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    Unit 5 Living in harmony More Reading(The 4th Period) 教学目标:知识目标:1、学习并使用阅读技巧中的跳读(scanning)技巧,了解文章的重要事实与细节; 2、应用略读(skimming)技巧了解文章的大意; 3、能根据课文内容推测作者的真实意图; 4、开展拓展性活动,以活动和阅读相结合的方式,理解课文,深化主题。 5、学会文章中出现的词汇和主要句型。情感目标: 1、培养学生细心观察的品质。 2培养学生的环境保护意识,认识到整个生态环境对人类生存的重要性。学习策略: 运用各种阅读技巧理解文章,在读的基础上进行写作训练。教学重点和难点:读写结合,在完成阅读的基础上,形成写作练习。掌握文章出现的语言基础知识。教学过程:Step I Pre-reading Give the students a series of pictures on the destructions to the earth. We should do something to help the environment!Step II Reading1) Skimming:Read the passage to decide which of the followings are true or not.1. Buying green products is helpful to the environment.2. There is thick ozone layer around the earth.3. All manufacturers have switched to other less harmful chemicals.4. The ozone layer can prevent the harmful rays from the sun.5. If you choose ozone-friendly products, youll support the green movement.6. Not all the people are aware of the importance of protecting the environment. 2) Careful ReadingRead to choose the best answers.1. Which country suffers most from the growing of holes in the ozone layer? _ A. Australia B. China C. Canada D.USA2. The holes of ozone layers are commonly related to the factors except_. A. air-conditioners B. refrigerators C. Waste gas from cars D. aerosol cans3. The products in the picture below are featured as _. A. low prices B. containing no or less CFCs C. being helpful to cure skin cancers D. doing no harm to skins4. The following statements are true except _. A. Any products can be labeled with signs like “No CFCs or “ozone-friendly”. B. ordinary customers cant have the choice of “no CFCs” air-conditioners right now. C. To protect the environment, you should not buy or use air-conditioners D. Both individuals and factories can do something to improve the environment.5. Too much harmful rays from the sun may_. A. cause too much snowfall or rainfall B. cause skin problems3) Detailed ReadingAnswer the following questions using the information in the leaflet.1. What is one way we can help protect the environment?2. What has been harming the ozone layer?3. What can happen when the ozone layer gets destroyed?4 How do we know that some aerosol cans do not use CFCs?5 What “green” products can you buy to help protect the ozone layer?4) Reading strategy:Let the students finish the flow chart.Step III. Post-reading 1) Discussion Apart from buying “green” products, what other things can individuals do to help save the environment? 2) Writing根据下面的提示,以“Air Around Us”为题,写一篇短文。(字数:100120)提示:(1) 空气无色、无味、无嗅,但我们可以感觉到它的存在,因为风就是流动的空气。(2) 没有空气人和生物不能生存,声音不能传播,飞机不能飞行。(3) 空气中除水蒸气外主要含有氮气(nitrogen)和氧气。其中氮气约占78%,氧气约占21%。几乎所有生物都需要氧气,没有氧气就不能燃烧。Step IV Language Study1. 短语的识记及背诵。1.意识到 2.对的威胁 3.以负责的态度 4.支持 5.采取行动 6.支持这项事业 7.薄薄的一层 8.保护免遭 9.在南极 10.部分的 11.被认为是 12.进一步研究 13.被释放到 14.转而 2. 重点句型和短语的讲练:1. Read this leaflet describing one way _ _ you can help the environment.2. We _the many threats to the environment and the need to act in a responsible manner to protect the world which we all share.3. Many people say that they are _the “green movement”. 4. Around the Earth there is a thin layer of ozone, a kind of gas _many of the harmful rays of the Sun.5. Further research into the problem showed that the ozone layer _by gases called CFCs. 6. _, many manufacturers have stopped producing aerosol cans that use CFCs. 7. Then you _something to help the environment.Step V. Homework1、 全面复习本单元,包括词汇,表达法,语法,以及学习策略。2、 完成单元过关训练。


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