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    牛津英语8A Unit5 Birdwatchers( period 2) 教学设计一 教学背景 本教学设计面对的是初中的学生 。课时一课时。教师准备:不同自然保护区的图片,网络资源,录音材料和多媒体教学设备。学生准备:收集相关保护区知识,了解扎龙保护区得相关内容,预习所学课文。二 设计思路:1.教学内容 :本课时是牛津英语8A的第五单元Birdwatchers第二课时Reading (1)。2教学内容分析:本单元围绕“观鸟”这一话题展开多种教学活动。本课时是围绕自然保护区展开话题。由于学生在上一课时已学习了多种鸟类的名称,知道鸟是一种可爱的动物,我们应该保护鸟类,自然引出怎样保护鸟类这一话题,那就是建立自然保护区,在这一课时将从鸟类自然保护区来展开学习。第一课时主要是通过阅读来了解文章意思,通过听力来获取信息,在读、听文章的过程中学习词汇.理解文章三 .教学设计理念根据新课程理念,只有树立以学生发展为本的思想,全方位、多角度地设计阅读教学过程,调动学生参与阅读教学的积极性,英语阅读课教学才能焕发生命的活力。本课以鸟类自然保护区为主要内容,为了能充分发挥学生的学习兴趣,我精心设计了导入,在课前我播放一个女大学生为救一只丹顶鹤而失去生命的故事改编的歌曲,调动了学生阅读的欲望,从而积极主动地参与到阅读学习中来。在本课结尾,我播放了赵传的小小鸟及动画,引导学生讨论怎样来保护鸟类。本节课课堂教学设计由易到难,由浅入深,听读结合。有助于学生课堂上集中精力,积极思考,主动参与课堂活动,培养学习策略,提高学习效率。四、教学目标:1知识目标:学生能认读并理解本课词汇;重点句型。All year round;make more space for farms ; in danger ;understand the importance of the wetlands ;take action to protect wildlifeThe area provides food and shelter for wildlife .This means there will be less and less space for wildlifeW e need more people to help us count and do something to help the birds .2能力目标:(1)能听懂本课文的语段,识别主题,获取主要信息(2 )学生能够通过阅读故事,了解扎龙自然保护区的基本情况,获取所需信息;3.情感目标 :使学生了解自然保护区,培养关爱自然、保护鸟类的意识,激发学生学生学习英语兴趣,培养小组合作精神。五、教学重、难点: 使学生了解自然保护区-扎龙,识别并掌握所学重点词汇、句型。教学难点: 学会用所学词汇和句型谈论扎龙鸟类保护区,如何保护鸟类。六、教学过程: Teaching Procedures Step 1lead-in (Playing a piece of music)T: In welcome to the unit ,we learned a lot of lively birds .but now they are in danger .What should we do to protect them ?Next lets listen to a song .Playing a piece of music called “A girls story .”( it tells us : A girl in order to save a red crowned crane but lost her young life ) After the students listen to the music ,Get the students to talk about the songAsk students questions like this Have you ever heard the song ?( yes /no Introduce the story briefly )Dou you know the birds name ?( a red crowned crane)Dou you want to see the red crowned cranes? (yes )Ok lets go to a specil place _Zhalong nature reserve to see them.(Teach the words red crowned crane 、nature )Show the picture of Zhalong . 设计意图:利用女孩徐秀娟为了保护丹顶鹤而牺牲的歌曲,自然引出自然保护区保护鸟类这一话题,激发学生阅读的兴趣。 Step2. Fast reading for the main idea1、First get the students to read the text quickly and answer some easy questions. Its a way to train them the ability of scanning.T: Now lets read the text quickly ,after finishing reading ,try to answer the following questions ? 1).Where is Zhalong nature reserve ? 2)What can the birds easily catch for food? 3.Do many people know the importance of the wetlands ?设计说明本环节是初步了解课文。学生们看Zhalong nature reserve 的图片及图片上的情景,同时教师用英语进行介绍,使学生视觉与听觉并用,让学生回答问题,他们可以轻松容易地获取语言信息,训练学生快速阅读抓重点信息的能力。Step 3、 listening Play the tape for the students and ask students to listen to the tape write T or F in the blanks1.Zhalong is a nature reserve in China. _2.Birds can find food easily in Zhalong. _3.Some birds go to Zhalong for a short stay. _4.The birds in Zhalong live in large cages. _5.There are a lot of red-crowned cranes in otherparts world. _6.Many endangered birds live in Zhalong now. _设计说明在听的同时,完成判断对错题,他们对此类型的题很熟悉,难度也不大,课文较长可分段进行,降低难度,学困生能作出正确的判断,增强了他们的信心,激发学生投入课堂学习的兴趣。Step 4 Further- reading for the details .Ask students to read the text carefully and answer the following questions 1.Do many birds live comfortably in Zhalong?2.Why is there less and less space for wildlife?3.How are more and more birds ?4.What does the Chinese government want to do ?5.What are the members of Birdwatching Club doing this year?6.What do we hope?