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    大学生职业生涯规划与人生发展Career planning and life development of College StudentsAuthors: Tang Yongzhong, source: Shanghai Maritime UniveristyAbstract: Based on the current employment of university students is difficult and the business requirements of the quality of graduates, points out that college students now lack of occupation career planning, there are many problems in college student occupation career planning, discussed the important role of occupation career planning in college students life development, and puts forward the measures of how to carry out the occupation career planning for college students.Key words: college students; career planning; life developmentIn recent years, with the change of our college education from "elite education" to "mass education", the situation of college students is undergoing a subtle change. In the past the kind of "Gods favored one" calm and a sense of superiority, is gradually replaced by the severe employment pressure and anxiety about reality. The state has no longer "unified package" for graduates, and the situation has become difficult for college graduates after their graduation. This may be an improvement in the development of society as a whole, but it is no doubt a challenge for the new generation of College students. From the employment market information shows that the employment of college students is increasing, the reason, apart from macroeconomic and corporate restructuring and other major environmental factors, more important is the quality of college graduates and the development of the market economy does not match, do not match. In the existing job market, complex, innovative, experienced and skilled talents are more popular. But to become these types of talents, we must have good comprehensive quality.How to face the coming into the reality of society, how under the pressure of competition and self-taught success, this is a common task for every students are facing. On the one hand, from the perspective of students should take seriously, on the other hand, colleges, should consider how to strengthen the work of the development of occupation education for students in the new situation, to guide students to establish a correct life goals, make students have correct occupation planning consciousness and concept, enhance the overall quality. So that students can find the position in the fierce competition, and find a suitable for their own development work.I. problems existing in career planning for College StudentsStudents in the occupation career planning process, from self cognition, environment evaluation, occupation orientation, plan execution and evaluation feedback have exposed some problems, especially the lack of awareness of objective, planning and implementation of some reality, with idealistic tendencies, specifically in the following areas:(1) lack of systematic career planning before entering the UniversityAccording to the experience of developed countries, the system borne by the school career counseling and occupation education from kindergarten to university, in before has experienced career cognition, career preparation, career exploration, career oriented stage. In general, after the stage of progressive education guidance before entering university, young people already know what I want to be what kind of person to do what kind of occupation, in order to achieve this goal need to arrange their learning life. Because of Chinas traditional education system, set in before even entering college career planning and counseling content, after entering the University, college student occupation career guidance becomes a work from scratch in a sense.(two) the "elite" has a strong sense of talent, and self evaluation and career development are expected to be too high.The difficulty of College Students employment is, to a great extent, due to their high expectations, their inaccurate orientation and the ideal out of touch with reality. Some students think that reading the university will behoove as cadre should have fixed job, a lucrative, one-sided view that in a big city, big units in order to reflect the value of your life, in order to achieve their ideal and ambition, the pursuit of material benefits and geographical conditions. According to a survey, 90% of the students said they would be the supervisor in two years, 5 years later became the Department Director; 75% students said, before the age of 35, to become a professional manager of 50-100 yuan per year. Heavy status, fame and wealth,Light business, light dedication, lack of hard struggle spirit and a strong sense of responsibility. In order to obtain successful employment, college students must discard the "elite" consciousness, change the traditional concept of "going up to the top", lower their positions and enter society with a low profile, so as to find opportunities for development in ordinary jobs.(three) fewer opportunities for social practice, lack of perceptual knowledge of occupation.According to the survey, the students understand the occupation information mainly through indirect channels, such as the Internet, mass media, employment guidance course and related lectures and so on, despite the large amount of information, but the true state of college students can experience the workplace. Social practice lacks career orientation, has failed to obtain useful vocational training, and lacks the perceptual knowledge of profession. Many college students to participate in social time is blind, some chose part-time tutor, salesman and other ways to increase the "work experience" in order to increase the competitiveness of employment, many college students choose to increase the research of "chips", busy with all kinds of exams all day; and the students spend a lot of time to participate in various sports activities, just to to the employer to prove its interests.(four) career path design is taken for granted and impracticalMany college students choose to obtain a degree and certificate as the main development path, as their occupation target occupation design to PubMed and kaobo. Some college students "for insurance purposes, to prepare the development path of more than four, but the path results in great disparity, lack of internal connection path between, blurred direction and path of the shilly-shally will inevitably lead to the actual choice, is not conducive to the realization of the core occupation target. Some students do when planning to spend a lot of time and effort in the search for the "best hope" plan ", a plan, a lifetime, when planning in everything, do not want to give up, do not take flexible adjustment measures. In fact, because of the limitation of various factors, one is almost impossible to make a perfect in every respect of the occupation career planning, moreover, due to changes in the external environment and their own knowledge, improve the ability of occupation career planning, but also need to continue to adjust, keeping pace with the times.Two, career planning and life development of College Students"Career design" is actually "life strategy design", which is an arrangement for the future development of life. Its simple, but its important. Although its only a arrangement, is there any difference between these arrangements?. There is no such a strategy arrangement, a plan, a long-term development, it will only stop, moving randomly, only go around looking for opportunities to put their own future and destiny set in a subtle contingency. In the United States in a book called "infinite ability" the best-selling book, said such an example: in 1953 conducted a survey of Yale University graduates: "what is your goal after graduation?" results are 3% of the students have a clear goal, 97% of the students have no clear goals on. 20 years later, someone tracked down all the students who had attended the questionnaire. The conclusion surprised him. 3% of the people had more than 97% of the sum of their wealth. 