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    Unit1 Good friends考纲要求:考纲规定的考试范围:重点单词与短语:honest; loyal; wise; smart; argue; fond; match; fry; saw; rope; movie; cast; survive; deserted; hunt; share; lie; adventure; error; hunt for; in order to; care about; drop sb. a line; argue about sth.; even though; as as possible;句型:I enjoy reading / Im fond of singing / I like playing computer games. 等表示喜好的词语Chuck is on a flight when suddenly his plane crashes. “when"作并列连词的用法What / Who / When / Where is it that.? 强调句的特殊疑问句结构With so many people communicating in English everyday,. “with+宾语+宾补”的结构做状语I dont enjoy singing, nor do I like computers. / Rock music is OK, and so is skiing.Chuck is a businessman who is always so busy that he has little time for his friends.He also learns that he should have cared more about his friends.语法:Direct and Indirect Speech()(1)转述他人的叙述一陈述句(2)转述他人的疑惑一般疑问句(3)转述他人的问题一特殊疑问句复习本章要达到的目标掌握loyal;argue;fond;match; survive;deserted; hunt; share; lie; hunt for; in order to; care about; even though; as as possible等重点单词及短语的用法。掌握表示“喜好”的句型;“某人也(也不)怎么样了”的句型;so.that. 和such.that. 引导的结果状讲从句;should have done sth. 的用法;when 引导的时间状语从句的用法;并列连词not only . but also. 的用法学会如何谈论爱好;如何谈论朋友;如何写电子邮件;学会使用直接引语和间接引语。教材知识归纳知识归纳1. I think a friend should be loyal.loyal 的用法:派生词:loyally adv. 忠诚地 loyalty n. 忠诚;忠诚的行为相关归纳:be loyal to sb./sth. 对某人或某个政党忠实be considerate to/towards sb. 体贴某人be thoughtful of sb. 体贴某人be devoted to 深爱某人或忠于某人be good/kind/friendly to 对某人有好be cruel to sb. 对某人残忍Be hard on sb.= be strict with sb. 对某人严厉He realized that what a fine loyal character Susan is.他意识到苏珊是一个多么忠诚的人。He has remained loyal to the team even if they lose almost every game.他仍然忠实于那个球队,尽管他们几乎每场球都输。This showed their love and their loyalty to the Party.这表明了他们对共产党的热爱和忠实。Tom is very considerate towards everyone.= Tom is very thoughtful of everyone.汤姆非常体贴每一个人。Tom is devoted to his wife and his sons.汤姆深爱他的妻子和儿子。The teacher is strict with us.= The teacher is hard on us.老师对我们要求严厉。2. What are they arguing about?argue 的用法:派生词:argument n. 1. C争论 2. U讨论辩论3. C论据相关归纳:(1) argue with / against sb. over / on / about sth. 与某人争论某事Tom argued with his teacher on the problem. 汤姆和老师就这个问题进行了讨论。(2) argue for / against sth. 辩论赞成反对某事He argued against the plan.他据理反对这个计划。(3) argue sb into / out of doing sth. 说服某人做不做某事We argued her out of going on such a dangerous journey.我们说服她不要去作这样危险的旅行。(4)argue that从句 争论说 They argued that I should take his advise.他们争论说我那该接受他的建议。(5) settle the argument 解决争端After five hours argument, they managed to settle the argument.经过5个小时的争论他们成功地解决了争端。注意:“说服某人做不做某事”还可表达为:talk / persuade / reason sb. into / out of doing sth.3. I dont enjoy singing, nor do I like computers. Rock music is OK, and so is skiing. 这两句中nor与so用于倒装结构。表示某人也(也不)怎么样了。常见句型有:(1) so + be / 助动词 / 情态动词 + 主语 (意为“主语也 ” )Tom went to the cinema yesterday, and so did Jack.(2) neither / nor + be / 助动词 / 情态动词 + 主语(意为“主语也不” )Tom didnt finish the homework on time, neither did Susan.(3) so it is / was with sb / sth和so it is / was the same with sb / sth (意为“主语也” ) (用在前文有两个或以上的从句,而且分句有不同的谓语或既有肯定又有否定以及既有系动词义有行为动词的情况)。这时也可以用as is the case with sb 这个句型。Tom is clever and he studies hard, so it is the same with Jackson.汤姆非常聪明并且学习努力,杰克森也是一样。Mary was born in Australia and she lived in the United States. So it was with Jane.玛丽在澳大利亚出生,在美国居住。简也是。注意下面两个句型:(1) so + 主语 + be / 助动词 / 情态动词 (意为“主讲确实如此”),表示进一步肯定。“Tom studies very hard .” “Oh, so he does.”“She can speak French. ” “So she can.”