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    新目标初中英语八年级上册教案《Review of units 712》 .doc

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    新目标初中英语八年级上册教案《Review of units 712》 .doc

    新目标初中英语教案八年级上册Review of units 7-12Plan for the whole unitTeaching objectives学完本单元后,学生应能: 1 比较熟练的掌握Units7-12的单词;2 综合运用Unit 7单元的日常交际用语熟练询问制作过程及回答;(How do you make a banana milk shake ?First ,Next , )3 综合运用Unit 8单元的日常交际用语讲述过去的一些事情,和朋友分享你经历;(How was your last trip ?)4 综合运用Unit 9单元的日常交际用语熟练的谈论你崇拜的名人的身世及成功的经历;(When was he born ?He was born in 1975 .)5 综合运用Unit 10单元的日常交际用语表达自己的dream job ! (What are you going to be when you grow up ? I am going to be a computer programmer . )6 综合使用完成的听力练习进行小组对话;(How do you make vegetable soup ? It s easy. First , clean and cut the ingredients.)7 写出自己最喜爱的小吃的成分,告诉同学怎样制作;(First, cut two pieces of bread. What kind of bread )8 综合运用Unit 11单元的日常交际用语提出礼貌的请求和请求他人的允许;(Could you please ? Yes ,sure .)9 综合运用Unit 12单元所学的知识对各类情况作比较;10 写短文,介绍过去的事情;谈论自己将来的理想工作;介绍班级之最;11 体会到已取得的成绩只能代表过去,应该做好最大的努力,争取取得更大的进步。Period arrangement PeriodContents & pages or sourcesTOSATextbookExercises(Source)Supplementary(Source)PartPage1Activity 1 , 277适当补充1, 2, 52Activity 3a,3b,3c78P78 3c人教版怀化市教科院组编 课程基础训练八年级上册3, 6,10,43Activity 4 ,5,679适当补充4, 744Activity 7,8,980适当补充5, 8, 9,10,115TotalAll441-1190 Very confident Quite confident Confident Slightly confident Not confident(单元教学效果采用百分制表示,公式为100实际课时数5各课时自评等级分之和 。)Feedback本单元教学自评90分,表明教学目标达成度较高。整个单元教学回归教材,紧紧围绕复习Units7-12单元的重点内容展开,教学活动形式多样,教学步骤步步递进、环环相扣,形成合力,从听、说、读、写 诸方面培养学生英语综合运用能力。由于教学内容紧扣学生实际,学生积极投入各项学习活动,勇于表达自己的真情实感。为了减轻学生课余学业负担,提高教学效率,教材所涉及的所有练习,包括增加的多个写作练习都安排在课堂完成。就其成功原因主要在于,课前我们认真研读了教材,尽可能吸取了与教材配套的教师教学用书提供的中英文教学建议,并结合学生的实际,从单元整体备课,细化单元及课时教学目的,合理安排课时教学内容,并在尽可能多的预设教学活动的前提下,关注课堂生成,随时根据学情调整教学活动,因而教学收到了事半功倍的效果。但课后在不增加学生过重课业负担的前提下,如何指导学生复习、开展预习、课外阅读等活动,尽快培养学生英语语感等方面还有待研究。Plan for every periodPeriod 1 Activity 1 , 2Teaching aims学完本课后,学生应能:1 综合运用Unit 7单元的日常交际用语熟练询问制作过程及回答;(How do you make a banana milk shake ?First ,Next , )2 熟练掌握本单元词汇;3 能根据提示写出单词;4 能自己写提示,让搭档猜单词。Teaching aidsCAITeaching proceduresChart课前热身谈论做制作过程根据图片内容说步骤填单词游戏巩固与拓展我给提示,你猜单词布置作业Step 1 Warming-up (2)T:Good morning, boys and girls! Ss:.T: First , lets chant .l love my grandpa, who has a very old car.l love my grandma,who comes from very far.l love father, who is a very good teacher. l love mother, who is a nice housekeeper. l love my brother, who is very clever.l love my sister, who will be a great singer. To students. Ok .You did a very good job .Today ,we will have a revision .In todays class, I would like you to have a competition .The whole class will be divided into two groups . If you get the answers right ,youll get a point . Do you understand ? Come on ,boys and girls .Lets go !S1: .Step 2 Revision (10)1 Describe a process .First, here are two tasks .Choose a number you like .Task 1 Could you please tell us how to make a banana milk shake ?To the group who choose No.1 T: What do we need ?S:T: Look at some pictures . Later you have to say something about the pictures .Task 2 How to make popcorns ?To the group who choose No.2 T: What do we need ?S:T: How to make popcorns ? S1: First, put the popcorn into the popcorn popper.S2: Next, turn on the popper.S3: Next, pour the popcorn into a bowl.S4: Then, put some salt on the popcorn.S5: Finally, you can try it.1 on P77Step 3 Crossword (15)T: Good, now open your books, and turn to P. 77. Look at Activity 1. 