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    Taking over a Ship 接船Part I Conversations 会话1 Delivery and Acceptance between the Two Chief Engineers 轮机长间的交接A:The Chief Engineer to take over the ship 接船轮机长B:The Chief Engineer to hand over the ship 交船轮机长Dialogue 1 Introduction介绍A:Excuse me,are you the Chief Engineer?打扰一下,你是轮机长吗?B:Yes,I am. Can I help you?是的,我是。你有什么事?A:Im the Chief Engineer to take over the ship. My name is Wang Ming.我是接船轮机长,我叫王明。B:Mr. Wang,how do you do. Take a seat,please.你好,王先生,请坐。A:How do you do. May I have your name,please?你好,请问贵姓?B:John Smith.约翰史密斯。A:Thank you,Mr. Smith. Here is my business card,and this is the letter from our company.谢谢,史密斯先生。这是我的名片及公司信件。Dialogue 2 Taking over documents 接收文件A:Could you show me the Engine Logbook(?可以让我看看轮机日志吗?B:Sure. Here you are.好的,给你。A:Id like to see the other documents and certificates.我还想看其他的证书及文件。B:They are all in that bookcase. Please follow me,Ill show you.它们都在那个书柜里,请随我来,我给你找。A:Excuse me,Mr. Smith,where is the instruction manual for the boiler? I cant find it.史密斯先生,请问锅炉说明书在哪里?我找不到。B:Oh,I forgot to tell you. It is kept by the Fourth Engineer.噢,我忘了告诉你,在三管轮那里。Dialogue 3 Discussion in the engine room 机舱讨论A:Would you like to show me the engine room?你能带我看一下机舱吗?B:OK. Id like to. Lets go.好的,我很乐意,走吧。A:How well does the main engine work?主机工作(状态)怎样?B1:It works very well.它工作很好。B2:On the whole,it works well. But recently,the exhaust temperature of No. cylinder has been rising a little bit.总的来说很好,但最近第号缸排气温度略有上升。A:Why? Have you found the trouble?为什么?你找到故障了吗?B:Im not sure where the trouble lies. Maybe it is due to the fuel injector.我不敢确定故障所在,或许因油头所致。A:What about the three generators?3台发电机情况如何?B:They run normally.它们运转正常。A:How about the oil-burning boiler?燃油锅炉怎样?B:It has been repaired recently.刚对它进行了修理。A:When did you repair it?什么时候修的?B:Last month.上个月。A:How did you repair it?怎样修的?B:We renewed part of some cracked water pipes.我们新换了部分裂纹水管。2 Delivery and Acceptance between the Two Second Engineers 大管轮间的交接A:Mr. Lithe Second Engineer to take over the ship 李先生接船大管轮B:Mr. Jamesthe Second Engineer to hand over the ship 詹姆斯先生交船大管轮Dialogue 1 Introduction and taking over documents介绍及接收文件A:Good morning. My name is Li Ming.早上好,我是李明。B:Good morning Mr. Li. Im Peter James. Please call me Peter.早上好,李先生,我是皮特詹姆斯,请叫我皮特。A:Peter,Im the Second Engineer to take over the ship.皮特,我是接船大管轮。B:OK. Shall we begin our work?好的,我们开始交接吧?A:OK. Where is the instruction book?好的,说明书在哪里?B:What kind of instruction book?哪些说明书?A:The instruction book for all machines and equipment under your responsibility.你管辖的所有机器及设备的说明书。B:I see. They are all kept on the bookshelf.我明白了,它们都在书架上。A:OK. Please show me.那好,让我看一下。B:All right. This is for the steering gear,this is. and here is the catalogue.好的,这是舵机说明书,这是 而这是目录。Dialogue 2 Taking over the main engine接收主机A:Mr. James,Id like to know something about the main engine.詹姆斯先生,我想了解一下主机的情况。B:Generally speaking,it runs well.总的来说,它运转良好。A:Have you done some repair work on it?你们对它做过修理吗?B:Yes,we have.是的,我们做过。A:What kind of repairs?怎样修的?B:We changed one cooling jacket.我们换了一个冷却缸套。A:Which one?哪一缸?B:No. 6 cylinder.6号缸。A:Why did you renew it?为什么换新?B:Because it was cracked.因为它裂了。A:Have you kept all the repair lists and records?你保存了所有的修理单及修理记录吗?B:Sorry,some of them are missing,but you can check in the Engine Logbook.对不起,有些已丢了,但你可以在轮机日志中查看。A:By the way,what kind of fuel oil do you use?顺便问一下,你们用什么燃料油?B:We use 380 cSt fuel oil.我们用380 cSt燃油。A:Whats the daily consumption?