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    Module 1 Friends Unit1 Shes a nice teacher.I. Analysis of the Teaching Materials This lesson is the first unit of Module 1 in Book 4 of New Standard English. Its topic is “friends”. It aims to help the Ss master how to describe people by learning the text. So its important points lie in the adjectives and the sentence pattern "This is Ms Smart. Shes a nice teacher." This lesson is also the foundation of the coming one. And after this courses learning, the students will be able to use different adjectives to describe different people in real life. It can also help them review the learned knowledge. Such a topic is related to daily life. So it is helpful to raise learning interest of Ss and further develop their comprehensive ability of using language. II. Analysis of the students The students of Grade 4 are active and very interested in class activities and playing games. They have strong feeling of honor and always try their best to be the winners. And they feel curious to the new things and thirsty for the knowledge. However, their language ability of English is not as good as expected, which will be improved in this period through some exercises. So it is very important to find out some lively ways to make them learn easier and develop their keen interest in English.III. Analysis of the teaching aims1. Knowledge Aims:(1) Ss will be able to understand, listen, read and write the following new words and phrases: nice, a bit, shy, clever, naughty.(2) Ss will be able to listen, read and speak the important sentence patterns: "This is Ms Smart. Shes a nice teacher."(3) Ss will be able to understand and read the text of this lesson.2. Ability Aims:(1) Ss will be able to use the sentence patterns: "This is . He / She is a bit / very ." to describe a persons appearance and personality in daily life .(2) Ss will be able to improve their ability in listening, reading and speaking after the texts learning.(3) Ss will be able to enhance their ability in applying English into reality.3. Moral Aims:(1) Ss will be able to co-operate with others, experience happiness from helping people and express their own opinions in English boldly.(2) Ss will be able to make more friends and respect their friends. (3) Ss will increase their interest and set up self-confidence in language study from the relaxed and pleased teaching and form a positive attitude towards English learning.IV. Key points and Difficult Points 1. Key Point(1) Learn to master, speak, read and write the following new words and phrases: nice, a bit, shy, clever, naughty.(2) Learn to use the sentences patterns "This is . He / She is a bit / very ." to describe a persons appearance and personality. 2. Difficult PointLearn to use the sentences patterns "This is . He / She is a bit / very ." to describe a persons appearance and personality in real life. 3. Key to break through the key point and the difficult pointUse interesting activities like music to attract Ss interest. Make the study easier through games. And let the Ss gain knowledge through lively activities.V. The analysis of teaching strategies1. Teaching methods As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in primary school is to cultivate pupils basic abilities of listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson, I mainly apply the TPR teaching method, situational teaching method, communicative teaching method, audio-visual teaching method and task-based teaching method. Thats to say, Ill give the students some tasks and encourage them to finish the tasks by themselves while I just act as a director and helper.2. Learning strategies The students are active but not passive learners.The value of eduction is to help the students to learn to learn, learn to do, learn to be and learn to live.So in this lesson,first,I will teach the students how to be a successful language learner. Second, I will lead the students to follow the learning rule “Observation-Imitation-Practice” to study English.At last, Ill lead the students to study and co-operate with each other. Because that s a good way to learn English well.3. Teaching aids In order to finish my teaching, I will use tape-recorder, word cards, and pictures as the teaching aids.Part Six Teaching procedureStep 1 Warm-up(3)1. Exchange greetings. 2 .Sing a song: Friends. 3. Free talk: talk about the winter vacation and ask the Ss do they make new friends in winter vacation. Introduce a friend of mine to review the learned adjectives, such as tall, thin, fat and so on. Design intention: It is important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss by doing some warm-up activities like singing. It can activate classroom atmosphere and arouse students interest of learning. At the same time, it provides situations to review learned knowledge for the next step. Step 2 Presentation (20)1 .Lead in the text learning: tell the Ss our friend, Panpan, also made some new friends, and he wants to introduce them to us.2. Listen and point: Listen to the tape and answer the question "Who is nice, Maomao or Xiaoyong?"Design intention: By doing this to make the students perceive the whole text and train their ability of recognizing the sentences. And use the question to make the Ss focus on the listening material.3. Listen again. Ask the Ss underline the new words and phrases. Help them understand the text. Check the answer. Design intention: By doing this to further deepen the students understanding about the text. Besides, it can make the Ss to perceive the new words before learning them.4. Learn the new words: show the picture of Maomao, write down the adjectives which describe her. Make the Ss guess the words meaning through the teachers acting. The student who figure out the answer first can get a sticker. Play the game "magic fingers"(I read once, the Ss should read according to how many fingers I show). Encourage all the Ss read loudly and correct the pronunciations in time. Use the same way to teach the other words.5. Learn the sentence patterns "This is . She / He is very / a bit +adjective." explain the meaning of "very" and "a bit".Example :This is Parrot. Parrot is a very naughty bird. Design intention: make sure the Ss can understand and read the new words and the sentence patterns. Practice the words by game can attract Ss interest and train their reaction capacity.6. Listen and say: ask the Ss read after the tape. Ask them to imitate the pronunciation and intonation. Design intention: This activity can make the students open their mouth to read so as to improve their pronunciation, and then better master the text. Also, it can get ready for the listening practice in the next step.7. Read by yourself. Design intention:The students read the text by themselves so that they can consolidate the new knowledge and prepare for the next procedure. It can also enhance Ss self-learning ability.Step 3. Practice.