1 Try to do this part by yourselves .2 Check the answers . First ,Ill give them a few minutes to fill in the blanks .Then check the answers by having a competition .Answers:Down 1.far 2.am 3.April 4.homework 5.movie 9.cups 11.office 13.bread 14.violin 16.next 17.CD 18.shark 20.atAcross 1.foot 4.home 6.radio 7.Pour 8.peel 10.honey 12.zoo 15.snacks 19.baseball 20.ate 21.kind2 on P77Step 4 Word guessing (10)1. Now work with your partner. Choose words from units 7-12 and write a clue for each word .Read the clues to your partner .He or she guesses the words .2 Ask a few pairs to present their conversations before the class.1)A:It is a large fruit. B:Is it a watermelon? A:Yes ,it is .2) A:It is said that it will rain ,and what should you take ?B:Is it an umbrella ? A:Yes ,it is .3)A: When it is your friends birthday ,what do you often give him ? B: A present .A: Whats another way of saying present?B: Gift . A: Yes.Step 5 Summary (2)Today , we have reviewed how to describe the process, and we have also reviewed some words .At the same time, we had a competition, now, lets see which group did better, and congratulations to the winners . Step 6 Homework (1)1 Review the other words in units 7-12 and learn them by heart.2 To talk about your last trip .Feedback 个人认为本堂课教学目标达成。复习环节学生准备充分;单词环节,学习积极主动,能热情投入竞赛环节,课堂氛围非常热烈。但要在一节复习课内全部概括前几个单元的词汇,确实是有很大的困难的,所以如何进一步巩固词汇,还需要在平常的新课教学工作中不断加强。Period 2 Activity 3a,3b3c Teaching aims学完本课后,学生应能:1综合运用Unit 8单元的日常交际用语讲述过去的一些事情,和朋友分享你经历;(How was your last trip ?)2 运用下列疑问词谈论过去的事情:1) WhereWhere did you go on vacation ? I went to visit my grandmother .2) when /What What did you do there ? I went swimming with my cousins .2 写短文,介绍自己近段时间的经历。3 能根据听力材料的信息和搭档编对话.Teaching aidsCAI Teaching proceduresChart 歌曲复习检测看图编句子巩固句型听力练习口头运用句型 写作练习布置作业Step 1 Warming-up (3)Class, lets sing an English song together .Let your kite fly highFly, fly, fly your kite.High in the sky! Up and down. Round and round. Let your kite fly high. Step 2 Revision (6)1.First enjoy some pictures and try to make complete sentences . 2.Then you will answer the questionWhat did Sam do on vacation ?3.Check the homework Ask some students to read out his topic about their trips. After that ,ask some questions .Where did he go ?What did he do ?How was his trip ?Sample: My best Trip to BeijingI had a 5-day holiday last month .My parents and I decided to go to Beijing for our holiday.We went there by plane. The first day we paid a visit to the Great Wall,which is famous throughout the world.Ealy in the moring we left for the Great Wall. When we got to the bottom of it,we saw a crowd of people there.Boys and girls ,young and old ,men and women were everywhere.We were all excited and began to climb it.We followed the steps ,walking towards the top of the Great Wall.Wow! What a nice view! The sun was shining ,the wind was blowing ,and the small hills are connected to each other .The great Wall lies on the earth ,just like a huge long dragon.Soon we reached to the top of the Great Wall. Everything seemed to be under us.We were wild with joy and couldnt help shouting out! That was the best trip in Bejing that we cant forget! Step 3 Pre-listening (3)When you are listening , it doesnt matter if you dont understand every word. Lets do some more listening practice .Some new words :Los Angeles central diner curry deli leader band easy3a , 3bStep 4 Listening (15)1 Listen.Lets listen and find out the answers. First, just listen.Play the tape recording for the first time. 2 Fill in the blanks while listening. Play the tape recording again. 