日耗是多少?B:About 80 tons.大约80 t。Dialogue 3 Taking over stores and spare parts接收物料及备件A:Id like to talk to you about taking over stores and spare parts.我想和你谈一下物料及备件的交接情况。B:Good,come to my cabin,will you?好的,请到我房间好吗?(in the Second Engineers cabin在大管轮房间)A:Have you got a list of your stores?你有物料清单吗?B:Yes. I prepared one,but not complete. Here you are.是的,我准备了一个,但是不全,给你。A:How about the spare parts list?那么,备件清单呢?B:Its complete.它很完备。A:Shall we go to the storeroom now?我们现在去物料间好吗?B:OK. Lets go.好的,走吧。(in the storeroom在物料间)A:As for R134a,there are only 50 kilos,right?R134a冷剂只有50 kg,对吗?B:Yes. Here it is.是的,在这儿。A:According to the list,youll deliver 10 pieces of socket spanners to us. Why are there only 9 pieces here?据此清单,你应交给我10件套筒扳手,为什么这里只有9件?B:Really? Let me check on it.真的吗?让我查一下。(a few minutes later几分钟后)B:Here is the missing one.它在这儿。A:Where are the spare parts for the automatic telephone?自动电话的备件在哪里?B:On the shelf over there.在那个架子上。Dialogue 4 Taking over the steering gear接收舵机A:Shall we go to the steering gear room and take a look there?我们到舵机间看一下吧?(in the steering gear room在舵机间)B:Here we are. The control screen is for the oil pump.我们到了,这个是油泵的控制屏。A:What about the working condition of the steering gear?舵机工作状况如何?B:It has been working well.很好。A:Shall we check the rudder with the bridge?我们与驾驶台一起对一下舵,好吗?B:OK.好的。(after the trial试验后)A:Thats good. Where is the emergency operating gear?很好,应急操作机构在哪里?B:Here.这里。A:How do you operate it?怎样操作?B:Pull the pin out. The motion of the rudder is controlled by this lever.拔出这个销子,舵的移动由这个手柄控制。A:Thank you for your explanation.谢谢你的解释。Dialogue 5 Taking over emergency equipment接收应急设备A:Would you please show me where the emergency bilge valve is?请告诉我应急舱底吸入阀在哪?B:Its over here,at the left rear of the main engine.它在那儿,在主机左后部。A:Is it the one painted red?是漆成红色的那个吗?B:You are right,thats it.对了,就是它。A:Where is the remote operating gear for the skylights?天窗的遥控装置在哪儿?B:Over the cylinder heads of the main engine. Look,there it is.它在主机缸头上方,看,在那儿。3 Delivery and Acceptance between the Two Third Engineers 二管轮间的交接A:The Third Engineer to take over the ship 接船二管轮B:The Third Engineer to hand over the ship 交船二管轮Dialogue 1 Taking over auxiliary engines 接收副机A:Whats your auxiliary engine type?你们的副机是什么型号的?B:They are SKL-8NVD.型号是SKL-8NVD。A:How about their work?它们工作怎样?B:On the whole,they run quite well.总的来说,它们运行很好。A:When did they have their last special survey?它们上次特检是什么时候?B:Last year in Hamburg.去年在汉堡。A:What brand of lube oil do you use for them?你们用什么品牌的滑油?B:We generally use the Shell.我们通常用壳牌公司的滑油。A:Whats the state of the three generators?3台发电机状况怎样?B:No. 1 generator has run for a long time,and No. 2 just had a repair.1号发电机已运转好长时间,2号刚修过。A:Will you show me how to start the engine?请告诉我如何起动发动机?B:Id like to. Turn the engine on first and then.当然可以,首先盘车,之后 Dialogue 2 Parallel operation并车操作A:Please show me where the main switchboard is.请告诉我主配电板在哪里。B:This way please.这边请。A:First of all,please tell me the functions of meters and switches.首先,请告诉我这些开关及仪表的功能。B:All right.好吧 A:Could you show me the parallel operation?可否演示一下并车操作?B:Regulate the voltage and frequency first. Then watch the synchroscope. While the pointer is running slowly clockwise, turn on the breaker when the pointer is at 11.首先调节电压及频率,然后观察同步表,当同步表指针顺时针慢转到11点位置时合闸。A:All right. 好的。B:Anything else?还有其他的吗?A:No. Thank you.没有了,谢谢。Dialogue 3 Taking over oil separators接收分油机A:How about the oil separators?分油机情况怎样?B:We have two oil separators for fuel. They are made in Denmark.