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    吉林大学远程教育课件,学 时:60,旅游英语,(第二十四讲),主讲人 : 栗冰怡,1. Fill in the blanks Agent: Hello, Mr. Angle. Did you sleep well? Mr. Angle: Yes, very well, even (1)(做了个好梦). Agent: Is everything all right? Mr. Angle: Yes, the room is nice, (2)(床很舒适),and the toilet is clean. And it has a ball, a bar, (3)(桑拿浴室),anyway, it has everything that a hotel should possess (4)(正如你说的). Agent: Im glad to hear that. Mr. Angle: But one thing you didnt mention is that (5)(几乎没有服务生)speak English and (6)(大部分客人)here are Chinese, only some students from Philippines and Arabic countries, I think. Agent: You feel (7)(你是不是找不到人说话),and it is inconvenient, right? Mr. Angle: Yes, a little bit. Agent: To be frank, we choose this hotel for you only (8)(因为)the traffic problem as I told you yesterday. Anyhow, we are going to do something to (9)(补偿的). Mr. Angle: Thank you very much. Actually this hotel is OK. Staying here also has the advantage that I neednt dress formally as (10)(像在一家豪华饭店那样). Agent: Youre right.,1 Key 1) had a good dream 2)the bed is comfortable 3) a sauna 4) as you said 5) few of the service people 6) most of the guests 7) you have no one to talk to 8) because of 9) make up 10) in a luxury hotel,(1)旅馆主要分为四大类:商务旅馆,旅游旅馆,汽车旅馆和居住旅馆。 (2)豪华型宾馆尽可能地为旅客提供最舒适的环境和方便的设备。 (3)餐饮部在宾馆管理中起着非常重要的作用。 (4)我们零售的葡萄酒和啤酒只限堂吃。 (5)为了节约开支,有些宾馆在淡季歇业,到旺季来临时再开业。 (6)事实上,汽车旅馆提供的服务与其他旅馆所提供的服务几乎是一样的。 (7)对驾车的旅客来说,停车场和汽车修理设备是必不可少的。 (8)一个宾馆主要由前台、客房、餐饮、商务等几大部门组成。,1)Hotels are divided into four major classifications: the commercial hotel, the resort hotel, the motor hotel and the residential hotel. 2) A deluxe hotel will try its best to offer the guests the most comfortable environment and convenient equipment. 3) The Food and Beverage Department plays a very important role in the hotel management. 4) We retail wine and beer to be consumed only on the premises. 5) Some hotels are closed during the “off season” and reopen at the peak season in order to reduce the expenses. 6) In fact, the services a motel provides are very similar to those of other hotels. 7) It is necessary for the guests traveling by automobile to have the parking lots and garage facilities. 8) A hotel is mainly made up of a front office, a house keeping department, a food and beverage department, a business center and so on.,In addition to the money that tourism brings into a country, tourism provides a great many jobs, especially for unskilled or semiskilled workers. Many jobs, in hotels and restaurants, especially are semiskilled so that very little training is needed for them. In a large hotel, for instance, there may be as many as two or three employees for every guest room. This intensive use of labor is one of the reasons why tourism is so attractive to developing countries.,In addition to the money that tourism brings into a country, tourism provides a great many jobs, especially for unskilled or semiskilled workers. Many jobs, in hotels and restaurants, especially are semiskilled so that very little training is needed for them. In a large hotel, for instance, there may be as many as two or three employees for every guest room. This intensive use of labor is one of the reasons why tourism is so attractive to developing countries. In addition to:除了,除此之外 brings into:带来 unskilled or semiskilled workers:无技术或半熟练工人 for instance: 例如 intensive use of labor:劳动力的大量使用,旅游业不仅给国家带来外汇,而且提供了许多 就业机会,尤其是为无技术或半熟练工人提供 了就业机会。特别是在旅馆和饭店, 有许多 都是半熟练工人,因此工人只需要很少的训练 即可上岗。例如,在一家大型旅馆里, 每间 客房可以要多达两至三名服务人员。劳动力 大量使用是旅游业对发展中国家如此富有吸引 力的原因之一。,An Introduction to Hotel Industry,The word “hotel” is derived from the Latin word “hospitale”. It means a rented place for sleeping. Webster defines a hotel as “a building or institution providing lodging, meals, and service for the public.” So a hotel is a building for public accommodation that furnishes lodging and usually provides meals, beverages, and many personal service. Hotels often provide entertainment, rooms for meetings, banquets, or balls; shops of various kinds; commodious lobbies; and cafes, bars, and restaurants. The hotel industry rebounded during and immediately after World War II, as the volume of travel increased. The postwar hospitality industry, however, has been markedly different from that of the prewar period with the automobile and the jet plane radically affecting the industry, changing travel patterns and leading to the development of different types of hotels. Motels, resort hotels, and convention hotels have been developed to cater to the varied needs of todays traveling public. At the same time, hotel chains have established themselves as the dominant force in the industry.,An Introduction to Hotel Industry,Motels really came of age during the 1950s. Two main factors contributed to the boom in motel construction. One was the development of the interstate highway system, beginning in 1956, which encouraged more and more travelers to take to the roads on long distance journeys. The other was the entry of motel chains into the market. Motels