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    B级Unit1-2(Book 2)单元测验.docx

    B级Unit1-2(Book 2)单元测验Part I Reading ComprehensionSection A Skimming and Scanning(15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions.For questions 1-7, markY (for YES) if the statement agrees with theinformation given in the passage;N (for NO) if the statement contradicts theinformation given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in thepassage.For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.Six Secrets of High-Energy PeopleTheres an energy crisis in America, and it has nothing to do with fossil fuels. Millions of us get up each morning already weary over what the day holds. “I just cant get started,” people say. But its not physical energy that most of us lack. Sure, we could all use extra sleep and a better diet. But in truth, people are healthier today than at any time in history. I can almost guaranteethat if you long for more energy, the problem is not with your body.What youre seeking is not physical energy. Its emotional energy. Yet, sad to say, life sometimes seems designed to exhaust our supply. We work too hard. We have family obligations. We encounter emergencies and personal crises. No wonder so many of us suffer from emotional fatigue, a kind of utter exhaustion of the spirit.And yet we all know people who are filled with joy, despite the unpleasant circumstances of their lives. Even as a child, I observed people who were poor, or disabled, or ill, but who nonetheless faced life with optimism and vigor. Consider Laura Hillenbrand, who despite an extremely weak body,wrote the best-seller Seabiscuit. Hillenbrand barely had enough physical energy to drag herself out of bed to write. But she was fueled by having a story she wanted to share. It was emotional energy that helped her succeed.Unlike physical energy, which is finite and diminishes with age, emotional energy is unlimited and has nothing to do with genes or upbringing. So how do you get it? Yo u cant simply tell yourself to be positive. You must take action. Here are six practical strategies that work.1. Do something new.Very little thats new occurs in our lives. The impact of this sameness on our emotional energy is gradual, but huge: i ts like a tire with a slow leak. You dont notice it at first, but eventually youll get a flat. Its up to you to plug the leakeven though there are always a dozen reasons to stay stuck in your dull routines of life. Thats where Maura, 36, a waitress, foun d herself a year ago.Fortunately, Maura had a lifelinea group of women friends who meet regularly to discuss their lives. Their lively discussions spurred Maura to make small but nevertheless life altering changes. She joined a gym in the next town. She changed her look with a short haircut and new black T-shirts. Eventually, Maura gathered the courage to quit her job and start her own business.Heres a challenge: i f its something you wouldnt ordinarily do, do it. Try a dish youve never eaten. Listen to music youd ordinarily tune out. Youll discover these small things add to your emotional energy.2. Reclaim lifes meaning.So many of my patients tell me that their lives used to have meaning,but that somewhere along the line things went stale.The first step in solving this meaning shortage is to figure out what you really care about, and then do something about it. A case in point is Ivy, 57, a pioneer in investment banking. “I mistakenly be lieved that all the money I made would mean something,” she says. “But I feel lost, like a 22-year-old wondering what to do with her life.” What is Ivys solution? She started a program that shows Wall Streeters how to donate time and money to poor children. In the process, Ivy filled her life with meaning.3. Put yourself in the fun zone.Most of us grown-ups are seriously fun-deprived. High-energy people have the same day-to-day work as the rest of us, but they manage to find something enjoyable in every situation.A real-estate broker I know keeps herself amused on the job by mentally redecorating the houses she shows to clients. “I love imagining what even the most run-down house could look like with a little tender loving care,” she says. “Its a ch allenge and the least desirable properties are usually the most fun.” We all define fun differently, of course, but I can guarantee this: if you put just a bit of it into your day, your energy will increase quickly.4. Bid farewell to guilt and regret.Everyones past is filled with regrets that still cause pain. But from an emotional energy point of view, they are dead weights that keep us from moving forward. While they cant merely be willed away, I do recommend you remind yourself that whatever happened is in the past, and nothing