(10)1. Play a game: show student A a word secretly and ask him to act out the word. Then the other Ss should speak out the word and use the sentence patterns to make sentences. For example: shy, this is student A, he / she is shy. Design intention: To practice the new words and the sentence patterns of this lesson by playing a game, so that the students can learn with interest. It can also make the students master the important and difficult points of this lesson.2. Point and say: practice with ones partner. Design intention: to give more chances for Ss to practice, so that they can master the new words and sentence patterns better.Step 4. Consolidation (5)Group work: ask Ss to use the learned knowledge to introduce a group member to the other two members. Ask them to practice by themselves first, then pick up some of them to present their introduction. Design intention: Divide the students into groups and assign an exercise with different points. The students can practice freely and finish in cooperation, then report it. By doing the introduction, the students can describe a person with the expressions they learnt today. This not only trains the students speaking ability but also consolidates the important points.Step 5.Summary(1)Sum up the language points learned in this period with the students. And learn a saying "a friend in need is a friend in deed."Design intention: Summing up in time can help strengthen the students deep impression to the important language points.At the same time,it can help the students form a good study habit. And it also enhance the learning result by carrying on the emotional education.Step 5 Homework(1) 1. Review the words and the text and preview the coming unit. (All the students should do it.)2.Listen and read after the tape. (The students who have the tape should do it.)3.Introduce your friends to your parents.(The students who are good at English should do it. )Design intention: Revision is so important that students should speak English as much as possible in class or after class. And different students are asked to finish the homework according to their own levels to consolidate the knowledge they learned. Blackboard design Design intention: I will design the blackboard like this. I think good blackboard-writing is able to give a student beautiful enjoyment . It should be clear and simple. Also it shows the key points and difficult points of this lesson. Teaching EvaluationDuring this period, I apply the multi-media to arouse students interest, using the task-based learning activities and different kinds of teaching methods to stimulate students positive factors. All the tasks are accomplished through the co-operation of the teacher and students. It shows that students are the center in the class, while teachers are instructors and organizers. I firmly believe the students do not just master the key points of this lesson but improve their ability of practical application of English.Their learning skills will also be improved through this period. Besides, through different kinds of tasks and learning methods, they will feel the importance of their status and learn English on their own initiative. But in the class, there will be some unexpected incidents, which I should pay attention to.Module 2 London Unit1 London is the capital of England.I. Analysis of the Teaching MaterialsThis lesson is the first unit of Module 2 in Book 4 of New Standard English. Its topic is “London.” It aims to help the students master how to describe a place or a city by learning the text. So its important points lie in the sentences “London is the capital of England. And its very big.” This lesson is also the foundation of the coming one. And after this courses learning, the Ss will be able to describe a place or a city in real life. It can also help them review the learned knowledge. Such a topic is related to daily life. So it is helpful to raise learning interest of Ss and further develop their comprehensive ability of using language. III. Analysis of the teaching aims1. Knowledge Aims:(1) Ss will be able to understand, listen and read the following new words: capital, about, beautiful.(2) Ss will be able to listen, read and speak the important sentence patterns: "London is the capital of England. And its very big.” "This is my house. Its small."(3) Ss will be able to understand and read the conversation of this lesson.2. Ability Aims:(1) Ss will be able to use the sentence patterns "(place) is . And its very ." "This is(place). Its."to describe a city or a place. (2) Ss will be able to improve their ability in listening, reading and speaking after the texts learning.(3) Ss will be able to enhance their ability in applying English into reality.3. Moral Aims:(1) Ss will be able to co-operate with others, experience happiness from helping people and express their own opinions in English boldly. (2) Ss will be able to know more about the culture of England.(3) Ss will increase their interest and set up self-confidence in language study from the relaxed and pleased teaching and form a positive attitude towards English learning.IV. Key points and Difficult Points 1. Key Points (1) Learn to master and use the new English words: capital, about, beautiful. (2) Learn to understand the sentence like "London is the capital of England " and use the functional sentence patterns like "This is my house. Its small." 2. Difficult Points:Learn to use the functional sentence patterns ". is . And its very ." "This is(place). Its."to describe places or cities in real life freely. V. The analysis of teaching strategies1. Teaching methods As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in primary school is to cultivate pupils basic abilities of listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson, I mainly apply the communicative teaching method, audio-visual teaching method and task-based teaching method. Thats to say, Ill give the students some tasks and encourage them to finish the tasks by themselves while I just act as a director and helper.2. Learning strategies The students are active but not passive learners.The value of eduction is to help the students to learn to learn, learn to do, learn to be and learn to live.So in this lesson,first,I will teach the students how to be a successful language learner. Second, I will lead the students to follow the learning rule “Observation-Imitation-Practice” to study English.At last, Ill lead the students to study and co-operate with each other. Because that s a good way to learn English well.3. Teaching aids In order to finish my teaching, I will use radio, tape, word cards, and pictures as the teaching aids.Part Six Teaching procedureStep 1 Warm-up(3)1. Exchange greetings. 2 .Sing a song: London bridge is falling down. 3. Free talk: ask the Ss "where is London?". Lead in the sentence "London is the capital of England." Design intention: It is important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss by doing some warm-up activities like singing. It can activate classroom atmosphere and arouse students interest of learning. At the same time, it provides situations to lead in todays lesson. Step 2 Presentation (20)1. Lead in the text learning: tell the Ss our friend, Amy, is from London, and she is introducing London to Lingling now. 2. Listen and point: Listen to the tape and answer the question "Is Amys house small?"Design intention: By doing this to make the students perceive the whole text and train their ability of recognizing the sentences. And use the question to make the Ss focus on the listening material.3. Listen again. Ask


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