increased in size and, for the first time, added a number of services. Restaurants, swimming pools, and in-room televisions became standard features. Motels began to attract growing numbers of vacationers in addition to commercial travelers. A resort hotel is one that people visit for relaxation, recreation, and entertainment. With the rise in mass tourism, they have been established in great numbers at destinations throughout the world. Resorts, as such, have existed since ancient times. Wealthy Romans used to escape from the cities during the hot summer months and spend the season at the shore, in the mountains, or at spa resorts. The idea of the resort hotel was born in the 18th and 19th century Europe. And the resort hotel in the United States developed with the expansion of the railroads in the second half of the nineteenth century. All catered exclusively to the rich and to the upper middle class. Families stayed for two or three months and returned to the same hotel year after year. A convention hotel is one that caters to large group gatherings. The rise of convention hotels has been one of the developments in the hotel industry, and conventioneers now account for almost 20 percent of all hotel guests. Many downtown hotels saw occupancy levels drop during the 1950s and early 1960s as motels captured a larger segment of the market. In response, some hotels began to add facilities for conventions and other group gatherings as a means of survival. At first, conventions were scheduled for off-peak periods, but as the volume of convention business increased, they began to be scheduled year-round.,An Introduction to Hotel Industry,As now it is the golden age of tourism and every year many new hotels with modem facilities are being built in large cities and resorts all over the world. Besides these new hotels, there are many other hotels which boast of a long history in every city that you will visit. Hotels are to be found in every country of the world, in any city with a population of over 10,000 and, very commonly, in places with fewer than 500 inhabitants. It is no wonder that hotel-keeping ranks high among the largest worldwide industries. Although there are no reliable world statistics or figures available, an overall view of the industry as it exists in the United States should provide a good picture of the magnitude of this business. Hotels that offer more complex services need additional departments. Luxury resort properties may employ people to organize and supervise recreational activities. Large city hotels often have a separate convention department to handle conferences and other group meetings. Additional staff will be required if the hotel has onsite stores, concessions and garage facilities.,An Introduction to Hotel Industry,The word “hotel” is derived from the Latin word “hospitale”. It means a rented place for sleeping. Webster defines a hotel as “a building or institution providing lodging, meals, and service for the public.” So a hotel is a building for public accommodation that furnishes lodging and usually provides meals, beverages, and many personal service. Hotels often provide entertainment, rooms for meetings, banquets, or balls; shops of various kinds; commodious lobbies; and cafes, bars, and restaurants. The hotel industry rebounded during and immediately after World War II, as the volume of travel increased. The postwar hospitality industry, however, has been markedly different from that of the prewar period with the automobile and the jet plane radically affecting the industry, changing travel patterns and leading to the development of different types of hotels. Motels, resort hotels, and convention hotels have been developed to cater to the varied needs of todays traveling public. At the same time, hotel chains have established themselves as the dominant force in the industry.,derived from:来源,来自于 a building or institution providing lodging, meals, and service for the public:为大众提供住宿,餐饮, 和服务的建筑或机构 commodious lobbies:宽敞的大厅 rebounded during and immediately after World War II:在二战期间和二战后立刻繁荣起来 The postwar hospitality industry, however, has been markedly different from that of the prewar period with the automobile and the jet plane radically affecting the industry:然而战后的旅游 业和 战前的有着明显的不同,汽车和飞机极大地 影响了该产业。 hotel chains have established themselves as the dominant force in the industry:旅馆连 锁店的建立成为旅游业的显著影响力。