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    作业库 市直九年级Unit One 一.单词训练 (30分)1. He studies English by _(make) vocabulary lists. 2. You should pay more attention to your _(pronounce). 3. Im too _(excite) to say anything. 4. Can you always understand my _(speak) English? 5. I want some _(suggest) about learning English. 6. Reading more books is _(help) to students. 7. I can understand what they said _(complete). 8. Everyone wants to become a good language _(learn).9. My grandfather enjoys _(watch) Beijing Opera. 10. He has a good _(memorize) for numbers. 11. They may have _ ( disagree) and decide not to talk with each other. 12. The party ended up _ (sing) a song together.13. It is not a difficult problem, we can solve it _ ( easy)14. She _ ( like) the movie at all.15. Everybody was _ ( impress) by his wonderful performance.16. I think it is important to study grammar, but she feels _ (difference).17. He run _ (quick) in order to catch the bus.18. Can you tell me how to make _ ( completely) sentences?19. They got mad at each other and decided _ ( talk) to each other any more.20. You can write the new words in your n_ and study them at home.21. If you are more careful, you will not make m_.22Mary j_ the English language club to practice speaking English .21. I felt f _ because I didnt pass the exam.22. I used to be a_ of the dogs, but now I love dogs.23. After entering WTO, we must meet c_.24. Later on, I r_ that I misunderstood him.25. If you want to i_ your listening, you had better do lots of listening practice.26. One of s_ of keeping healthy is to eat more fruit.27. It is our d_ to try our best to study well.28. U _ he comes soon, Im going without him.29. we need to r_ our teachers as our friends.30.Chinese s _ came to rescue(营救) at once after earthquake happened.二翻译句子。(60分)1. 做听力练习是提高你英语水平的秘诀之一。 _ _ _ is one of the secrets to improve your English. 2. 刚开始,我不知道如何在词典中查单词。 To _ _, I didnt know how to _ _ words in the dictionary. 3. 我错拿了你的钢笔。 I _ your pen _ _. 4. 你生我的气了吗? Are you _ _ me? 5. 我们必须尽力把英语学好。 We must _ _ _ to learn English well. 6学习新词的最好的方式是通过阅读英语杂志。 The best way _ learn new words was by _ English magazines.7. 他已经学习英语有六年时间了。 He has _ _ English for six years.8. 我们对一些讨论的事情感到兴奋,之后就以说汉语而终止。 We get _ about something and then _ _ speaking in Chinese.9.我们可以通过编造对话来学习英语. We can learn English by _ _ conversations.10.人们有可能会因一些小问题而生气多年。 People may _ _ for years about a small problem.11.我们可以通过把问题转化为挑战的方式来处理我们的麻烦 We can _ _ our problem by _ our problems _ challenges.12.在老师的帮助下,尽力处理好每一个受教育过程中遇到的挑战是我们的职责。 It is our _ to _ _ _ to solve each problem in our education with the help of our teachers.13.随着时间的流逝,美好的友谊有可能会丢失。 Time _ _, good friendships may be lost.14. 我经常观看英语语言的影片。 I usually watch _ videos.15. 出声朗读来操练发音,这个方法怎么样? What about _ _ to practice pronunciation?16. 他发现观看电影是另人沮丧的,因为演员说的太快。 He finds _ movies _ because the people speak too quickly.17. 她没有做过很多的练习 She didnt get _ _ practice.18. 我在语法方面犯错误。 I make mistakes _ _.19我们不应该因一些小事就终止友谊.We should not _ _ the friendships because of some small problems.20你若不来也没关系. _ that you cant come.21我曾经通过小组合作来学习.我用那种方式学到了很多. I _ ever _ with a group, and Ive learned a lot _ _.22你是通过向老师求教学习英语的吗? Do you learn English _ _ the teacher _ _?23比如,看英文电影一点也不起作用. _ _, _ English movies isnt helpful _ _.24这辆车太贵了,以至于我买不起.The car is _ expensive for me _ buy.The car is _ expensive _ I cant buy it.For me, the car is not cheap _ _ buy.25首先,我听不懂老师说的确内容. _ _ _, It is hard for me to understand the teacher.26我们应该以一种积极的方式处理麻烦. We should solve problems _ _ _ _.27通过把你自己与他人做比较,你会发现你的问题并不是很糟糕. By _ yourself _ others, you will find your problems are not so terrible.28担忧我们的问题会影响我们与家人的相处方式. _ _ our problems may _ the way we _ with our families.29教育是我们发展过程中的一个重要部分. _ is an important part of _ _.30让我们不要担忧我们的问题,取而代之的是面对挑战.Lets _ _ _ our problems, Lets _ the challenges _.三、补全对话。(10分)从下面的方框内选出恰当的句子,完成对话。(两项多余)T: teacher B: boyT: You look worried, Paul. B: I am. Ms Michelle. 1 . T: Whats the problem? B: I cant get the pronunciation right. T: 2 . Why dont you borrow the teachers tapes? You can listen at home and repeat the sentences that are difficult for you. B: Thats a good idea. But what about all the new words? 3 T: You can always write the new words in your notebook and study them at home or on the way to school. B: That might really help! Thanks. T: 4 B: Well, no. Not always. Sometimes I just dont understand what people are saying. T: Why dont you join an English club to practice speaking English? B: 5 . Thanks, Ms Michelle. A: Can you understand when people talk to you? B: Do you often read English stories? C: Maybe Ill go. D. Im having trouble learning English. E: Well, listening can help. F. I have a cold. G. I forget a lot of new words. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5._


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