设计说明本环节是让学生进一步了解课文,给学生更多的时间去了解课文,找出课文的细节,加深了对文章的理解。Step 5 Doing exercise Ask student to do Part B ( b1 and c2)Choose the right meaning for each word.1.wetlands a. river and seas b. areas of land with wet ground c. areas of land for farming or fishing2. provide a. cook meals b.grow plants c. give sth. to sb.3. Shelter a. a place to live or stay b. a larger zoo c. a place to hunt animals 4. endangered a. safe b. in a dangerous state c. a large number of5. tourists a. people who are traveling b. people who keep shops c. people who study Geography设计说明这一环节主要是让学生巩固文章中的重点短语以及提高学生的猜词能力.c2 则是考查学生对课文细节的理解程度。Step6 Retelling the text T: Well done!We have known much about the story by listening, speaking and reading.Who can describle he story to the class in your words?(Ask some students to describle the text in front of the class.They can do it easily.)设计说明通过多种不同的练习方式,让学生理解课文,掌握所学的语言信息,使学生在课堂上有新鲜感,不会觉得英语课枯燥、无味。此环节是让学生进一步进行练习,有助于巩固学生记忆,有利于学生回忆课文信息,有利于调动学生发言的积极性。Step7 DiscussionT: You did very well just now.I will give you an award . . lets watch a flash . Play the flash <<A Little Bird >> for the students ,after they watch the flash ,get them to have a discussion in groups -How to protect the birds .After finishing discussion ,get students to write the measures they want to take on the blackboard .设计说明这一环节通过播放flash 我是一只小小鸟配以赵传的歌 ,利用生动的画面和感人的歌声来感动学生,让他们从自我做起,采取措施保护鸟类,关爱自然同时又能锻炼他们的口语表达能力。Step 8 homework - writing T: Boys and girls , d o you think the bird in the flash is very poor ?(yes)What should we do to protect the birds ? After class please write a short passage according to your discussion .学习效果评价设计从教学目标的达成度来评价学生学习效果:绝大部分学生能掌握所学词汇并能很好的理解课文。从情感、策略发展状态来评价学生学习效果:学生积极参与课堂活动,课堂气氛轻松和谐;学习兴趣浓厚,有主动的学习态度,并能根据不同的学习任务调整学习策略。教学反思本节课最大的特点是将词汇、阅读和听力教学融于一体,且环节紧凑。本节课词汇复现率高,巧妙地贯穿于整个阅读教学中,先是在介绍文章背景时,利用图片自然地学习词汇;其次,在做理解故事情节的练习时,复现词汇,加深印象;最后通过讨论巩固课文,达成情感目标。 结尾利用我是一只小小鸟这首歌让学生讨论如何保护鸟类关爱自然,这一话题,抓住口语与写作练习有效的结合,为学生提供更开阔的拓展空间。牛津英语8A Unit5 Birdwatchers ( period 1)教学设计一 设计思路:1.教学内容本课时是牛津英语8A的第五单元第一课时Comic stripe & welcome to this unit 。2.教材分析本单元围绕“观鸟”这一话题展开多种教学活动。在单元内容上起到承上启下的作用。由于学生在上一单元已学习了保护动物,关爱自然这一话题,在这一单元将从关爱自然,保护鸟类展开学习。二、教学目标:1、知识目标:、向学生介绍本单元话题“观鸟”,同时使学生准备好进入下一课时的学习谈论鸟类的理想家园“Zhalong Nature Reserve”。 、学习鸟类英文名称,并复习 所学句型。2、能力目标:、运用所学句型和词汇谈论鸟类外貌和特性; 、谈论学生最喜爱的鸟类并模仿对话,谈论喜好的原因。3、情感目标:使学生了解鸟类,培养关爱自然保护动物的意识,激发学生学生学习英语兴趣,培养小组合作精神。三、教学重点: 使学生了解鸟类名称,识别并掌握所学词汇。四、教学难点: 学会用所学词汇和句型谈论鸟类的特征,表达对不同鸟类的喜好。五、教学背景:本教学设计面对的是初中八年级的学生 ,课时一课时。 教师准备:不同鸟类图片,网络资源,录音材料和多媒体教学设备。 学生准备:收集相关鸟类知识,了解鸟类特征,预习所学课文。六、教学过程: Teaching Procedures STEP 1Playing a piece of musicPlaying a piece of music called “the seaside voice.”(there is sound by birds .) After the students listen to the music ,Get the students to talk about the music . Is it nice ? (Yes .)Where is the man playing the piano ? (Near the sea .)Whats there near the sea ? (Birds .)Would you like to go and see the birds ? (Yes .)Lets go birdwatching .Lets be birdwatchers . (Teach the words “birdwatching ,birdwatcher.”)STEP 2 Reading and guessingTell the students if they want to be a good birdwatcher ,first they should read and guess what bird it is. Show the riddle on the screen .I am a bird .I have two wings .And I can fly high in the sky .When I am hungry ,I eat insects with my beak . I have blue and green feathers . Everyone says I look very beautiful in the sun .I can speak if you