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    六年级上册讲义 (第十一册)外研社新标准(一起)MODULE 1 Unit 1 How long is the Great Wall?MODULE 1 Unit 2 Its twenty metres tall.Part One Vocabularythousand 一千,一千个 kilometre 公里 might 可能,可以 million 百万,百万个 place 地方,地点 building 建筑物,大楼Part Two Key Sentences 1. How long is the Great Wall? 长城有多长。 2. Its ten thousand Li long. 它有一万里长。 3. How old is the Great Wall? 长城有多少年的历史了? 4. Its more than two thousand years old. 它有两千多年的历史了。 5. Can we walk all of the Great Wall ? 我们能走完整个长城吗? 6. It is a beautiful building . 它是一个漂亮的建筑。 7. The clock is fifty metres high . 这个钟表有五十米高。Part Three Exercises1、 写出下列词组1.tell me about 2.the Great Wall 3.near to 4.all of 5.more than 6.millions of (people) 二单项选择1.( ) -How _meat do you want ? -Half a kilo. A. many B. much C. any2.( ) -How many _on the desk? A. cheese B. milk C. books3. ( ) -Do you live _Sanya? A. in B. on C. of 4. ( ) -Lets buy two_of cheese. A. box B. kilos C . Kilo三连词成句1. do, want , How much , milk, you ? MODULE 2 Unit 1 There is a big Chinatown in New York.MODULE 2 Unit 2 I went to a library yesterday.Part One Vocabularysurprise 惊奇 everywhere 各处,到处 restaurant 饭馆different 不同的dancing 舞蹈weekend 周末Part Two Key Sentences1. There is a Chinatown in New York. 纽约有个唐人街。2. We saw Chinese dancing. 我们看了中国舞蹈。3. We ate in a Chinese restaurant. 我们在一家中国餐馆里吃饭。4. Where did we go last Sunday? 上个周日我们去哪了?5. I am going to send an email to Mum. 我打算给妈妈发一封电子邮件。6. Yesterday I had a big surprise. 昨天我大吃一惊。7. There were Chinese people everywhere. 到处都有中国人。8. He really wants to go to the Great Wall. 他真的很想去长城。9. Did you do sports? 你做运动了吗?Part Three Exercises一写出下列单词的相应形式1. have (单三) (现在分词) (过去式) (汉语) 2. go (单三) (现在分词) (过去式) (汉语)3.dance (单三) (现在分词) (过去式) (汉语)4.learn (单三) (现在分词) (过去式) (汉语) 5. see (单三) (现在分词) (过去式) (汉语)6. like (单三) (现在分词) (过去式) (汉语)二、写出下列词组1.得到一个惊喜 2.在纽约 3.许许多多 4.说英语 5.与不同 6.在街上 7. 中国舞 8.去图书馆 9去游泳 三、选择填空1. Yesterday I have a big surprise. A. have B. has C. had2.There a big Chinatown in New York and we there yesterday. A. is, went B. was, went C. are, go3.The food was different Chinese food in China. A. to B. in C. from 4. We saw Chinese in the streets. A. dance B. danced C. dancing5.He really wants to go to the Great Wall. A. want B. wants C. wanted6. -where did you last Sunday? -I to the park. A. go, went B.went, go C. go, go7.There were lots of books America. A. to B. about C. around8. to my mum , and to my friend. A. one, one B. one is, one is C. one, one is9.There some books on the bed. There a picture on the wall. A.is B.are C.am10.She a friend in China A. wanted B.wants C.want四、回答下列问题1. Where did you go last Sunday? .2. What did you see? .3. What did you eat? .4. Did you have a good time? (否定回答) .5.Did he go swimming?(肯定回答) .MODULE 3 Unit 1 Have you got any stamps from China?MODULE 3 Unit 2 These stamps are from America.Part One Vocabulary stamp 邮票 album 集邮册 collect 收集 America 美国 Canada 加拿大 coconut 椰子Part Two Key Sentences1. What are you doing? 你正在做什么?2. I am putting my new stamps into my album . 