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    2016 年广西民族大学英语教学论考研真题 A 卷I. There are 12 incomplete statements and 8 questions in this part. Each statement or question has four answers marked A, B, C and D. Read the choices carefully and choose the one which can best complete the statement or answer the question and then write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (30 points, 1.5 points for each)1. Chomsky believes that linguistic study and research can help explain what happens inthe mind, and linguistics should be regarded as a branch ofA. methodology B. psychology C. sociology D. anthropology2. Generally speaking, the Grammar-translation Method belongs to the school of linguistics.A. applied B. modern C. traditional D. behaviourist3. The neogrammarians, represented by Hermann Paul, formed the main linguistic base ofA. the Grammar-Translation Method B. the Direct MethodC. the Oral Approach D. the Audiolingual Method4. The Oral Approach/Situational Language Teaching believes in a theory of learning the language is based on a type of theory.A. behaviorist habit formation B. structural linguisticsB. cognitive psychology D. functional linguistics5. The Natural Approach sees the language acquirer as a of comprehensible input.A. receiver B. producer C. processor D. acquirer6. The Audiolingual Method insists on accurate reproduction of sentence patterns andtheir attitude towards students language error isA. positive B. negative C. passive D. active7. The monitor theory, which is very popular among foreign language teachersin , was put forward by Stephen Krashen in the late 1970s.A. China B. France C. Britain D. America8. James Asher was the founder ofA. the Direct Method B. the Cognitive ApproachC. Total Physical Response D. suggestopaedia9. With regard to syllabus design, the Communicative approach emphasizesA. communication B. expressing of meaningC. teachers skills D. learners needs10. The Cognitive Approach believes that play a decisive role in foreign language learning.A. the teacher B. the students C. the materials D. the environment11. English teaching in China didnt enter into the formal educational system until the _ century.A. late 19th B. early 20th C. mid-20th D. late 20th12. The generative linguist is interested not only in _ language but also in explaining language.A. teaching B. describing C. using D. understanding13. Which role does the teacher play in the following activities?When answering the teacher question, if a student doesnt seem to be ready for an answer, the teacher gives hints.A. controller B. participant C. assessor D. prompter14. In teaching grammar, what stage can the teacher use for following activity? The teacher asks the students to produce sentences based on the picturesprovided.A. presentation B. practice C. application D. production15. Which reading skill is the teacher using in teaching reading?The teacher asks the students to try to guess information or ideas that go beyond the literal meaning of the text.A. inferring or reading between the linesB. recognizing organization of the textC. predictingD. scanning16. How is the following activity organized?The teacher asks all the students to do completion exercises.A. pair work B. whole-class work C. individual D. group work17. In teaching vocabulary, what stage is most suitable for the following activity The teacher uses word formation rules and common affixes to buildnew lexical knowledge.A. presentation B. production C. practice D. B & C18. What technique is the teacher using in teaching writing?Students editing of each others writingsA. conferencing B. peer-editing C. Revising D. self-editing19. What activity the teacher is doing?The teacher gives the first half of the dialogue by asking a question: (The teacher holds on a picture with a person reading a book)T: what were you doing when I called you last night?S: I was reading a book when you called.A. controlled activity B Semi-controlled activityC. commutative activity D. free activity20. Which type of approach can best describe the following learning pattern?Discussion about how to solve certain problemsA. autonomous learningB. interactive learningC. contextualized learningD. task-based learningII. Decided whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (10 points, 1 point for each)1. As a teaching technique, the Grammar-translation Method teaches grammar inductively.2. The Direct Method emphasizes the importance of spoken language, therefore holds that reading and writing should be taught only after speaking.3. According to the Inductive Way Grammar Teaching, the grammar rules should be worked out by the students themselves from examples without explicit explanation from the teacher.4. In Cognitive Approach, second language acquisition is viewed as the acquisition of knowledge, involving cognitive representations that regulate and guide internal performance.5. In Communicative Approach teacher is viewed as the authority of the classroom.6. Emphasis on learning to communicate in the target language is one of the main features of The Communicative Approach.7. According to Krashen, language learning comes about through using target language communicatively, rather than through practicing language skills.8. According to Skinner, reward was much more effective than punishment ina teaching situation.9. Classroom instructions refer to the type of language teachers use to organize or guide learning10. Assessment often takes the pencil and paper form and it is only done at the end ofa learning period.III. Filling in the blanks. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet (40 points, 2 points for each)1. In Krashens Monitor Mode of second language development, there are two distinct processes, one is acquisition, and the other is .2. , a linguist in America, is regarded as the father of American structuralism.3. An ultimate purpose of learning a foreign language in a Grammar-Translation classroom if to enable the learners to its literature.4. Ideally Lesson planning should be done at two levels: and micro planning.5. The three models for teaching reading are: , top-down and interactive model.6. The Audiolingual Method uses dialogues as the main form of language presentation and as the main training techniques.7. The Cognitive Approach believes that language learning is a process which involves and not simply the forming of habits.8. The is the center of Krashens second language learning theory.9. According to Hedge, communicative competence includes linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, , strategic competence and fluency.10. The teacher plays an role in Total Physical Response.11. A typical task-based Language Teaching procedure usually consists of three stages: Pre-task, Task cycle and .12. In teaching grammar, mechanical practice is mainly used to help the learners tomaster accurately.13. Scanning is a type of pre-reading activity, which means to read to locate specific.14. The main procedures of process writing include creating a motivation to write, brainstorming, mapping, freewriting, outlining, drafting, revising and conferencing.15. A PPP model refers to Presentation, and Production.16. The general aim of the Communicative Approach is to develop the students .17. Tactile learners learn more effectively through .18. There are two methods of assessment: and formative assessment.19. In practicing language skills, controlled activities mainly focus on and accuracy.20. The functional view of linguistic not only sees language as a linguistic system but also a for doing thingsIV. Answer the following questions. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet (40 points, 8 points for each)1. What are mechanical practice and meaningful practice in grammar teaching? In order to teach grammar effectively, how to use these two practices?2. What roles do you think a teacher should play in the classroom? State your reasons.3. How do you understand the relationship between the grammatical forms of a language and their communicative functions?3. What rules do you think a teacher should follow in order to make classroom instruction effective?4. What are the objectives of the pre-reading stages of teaching reading and what techniques can be employed to fulfill these objectives?V. Lesson designing (30 points)Directions: In this part, you are to design a 40-minute writing lesson according to the information provided.Information: Type of the lesson: writingStudent level: 40 junior middle school students, Grade 8Lesson duration: 40 minutesThe Aim of the lesson: By the end of the lesson, students will be ableto write a 100-word passage describing a person in terms of: appearance, personality and hobbies.Your answer should include:1.A lesson plan which includes:1)Teaching objectives ( at least 3 objectives, 6 points , 2 points for each ) 2)Teaching important and difficult points (4 points, 2 points for each )3) Teaching aids (3 points)4) Teaching procedures ( at least 3 steps, 9 points, 3 points for each) 2.Predicted problems and solutions (8 points, 4 points for each)


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