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    铁路英语Unit one1. Ive heard so much about you. 久仰大名。2. Thanks. Im flattered. 谢谢,您过奖了。3. I hope you will enjoy your stay here. 希望您在这儿过得愉快。4. Is this your first trip to Beijing? 这是您第一次来北京吗?5. No, Ive been here twice. 不,我已经来过两次了。6. Have you been to other parts of China? 您去过中国的其他地方吗?7. I have been to Xi an and Shanghai. 我去过西安和上海。8. Whats your impression of Beijing so far?目前您对北京的印象如何?9. Beijing is a very beautiful city! 北京是一个非常美丽的城市!10. How long do you plan to stay? 您计划呆多久?11. Im not sure yet. 还没定。12. Please make yourself at home. 请随便。13. Wish you a pleasant journey! /Hope you ll have a fine trip!/ Happy journey! 祝您旅途越 快!14. I hope to see you next journey./ I hope to meet you next time.希望下次旅行再见到您。 15. Hope youll take our train next time.希望您下次乘坐我们的列车。16. I really should be going. 我真的要走了。17. OK, have a safe trip. 好,祝您一路平安。18. Are you Chief Conductor? 您是列车长吗?19. Are you a car attendant? 您是列车员吗?20. No, I am a station attendant. 不,我是车站服务员。21. Where is Station Master? 站长在哪儿?22. Maybe Station Master is at the platform.站长可能在站台上。23. Have a cigarette, please!请抽烟。24. I was born and grew up in Beijing.我生在北京,长在北京。Unit two1. Its very kind of you. 您真好。2. Thank you for the trouble you have taken to get me the ticket.谢谢您为我买了车票。3. Sorry, my English is very poor, please speak more slowly. 对不起,我的英语水平不好,请 说慢一点。4. Im so sorry for what Ive said. 对我所说的话表示道歉。5. I wonder if you could help me with my luggage. 不知您能否帮我拿一下行李?6. Im afraid I have given you so much trouble./ Im sorry to cause you so much trouble. 对不 起,给您添了这么多麻烦。7. No trouble at all.一点不麻烦。8. Thank you very much for all you have done for me.对您为我所做的一切深表感谢。9. Dont mention it. 不必客气。10. Sorry, I didnt hear what you said. 对不起,我没听见您说什么。11. I said, “Do you want me to help you?” 我说:“您需要我帮忙吗?”12. Could you do me a favor? 能帮我一个忙吗?13. Can I use the telephone?/ I wonder if I could use the telephone.我可以使用一下电话吗? 14. Could I use the toilet now? 我试用一下卫生间吗?15. Im sorry, Im afraid you can t. 对不起,现在恐怕不行。16. When does the train arrive in Beijing? 列车什么时候到达北京?17. It arrives in Beijing at eighteen past six in the afternoon. 列车将在下午 6 点 18 分到北京。 18. The train will arrive in an hour. 火车 1 小时后到达。19. When does the last train leave for Guangzhou?开往广州的最后一趟车几点开?20. The last train for Guangzhou will leave at fourteen to twenty-three. 开往广州的最后一趟车 将在 22 点 46 分开。21. Is the train on time? 列车正点到达吗?22. The train is exactly on time. 列车正点到。23. The train is five minutes behind time. 列车晚点 5 分钟。24. When will you be back to Guangzhou?您什么时候回广州。25. On October the seventh. 10 月 7 日回广州。Unit three1. look rather pale. 您看来脸色不好。Youll be all right soon.您不久就会康复的。Dont overdo things. 不要过度疲劳。Go home and rest for at least three for four days.回家休息至少三四天。 Please call a doctor as soon as possible.请赶快给我找个医生来。 Take one of these pills every four hours.每四个小时服一片。7. Take two tablets three times a day after meal. 每天饭后吃两片,一天吃三次。8. Please take me to the hospital. 请送我到医院。9. Where is the nearest hospital from the station? 离车站最近的医院在哪里?10. I hope youll be all right in no time. 我希望您很快恢复健康。11. I feel dizzy/ rather tired. 我感到头晕/十分疲倦。12. Not very well?身体不太好吗?13. I have pains all over my body./ I seem to have pain all over.我感觉全身都疼。14. I had got flu a few days ago./ I am infected with flu a few days ago. 我前两天得了流感。 15. I an running a fever./I have got a fever./I feel feverish(chilly).我在发烧。16. Please don t lean out of the window. 请不要探身窗外。17. Please don t throw anything out of the window.请不要向窗外扔东西。18. Shall I help you with your luggage?我帮您拿行李好吗?19. Excuse me, but where is the luggage storage service, please?打扰一下,请问行李寄存处在 什么地方?20. Its over there. Shall I help you with your luggage?在那边。我来帮您提行李好吗?21. No, thank you. I think I can manage it myself.不用了,谢谢。我自己能行。Unit 41. Youd better wait for him in the guests waiting-room.您最好在贵宾室等他。2. I am the attendant in the guests waiting-room.我是贵宾候车室服务员。3. Its time to board the train./ it s time to get on board.现在该上车了。4. Its boarding time for Express 76.乘坐 76 次特快车的旅客上车了。5. Please get your tickets ready.请准备好车票。6. Please have your luggage ready.请准备好行李。7. May I ask you where the rest hall is? 