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    苏教版牛津英语初中七年级上册精品教案 全册.doc

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    苏教版牛津英语初中七年级上册精品教案 全册.doc

    苏教版牛津英语初中七年级上册精品教案全册第一部分 简要提示 (ppt2)一、年级:七年级二、教学内容: 7A Unit 1This is me!三、课型: Checkout四、教学目标1 知识目标:学生掌握本单元教授的语法和语言知识(四会)。(ppt3)2能力目标:为学生提供在不同语境中使用新学语法和词汇的机会。3情感目标:学生在完成练习的过程中对自己的学习有个客观的评价,以获得成就感,并树立学好英语的自信心。五、教学重难点 1重点:掌握和运用本单元的词汇,句型和语法。2难点:学会在语境中正确运用一般现在时,并注意第三人称单数的用法。第二部分 教学流程Part One Language points Step 1. T: Hello, boys and girls! Today lets learn the last period in Unit 1 Checkout . We will learn to use grammar and vocabulary in our life . 同学们好!今天我们要学习本单元的最后一课复习检查课。我们将学会在实际生活中来运用语法和词汇。(ppt4)First, well learn something about these students. Please do it one by one.首先,我们来了解一些同学的情况.请同学们一个接一个地回答。(ppt5)T: 1) They are all 12 years old now, so they are of an a_. 2) Simons favourite basketball p_ is Yao Ming.3) Amys hair isnt long , its s_.4) We have Chinese, English, M_ and PE on Monday.5 )Simon often plays football on the football f_ after school.(ppt6)6) Millie e_ reading books after class.7) My friend Kitty likes listening to m_.8) We love to f_ kites in the park in spring.9) Simon always b_ my ruler when he does his homework.10) Sandy is good at swimming. She is tall and s_.Answers: age, player, short, Maths, field, enjoys, music, fly, borrows, slim.Step 2. (ppt7)T: Well done! Lets play games together. We are going to do from level one to level four. Come on!大家说得很好! 下面我们一起做游戏。我们要从第1级做到第4级。请同学们把答案写在笔记本上,写好了就举手。我们开始吧。(ppt8)1. 写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。1. stay_ 2. fly_ 3. go_ 4.watch_5. study_ 6. do_ 7. miss_ 8. finish_9. have_ 10. walk_(ppt9)2. 选用所给的词组填空。 works hard, in a swimming pool , is good at, comes from, 1.The tall boy isnt Chinese, he _ England.2. Amy swims _.3. His English is good because (因为) he _.5. Li Hua _ playing football.(ppt10)3.情景反应:从(B)栏中选出(A)栏句子的正确答语。 (A)( ) 1. Hello, Im Kitty. ( ) 2. Do you play table tennis?( ) 3. Where do you live?( ) 4. How old is your brother? A. On Hunan Road. B. He is twelve. (B) C. Hi, my name is Ann. D. Yes, I do. (ppt11)4.根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1.安娜经常在公园里跑步。 Anna often_ _ in the park.2.我可以借你的橡皮吗?可以。 Can I _ _ _? Yes, you _.3.安迪喜欢在周末看排球比赛。 Andy likes to watch _ _ at the weekend.4.我们的数学老师戴着眼镜。 Our Maths teacher _ _. (ppt12)Step 4 A quiz:T: 1.Please look at Part B on page 21, and fill in the blanks.2.Lets check the answers one by one.(volleyball, glasses, swimming, fish, badminton )3. Please pay attention to the spelling.Step 3 Lets meet Mrs. Hill(ppt13)T: Well, I want to introduce an English teacher to you.While you are reading, please pay attention to her name, birthplace, appearance, hobbies and characters.Name Birthplace AppearancehobbiesCharacters (ppt14)T: Mrs. Hill teaches English in a secondary school in China. She comes from England. She is tall and slim. Her eyes are big and blue. She doesnt wear a pair of glasses. She has light yellow hair. She loves many things about China. She really enjoys Chinese food. She often helps her students with their English. She likes her life in China very much.(ppt15)T: OK, try to finish this form according to the information above. 好的,请大家根据刚才的信息来完成这张表格。