三. 完成句子。 ( 每空不超过 4 个词 )1. 当暴风雨来临时 . 他们正赶往学校。 (make)They to school when the rainstorm came.2. 事故发生时 , 我正好路过。 (walk)The accident happened while I3. 我看见我的弟弟在公共汽车站等车。 (wait)1 saw my brother the bus at the bus stop.4. 当他醒来时 , 发现房间里一团槽。 (wake)When he ,he found the room in a mess.5. 当我到校时 , 我意识到那天是星期天。 (get)When I ,l realized it was Sunday that day.6. 我希望你能告诉我有关这件事情的实情。 (tell)I hope you can about the event.7. 这些恐怖分子摧毁了世贸中心大楼。 (take)The terrorists the World Trade Center.8. 其余的学生时常阅读英语短文有困难。 (trouble)The rest of the students often English passages. 9. 这个日子对我而言意义深远。 (have)The date me.10. 我看向窗外,然后意识到那是真的。 (look)I the window and realized that it was true.


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