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    书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语三级分类模拟题54公共英语三级分类模拟题54Part A略Part B问题:1. Interlocutor: Now, Id like you to talk about something between yourselves. Were just going to listen. (Place the Picture Sheet 1 in front of both candidates.) Id like you to talk about some common social problems in our life. This is the picture for your reference. It shows four kinds of problems: 1) begging; 2) theft; 3) neglect of public hygiene; 4) unmannered behavior. Please talk to each other about the sort of problem that interests you the most and provide some possible solutions. It is not necessary to agree with each other. Remember you have only 3 minutes for this part, so dont worry if I stop you then. Please speak loudly so that we can hear you. You may start now. 答案:1. Beggars are common in cities. They often go near you, hold a broken bow1 or cup and keep saying, "Please, please." Some sympathetic passers-by may give them some money, but this cant help them fundamentally. Some beggars are just cheaters, while only a few may really have problems to live, like the disabled and the elder people. The society shall take measures on social welfare to make poor people have basic living materials and to provide more jobs for the unemployed. They should also set up rules to punish those cheaters. 2. Theft on the bus or in the shops is common. Thieves usually go to those crowded places so that they can steal money while no one notices. If people find the thief stealing their money, they usually keep silent, and just get their money back without calling the police. They fear that thieves may take revenge on them. While going out, we should be very careful. We had better put the valuables like purses and mobile phones in the safe place. Always keep an eye on our bags while shopping. The police should also have more staff members patrol. 3. The behavior of neglect of public hygiene is common in cities. People throw the rubbish on the ground even if the dustbin is a few meters away. Some also spit on the ground, which affect others health. These are all uncultured behaviors. They dont know the importance of environmental protection. They dont want to consider others. The image of the city should be kept by every one of us. It is not just the cleaners responsibility. Some rules shall be set to punish them. And people should be educated to be more conscious of the public hygiene. 4. Unmannered behavior is common in the cities. Some people dont use mannered words like "please", "sorry" or "thank you". Some shout at others or even speak dirty words while they are unsatisfied. Sometimes we can also see a fight between two angry people. They are not self-controlled or gentle. These are not what we civilized people should do. While some friction happens, we should keep calm and try to explain things. Just to be rude cannot solve the problem well. 问题:2. Interlocutor: Now, Id like you to talk about something between yourselves. Were just going to listen. (Place the Picture Sheet 1 in front of both candidates.) Id like you to imagine that you are going to buy clothes. This is the picture for your reference. It shows four things that you may consider while shopping: 1) quality; 2) style; 3) price; 4) brand. Please talk to each other about the factor that you consider the most important and explain why. It is not necessary to agree with each other. Remember you have only 3 minutes for this part, so dont worry if I stop you then. Please speak loudly so that we can hear you. You may start now. 答案:1. When I buy clothes, the first thing I see is the quality. I dont want to have a dress with good style but with very poor quality, and when I just wear it for two or three days the decoration on the dress falls down or the color fades. This will be very depressing. Though I may buy it at a low price, its still not worthy. Clothes with good quality can be worn for a long time, and one can equal a heap of clothes with poor quality. 2. I consider the style at first while buying clothes. Fashion is very important nowadays. People want to be different from others. They choose clothes that have strange styles and some even design their clothes by themselves. They dont want to wear the same kind of clothes with others on the street. And the fashion changes quickly. They dont want to wear the same style for a long time, and clothes with good quality are not so important to them because old clothes are quickly thrown away and are replaced by new ones. 3. I consider price of the clothes at first. Im a student now, so I rely on my parents money to live. I cant afford clothes that are very expensive so I just try on those that have suitable price for me. I often look for clothes on sale. They are cheap and some are with good style and quality. You just have to choose carefully. Usually at the change of the season, the former expensive clothes become cheap. Isnt it good that you buy the same beautiful clothes at others but at a much lower price? 4. I think brand is the most important. It is said that people judge you by your dressing. Clothes can show a persons taste. Especially on a formal occasion, you need to be careful about your dressing. To choose clothes with a famous brand is my advice. Moreover, a good brand is often related with good quality and good style, and its pleasant to go shopping in those brand clothes shops. They are clean. The shop assistants are usually enthusiastic. They provide better services than those little shops. Part C问题:1. Interlocutor: Now, Im going to give each of you a different picture, and Id like you to first describe it and then tell us what you think about it. (Hand over the Picture Sheet 2 to Candidate A.) Candidate A, here is your picture: two fishermen talking about the popularity of chatting on the Internet. Candidate A, remember you have only one and a half minutes for this, so dont worry if I stop you then. Would you like to begin now? 答案:In this caricature two fishermen sit on the fishing net chatting. They think this is Internet chatting. It reflects the popularity of Internet chatting. Nowadays, more and more people chat on the Internet. They use communicating software like QQ, ICQ and MSN. They not only talk with acquaintances but also strangers in the virtual space. Usually one person has many net friends around the country or even around the world. It may provide a way of knowing more people and share your interest with other peers, but people often dont say truth on the Internet. They often use a guised identity and may be very different from what they are in real life. Many net friends chat very well and they want to meet each other, but often it turns out to be an unpleasant surprise, or sometimes even danger. People really should be careful while meeting the net friend.问题:2. Interlocutor: Now, Im going to give each of you a different picture and Id like you to first describe it and then tell us what you think about it. (Hand over the Picture Sheet 2 to Candidate A.) Candidate A, here is your picture: a man orders goods on the Internet. Please talk about your opinion on E-commerce. Candidate A, remember you have only one and a half minutes for this, so dont worry if I stop you then. Would you like to begin now? 答案:In this picture, the man and his son order a toy car on line, but the salesman mistakenly brings them a real car. This reflects some problems of E-commerce. As the Internet develops quickly, a new way of shopping also emerges, that is, E-commerce. There are many websites selling goods on the Internet. Pictures and prices of the goods are shown, and usually theyre cheaper than those in the shops, because the cost is lower. E-commerce really makes shopping easier. You just click the mouse and the goods will be delivered directly to your home and you pay then. However, there is still some cheating existing on line. Sellers may give you faked goods, or the price is not true. If you pay by credit cards, you need to be very careful because your money may be stolen. You should choose those famous websites with the guarantee of quality and safety. 8 / 8


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