(2)主语 + did + so (意为“主语按照吩咐做了”)。.Our teacher told Tom to clean the blackboard and he did so.4.Im 15 and fond of singing.be fond of sth/doing sth. 喜欢做某事I am fond of playing football.英语中表示喜欢的短语有:(1)be into sth.= be very interested in 表示对极其感兴趣He is into everything concerning music他对与音乐有关的一切极其感兴趣。(2).like +n./ to do sth./doing sth.She likes playing the piano.她喜欢弹钢琴。注意:like (与should, would连用)希望,想,想要,即是 should/would like to do sth.He would like you to make that trip.他希望你走一趟。(3).love +n./ to do sth./doing sth. 语气比like更强烈。(4) enjoy +n./ doing sth. I enjoyed reading these books very much.我很喜欢读这些书。注意:enjoy oneself=have a good time玩得高兴Are you enjoying yourself?你玩得高兴吗?享有(利益、权利、声誉等)We enjoy free medical care.我们享受免费医疗。I enjoy good health.我身体很健康。(5)care for喜欢做某事 Does your sister care for dress?(6)go in for 喜欢做某事 Does your sister go in for swimming?(7)be keen on 热衷于某事The young are keen on high pays,年轻人热衷于高薪的工作。5.I cant strike a match on wet days.match 的用法知识梳理:match作动词时,主要义项有:和相配(称)The color of the shirt does not match that of the tie.衬衫的颜色与领带不相配。(2) 敌得过,比得上His latest film doesnt match his previous ones.他最新的一部影片比不上他以前的一些影片。No one can match her in knowledge of classical music.没有任何一个人能在音乐知识比过她。(3)把和搭配起来/调和起来Please match each picture with the correct sentence.(4)作名词时,主要义项有:火柴;比赛;相配Our side beat the other in the match.我方在竞赛中击败了对方。相关归纳:(1)be no match for敌不过 I was no match for him at tennis.打网球我根本不是他的对手。(2)match up to与相当;符合标准 The trip failed to match up to her expectations.这次旅行令她很失望6. I am not into classic music.归纳总结:(1)sb be into + sth 对某事感兴趣He is into everything concerning football.(2)sb be around 某人(在某一个领域中)活跃The director has been around since the 1960s.(3)sth be over 某个活动结束The meeting was over and all present headed home.(4)sth be up 主要指时间到了 Time was up and our teacher dismissed the class.(5)sb be/feel down 某人觉得身体不适或情绪低落I feel down this morning and let me alone. (6)sth be in 某个东西流行Short skirts are in again.(7)up to 多达;由某人决定;比得上;忙于某事The students in our class are up to 100/It is up to you to get the four of us moving.His latest novel is not up to his last one.What are you up to now?(8)sth be on 主要指电影等在演出What is on this weekend?(9)sb be off 走;离开I must be off now or I will miss the early bus.(10)sb be away 不在He has been away for 3 years.7. Chuck is a businessman who is always so busy that he has little time for his friends. 查克是个生意人,他总是那么忙,几乎没有时间和朋友在一起。该句中so.that. 和such.that. 都能连接结果状讲从句,但要注意词序不同。Joan is such a lonely girl that all of us like her. = She is so lovely a girl that we all like her.常见句型:(1) such + a / an + 形容词 + 单数可数名词 + that clauseHe is such a naughty boy that we all dislike him.他是那么淘气的孩子以致我们都不喜欢他(2) such + 形容词 + 复数可数名词 + that clause(3) such + 形容词 + 不可数名词 + that clauseWe have such good weather that we can go for a hiking.天气这么好让我们去郊游吧。(4) so + 形容词 + a / an + 单数可数名词 + that clauseHe is so naughty a boy that we all dislike him.他是那么淘气的孩子以致我们都不喜欢他(5) so + 形容词 / 副词 + that clause(6) so + many / few + 复数可数名词 + that clauseI have so many books that I could lend you some.(7) so + much / little + 不可数名词 + that clauseThey finished the job in so little time that we even dont him.注意:(1) 当little不表示数量“少”而表示“小”的意思时,仍然 要用such。(2) 当so + adj. / adv. 或 such + n. 位于句首时,主句需要倒装。(3)so +adj./adv. 位于句首,以及such+n. 位于句首时要采用部分倒装语序。So interesting was the film that we all watched it a second time.这部电影如此有趣以致我们又看了另一篇。8. He also learns that he should have cared more about his friends. shouldought to have done ; shouldought to + do;shouldntoughtnt to have don(1)“shouldought to have done”该结构意为“某人过去本应该干某事却没有干”,表示说话人的责备或遗憾之情。” You should have gone to the cinema last night , for the film was very interesting.