Name Birthplace AppearancehobbiesCharacters Part Two GrammarStep 5 The present simple tense(ppt16)T: OK, its time to revise simple present tense. Do you remember when we use it?Yes,1. We use the verb to be when we talk about things that are true now or things that are always true.2. We use the verb to do when we talk about things that we do regularly.Step 6 Practice(ppt17)T: Can you help Lucy to finish her introduction? Hello, everyone! I _( be)Lucy. I _( be not) Lily._(be) this girl me? No,she _ ( not be), shes Lily. We _( be) twins. (ppt18)I _ ( like) apples very much. Does Lily _ (like) apples, either? No, she _ (not).She _ (like) bananas a lot. But I _(not like) bananas at all.What about you? _ you _ ( like) apples or bananas?Part Three PracticeStep 7 (ppt19) T: Well done! Please look at Part A on page21, lets have a quiz .做得好!请看课本21页,咱们来做个小测试。Lets see who can do a good job. 我们看谁的得分高。Check out the answers:Do,are,do,comes,Is,am,loves,is,Do,goes,love (ppt20)Part Four homework 1. Read the text in this unit.2. Try to remember all the important language points and grammar part. 努力记住本单元所有重要语言点和语法要点。3. Try to write a passage with these words. You may write about yourself or your best friend. 试着用所给词汇写一个片段.同学们可以写自己或着自己的好朋友.( tall, in his class, play basketball, usually, after school, Maths, on Sundays, be good at, computer games.)Step 8 SummaryT: 今天我们重点复习了本单元有关体育运动和人物描写方面的词汇,还复习了一般现在时的基本用法,其中动词的第三人称单数的用法是个难点。希望同学们课后能多复习巩固。Thats all for today. Goodbye!(ppt21)第三部分 说明 本课时通过复习单词,词组和语法,帮助学生复习巩固所学的语言知识,同时让学生不断体验进步和成功。教学中应重视学生对于词汇的理解和运用,对于常见的拼写错误要及时纠正。在教授一般现在时的过程中,多突出助动词 do & does的用法,以及动词第三人称单数加 S的几种形式。 教师可采用自评,互评,师评等形式给学生一个综合成绩。第一部分 简要提示一. 年级: 七年级二. 教学内容: 7A Unit 1 This is me!三. 课型:Grammar四. 教学目标1. 知识目标:1) 会运用本课时的四会单词 2) 语法:Be动词的一般现在时2.能力目标: 会运用Be动词的一般现在时描述与本单元话题有关的内容.五. 教学重难点1. 重难点:Be词的一般现在时第二部分 教学流程Part One Lead-in 用时8分钟Step 1 Lead- in T: Hello! Boys and girls. Nice to meet you. Today we will learn the simple present tense. 今天我们将学习一般现在时。Step 2 PresentationT :Please look at the picture. Who is she?S: She is Millie.T: Where does she live in?S: She lives in Beijing.T: Yes. 她一直住在北京吗?(停顿)We dont know. 我们并不知道她会不会永远住在北京,但现在这是事实。It is true now. So when do we use the simple present tense? (停顿) We use the simple present tense when we talk about things that are true now.当我们谈论现在是事实时,用一般现在时。T: Clear? Good. What does Millie have at home? Does she have a cat?S: No. She has a dog.T: No. She has a dog. Do dogs love fish? What loves fish?S: Cats love fish.T: Yes. Cats love fish. Cats eat fish. Where do fish live?S: Fish live in water.T: Yes. Fish live in water. Can fish live without water?(停顿) No. Fish cant live without water. So “ fish live in water” is always true. 鱼儿离不开水。因此鱼住在水里是永远也改变不了的事实。So we also use the simple present tense when we talk about things that are always true.当我们谈论客观事实时,用一般现在时。T: What does Millie love doing? Does she love swimming?S: No. She loves reading.T: No. She loves reading. She reads books every day. What do you do every day?S:T: Maybe you do your homework every day. They are the things that we do regularly. 这些事是我们定期地,有规律地去做。例如:Simon plays football after school. We use the simple present tense to talk about things that we do regularly.当我们谈论经常做的事时,用一般现在时。Part Two Rule outStep 3 Learning for use.T: So we use the simple present tense to talk about things that are true now; things that are always true; things that we do regularly.Part Three PractiseStep 4 Practise 用时2分钟T: I have some more examples. Can you match them? First, I go to school every day. Which one? (停顿) Yes. Choose b. Things that we do regularly Second, I am a teacher. Things that are true now. The last, Nice music makes us happy. Things that are always true.Part Four Learning for useStep 5 Simple present tense of the verb “to be” 用时5分钟1. positiveT: Good! 