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    7B1-2 单元错题集 一单选1. There_a meeting tomorrow afternoon.A.will be going to B.will going to be C.is going to D.will go to be 2.Tom_here next month.A.wont work B.isnt work C.isnt going to working D.doesnt work 3.He_very busy this week.,he_free next week.A.will be/is B.is/is C.will be/will be D. is/will be 4.There_a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening.A.was B.is going to have C.will have D.is going to be5._you_free tomorrow?-No,I_free the day after tomorrow. A.Are/ going to/will B.Are/going to be/willC.Are/going to /will be D.Are/going to be/will be6.If it_tomorrow,well go skating.A.isnt B.wont rain C.doesnt rain D.dont rain 7.They_an English evening next Sunday.A.are having B.are going to have C.will going D.will going to be 8.It_the year of the horse next year.A.is going to be B.is going to C.will be D.will is 9._open the window?A.Will you please B.Please will you C.You please D.Do you 10.It_us long time to learn English well.A.takes B.will take C.will spend D.spends11._your brother_a magazine from the libraey? A.Are/going to borrow B.Is/going to borrowC.Will/borrow D.Are/going to borrows12.She wants to work_a doctor.A.to B.at C.for D.as13.Its going to rain. I will take an umbrella_me.A.for B,to C.with D.on14.Theres something wrong_my computer.A.on B.about C.with D.for15.Jack tells me_usual information.A.many B.an C.a lot of D. a16.Jack,with his friends,_see their teacher this weekend.A.is going to B.are going to C.go to D.will goes17.We hope_tomorrow.A.you to come B.you come C.you will come D.you came 18.Theres_a meeting this afternoon.A.going to have B.going to be C. have D.will be19.Our flat is_floor.A.twelve B.twelfth C.the twelve D.the twelfth 20.Someone_the shirt very much.A.like B.to like C.likes D.liking21.Your bike is different_.A.from my B.from mine C.of me D.of mine22.Can you find_to help you with your homeork ?Asomeone B.anyone C.everyone D.some one23.Which floor do you _?A.live B.live in C.live on D.living on24.Mary has_bedroom in the new flat.A.shes B.hers C.her own D.her owns 25.There_football game this evening.A.is going to be B.has been C.has D.will have26.Tom with his family_in a small town now.A.live B.lives C.living D.lived27.Millie likes sitting at the window and_out at the see after lunch. A.look B.looking C.see D.seeing28.Tom is waiting_the bus station.A.for/at B.in/for C.for/in D.at/for三句型转换。1.You can help us. You are so kind.(合并为一句)_ _ _ _ _to help us.1. Watching too much TV is not good.(用 it 作主语改写) It_not good_ _ too much TV.2. There are 15 buildings in our neighbourhood. (对划线部分提问)。_ _ _ _ _in your neighbiurhood? 3. Helen lives in the centre of the town._ _Henlen_?5.I often go to the cinema with my friends.(改为同义句)_ _and I often go to the cinema_.6.I think they will welcome you.(否定句)I_ _ _ _welcome you.7.Mr Black is a waiter.(对划线部分提问)_ _ Mr Black_?8.Kitty works in a shopping mall in Nanjing._ _Kitty_?9. We can go to a restaurant to have a meal.(对划线部分提问)。 _ _we_to have a meal?10. Theyre going to the park to see the beautiful flowers._ _they_to see the beautiful flowers?11.Whats your fathers job?(同义句)What_your father_?12.Theres something wrong to fix his bicycle.(改为一般疑问句) _13.Simon wants to ask someine to fix his bicycle._ _ Simon_someone_ _?二用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Sandy is very_(help)to me. He often helps_(I) with my study. 2. Many_(visit)visit the Great Wall.3. Our new neighbours are very kind and_(friend)to us.4. Do you think these_(build)are beautiful?5. These are seven_in the building and I live on the second_(fioor). 6. This is_(Tom)computer._(I)is over there.7. In our neighbourhood,you can find someone_(help)you when you have prob lems at any time.8. There are many different_(kind) of cars on the road now.9. Do you have any_(meet)at the weekend?10. Are you going_(watch)the basketball match this Sunday?11. Reading and writing are two different_(skill).12. Lets_(check)to see if shes ok.13. My MP4 is_(break).So Im going to ask someone_(repair)it.14. Do you know_(someone)else who wants a ticket?15. He_(fix)the lamp to the wall above the bed just now.16. Isnt she_(luck)?She can eat what she wants and she never gets fat. 17. The Great Wall attracts a large number of v_every year.18. The Mr. Blacks live close to my house.They are my n_.19. My ipad is b_.I cant listen to music.20. We are l_because we neednt worry about not having anything to eat.21. Are you worry about what_(wear)to a party?22. There are many _(wait)in the new restruant.23. I am_(plan)a day out with my friends.24. We should_(is)helpful to the people in need.三完成句子。1. 巴黎是法国的首都。 Paris is the_of_.2. 他想住在你家隔壁。_ _ _to live_ _your house.3. 在我的家乡有许多餐馆。There_ _ _reataurants in my hometown.4. 我总是和我的狗在一起玩的很高兴。I alays_ _ _my dog there.5.我喜欢坐在那儿看外面的海滩和大海。I love_ _ _and_ _ _the beach and the sea.6.他让儿子努力学习。She_ _ _ _hard at his study.7.你需要一些帮助吗?Do you_?8.我的自行车坏了。_.9.我将帮你修洗衣机I will_you_your_ _.10.我打算和我的父母下周六看场电影。I_ _ _ _ _ _with my parents_ _. 11.医生和护士将会使你的感觉更好。Doctors and murses_ _ _ _ _. 12.在周末我们经常一起买东西。On weekends we often_ _ _togethers.13.他们正在开会。They are _ _ _.14.他妈妈叫他晚上不要出去闲逛。His mother_ _ _ _hang out at night.15.不要像那样看我。Dont look at me_ _.16.你的电脑怎么啦?请一位电脑工程师为你检查一下吧!Whats_ _your computer?Ask a computer engineer to _ _.17.一位社工能帮助我们解决各种问题。Some social workers can_us_ _ _ _problems. 18.我很幸运住在城市花园小区内。Im very lucky_ _in City Garden.19.这个周末你将为我修自行车吗?Are you going to _ _ _this weekend?20. 你要到哪儿去? Where_ _ _?21. 恐怕他们不会欢迎想你这样的客人。_ _they wont _visitors like you.22.它们中的绝大多数有 14 层。_ _ _have 14 floors.23.你们街区周围有什么?What_ _ _ _your neighbourhood?24.玛丽让我帮助他今晚做工作。Mary asked me_ _ _ _her lessons this evening. 25.如果你需要我,我总是愿意帮助。Im_ _ _ _if you need me.26.我足够幸运在那儿遇到他。I was_ _ _ _him there.


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