昨天晚上你本应该去看电影的,因为这是非常有趣的一部电影.(2)“shouldought to + do”则表示将来要发生的动作。 You should work hard next year or you will fail to pass the exam. 来年你应该努力学习,否则你不能通过考试的。 (3) shouldntoughtnt to have don该结构意为“某人过去本不应该干某事却做了” You shouldnt have gone to the cinema last night , for the film was very boring.昨天晚上你本不应该去看电影的,因为这是非常枯燥的一部电影.9.Chuck learns that we need friends to share happiness and sorrow, and that it is important to have someone to care about.share的用法归纳:(1) share (in) sth. with sth. 和某人分享、分担、共用某物My wife shared with me in distress.妻子与我共患难。(2) share sth (out) between / among. 将某物分配、分给 The money was shared out between them. 笔钱由他们两人分。(3) share joys / happiness and sorrows (with sb) (和某人) 同甘共苦 注意:用作名词时,主要义项为:一份;股份I have done my share of the work. 已经做了我分内的工作。If you want a share of the pay, youll have do your share of the work.如果你想要一份报酬,就必须做一份工作The company was formed with 1,000 shares. 这家公司组成时有1000股Here is your share of the cake. 这是你的一份蛋糕10.Chuck has to learn how to collect water, hunt for food and make fire. hunt的用法: vt. /vi. 追猎,猎取; 搜索;寻找 ; 追捕 固定搭配:hunt for November is a good time to hunt deer.十一月正是猎鹿的好时节。Im hunting a job. 我在找工作。Police are hunting an escaped convict.警察正在追捕一个逃犯。John set out that day to hunt for work.约翰那天外出找工作。注意:hunt还可以用作名词。The hunt for the lost child continued until she was found.寻找失踪儿童的工作一直持续到将她找到为止。“make + 名词” 短语(1) make a noise 吵闹(2) make faces=make a face 做鬼脸,做苦脸(3) make room for 给腾出地方(4) make the bed 整理床铺(5) make a fool(exhibition) of oneself 使出丑(6) make friends with 交朋友(7) make money 赚钱(8) make full use of =make the most of= make the best of =take full advantage of 利用(9) make a decision / discovery/ study(10) make a mistake 犯错误(11)make yourself at home 别拘束(12)make a/some/no difference to sb/sth (13)make an agreement (14)make both ends meet 使收支平衡11.Keep your e-mail as short as possible.as as possible= as as sb. can/could尽可能地Ill go to see you as often as possible.= Ill go to see you as often as I can.我将尽可能快的去看你。I will be back as soon as possible.我将尽可能快地返回。He ran as fast as he could to catch the early bus.= He ran as fast as he could to catch the early bus.为了赶上早班车他尽可能快地跑。注:as as possible是as as it is/was possible的省略,其中的possible用作表语,不可用副词possibly替代。12. 直接引语和间接引语的相互转化在掌握该知识时要注意以下几种变化:(1)人称变化直接引语中的人称要根据间接引语中的主语来做适当的变化。(2)时态变化:规律见下表直接引语间接引语直接引语间接引语一般现在时一般过去时现在进行时过去进行时现在完成时过去完成时一般过去时过去完成时过去完成时过去完成时一般将来时过去将来时(3)指示代词、时间状语、地点状语和动词的变化规律如下: 指示代词:this that these those 时间状语:now then;today that day;next week the next week last month the month before ;yesterday the day before tomorrow the next(following) day ;two days ago two days before地点状语:here there;this place that place动词:come go;bring take l She said, “I like singing English songs very much.” 可以变化为: She said (that) she liked singing English songs very much.He said to me, “Ive left my book in your room.” 可以变化为:He told me (that) he had left his book in my room. 注意:当直接引语表示客观真理时,原来的时态不变。 The physics teacher said, “Light travels much faster than sound.” The physics teacher said (that) light travels much faster than sound.13. In order to survive, Chuck developed a friendship with an unusual friend in order to + 不定式在句中做目的状语。in order to do sth. so as to do sth to do sth 它们都可作目的状语,其区别如下:(1)这三种不定式作目的状语,在意义上并无多大差别,相比而言,to do 比较普遍,后两种在语气上稍重些,而so as to do 比较口语化,in order to do则比较正式。为了加强语势,突出目的,可将to do 或in order to do放在句首。so as to do 不能放在全句的前面,它只能后置 In order to find the book, he searched the whole house. 