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    冀教版英语七年级下册Unit 5:Lesson 28 How do I Learn English .docx

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    冀教版英语七年级下册Unit 5:Lesson 28 How do I Learn English .docx

    姓名单位课题冀教版七下 Unit5 Lesson 28Analysis ofthe teachingmaterialsAnalysis thestudentsTeachingaimsTeachingimportantpointsTeachingdifficultpointsAnticipatedproblems:“Lesson 28 How Do I Learn English ” is the fourth lesson in Unit 5, It mainly introduce that How does Teresa learn English, she gives some tips for us.The language is appropriate to help the students to know how to learn English and communicate with others.They need to cooperate with each other when we have lessons.The students have learned many years about English, but they still have some difficulties in learning it well , some of them dont know more about the methods of learning English. So this passage is a very good material for the teachers to help them to learn about the way of learning English.1.language goalsTo understand the passage; to listen for gist;to read for specific information; to write a composition about How do you learn English well.2.Emotion goalsTo arouse studentslove for English; Cultivating students awareness of learning English well.To learn the contents of the passage and ask the students to introduce their own methods to learn English.To write a composition about How to learn English wellThe students may have difficulty in writing the composition.PossiblesolutionsTeachingmethodLearningmethodGive them the important information and the key points.We use practice and discuss in class. They practice speaking more in class, they aslo need to cooperate with each other when we have activity.We use autonomous learning method and cooperative learning method. We create more chances and ask the students to take part in the class.stagelearningaimsTeachers activityShow the goodlisteningS tudents activity aimsT he students read them Clear the definiteTeachingprocess(2minutes)Lead in(2minutes)rules,assessmentand learning aims tothe students.The teacher asks thestudents thefollowingquestions:A. How long have youlearnt English?B. Why do we need totogether.Talk about the questions.the learning aims.Work as a starterto raise them up.learn English?C. How do you learnEnglish in youschool life?Listening(2minutes)Activity1:Ask the students tolisten to the textListen to the text andfinish the task in their learning case.Listen for gistand seize thegeneralinformation.and tick the correctanswers of thisquestion:What tips doesTeresa have forlearning English?Avtivity2:Ask the students toread the passage andanswer thequestions and thencheck the answers intheir group:A.What grade isTeresa in?B.What languageRead for specificinformation.To help studentsunderstand thepassage better.does she speak athome?C.What does sheoften read?D.When does shewatch EnglishThe students read thepassage carefully,findout the answers andunderline the evidence.WhileReading(8minutes)movies?E.Where can you findthe words for manyEnglish songs?F.Who helps Teresa alot?Activity 3:Ask the students tomake a summary abouthow to learn English Help the studentsComplete the mind mapaccording to the to understand thetogether.passage. passage clearly.Activity 1: Ask thestudents to watch avideo. And thinkabout the question: Watch the video and write Expand What does the video the key words down. reading. talk about?When they watch,please take notes.Activity 2: Ask thestudents tointerview theirclassmates abouthow do they learntheAfterreading(23minutes)English? Fill inthe table in thelearning case. Andthen using thissentence pattern toInterview theirclassmates and fill in Get ready the table and share their writing. opinions with us.forintroduce to us,forexample:I interview Amy,shereads a lot ofEnglish books.Activity3:Write acomposition abouthow to learn Englishwell according to Write a composition by Intensify the contents of the themselves. knowledge. mind map. Then checkit in group.And thenpresent to us.theSummary Ask the students Think about the questionConsolidatetheandhomework(3minutes)such a question: Doyou know how tolearn English well?Make a summary aboutwhat we have learntin class.And ask thestudents to writedown the homework.At last make asummary about thescores of eachgroup.and answer it.And write knowledge. down the homework.A. Draw a mind map of howto learn English well.B. Finish the exercise inthe book.Blackboarddesign Lesson 28 How Do I Learn EnglishWhy HowA. read a lotB. ListensecondlanguageusefulC. SpeakD. Watch English TVE. a good vocabularyF. practice and confidenceTeaching A. About learning aims: It is a great help to students. And they get the knowledge reflection by different activities. They also make a decision to learn English better andbetter.B. About language:the input language:The complexity is suitable for them.The output language:We have listening,reading and watching video and interviewing. The difficulty becomes larger and larger, it is good for students to accept.C.About the teacher and the students:The teacher is the conductor in class. The teacher is flexible. The students are the host of learning, they are active in class.D.About design of activity :It is good for the students to communicate with each other. And it is good for accumulating language.E.Insufficient and improvement:Some of the students can not speak more in class because they dont have enoughpreparation lessons before class.I need to seize the time well.


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