speak to me . ( A parrot .)Show the sentences one by one and get the students to guess .It is also very nessary for the teacher to revise the words , like “wings beak feather” . Get the students to read the words well .STEP 3 Talking about birds As it is illustrated in the following pictures ,show the pictures of different kinds of birds .And then talk about them focusing on whats special about the birds .STEP 4 Giving namesShow the pictures together and then get the students to give their names . Make sure all the students can read the names correctly .STEP 5 Doing some riddles Get the students to do some riddles .Make sure they know the birds well. a. I live close to sea .I have black and grey or black feathers .I am long winged. I am web-footed .Ican swim very well . Who am I ?b. I live in wetland. I am very tall . I have long beak ,long neck and long legs .I have black and white feathers . Who am I ?c. I have brown or grey feathers. I am small .I often live near the houses . People can often see me and hear me . Who am I ?d. I am strong .My wings are broad .My beak are hooked and my feathers are brownish .Do you know me ?e. I am very beatiful .I can swim beautifully with my white feathers . And I also have thin long neck . Can you say my name ?STEP 6 Making up new dialoguesAsk the students :What bird is your favourite ?Which bird do you like best ? Why ?Ask the students to make up new dialogues using the dialogue in Part B as a model.- Which bird do you like best ?- I like best .- Why ?- Because STEP 7 ExercisesGet the students to fill in the blanks and help the students to organise their ideas again .My favourite birdsAmong all the birds ,I like the swallow best .They have long pointed wings .They have forked tails . They fly to northern countries in summer . They are both beautiful and clever .Golden eagles are almost the strongest birds in the world .They have brownish feathers and broad wings .Their beaks are hooked . I like them because they look cool .STEP 8 Presentation Students book P74 Part A.Tell the students that Eddie loves birds,too.Ask them to listen to the tape and find the answers to the following questions .1.What is Eddie going to do ? (Hes going birdwatching. )2.Does he really love birds ? ( No.)3.What kind of birds does he like best ? (He likes Beijing Ducks and roast chickens .Then get the students to read and practise . Finally act the dialogue out .Help the students to the humour here .STEP 9 Discussion Get the students to discuss the following questions .1. What danger may the birds have now ? (Pollution ,loss of living areas etc. )2. What can we do to help the birds ? ( Ask more people to help .Build more reseves. Etc.)STEP 10 Homework 1. Remember the new words .2. Look for more information about birds .Finish off the exercises. 【过程摘要及设计策略】:、新课导入为了激发学生的学习兴趣,引起注意,拉近师生距离,首先问学生这段时间以来学习如何?问他们对野生动物知道多少?对野生鸟类有了解吗?想知道它们的名称吗?这时,就是我切入主题的时候了! 、新课的讲解本课利用多媒体教学手段展示了一幅幅色彩逼真、形象生动的画面,栩栩如生。通过不同画面的展示让学生来接触了解不同的鸟类名称。其中多媒体展示的图画更具特色,充分地调动了学生的积极性,吸引了全体学生的注意力,达到了教育教学目的,培养学生英语语言综合素质有很好的指导作用。、反复操练和巩固应用为了调动学生的积极性,利用Work in pairs,in groups,及Boys ask,Girls answer等多种不同方式操练巩固。使学生处于积极思维的状态之中,全方位、多角度培养学生运用英语的能力。同时注意让学生在练个别词汇的时候注意词不离句。、反馈练习让学生在用所学的语言知识,表达自己所喜欢的鸟类名称。并提供给学生一定的句子结构和示范对话。给学生一定的启示。、归纳总结本课除了板书所呈现的重点内容外,又开展积极的讨论,让学生学会思考。开始进行如何保护环境,关爱自然思考。体现了英语新课程标准的寓思想教育于语言教学的理念。16


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