3 Check the answers.Answers to Activity 3a: (from top to bottom)1,3,2,4 Answers to Activity 3b: 1.visit his uncle-LA,see his cousin-NY,go to the zoo-LA,see Tom Cruise-NY,go to Central Park-NY2.most expensive-French Deli,best service-French Deli,boring food-Nicks Diner,most popular-Curry Station3.First clean and cut the ingredients.Next cook the mushrooms and the butter in some water (for 3 minutes).Then add the onions and cook for a few more minutes.Finally add a little salt and pepper.4.What?-leader of a bandWhere?-All over the worldHow?-put an advertisement in the newspaperWhen?-next month录音原文Conversation 1:Ben:How was your vacation,Fred?Fred:It was great. I went to the US with my parents.Ben:Cool! Where did you go in the US?Fred:First we went to Los Angeles. My uncle lives there. Then we went to New York to see my cousin.Ben:What was Los Angeles like?Fred:It was interesting. I really liked the zoo. It has animals from all over the world.Ben:Did you see any movie stars in Los Angeles?Fred:No,but I saw Tom Cruise in New York. He was at a restaurant! I got his autograph.Ben:Wow! Thats great! What other things did you do in New York?Fred:Hmm. Oh yeah,I went to Central Park. I played baseball with my cousin and his friends.Conversation 2:Tim:Whats the best restaurant in town?Marie:What kind of food do you like?Tim:Oh,any kind of food is okay.Marie:Well,the French Deli is really good.Tim:Is it expensive?Marie:Yes,its the most expensive restaurant in town.But it has the best service,too.Tim:Hmm. And whats Nicks Diner like?Marie:Its cheaper than the French Deli,but the foods kind of boring.Tim:How about the Curry House?Marie:Oh,thats a new place.Its the most popular restaurant in town.Tim:Is the food good?Marie:Yeah,if you like hot curry.Tim:Yeah,I love it!Lets go there.Conversation 3:A:How do you make mushroom soup?B:Its easy.First,clean and cut the ingredients.A:Okay,so I clean and cut the cabbage,carrots,and onions.B:Thats right. Next ,cook the onions, the carrots and the butter in some water.A:How long do I cook them?B:About 3 minutes.A:Okay.B:Then add the cabbage and cook for a few more minutes.A:Okay.B:Then,finally,add a little salt and pepper. Its so easy!Conversation 4:A:What are you going to be when you grow up?B:Im going to be the leader of a band.A:Really? Where is your band going to play?B:All over the world! Were going to be famous!A:Cool! So how are you going to start your band?B:Thats easy. Im going to put an advertisement in the newspaper.A:You have all the answers! And when are you going to start?B:Next month,at the school talent show. You can come and watch!Step 5 Pairwork (10)A:How do you make vegetable soup?B:Its easy. First,clean and cut the ingredients.Tell students that they have to make conversations like the ones they have just heard. They take on the“roles”of the people in the conversations.For example,in conversation 1,student 1 is Fred,and student 2 is Freds friend,Ben.Tell them they can use the answers they have just written down for activity 3b.As students talk,move around the classroom listening and offering help where necessary.Then invite some pairs of students to role play the conversations.If some of them do well,give them little presents to praise them for their work.Sample :A: How do you make vegetable soup ? B: Its easy.First,clean and cut the ingredients . A: And how about next step ? B: Cook the onions,the carrots and the butter in some water for about 3 minutes . A: What should you do next ? B:Then add a little salt and pepper.Its so easy !Step 6 Summary (2)Today , we have reviewed how to talk about the past, and we also did some listening and writing practice .I think all of you did very well .Step 7 Homework (1)1.Write down a short passage about Freds vacation .Use the information from the chart in 3a.2.To talk about a famous person you admire. Feedback 个人认为本堂课教学目标达成度较高。