can change that. Holding on to the memory only allows the damage to continue into the present.5. Make up your mind.Say youve been thinking about cutting your hair short. Will it look stylish or too extreme? You endlessly think it over. Having the decision hanging over your head is a huge energy drain. Every time you cant decide, you burden yourself with alternatives. Quit thinking that you have to make the right decision; instead, make a choice and dont look back.6. Give to get.Emotional energy has a kind of magical quality; the more you give, the more you get back. This is the difference between emotional and physical energy. With the latter, you have to get it to be able to give it. With the former, however, you get it by giving it. Start by asking everyone you meet, “How are you?” as if you reallywant to know, then listen to the reply. Be the one who hears. Most of us also need to smile more often. If you dont smile at the person you love first thing in the morni ng, youre sucking energy out of your relationship. Finally, help another personand make the help real, concrete. Give a massage(按摩) to someone you love, or cook her dinner. Then, expand the circle to work. Try asking yourself what youd do if your goal were to be helpful rather than efficient. After all, if its true that what goes around comes around, why not make sure that whats circulating around you is the good stuff?1.The energy crisis in America discussed here mainly refers to ashortage of fossil fuels.2.People these days tend to lack physical energy.http:/www.wendangku.net/doc/8654a2de195f312b3169a554.htmlura Hillenbrand is an example cited to show how emotionalenergy can contr ibute to ones success in life.4.The author believes emotional energy is inherited andgenetically determined.5.Even small changes people make in their lives can helpincrease their emotional energy.6.Ivy filled her life with meaning by launching a program to helppoor children.7.The real-estate broker the author knows is talented in homeredecoration.8.People holding on to sad memories of the past will find itdifficult to _.9.When it comes to decision-making, one should make a quickchoice without _.10.Emotional energy is in a way different from physical energy inthat the more you give, _.Section B Reading in DepthDirections:There are 2 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage 1Most people agree that taxes must be paid. Government couldnt run without money. But people argue about how taxes should be collected.Now the government works with “progressive tax.”Not everyone pays the same percentage of his salary in taxes. Poorpeople are in low tax bracket. They pay the smallest percentage of income in taxes. Middle income workers pay a larger percentage than the poor. And the rich fall into the high tax brackets. Few rich people like the progressive tax.The government took a poll. Among other people, the government talked to Ray Mathers and Eve Winick. “Lets change to a flat rate tax,” says Ray Mathers. “Everyone should be taxed the same percentage. Its fair. And its easy to figure out.” Mathers is president of Trig Computer Company. He makes over $80,000 a year. “I dont want a flat rate income tax,”says Eve Winick. Winick is a grammar school teacher. Her school is in a poor neighborhood. She makes $14,000 a year. “I dont care if its easier to figure out. What I want to know is, would I pay less tax?”Winick worries about her studentsparents. “Some of them can hardly support themselves. Why should they pay heavier taxes? Theyre the people who need government services.”Mathers thinks a flat rate would help in the long run. “The country could lower taxes after a while. See, if I paid fewer taxes, Id save money. Id put that money into my business and hire more people. Those people could pay taxes. Everybody would be better off.”11. Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage?A. The progressive tax covers a percentage of peoples wages.B. The flat rate taxes everyone the same percentage.C. There is an argument over two different types of taxation.D. Ray Mathers and Eve Winick answered a government poll.12. You can infer that an unstated reason Mathers likes the flat rate tax is that _.A. it is easy to figure outB. it is fairC. he probably pays heavy taxesD. he is poor13. You can infer from the passage that the people who arepresently supposed to pay the highest percentage of their income in taxes are the _ .A. richB. middle classC. poorD. businessmen14. You can infer that an unstated reason Winick does not want a flat rate tax is that _ .A. she might have to pay more taxesB. she is richC. the flat rate tax is hard to figure outD. the flat rate tax is unfair to the rich15. In the last sentence of the passage, the phrase “better