我正在把我的邮票放到我的集邮册里。3. Have you got any stamps from China? 你有中国邮票吗?4. I havent got any stamps. 我没有邮票。5. Do you collect stamps? 你集邮吗?6. We can both have stamp albums. 我们都有集邮册了。7. This is my favourite Chinese stamp. 这是我最喜欢的中国邮票。8. This stamp is from 1988. 这是一张1988年的邮票。Part Three Exercises一、写出下列词组1.邮册 2.集邮 3.五指山 4.海南岛 5.椰子树 6.做邮册 二、选择填空1. -What are you doing? -Im my new stamps into my books. A.put B.putting C. puting2. There are some stamps Canada. A.from B.in C. to3. Have you got books in your bookshelf? A. some B. any C. many 4. I havent got Chinese books. A. some B.any C. many5. I will send you lots of Chinese books your album. A. for B.to C. in6. You can make an album this book. A.for B.to C. with7. This stamp is 1988. A. a t B.from C. on8. stamps are from America. A.They B.These C. That9. I need to . A.sleep B.sleeping C.slept10. She a computer. A.has got B. have got C.got 三、句型转换1. These stamps are from England. (划线部分提问) 2. Ive got a Chinese stamp. (一般疑问句) (否定句) (划线部分提问)3. Have you got any toys? (肯定回答)4. Have you got an English book? (否定回答)MODULE 4 Unit 1 Can you tell me about American festivals?MODULE 4 Unit 2 Its a very festival.Part One Vocabulary special 特殊的,特别的 hear 听到 nearly 几乎,接近,差不多 present 礼物 together 一起Part Two Key Sentences1. Can you tell me about American festivals? 你能告诉我有关美国节日的事吗?2. Thanksgiving is my favourite. 感恩节是我最喜欢的。3. We have a big, special dinner. 我们吃一顿大型的,特殊的晚餐。4. We say thank you for all the good things. 我们对所有的好事情说谢谢。5. Thanksgiving is very important in America . 感恩节在美国非常重要。6. There are lights and shops in the streets. 大街上有灯和商店。7. I wrote a poem about Thanksgiving. 我写了一首关于感恩节的诗歌。Part Three Exercises一写出下列单词,节日与月份对应1. (in November) 2. (June 1st)3.National day( 1st) 4. (December 25th) 5.Teachers day ( 9th)二、选择填空1. can you tell about American festivals? A.me B. I C.my D.mine2. -What ? -Families are together. A.happen B.happens C.happened3.We say thank you your help. A.to B. with C.for 4.Do you want to the story? A.hear B. listen C.hears5.Thanksgiving is very i n America. A.nice B. super C.important6.It is the 25tth of December. A.on B. in C.to7.We presents and cards. A.send,give B. give,send C.gave,send8.My favourite Thanksgiving . A.is B. are C.was三、连词造句1.have a special big We dinner , . .2.Can tell you about festivals American me . .3.put trees People in their homesr special . .4.Its important a very festival dinner . .5.is something There can I say . .MODULE 5 Unit 1 Can I write to her?MODULE 5 Unit 2 I want a Chinese pen pal.Part One Vocabulary pleased 高兴的,满足的 address 地址 pen pal 笔友 pretty 漂亮的 foreign 外国的Part Two Key Sentences1. I am visiting Simon for the summer. 我正在对Simon进行夏日拜访。2. She can speak Chinese and English. 她会说汉语和英语。3. You can write to her in English. 你可以用英语给她写信。4. I want a Chinese pen pal. 我想要一个中国笔友。5. Ive got a friend in China. 我有一个中国朋友。6. Shes from America. 她来自于美国。Part Three Exercises一写出下列单词的相应形式1. live (单三) (现在分词) (过去式) (汉语) 2. visit (单三) (现在分词) (过去式) (汉语)3. want (单三) (现在分词) (过去式) (汉语)4.speak (单三) (现在分词) (过去式) (汉语) 5. tell (单三) (现在分词) (过去式) (汉语)6. write (单三) (现在分词) (过去式) (汉语)7. get (单三) (现在分词) (过去式) (汉语)8. meet (单三) (现在分词) (过去式) (汉语)二、写出下列词组1.