请问候车室在哪?8. Well, the rest hall is over there. Please go there and have a rest.候车室就在那儿,请进去休 息吧。9. Come along with me, please! Ill show you there.请跟我来, 我领你们去。10. Excuse me, but could you tell me where the information office is?劳驾,能告诉我问询处在 哪里吗?11. Certainly, the inquiry office is on the ground floor.问讯处在一楼。12. Ill take care of your luggage, but please be back as soon as possible.我会找看您的行李, 请尽快回来。13. May I have a time-table?可以给我一本列车时刻表吗?14. Sorry, no English copy.对不起,没有英文的?15. What place are you looking for?您在找什么地方?16. Im looking for the luggage storage service./ the toilet./ the gift shop. 我在找行李寄存处。 我在找洗手间。我在找礼品商店。Unit five1. May I have a platform ticket?我可以买张站台票吗?2. I want to see somebody off.我要送个人。3. I want to meet some friends.我要接几个朋友。 I deposit my suitcase here?我可以把手提箱寄存在这里吗?When does Express 44 depart?44 次特快列车几点开车?What time does Express 75 come in?75 次特快列车几点到站?How many trains are there from Beijing to Tianjin Everyday?从北京到天津每天有几趟车? You may take Express Number 2 or Through Train Number 3.您可以乘坐 2 次特快或是 3 次 直快。9. Can you tell me where to have my ticket endorsed?请告诉我在哪里签票?10. There is no need to change trains.没必要换车。11. Where do we change trains?我们在哪里换车?12. You are in transfer to Beijing, arent you?您要中转到北京,对吗?13. Get into the station one by one, please.请按顺序进站。14. Show me your ticket, please.请出示车票15. Take your ticket out for punching, please.请拿出车票来检查。16. Passengers who have got the ticket for Express Number Five please get on the train at once. 持特快 5 次车票的旅客请立刻上车。17. May I know whether Express Number 4 is on time?请问 4 次特快是否正点?18. On which platform does Train Number 1 come in?1 次列车进几站台?19. Where is the platform ticket window?站台票售票处在哪儿?20. The platform ticket window is at the exit of the station.站台票售票处在车站出口处。21. Where is the waiting hall Number Two?第二候车室在哪儿?22. The waiting hall Number Two is on the west side of the second floor. 第二候车室在二楼的 西侧。23. What time is Train 328 due to leave?328 次列车几点开车?24. Its due to leave at 8:20 a.m. 上午 8 点 20 分。25. OK, Ill get the ticket for you.好的,我会为您那票的。26. Which train do you want to take, the express train or the through train? 您想坐哪趟车,快 车还是直达车?27. One express ticket for Beijing, please. 请订一张前往北京的特快车票。28. Cushioned berth or semi-cushioned berth? 要软卧还是硬卧?29. Do I have to change anywhere?我必须换车吗?30. No, no change, its a through train.不,不用换,这是直达车。31. Yes, you are to change trains at Beijing.是的,您要在北京换车。32. I want to apply for refund of ticket. 我要求退票。33. This is the refund of your fare.这是退给您的车票钱。Unit seven1. you get on the right train.请不要上错了车。Please put your luggage on the rack. 请把行李放到行李架上。Please take care of your valuables.请保管好贵重物品。Please don t get on or off the train until it stops.车位停稳,请勿上下。 Please get on or off the train in order. 请按先后次序上下车。There is a toilet/ WC at each end of the coach. 车厢的两端都有洗手间。7. The dining-car is in the middle of the train. 餐车在列车中部。8. I am the conductor of this coach. If you need my help, please let me know. 我是本节车厢 的乘务员。如有需要帮助,请告知。9. Sorry, dont hang anything heavy on the coat-hook. 对不起,请不要在衣帽钩上挂重东西。 10. The bell for departure is ringing.开车铃响了。Unit eight1. Close the window, please. The train is about to pass over the NanjingYangtze River Bridge. 请关窗户。列车很快要通过南京长江大桥。2. Mind you dont slip. Slowly, please.留神别滑到。请慢点!3. Please turn off the tap after using.请用完水后,关紧龙头。4. This is a temporary stop. 现在是临时停车。5. You will arrive at Beijing soon. Now Ill give you back your ticket. 您很快就要到达北京,现 在我把票还给您。6. The berth is free./ This berth is vacant./ The berth is occupied./ This berth is reserved. 这 个铺位是空的。 /这个铺位有人。/这个铺位是预留的。Unit nine1. What kind of drinks do you prefer?您想点什么饮料?2. Which do you prefer, Chinese food or Western food?您想点中餐还是西餐?3. The train will only stay a few minutes. Mind you dont miss the train.列车只停几分钟,请记 住别误车。4. Mind you step when you get off the train.下车时当心。5. Dont worry, well try to find it for you.请不要着急,我们设法帮您找。 6. Let me see the menu.请让我看看菜单。7. Please being me some beef steak. 请给我来点牛排。8. Will you take some soup?您要点汤吗?9. I would like to have some vegetable soup.我想要点蔬菜汤。10. How long does the train stay at the station?列车在车站停多久? 11. It stays 5 minutes.列车将停 5 分钟。12. Whats the station?这是什么车站?


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