我们有2台燃油分油机,它们是丹麦产的。A:Is there anything wrong with them?它们有什么毛病?B:Nothing.没有。Dialogue 4 Talking about the freshwater generator谈论海水淡化装置A:How much water can it produce a day?它1天能产多少水?B:Its designed capacity is 29 tons,but it cant distill so much at present.其设计产量为29 t,但现在产不了那么多。A:Whats the matter? How much can it produce?怎么回事?它能产多少?B:Only 20 tons. I think its due to the scale and air leakage.只能产20 t,我想是因为结垢及空气泄漏。4 Delivery and Acceptance between the Two Fourth Engineers 三管轮间的交接A:The Fourth Engineer to take over the ship 接船三管轮B:The Fourth Engineer to hand over the ship 交船三管轮Dialogue 1 Talking about deck machinery谈论甲板机械A:Are the winches in good order?起货机状况是否很好?B:Not very good;the hydraulic motor has worn out.不太好,液压马达磨损过度。A:What about the windlass?锚机怎样?B:Theres no complaint from the officers.尚未听到驾驶员的不良反映。A:Will you tell them to try out this windlass?你能让他们试一下吗?B:No problem. Ill ask the bosun to do it.没问题,我让水手长去试一下。A:There is some oil leakage from the hydraulic pump.液压泵有些漏油。B:Yes,but it doesnt matter.是的,但是没什么大不了的。A:Thats all for the deck machinery. Lets go to the engine room.甲板机械就检查到这儿,我们下机舱看一看。B:OK. This way,please.好的,这边请。Dialogue 2 Talking over the exhaust boiler谈论废气锅炉A:Please tell me something about the exhaust boiler.请谈谈废气锅炉。B:It is a fire tube boiler. The capacity is 1.0 t/h;the heating surface is 150 m2.它是火管锅炉,蒸发量为1.0 t/h,换热面积为150 m2。A:How much is the working pressure?工作压力是多少?B:0.4 MPa.0.4 MPa(兆帕)。A:When did you clean it last?你们上次什么时候做的清洁?B:Last month.上个月。A:How often do you analyze the boiler water?炉水多长时间化验1次?B:Once a week.1周1次。A:What chemicals did you use to treat the water?你们用什么药品处理炉水?B:The product of company.公司的产品。Dialogue 3 Talking about pump arrangements谈论泵的布置A:How are the pumps arranged?泵是怎样布置的?B:This is the arrangement diagram. Look,this is the bilge pump,and this is the freshwater pump.这是机舱布置图,看,这个是舱底泵,那个是淡水泵。A:Where is the ballast pump?压载泵在哪儿?B:It is over there.它们在那儿。A:Whats the output of one ballast pump?压载水泵流量是多少?B:About 100 m3/h.大约100 m3/h。A:Do you test the emergency fire pump regularly?你对应急消防泵定期测试吗?B:Yes,I do.是的,我定期测试。Part II Useful Expressions 常用语句1Lets go through the formalities of delivery and acceptance.让我们办一下交接手续。2When was your ship built?你船是什么时候建造的?3Where are the instruction books?说明书在哪里?4Can you show me the drawings?能给我看一下图纸吗?5Have you kept all measurement records?你保存所有的测量记录吗?6Here are all the certificates.这是所有的证书。7Are the papers and data complete?文件及资料完备吗?8The instruction books and drawings are in the bookcase.说明书及图纸在书柜里。9Please provide an elementary diagram.请提供原理图。10Would you give me the installation diagram(arrangement diagram,wiring diagram)?可以给我安装图(布置图,接线图)吗?11We havent got a drawing for the freshwater generator.我们还没有海水淡化装置的图纸。12The drawings are missing.图纸不见了。13You havent handed over the instruction manual for the automatic boiler to us.自动锅炉的说明书还没移交给我们。14This is the makers certificate of the donkey boiler.这是辅锅炉的出厂证书。15This is the makers test report of the fire-fighting pump.这是消防泵的出厂试验报告。16The generators have been tested in the shop.发电机在车间里检验过。17The temperature rise test for the AC generators were witnessed by the buyers supervisor.交流发电机的温升试验有订货方的监造员参加。18When were the protection tests done?保护试验是什么时候做的?19Have you got any test report for the air compressors on hand?你手头有空压机的试验报告吗?20Here are the inspection records.这些是检查记录。21Give me a copy of the material test report,please.给我一份材料试验报告。22I still have some questions about the main engine.