20 years ago, only the goal has and did not, after 20 years, but formed such a big difference.So, a successful life requires proper planning. The pursuit of self fulfillment and career success is the goal of many peoples life, but not everyone can reach the highest level of life. The difference is whether you can manage your life plan well. It doesnt matter where you stand today, but its important that you move on next. You need to know not only what to do, but also what not to do. For those who can design their own life strategy on the road of life, do not relax study, always keep an enterprising mind, and constantly sum up experience, success is no longer a difficult task.(1) career planning runs through the whole process of life developmentA career is a concept of development.Super (1957), a famous American professional psychologist, divides human career development into five stages: growth, exploration, establishment, maintenance and retreat. In different life cycle, occupation career planning in different stages, planning contents and key points of each stage are different, but the various stages of the occupation career planning is affecting each other continuously, and thus form a complete occupation career planning throughout the process of development has always been the life.The age of college students is in the exploration period of career development. The main task of college students in this period is more and more accurate understanding of themselves, have more practical ability and judgment of their own weaknesses; self development, characteristics according to their own interest and ability and personality, make the greatest efforts to actively adapt to the culture attitude, develop their own expertise in all kinds of learning and practice; the event, made a tentative decision and occupation occupation career planning. Therefore, it is very important for college students whether their career orientation is accurate and their professional ability has been improved. College students should actively incorporate their career planning into their career development process. Promote successful career development through successful career planning at University level.(two) career planning contributes to the accumulation of College Students knowledge and experienceCollege students are often unprepared for their time, strength and experience when they are employed. The lack of time preparation means that it is possible to prepare for the job from the beginning of the third year. In fact, it is necessary to prepare for the society, the collection of information and the improvement of the ability. The strength of the lack of preparation for the mistaken visible preparation (such as certificates and transcripts) than the invisible quality, actually unit value is the long-term accumulation of personal qualities, such as cooperative awareness, communication skills, self understanding etc. Experience the lack of preparation is mistaken for some social practice background to help them find work, actually experience acquisition is necessary for a period of time, repeated attempts, individual time does not mean that individuals have valuable experience.The accumulation of knowledge and experience is the key to success in life. It is a process of continuous learning, digging and accumulating. During the university period, it is a critical period for college students to exercise and train this ability. First of all, career planning helps college students succeed in accumulating the necessary resources for life development. These resources include: health, good moral quality, reasonable knowledge structure, coordinate interpersonal relationship and good ability to adapt to society; secondly, occupation career planning can cultivate the ability of these resources of College students. For example, by trying the ideal of life and life attitude of the orientation and choice to reflect on their own occupation; through the evaluation and analysis of personal occupation situation develop their own choice, to improve the ability of knowledge structure; by participating in various activities, exercise their interpersonal skills, develop their own analysis, in the future the development of life observation and creative ability, etc.(three) career planning can help college students achieve their own successThe pursuit of self fulfillment and career success is the goal of many college students, but not everyone can reach the highest level in life. The difference is whether you can manage your life plan well. Therefore, early career planning is an effective way for college students to realize themselves. First of all, choose a suitable career for college students to provide self realization stage. Students will eventually move towards the society, they only and strive to find the most suitable for their own position in the society, most can play their talents to the occupation, in order to fully acquire competitive advantage, in order to give full play to their potential and realize self value; secondly, the occupation career planning continuously adjusted and improved to encourage students to achieve greater success. For those who can design their own life strategy on the road, do not relax learning, always keep an enterprising heart,At the same time, people who constantly sum up experience, success is no longer a difficult task. College students are deepening their understanding, their quality has been improved, and the surrounding environment is constantly changing, this change requires the students to make reasonable adjustments on their own, the occupation positioning in the occupation career planning process, so that the university students in the choice of occupation in a little more setbacks. Success, faster and better self realization.Three, to achieve effective measures for career planning of College StudentsPaying attention to people, cultivating people and developing people are the foundation of career planning for college students. The ultimate aim of career planning is to promote the all-round development of College students. Occupation career planning for college students, which is based on the premise of their own interests, hobbies and personality characteristics of the careful analysis, combined with their own professional expertise and knowledge structure, to engage in the future work direction of the program. Before going to the society, students combine the realistic environment with the long-term planning. A clear positioning of your career is a key link in your job search, job creation, and even future career advancement.In order to solve the ideal problem of career planning for college students, we must start from many aspects. From the students themselves, first of all to take active and vivid social attitudes, a


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