off”means _ .A. in a worse conditionB. wealthyC. doing more than expectedD. in a better conditionPassage 2Taste is such a subjective matter that we dont usually conduct preference tests for food. The most you can say about anyones preference is that its one persons opinion. But because the two big cola companies Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola are marketed so aggressively, weve wondered how big a role taste preference actually plays in brand loyalty. We set up a taste test that challenged people who identified themselves as either Coca-Cola or Pepsi fans: Find your brand in a blind tasting.We invited staff volunteers who had a strong liking for either Coca-Cola Classic (传统型) or Pepsi Diet (低糖的) Coke, or Diet Pepsi. These were people who thought theyd have no trouble telling their brand from the other brand.We eventually located 19 regular cola drinkers and 27 diet cola drinkers. Then we fed them four unidentified samples of cola one at a time, regular colas for the one group, diet versions for theother. We asked them to tell us whether each sample was Coke or Pepsi; then we analyzed the records statistically to compare the participants choices with what mere guess-work could have accomplished.Getting all four samples right was a tough test but not too tough, we thought, for people who believed they could recognize their brand. In the end, only 7 out of 19 regular cola drinkers correctly identified their brand of choice in all four trials. The diet-cola drinkers did a little worse-only 7 to 27 identified all four samples correctly.While both groups did better than chance would predict, nearly half the participants in each group made the wrong choice two or more times. Two people got all four samples wrong. Overall, half the participants did about as well on the last round of tasting as on the first, so fatigue, or taste burnout, was not a factor. Our preference test results suggest that only a few Pepsi participants and Coke fans may really be able to tell their favorite brand by taste and price.16. According to the passage the preference test was conducted in order to _.A. find out the role taste preference plays in a personsdrinkingB. reveal which cola is more to the liking of the drinkersC. show that a persons opinion about taste is mere guess-workD. compare the ability of the participants in choosing their drinks17. The statistics recorded in the preference tests show _.A. Coca-Cola and Pepsi are peoples two most favorite drinksB. there is not much difference in taste between Coca-Cola and PepsiC. few people had trouble telling Coca-Cola from PepsiD. peoples tastes differ from one another18. It is implied in the first paragraph that _.A. the purpose of taste tests is to promote the sale of colasB. the improvement of quality is the chief concern of the two cola companiesC. the competition between the two colas is very strongD. blind tasting is necessary for identifying fans19. The word "burnout" (Line 4, Para. 5) here refers to the state of _.A. being seriously burnt in the skinB. being unable to burn for lack of fuelC. being badly damaged by fireD. being unable tofunction because of excessive use20. The authors purpose in writing this passage is to _.A. show that taste preference is highly subjectiveB. argue that taste testing is an important marketing strategyC. emphasize that taste and price are closely related to each otherD. recommend that blind tasting be introduced in the quality control of colasPart II Vocabulary21. Lawyers _ such high fees, but they never seem to be short of clients.A) charge B) budget C) fulfillD) utilize22. He cannot go without wine even for one day; he is a complete_ to drink.A) volunteer B) slave C) amateur D) dwarf23. The discovery of the oilfield is of great _ to the economyin this region.A) significance B) consequence C)conference D) prejudice24. Though the plan didnt work well, he _ in following it.A) pursued B) persisted C) proceeded D) resolved25. Dont _ at others in any situation no matter how angry you are.A) swear B) frown C) reflectD) overlook26. I cannot tell the exact number; _ 100 students will bepresented with medals as recognition of their excellence.A) subsequently B) considerably C) approximately D) scarcely27. It is a matter of _ that male businesspeople usually wear suits on formal occasions.A) efficiency B) rejection C) acquisition D) convention28. Having studied business at college and knowing two foreignlanguages, my secretary is perfectly _ for her job.A) competent B) efficient C)skillful D) effective29. When the car broke down on the highway for a third time,Johns patience completely _.A) fell behind B) ran out C) wentthrough D) sang out30.


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