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    专业英语考试复习资料专业八级分类模拟240专业英语考试复习资料专业八级分类模拟240专业八级分类模拟240LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A MINI-LECTURE In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the mini-lecture, please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. Now listen to the mini-lecture. When it is over, you will be given THREE minutes to check your work. Planning a Writing Lesson . What is a genre various in kind features of genre: layout, formality level, language variation between 1 . Stages of a writing lesson A. Generating ideas importance of learners own ideas e.g. a complaint letter thinking about a situation comparing ideas in 2 presenting the best ideas to the class B. Focusing ideas 3 of relevant ideas method: putting ideas into a(n) 4 writing continuously without worrying about grammar, punctuation or 5 C. Focusing on a model text purpose: to find appropriate 6 to raise awareness of genres 7 method: model text examination identifying 8 and language from examples of a genre replacing the 9 according to the organization of the essay D. Organizing ideas 10 drafting ideas grouping E. Modifying the manuscript informing students 11 whether to revise or not focusing more on a(n) 12 other than the teacher incorporating 13 comments F. Writing the final draft check of 14 . Conclusion learners own ideas applied within a certain genre sense of 15 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案:cultures听力原文 Planning a Writing Lesson Good morning, everyone. Today well talk about how to plan a writing lesson. Writing, unlike speaking, is not an ability we acquire naturally, even in our first language. It needs a process of learning and practicing. Unless the second language learners are explicitly taught how to write in the new language, their writing skills are likely to get left behind as their speaking progresses. But teaching writing is not just about grammar, spelling, or the mechanics of the Roman alphabet. Learners also need to be aware of and use the conventions of the genre in the new language. First of all, we have to make it clear what a genre is. A genre can be anything from a menu to a wedding invitation, from a newspaper article to an estate agents description of a house. Pieces of writing of the same genre share some features, in terms of layout, level of formality, and language. However, a genre may vary considerably between cultures, and even adult learners familiar with a range of genre in their first language need to learn to use the conventions of those genre in English. In general, there are a couple of stages involved in the product of writing in accordance with a specific genre. I dont necessarily include all these stages in every writing lesson, and the emphasis given to each stage may differ according to the genre of the writing and the time available. As is often the case, to inspire learners to formulate their ideas is the first stage of a process approach to writing. Even when producing a piece of writing of a highly conventional genre, such as a letter of complaint, using own ideas can make the writing more memorable and meaningful. Before writing a letter of complaint, learners think about a situation when they have complained about faulty goods or bad service or have felt like complaining, and tell a partner. As the first stage of preparing to write an essay, I give learners the essay title and pieces of scrap paper. They have 3 minutes to work alone, writing one idea on each piece of paper, before comparing in groups. Each group can then present their 3 best ideas to the class. Then, there is another stage taken from a process approach, and it involves thinking about which of the many ideas generated are the most important or relevant, and perhaps taking a particular point of view. As part of the essay-writing process, students in groups put the ideas generated in the previous stage into a mind map. The teacher then draws a mind map on the board, using ideas from the different groups. At this stage he/she can also feed in some useful collocations. This gives the learners the tools to better express their own ideas, I tell my students to write individually for about 10 minutes, without stopping and without worrying about grammar or punctuation. If they dont know a particular word, they write it in their first language. This often helps learners to further develop some of the ideas used during this stage. Once the students