通过一起学唱简单的英文歌曲导入,激发学生上英语课的兴趣。然后通过听力内容复习前几个单元的重要语言目标,使学生综合运用知识的能力得到锻炼和提高。再让学生通过听力信息进行写作训练。上课环节从简单有机会到复杂,循序渐进。遗憾的是,由于时间的限制,部分同学没能够在课堂上得到锻炼。Period 3 Activity 4,5,6 Teaching aims学完本课后,学生应能:1综合运用Unit 9单元的日常交际用语熟练的谈论你崇拜的名人的身世及成功的经历;(When was he born ?He was born in 1975 .)2 学会制作食谱;3 用所给单词写句子; 4 学唱英语歌曲.Teaching aidsCAITeaching proceduresChart谈论名人学唱英语歌欣赏有名小吃填写最爱小吃成分对话练习编写故事巩固与拓展布置作业Step 1 Leading-in (5)T:Good morning, boys and girls! To the students Please look at the pictures and make conversations with your partners Picture 1S1: Whos that ?S2: Shes Deng Yaping . Shes a great Chinese ping-pang player.S1When was she born ?S2: She was born in 1973 Picture 2S3: Whos that ?S4 : Thats David Beckham .S3 : When was he born ?S4 : He was born in 1975 .S3 : What does he do ?S4 : He is a great soccer playerT: Thank you so much. You did a very good job. Lets relax . Do you want to sing English songs ?Ss:Activity 6 Step 2 Presentation (8)T: Now open your books, and turn to page79. Look at Activity 6.Can you sing this song?Ss: No, I cant.T: OK! Lets learn and sing this song now .1 . First, read this song Whos that ?Thats my favorite ping-pong player .When did he become a ping-pang player ?When he was five years old .When was he born ?He was born in nineteen eighty-one .Why do you like him ?Hes the most famous ping-pang player in the world .Whos that ?Thats my favorite movie star .When did she become a movie star ?When she was three years old .When was she born ?She was born in nineteen sixty-nine ,Why do you like her ?Shes the most talented movie star in the world .Whos that ?Thats my favorite football player .When did he become a football player ?When he was twelve years old .When was he born ?He was born in nineteen eighty-four .Why do you like him ?Hes the greatest foofball player in the world .2 . Then , Play the song . Students just listen and follow the lyrics in the books .3. Play the song again .This time, students sing along with the tuneSs: T: Good, youre very clever.4 Play the instrumental version of the song againActivity 4Step 3 Pairwork (12)1 Show some pictures of famous snacks on the screen.T : Lets look at some pictures . They are some famous snacks . OK ?Ss : Yes .T : What do you think of them ?Ss : They are delicious .To a student T : Whats your favorite snack ? S : My favorite snack is T : What ingredients do you need ? S : I need a banana 2 T : Now turn to Page 79 . Look at Activity 4 and write down the ingredients of your favorite snack. Sometimes use the dictionary to check the English names of the ingredients.favorite snackAmountIngredients3 Pair-work Swap snack recipes with your partners. Then tell your partner how to make it . A : First , cut two pieces of bread . B : What kind of bread ? A : I like healthy , brown bread . A : Next, you Sample : How to make Zhijiang sour radish ?S1 : Lets make Zhijiang sour radish .S2 : OK , good idea . What ingredients do we need ?S1 : Three radishes and a jar of chili sauce . We also need a crock with lid .S2 : OK . Then how do you make it ?S1 : First wash the radish and cut the radishes into slices .S2 : Whats next ?S1 : Next pour some cold water into the crock . Then put the radishes in the crock too . Make sure the lid is on .S2 : Soun


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