,Motels really came of age during the 1950s. Two main factors contributed to the boom in motel construction. One was the development of the interstate highway system, beginning in 1956, which encouraged more and more travelers to take to the roads on long distance journeys. The other was the entry of motel chains into the market. Motels increased in size and, for the first time, added a number of services. Restaurants, swimming pools, and in-room televisions became standard features. Motels began to attract growing numbers of vacationers in addition to commercial travelers. A resort hotel is one that people visit for relaxation, recreation, and entertainment. With the rise in mass tourism, they have been established in great numbers at destinations throughout the world. Resorts, as such, have existed since ancient times. Wealthy Romans used to escape from the cities during the hot summer months and spend the season at the shore, in the mountains, or at spa resorts. The idea of the resort hotel was born in the 18th and 19th century Europe. And the resort hotel in the United States developed with the expansion of the railroads in the second half of the nineteenth century. All catered exclusively to the rich and to the upper middle class. Families stayed for two or three months and returned to the same hotel year after year.,Motels really came of age during the 1950s:汽车 旅馆在50年代真正的发展成熟起来。 Two main factors contributed to the boom in motel construction.:两点主要因素促使汽车旅 馆发展高峰的形成。 standard features:标准特征 mass tourism:团体旅游 Wealthy Romans used to escape from the cities during the hot summer months and spend the season at the shore, in the mountains, or at spa resorts:富有的罗马人在炎热的夏季逃离城 市,在海滨,山区,或温泉度假。 All catered exclusively to the rich and to the upper middle class:所有旅馆只是为满足富人和 中上层阶级的需要。,A convention hotel is one that caters to large group gatherings. The rise of convention hotels has been one of the developments in the hotel industry, and conventioneers now account for almost 20 percent of all hotel guests. Many downtown hotels saw occupancy levels drop during the 1950s and early 1960s as motels captured a larger segment of the market. In response, some hotels began to add facilities for conventions and other group gatherings as a means of survival. At first, conventions were scheduled for off-peak periods, but as the volume of convention business increased, they began to be scheduled year-round. As now it is the golden age of tourism and every year many new hotels with modem facilities are being built in large cities and resorts all over the world.,large group gatherings:大型团体聚会 account for:占 In response, some hotels began to add facilities for conventions and other group gatherings as a means of survival:相应的,一些旅馆开始增设用于会议 和其他聚会的设施做为生存的手段。 it is the golden age of tourism:是旅游业的黄金时 期,Besides these new hotels, there are many other hotels which boast of a long history in every city that you will visit. Hotels are to be found in every country of the world, in any city with a population of over 10,000 and, very commonly, in places with fewer than 500 inhabitants. It is no wonder that hotel-keeping ranks high among the largest worldwide industries. Although there are no reliable world statistics or figures available, an overall view of the industry as it exists in the United States should provide a good picture of the magnitude of this business. Hotels that offer more complex services need additional departments. Luxury resort properties may employ people to organize and supervise recreational activities. Large city hotels often have a separate convention department to handle conferences and other group meetings. Additional staff will be required if the hotel has onsite stores, concessions and garage facilities.,many other hotels which boast of a long history:炫耀 其具有悠久历史的许多其他旅馆 hotel-keeping ranks high among the largest worldwide industries:酒店经营业在全球性的产业中 位居前列 Hotels that offer more complex services need additional departments:提供更复杂的服务的旅馆 就需要增设部门,An Introduction to Hotel Industry,The word “hotel” is derived from the Latin word “hospitale”. It means a rented place for sleeping. Webster defines a hotel as “a building or institution providing lodging, meals, and service for the public.” So a hotel is a building for public accommodation that furnishes lodging and usually provides meals, beverages, and many personal service. Hotels often provide entertainment, rooms for meetings, banquets, or balls; shops of various kinds; commodious lobbies; and cafes, bars, and restaurants. The hotel industry rebounded during and immediately after World War II, as the volume of travel increased. The postwar hospitality industry, however, has been markedly different from that of the prewar period with the automobile and the jet plane radically affecting the industry, changing travel patterns and leading to the development of different types of hotels. Motels, resort hotels, and convention hotels have been developed to cater to the varied needs of todays traveling public. At the same time, hotel chains have established themselves as the dominant force in the industry.,An Introduction to Hotel Industry,Motels really came of age during the 1950s. Two main factors contributed to the boom in motel construction. One was the development of the interstate highway system, beginning in 1956, which encouraged more and more travelers to take to the roads on long distance journeys. The other was the entry of motel chains into the market. Motels increased in size and, for the first time, added a number of services. Restaurants, swimming pools, and in-room


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