笔友 2.给.写信 3.用英语 4.说英语 5.学英语 6.用英语写 7.想要 8.她的地址 三、选择填空1. -Pleased to meet you ? - A. Glad to see you ,too. B. How do you do ? C. Pleased to meet you,too.2. Do you live here or you visiting ? A. do B. is C. are3. Im visiting Daming the summer . A. in B. on C.to D.for4. Youre America. A. come from B. from C. come5.I really want a pen pal. A. Chinese B. America C. China6.She can some English. A. spoke B. speak C. speaks7.Can I write her. A. to B. in C.on8.You can write English. A. in B.by C.on9.You can be my pen pal. A. Canada B.Canadian C.America10.She a friend in China A. wanted B.wants C.want四、句型转换1. Im from China. .(一般疑问句) .(就划线部分提问)2. He comes from Japan. .(一般疑问句) .(就划线部分提问)3. She can speak some English. .(一般疑问句) .(否定句) .(就划线部分提问)MODULE 6 Unit 1 Ive got some Chinese chopsticks.MODULE 6 Unit 2 I havent got a book about America.Part One Vocabulary chopsticks (复)筷子 difficult 困难的 city 城市 answer 回答 finish 完成,结束Part Two Key Sentences1. Ive got some Chinese chopsticks. 我有一些中国筷子。2. My brother has got Chinese kites. 我哥哥有一些中国风筝。3. Have you got a book about America? 你有一本关于美国的书吗?4. I met Daming here in New York. 我在这里遇见大明了。5. They are very difficult for me. 它们对我来说很困难。6. Please write and I will answer your questions about America. 请给我写信我会回答你一些有关美国的问题。7. Ive got a book about America. 我有一本关于美国的书。8. Our school starts at eight oclock. 我们的学校8点开始上课。9. What time do American schools start and finish? 美国的学校几点上学几点放学?Part Three Exercises一、写出下列词组1.一封来自美国的信 2.中国食物 3.和一起玩 4.回答问题 5.两点半 6.从开始到结束 7.三点五十 8.刀和叉 二、写出下列单词的相应形式1. meet(过去式 ) 2. difficult (反义词) 3. sandwich (复数) 4 photo(复数) 5. finish (单三) 6.have not (缩写) 7. has not(缩写) 三、选择填空1. I play a toy. A.to B.with C.about2. Ive got a letter in China. A.to B.about. C.from3. Its a letter Chinese food. A.from B. about. C.to4. The question is very difficult me. A. for B.to C. about5. I have got some photos Canada. A. of B.about C.from6.Our school starts half past four. A.at B.in C. on7.Our school at half past four. A.finishes B.finishs C. finished8.Lingling got a pet dog. A.has B.have C.had9. I like . A.swimp B.swimming C.swiming10.Have you got a schoolbag? A. Yes,I have. B. No, I have. C.Yes , I havent.四、问一问、答一答1. Has Lingling got a kite?(肯定回答) 2. How many pen pals have you got? 3. When do you go to school? 4. When does your school start? 5. I like reading a book.(否定句) MODULE 7 Unit 1 Pandas love bamboo.MODULE 7 Unit 2 A child sleeps for eight hours a night.Part One Vocabulary CDROM 电脑光盘 bamboo 竹子 copy 模仿 child 孩子 awake 醒的Part Two Key Sentences1. Pandas love bamboo. 熊猫喜欢竹子。2. Do snakes love music? 蛇喜欢音乐吗?3. It says snakes are deaf. 据说蛇是聋子。4. Its my new CD-ROM about animals. 这是我的新的有关动物的光盘。5. The snake thinks the flute is another snake. 蛇想笛子是另一条蛇。 Its copying it. 它在模仿它。6. How many hours do you sleep a night? 你一晚上睡多少小时?7. When does it sleep? 它什么时候睡觉?8. Is it big or small? 它是大的还是小


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