我对主机还有些疑问。23Whats the output of this pump?这台泵的流量是多少?24Whats the output of the oil-burning boiler?燃油锅炉的蒸发量有多大?25Whats the output of the main engine?主机的功率多大?26How much pressure can this air bottle sustain?这个空气瓶能承受多大压力?27How often do they need charging?它们需多久充电1次?Once a month.每月1次。28Will you ask the Fourth Engineer to try out this windlass?请让三管轮试一下这台锚机。29Have you ever found any trouble with the hydraulic deck machinery?你发现液压甲板机械有什么毛病吗?30Is there anything wrong with the deck crane?甲板克令吊有毛病吗?Yes,there are some problems.是的,有一些。No,there is nothing wrong with it.不,没什么毛病。31How about the oil separator?分油机情况怎样?32How does the main engine run?主机运转情况怎样?33What about the exhaust boiler?废气锅炉情况怎样?34The unit runs well.这套装置运转很好。35These generators are compact in construction.这些发电机结构紧凑。36Would you show me how to operate it?可以告诉我如何操作吗?37Could you tell me how to operate it?能告诉我如何操作吗?38Would you mind telling me where the fire-fighting pump is?可以告诉我消防泵在什么地方吗?39Please tell me how to use it.请告诉我如何使用。40Will you please explain the reasons?可以解释一下原因吗?41Please tell me its main function.请告诉我它的主要功能。42Please hand over the Engine Logbook.请交轮机日志。43Has the ship undergone any repair?该船进行过修理吗?44When did you have the last repair?你们上次修理是什么时候?45Where did you repair the main engine?主机是在什么地方修理的?46We had our last repair at shipyard.我们上次在船厂进行了修理。47What were the major items of your last repair?你们上次有哪些主要修理项目?48Have you kept all the repair lists?你保留所有修理单吗?49This is not in conformity with our requirements. I cant accept it.这个不合要求,我不能验收。50Have you checked the cargo winches?你检查过起货机吗?No,I havent.不,还没查。Yes,I have. They are okay.是的,我查过了,起货机正常。51Lets discuss on the spot.我们到现场去谈吧。52Thats all for the steering gear.舵机就到这儿吧。53Have you got a complete list of spare parts?你有完整的备件清单吗?54Where is your inventory book?你们的物料清单在哪里?55According to this list,you should hand over 8 sets of socket wrenches to me.根据这张清单,你应该交给我8件套筒扳手。56There is no special tool for the turbochargers.这里没有涡轮增压器的专用工具。57Anything else?还有别的吗?No,thats all.没有,就这些。Part III FAQ 常见问题解答Q1:When you take over a cold ship,how do you activate the plant systems?Answer In all cases the cold ship starting procedures must be coordinated by the Chief Engineer or a nominated deputy officer. Desirably,the check-off lists should be used to identify the actions required when starting the plant systems and components.1Starting conditionsAfter a prolonged shutdown of plant,or when work has been carried out by repairers,an extensive check needs to be made on all systems for cleanliness and valve settings. All machinery units which have been opened up must be thoroughly examined before closure. Rotating machines should be barred round and electric motors megger-tested( before starting. Standard safety precautions must be observed at all times. It is to be understood throughout that alarms and safety devices should be proven as each unit and system is commissioned.2Diesel generator systemsThe emergency diesel generator should be tested,stopped and left in an immediate stand-by condition,and the 24 V battery supply system for alarms and emergency lighting must be available. As soon as a cooling water source is available,one of the diesel generators should be started. After a main set has been put on load the feeder breakers to auxiliary motors should be seen to be closed and a check made that auxiliary machinery,previously supplied from shore power,ha


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