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    Unit 7 Its rainingPart 1 Section A(课前)自主预习,扫清障碍 一、Section A单词预习。1下雨;雨水 rain 2多风的 windy 3多云的 cloudy 4晴朗的 sunny 5下雪;雪 snow 6天气 weather7做饭 cook 8坏的;糟的 bad 9公园 park10信息;消息 message 11他(he的宾格) him 12能;可以 could 13回来;回原处 back 14困难;难题 problem 15又一次;再一次 again 二、Section A重点短语及目标句型预习1Can I take a message for him? 要我给他捎个话吗?take a message(for sb.)(给某人)捎口信;你能给Lily捎个口信吗? Can you take a message for Lily? 2Hows the weather? = Whats the weather like? 天气怎么样?东莞天气怎样?(两种表达) Hows the weather in Dongguan? Whats the weather like in Dongguan?注意:weather n. 天气(不可数名词)。如:What bad weather! 天气真糟!天气真好! What good/fine weather!3Hows it going? 近来可好?常用来询问对方的近况如何。常用的回答有:Great! 好极了! Not bad! 挺好的! Terrible! 糟透了!嗨,露西。近来可好? Hi, Lucy. Hows it going? 挺好的,谢谢。 Not bad. Thanks.4Sounds like youre having a good time. 听起来你玩得好开心。这是一个省略句,相当于It sounds like youre,表示“听起来; 听上去”听起来你今天不开心。 Sounds like you are not happy today.5Could you just tell him to call me back? 你能否叫他给我回个电话?(1)can/could 情态动词(可以能),后面直接跟动词原形。could在语气上更加礼貌。你能移开你的自行车吗? Could you move your bike? (2)call(sb.)back意思是 “(给某人)回电话”。请明天给我回电话。 Please call me back tomorrow.三、Section A语法学习( B )1_ the weather like in Beijing? Its very cold.AHows BWhats CHow DWhat ( D )2I dont like _ days. I like _ days.Asnow; sun Bsnowy; sun Csnow; sunny Dsnowy; sunny( B )3It often _ in South China.Arainy Brains Cis raining Dis rainy( C )4_ it going with you, Rick? Not bad.AHow BWhat CHows DWhats ( A )5Could you read a story to me? _.ASure, no problem BYes, I could CNot bad DNo, I couldnt四、短文填空。Different seasons has different weather. Spring isnt so cold as 1 . The weather gets 2 day and day. People like spring very much. It is 3 best time to have fun. People can go out for a picnic. Summer is 4 . Its also 5 , because it often rains. Autumn is cool. Its also 6 and dry. People usually 7 kites in autumn. In this season we can enjoy different kinds of fruit. Winter is very 8 . Sometimes it 9 . There is a lot of snow on the ground. Children like playing 10 the snow. They have a good time.1 winter 2 warm 3 the 4 hot 5 rainy/wet 6 windy 7 fly 8 cold 9 snows 10 with 五、完形填空。Tom 1 near the sea. Their house is not very high, but it is beautiful. There 2 big trees and a small garden in front 3 their house. They plant flowers in the garden. Some are red, some are white 4 some are blue. Tom and his family love 5 garden very much. 6 Tom and his sister go to school 7 bus. The bus is comfortable(舒服的). There are air conditioners in the bus. And it is a double-decker bus. After school, they sometimes help their mum 8 some shopping at the Shopping Center, and sometimes help their dad in the garden. At weekends, they often take some photos by the sea. 9 summer, they often go swimming 10 their parents.( A )1Alives BlivedClivingDto live( A )2Aare BisCwasDbe( D )3Ato BforCatDof( D )4Abut Bor CatDand( C )5Athey BthemCtheirDtheirs( B )6AAll BBothCSomeDTwo( B )7AonBbyCtakeDsit( A )8AdoBdoingCdoesDdid( A )9AInBOnCAtDTo( D )10Aand Bfor Cof Dwith3


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