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    统编初一年级英语下册单元测试U9 课堂练习.docx

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    统编初一年级英语下册单元测试U9 课堂练习.docx

    Review of unit 9I.英汉互译1. short hair_ 2.卷发_ 3. long hair_4.直发_ 5.be of medium height_6.中等身材_ 7. tell jokes_8. 一个来自五班的新朋友_8. short straight hair_9. 篮球队的队长_ 10. be good-looking_ 12.有点内向_13. a little bit heavy_ 14. 黑发_15.never stop talking _16. 金黄色头发_17. have a beard_ 18.爱看书下棋_ 19. wear glasses_ 20.棕色卷发_21. have/has a new look_ 22.不再_23. look like_24. the pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair_ II.根据汉语完成句子1. 他们长什么样子?他们中等个子。What _they_ _? They are _medium_.2. 他长什么样子? 他中等身材。What _he _like? He is of medium_.3. 他留着金黄色卷曲的短发。 He has short _ _hair.4. 她个子很低,还有一点点胖。Shes _ and a _ _ heavy.5. 他又瘦又高。5. 他不再戴眼镜。6. 没人认识我。7. 我长得很帅。He is tall_ _.He _wear _ any_._ _ _.Im very_.9. 他哥哥中等体格,留着竖直的短发。His brother _ _ and he has _ _ hair. 10.玛丽长得很漂亮,但不太爱说话。Mary is _,but shes a _ _.11.杰克很有趣,喜爱说笑话。Jack is very _and loves _ _ _. 12.那个长头发的女孩是谁?Who is the girl _ _ _?III根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. Yang Jiacheng is the c_ of the basketball team.2. This peace of music is very p_. We all like it.1. His father isnt very tall and is m_ build.1. I have to go a diet (节食) because Im already a little bit h_.2. Michael Owen is my f_ football player.1. Her hair is very straight. Its not c_.2. He is not short or tall. Hes of medium h_.1. My brother likes reading and p_ chess.2. She is a funny girl. She loves to tell j_.10. Listen! Our teacher is coming! Please stop t_ and keep quiet.11. Mary likes talking and she n_ stops talking. But her sister is a little q_.12. The pop singer Johnny Dean has a new l_ now.13. Tina is 1.72 meters in height. But she is only 45 kg. She is a little t_. 14. Daves uncle has no hair on his head. Hes b_. 15. Everybody comes to school early today. N_ is late for class.IV.选择适当的词补全句子1. Dave _ (is/has) a short beard.2. The basketball players _ (are/have) very tall.1. My mother _ (isnt/doesnt have) very heavy.1. Jean _ (is/has) curly, blonde hair.2. Kitty _ (is/has) good-looking.3. The football player likes wearing _ (glass/glasses).4. One of them _ ( is/are )of medium height.5. The boy _(is/has)a medium build .1. Whos the girl with blonde _ (hair/hairs)?2. Im thirsty now. Id like some _ (orange/oranges) to drink.V. 句型转换。1. Mike has short, brown hair.(对画线部分提问) _ _Mike _like?2. Lucy does her homework in the evening.(改为否定句)Lucy_ _her homework in the evening.3. He doesnt like staying at home. I think.(合并为一句)I_ think he _staying at home.4. The boy is 1.70m tall.(改为同义句) The boy is 1.70m _ _.5. Lucy and Lily look the same.(改为同义句) Lucy_ _ Lily.6. He is of medium build. (改为同义句) He _ _ medium build. VI. 完形填空Mr. and Mrs. Miller have a son and a daughter. _1_ names are Alan and Mary.Mary is a student of a university. She is _2_. Their neighbors say to Mr. and Mrs. Miller, “Your _3_ is beautiful. She is tall and pretty thin. She has long curly_4_.” Mary doesnt like to talk with other people. She is a little _5_ . Alan istwenty-five, but he _6_a bit old, _7_ he doesnt have much hair. His hair is_8_. The color is like the color of bananas. Hes very tall and is of medium _9_. He is a policeman and usually wears the _10_.( ) 1. A. Her( ) 2. A. cleverB. HerB. uglyC. Their D. OurC. good-looking D. smart( ) 3. A. daughter ( ) 4. A. hairs( ) 5. A. outgoing ( ) 6. A. is( ) 7. A. so( ) 8. A. blonde ( ) 9. A. highB. sonB. hairB. funB. looksB. becauseB. brownB. buildC. childrenC. beardC. quietC. likesC. whenC. whiteC. ageD. kidsD. mustacheD. cuteD. looks likeD. ifD. blackD. body( ) 10. A. glasses B. scarf C. sunglasses D. uniformVII.书面表达请描述一下你的好朋友(Eric)的外表及他的爱好和性格方面的情况,不少于 60 词。提示词:tall, a little thin, curly, blonde , out-going, like playing答案附后Review of unit 7 答案I. 1.短发 2. curly hair 3. 长发 4. straight hair 5. 中等个 6. be of mediumbuild 7. 讲笑话 8. a new friend in Class Five 9. 直短发 10. the captain ofthe basketball 11. 长相漂亮 12. a little bit quiet 13. 有一点点胖 14. blackhair 15. 总是不停说话 16. blonde hair 17. 长着胡子 18. like reading andplaying chess 19. 戴着眼镜 20. curly brown hair 21. 有个新形象 22.notany more 23. 看起来像/长相 24. 那个带着滑稽眼镜,留着长卷发的流 行歌手II. 1. do look like of height 2. does look build 3. curly blonde 4. short littlebit 5. and thin 6. doesnt glasses more 7. Nobody knows me 8.good-looking 9. is of medium build short straight 10. good-looking little/bit quiet 11. funny to tell jokes12. with long hairIII. 1. captain 2. pop/popular 3. medium 4. heavy 5. favorite 6. curly 7.height 8. playing 9. jokes 10. talking 11. never quite 12. look 13. thin 14. bald 15. NobodyIV. 1. has 2. are 3. isnt 4. has 5. is 6. glasses 7. is 8. has 9. hair10.orangeV. 1. What does look 2. doesnt do 3. dont likes 4. in height 5. looks like 6. has aV. 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. DVI. (略)


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