have got their own ideas, and thought about which are the most important or relevant, I try to give them the tools to express those ideas in the most appropriate way. The examination of model texts is often prominent in product or genre approaches to writing, and will help raise awareness of the conventions of typical texts of different genres in English. I give learners in groups several examples of a genre, and they use a genre analysis form to identify the features and language they have in common. This raises their awareness of the features of the genre and gives them some language chunks they can use in their own writing. Learners are given an essay with the topic sentences taken out, and put them back in the right place. This raises their awareness of the organization of the essay and the importance of topic sentences. Once learners have seen how the ideas are organized in typical examples of the genre, they can go about organizing their own ideas in a similar way. Students in groups draft a plan of their work, including how many paragraphs and the main points of each paragraph. When preparing to write an essay, students group some of the ideas produced earlier into main and supporting statements. In a pure process approach, the writer goes through several drafts before producing a final version.: In practical terms, and as part of a general English course, this is not always possible. Nevertheless, it may be helpful to let students know beforehand if you are going to ask them to write a second draft. This stage affords learners a chance to become aware of an audience other than the teacher. If students are to write a second draft, I ask other learners to comment on what they liked or didnt like about the piece of work, or what they found unclear, so that these comments can be incorporated into the second draft. Finally, when writing a final draft, students should be encouraged to check the details of grammar and spelling, which may have taken a back seat to ideas and organization in the previous stages. All right, today weve illustrated necessary stages learners have to follow before getting started. By going through some or all of these stages, learners use their own ideas to produce a piece of writing that uses the conventions of a genre appropriately and in so doing, they are asked to think about the audiences expectations of a piece of writing of a particular genre, and the impact of their writing on the reader. In our next lecture, we will get started with a specific genre and talk about how to write an academic paper. 考点 本题设题点在转折处。 根据听力原文可知,转折后提出观点,关键信息词是vary。体裁因文化差异而不同,故答案为cultures。 2.答案:groups考点 本题设题点在时间状语处。 根据听力原文可知,学生独立思考三分钟后再以小组的形式进行比较,故答案为groups,注意使用复数形式。 3.答案:selection考点 本题考查重要细节。 根据听力原文可知,写作流程中还有一个阶段,是思考众多想法中哪些是最重要的或最有相关性的,并采纳其中某一个观点,所以填selection。 4.答案:mind map考点 本题考查重要细节。 根据听力原文可知,作为写作过程中的一个步骤,学生要以小组为单位将之前讨论的观点集中到思维图中,故答案为mind map。 5.答案:spelling考点 本题考查对细节的概括。 根据听力原文可知,学生不用担心语法或标点,如果他们不知道某个词的写法,可以用母语写出这个词。故答案应概括为spelling,注意使用动名词形式。 6.答案:expressions考点 本题考查重要细节。 根据听力原文可知,一旦学生有了他们自己的想法或者思考出哪些是最重要的或相关的,我就尽力给他们提供工具让他们以最恰当的方式表达自己的观点,所以填expressions。 7.答案:conventions考点 本题考查重要细节。 根据听力原文可知,学生学习范文将有助于了解不同体裁文章的特征,故答案为conventions,注意使用复数形式。 8.答案:common features考点 本题考查重要细节。 根据听力原文可知,演讲者让学生以小组为单位,给他们同一体裁的几篇文章,并让他们按照体裁分析表来寻找其共同的语言特点,所以填common features。 9.答案:topic sentences考点 本题考查重要细节。 根据听力原文可知,文章主题句被提取出来后,再让学习者将其放回原来的位置,这样做旨在提高学生对篇章结构及主题句重要性的认识,故答案为topic sentences,注意使用复数形式。 10.答案:layout/organization考点 本题考查对细节的概括。 根据听力原文可知,学生以小组为单位设计篇章,包括段落组织及各段主旨,故答案概括为layout或organization。 11.答案:in advance/beforehand考点 本题设题点在时间状语处。 根据听力原文可知,要让学生提前知道是否需要修改二稿,故答案为in advance或beforehand。 12.答案:audience考点 本题考查重要细节。 根据听力原文可知,这个阶段给学生提供了一个机会,让他们意识到除了老师还有观众的存在,所以填audience。 13.答案:other learners考点 本题设题点在条件状语从句处。 根据听力原文可知,写二稿时,要求其他学习者评论该学生文章的优缺点或表达不清楚的地方,而后再让学生将这些评论融汇到二稿中,故答案为other learners。 14.答案:grammar and spelling考点 本题考查重要细节。 根据听力原文可知,在写终稿时,应鼓励学生检查语法和拼写,因为这在之前的组织想法阶段容易被忽视,所以填grammar and spelling。 15.答案:the reader/readership考点 本题考查重要细节。 根据听力原文可知,学习者应考虑某一特定体裁下的读者需求及其写作对读者的影响,故答案为the reader或readership。 SECTION B INTERVIEW In this section you will hear ONE interview. The interview will be divided into TWO parts. At the end of each part, five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the interview and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.Illustration of lies in marriage.B.Ways to recognize lies in marriage.C.Classification of lies in marriage.D.Advice on a successful marriage.