为了找到那本书,他翻遍了整个房子To hear better, well sit in the front row.为了听得更清楚,我们要坐在前排(2)to do, in order to do 和so as to do 三种不定式作目的状语时, 一般句子的主语就是不定式的逻 辑主语, 但如果不定式的逻辑主语不是句子的主语,常用for引出: I stopped aside for her to get in. 我停下来向旁边靠了靠,让她进来(3)不定式作目的状语表达否定的目的时,一般采用so as not to或in order not to 这两种句式。 We took a taxi so as not to be late.我们是搭出租车去的,以免迟到He worked slowly in order not to make any mistake.他工作干的很慢,目的是不出错I got up early so as not to miss the first train.我大清早起床,目的是不误第一班火车(4)in order to + 不定式在句中做目的状语时,句子的主语必须与不定式动作的发出者保持一致即:句子主语必须是人。Inordertopasstheexam,hestudiedevenharderIn order to master English, much practice is needed.()In order to master English, one need much practice. ()概念提示重点/热点1:a number of, the number ofa number of只能用作定语,修饰可数名词复数,意为“许多;若干”(=many)。number前可用large, small等修饰词。当它修饰主语时,谓语动词与它修饰的主语一致。A large number of students have finished their homework.the number of的意思是“的数量;号码”。当它与后面的名词连用时,中心词是the number。如果用作主语,即使后面的名词是复数,谓语也要用单数。The number of students who have finished their homework is very small. 归纳总结:其他表示“许多”的短语:many a +单数名词= more than one +单数名词 (谓语动词用单数)a lot of/lots/plenty of +不可数名词复数名词 ( 谓语动词与plenty 后的名词一致)quite a few + 复数名词 ( 谓语动词用复数)a great deal of +不可数名词 (谓语动词用单数)a large amount of +不可数名词(谓语动词用单数)large amounts of +不可数名 (谓语动词用单数)a large quantity of +复数名词/不可数名词(谓语动词用单数)large quantities of +复数名词/不可数名词( 谓语动词用复数)Many a strong man has weakened before such a challenge.很多坚强的人面对这种困难都动摇了There were quite a few copies sold on the first day.第一天就卖了好多本There is a small quantity of water left in the bottle.瓶子里还剩下少量的水。Large quantities of water are polluted every year. 大量的水每一年被污染了。易混易错点1:强调句型及其各种结构(1)基本结构:It is/was +被强调部分+that/who+其余部分(被强调部分可以是状语,主语或宾语) It was his losing his pen that made him so upset. 丢失了钢笔使他很难过。 It was in the playground that I came across the little boy.在操场上我遇见了那个小男孩。(2)被强调句子是一般疑问句时,其结构为:Is/Was it+被强调部分+that/who+其他部分(用陈述语序)? Is it tomorrow that you will go to see him?(3)被强调句子是特殊疑问句时,其结构为:疑问词+is/was+ it +that+其他部分(陈述语序)?Where was it that you held the meeting?(4)强调名词性从句引导词时,其结构为:引导词+it is/was +that+从句其他部分。 He asked where it was that you held the meeting.(5)对notuntil结构中until部分进行强调时,not需要放在被强调部分,句式为:It is/was not untilthat+主句部分(用肯定形式)。 It was not until midnight that he went back home after the experiment.讲题组课内题例与课后题:课内题例1. - I would never ever come to this restaurant again. The food is terrible! - _.A. Nor am I B. Neither would IC. Same with me D. So do I变式1.Mary never does any reading in the evening, _. (2005全国 III)A. so does John B. John does tooC. John doesnt too D. nor does John变式2. - David has made great progress recently. - _, and _. A. So he has; so have you B. So has he; so have you C. So he has; so you have D. So has he; so you have变式3.It was careless of you to have left your bike outside all the night._.A. so was I B. so I did C. so was it D. I did so变式4.If you want to go the cinema tonight, _ . A. so will I B. so do I C. so I do D. I do so 解析:1以nor/neither开头的倒装句,用于倒装表示“也不”所以答案是 B变式1. 由never可以判断该句为否定句。空格处句意为“约翰也没读书”。nor, so, neither可引起倒装句所以答案是D变式2. 答句中的he指David,不倒装。“So have you” 意为“你也一样(取得了进步)”。 所以答案是 A变式3. 答句意思是我的确把自行车忘记在外边了所以答案是 B变式4. 该题表示肯定的“也”还表示现在的想法没有将来时所以答案是 A总结:通过以上试题的分析和总结我们可以明白“某人也(也不)怎么样了”这一句型以及相关的结构仍旧是考试命题的重点。2. Where is my dictionary? I remember I put it here yesterday. You it in the wrong place. A. must put B. should have put C. might put D. might have put变式1. Jacky, you look down. What is up? I have failed in the driving test. You _ too


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