我们已经知道了什么时候用一般现在时。那么究竟如何使用呢?一般现在时又分为be动词的一般现在时和行为动词的一般现在时。接下来我们首先学习be动词的一般现在时。OK. I am a teacher. What about you?S: I am a student.T: You are a student. What about your classmates?S: They are students.T: What about your father? S: He isT: What about your mother?S: She isT: What about Eddie?S: It is a dog.(I am/ You are/ He/She/It is板书)T: Look at the blackboard carefully. be动词一般现在时的肯定形式有什么规律?.T: I (停顿)S: amT: You (停顿)S: areT: He/ She/It (停顿) S: isT: Very good.我用am,你用are,is用于他她它。 凡是复数也用are,不能错来不能差。T: Now please fill in the blanks.2 .NegativeT: If you are not happy, you sayS: I am not happy.T: I am not happy. You are not happy. Now open your books and turn to page 12. Read the first and second tables.下面把书翻到12页,读第1和第2个表格。读完后你能发现be动词一般现在时的否定句如何变化吗?(停顿)很好。直接在be动词后加not。3. Ask and answer questions.T: Are you happy? Yes or no?S: Yes, we are.T: Please read the other tables on page 12. 读12页剩下的表格,并仔细观察如何提问和回答。你找到答案了吗?直接把be动词提前,并用yes or no回答, 怎么问怎么答。T:Are you clear? Now lets play a guessing game. 猜猜你同桌的好朋友是谁。例如:Is he a boy? Is he tall?.Part Five PractiseStep 6 Practise 用时5分钟1. T: Can you use simple present tense of the verb “to be” correctly? Lets have a quiz. Millie is talking to her new classmates. Complete their conversation please. Finish Part A on page 13. (停顿)2. T: Are you ready? Who are they? Who would like to be Millie/ Sandy/ Simon? Now listen to them carefully and find their mistakes.3. T: Good. 现在请大家用动词的一般现在时谈一谈你的家庭。你可以谈你家人的职业,年龄,擅长等等。两人一组编一个对话。Step 7 Summary 用时2分钟Be动词的一般现在时的肯定用法是:我用am, 你用are,is用于他她它。Be动词的一般现在时的否定用法是:在be动词后加否定词not。Be动词的一般现在时的一般疑问句用法是:把be动词提前。Step 8 Homework 用时1分钟见PPT第三部分 说明 本课是7A第一单元语法课的第一课时。学生的主要任务是在掌握BE动词的一般现在时。 教学中,用reading里的人物,以旧带新。用学生熟悉的话题操练be动词的一般现在时。注重口头和笔头结合。特别要强调be动词与人称的搭配及缩写形式。第一部分 简要提示六. 年级: 七年级七. 教学内容: 7A Unit 1 This is me!八. 课型:Grammar九. 教学目标2. 知识目标:1) 会运用本课时的四会单词 2) 语法:行为动词的一般现在时3. 能力目标: 会运用行为动词的一般现在时描述与本单元话题有关的内容.十. 教学重难点2. 重点:行为动词的一般现在时3. 难点: 行为动词一般现在时的第三人称单数第二部分 教学流程Part One Lead-inStep 1 Revision and presenting simple present tense of the verb “todo” 用时5分钟T: How old are you?S: Im 13/ 14.T: Is your partner 13 too? Do you know? If you dont know, please ask her/ him. Then tell me. 你们知道你们的同桌几岁吗?如果不知道请互相问一下。然后告诉我。You can use “How old are you?” or “Are you?”S1: Are you?S2: S1: He/ She is T: Good. I want to know more about you. Can you tell me something about yourself?你可以从黑板上的这几方面谈一谈。T: Do you want to know sth. about me? Look at the Bb. This is me.T:上节课我们学习了BE动词的一般现在时,这节课我们要学习行为动词的一般现在时。请同学们看黑板。当主语是I 时,动词有变化吗?T:很好。当主语是I时,谓语动词不变。 Step 2 Practice 用时 3分钟1. T: Now please help Millie complete her profile. Use the words from the box. Finish Part B on page 14. T: Are you ready? Now please tell me the answers one by one.T: You have done a good job. Now please read the sentences in the table. 除了I 后,动词用原形外,还有we, you, they后动词用原形。即当主语是第一、第二或第三人称复数时,后面的动词用原形。Step 3 Teach “dont do”. 用时3分钟1. T: I dont like fish. Do you like fish? (停顿) Some of you dont like fish. We dont like fish. They dont like fish. Dont means do not. 仔细观察,他们是如何变成否定句的?(停顿)当主语是第一,第二或第三人称复数时,其否定形式借助于do not= dont来否定。2. 请把第14页上部分的句话改成否定句。Lets do it one by one.Step 4 Teach “Dodo?” 用时3分钟1. T: Do you live in a flat in Beijing? S: No, I dont. T: Do you have breakfast at 7 a.m?S: Yes, I do./ No, I dont.T: Some of you say “Yes”, some of you say “No”. 当主语是第一,第二或第三人称复数时,是如何来提问的?(停顿)借助于do来提问。2. T: What do your classmates do after school? Do you want to know? Ask and answer in pairs like the model. You can use the phrases in the box.Step 5 Teach “does” 用时3分钟1. T: Do you know much about Millie? Yes. Where does she live? When does she have breakfast? Who does she go to school with? What does she do every day? And sometimes she flies a kite (放风筝) with her dog. 当主语是she时动词是如何变化的呢?(停顿)当主语是第三人称单数(he, she, it)时,动词加s或es2. 动词如何加s或es?(停顿) 直接加s;辅音字母加y,改y为i再加es;以s,ch,sh,x结尾的动词,加es; have变成has3. T: 将下列动词变成第三人称单数。(停顿) Now lets check the answers.read swim play draw like have teach study doStep 6 Teach “doesnt?” 用时3分钟1. T: Look at the boy. Who is he? Does he like swimming? S: No, he loves playing football.T: He loves playing football. But he doesnt love swimming.T: Does he wear glasses? Who wears glasses?S: No, he doesnt. Daniel wears glasses.T: Daniel wears glasses. Simon doesnt wear glasses.T: 观察这两组句子,他们是如何由肯定句变为否定句的?(停顿) 是的。当主语是第三人称单数(he, she, it)时,其否定句要借助于does not/ doesnt,后面的动词用原形。特别要注意doesnt的拼写。2. 将下列句子变成否定句。(停顿)Now please give me the answers one by one.Step 7 Teach “Does?” 用时3分钟1. T: Look at Amy. Does she have long hair?(停顿) Does she love swimming?(停顿) 当主语是she时如何提问及回答?(停顿)很好。当主语是第三人称单数时,借助于does来提问,后面的动词用原形。2. Talk about Daniel. Ask and answer in pairs like the model.3 Read the tables on page 13. Step 8 Consolidation 用时3分钟1. T: Complete Part C on page 14. Then ask and answer in pairs.2. Complete Part D on page 15 T: Id like to ask 2 of you to read the dialogue.3. T: Work out the rule. We use “do not” with the pronouns I you we and they. We use “ does not” with the pronouns he she and it.4. T: Complete Part E on page 15.T: Now I want to ask some of you to read the sentences one by one.5. T: Now please underline some phrases. 1) walk home 2) take the bus 3) at the weekend 4) go running for half an hour 5) be good at Step 9 Summary 用时2分钟行为动词的一般现在时,当主语是第三人称单数时,其肯定句的动词加s或es;其否定句借助于does not / doesnt来否定,后面的动词用原形;其一般疑问句借助于does来提问,动词用原形。当主语是其他人称时,其肯定句动词不变;其否定句借助于do not / dont来否定;其一般疑问句借助于do来提问。Step 10. Homework 用时1分钟1 用所给词的适当形式填空1)Lucy and Lily _ (be) twins. They _ (be) from America. They _ ( like ) Chinese food.2). Li Hua _ ( like ) the lunch in our school.3). I _ ( go ) to school by bus. He _ ( go ) to school on his bike. 4) _ you _ ( go ) to school by bike? 5). We _ ( play ) games on Tuesday and Thursday.6). _ the twins _ (speak ) English? 7)Tom _ ( not, have ) a short ruler. He _ ( have ) a long one.8). He _ ( watch ) TV every day.9).My father _ (be) good at English, but he _ ( not, be ) good at Japanese.10). -_ Simon _ (fly) a kite after school? - No, he _. 第三部分 说明 第三部分 说 明 本课是7A第一单元语法课的第二课时。学生的主要任务是学习掌握行为动词的一般现在时。 教学中,用reading里的人物以旧带新引出学习内容。要注重教学的层次性,先易后难;先从第一、第二人称教学,再到第三人称单数的教学,最后再糅合在一起练习;句子教学先教肯定句,然后再教否定句。特别要强调行为动词第三人称单数的用法。教案课题:7A Unit 1 Integrated skills 教学目标:1知识目标1)本课时的四会单词2)掌握本课的四会词组:play for, World Cup2能力目标1)培养学生“听”、“说”的技能 2) 能够谈论自己喜欢的运动员教学重难点:1重点1) 本课的四会单词、词组 2) “听” 获取足球运动员李华的信息3) 谈论自己喜欢的运动员2难点 1) “听”获取足球运动员李华的信息 2) 谈论自己喜欢的运动员教学步骤:Part One: Pre-listening 1. Lead-in T: Boys and girls, nice to meet you. Do you like football? Can you play football very well?Ss:T: Please look at the man on the picture. 请看大屏幕Can he play football? (PPT 5) (Ss: Yes.) T: What is he?Ss: T: He is a


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