答案:D听力原文 W: When couples get married, they often promise to love, honor and cherish each other. Too often, those traditional wedding vows turn out to be nothing but empty promises. Psychologist Dr. Robin Smith says it doesnt have to be that way. His new book Lies at the Altar offers advice on building a happy and healthy marriage. Dr. Robin, good morning! M: Good morning! W: So great to have you here! M: Im happy to be here, Julie. W: OK. You didnt necessarily write this for couples who are married or people whore thinking of getting married. Its written for everyone, right? M: Yeah. Its what the book is really about. Lies at the Altar is talking about living more in truth than in lies. Lies about what? About who we are, and so when you dont know who you are, its actually impossible to create, to carve and to build the life and relationship of our dreams. W: When you say lies at the altar, these are not intentional lies. Its not like the bride and the groom were saying: Im going to love and cherish you, hut Im really not. Its you who think you know who you are, but actually not. M: You dont know who you are and often unfortunately because of the models that weve had in out families also on television. There hasnt been anyone who has given us permission, who has shown us the path into living more in the truth, so were afraid to let someone know who we are. Because maybe they wont love us, maybe they wont choose us, maybe theyll decide thats not the person that they want to spend their life with. What we dont know is that if we live with that kind of fear, and we live covering up who we really are, we are cheating ourselves and minimizing the possibility of really having a good, strong marriage. I mean, my message is pro-marriage, but its about being married and being smart. What can be summarized as the main idea of Lies at the Altar? 本题考查作品主旨。根据听力原文可知,这本书旨在为幸福和健康成功的婚姻提供建议,因此D为正确答案。 2.A.Single people.B.Married couples.C.Newlyweds.D.Everybody.答案:D听力原文 What kind of people did Dr. Robin write this book for? 本题设题点在对话问答处。原文并未提及单身的人,因此排除A;根据听力原文可知,罗宾博士写这本书不是特定为了已婚夫妇或者正在考虑结婚的人,故排除B和C;根据听力原文可知,罗宾博士是为了所有的人而写的这本书,因此D为正确答案。 3.A.White lies.B.Unintentional lies.C.Sweet lies.D.Noble lies.答案:B听力原文 What do "lies at the altar" refer to? 本题考查重要细节。根据听力原文可知,婚礼上的谎言并非故意撒的谎,所以B为正确答案。 4.A.We intentionally do so.B.No one tells us how to live in truth.C.We are afraid to lose the one we love.D.No one permits us to know our real self.答案:A听力原文 Which of the following statements is NOT the reason why we lie? 本题考查重要细节。根据听力原文可知,谎言不是故意而为之的,故A符合题意。根据听力原文可知,我们说谎的原因是没有人认可我们了解真实自我的想法,也没有人告诉我们如何才能生活得更加真实,因此我们更加害怕因为对婚姻中的伴侣展现真实的自我而失去对方,故排除B、C和D。 5.A.Because they may not take a fancy to us.B.Because they may not choose us.C.Because they may find us not the right match.D.Because they may look down upon us.答案:D听力原文 Why are we afraid to let someone know the real us? 本题设题点在原因解释处。根据听力原文可知,我们害怕向某些人展示真实的自我,因为他们可能不会再爱我们、可能不会再选择我们、可能会认为我们不是他们想共度一生的那个人,故排除A、B和C。原文并未提及他们会鄙视我们,因此D为正确答案。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.A.Because we are not so good.B.Because we are imposters.C.Because we are self-abandoned.D.Because we are afraid to know them.答案:D听力原文 W: Do you feel that many people, men and women, not only cover up who they really are to their significant other but to themselves? M: Absolutely. I think it starts actually with the cover-up to yourself being an impostor, and again, not because we are bad, not because we are liars, not because we are indulgent, but because we are afraid of knowing who we really are, because we think we are going to lose out on choices and opportunities, not knowing that how we really lose out is by being the impostor, who is the cheater, the thief and the robber. W: So how do we confront who we really are, whether its a conversation with ourselves when looking at ourselves in the mirror to find out the good and bad? M: Well, therere several things. One, I always ask people to tell me something great about themselves, and then tell me what some of their limitations are. People can often come up with something good, but its hard for people to be clear about where their limitations are. They can talk about they are great wife in this way and great husband in that way, but cant tell me where theyre falling short, and the falling short part is critical because then I have a place to know where I need to do the new work. So I came in the book and talked about showing up as a grown-up, part of being mature. And grown-up isnt age. Its about knowing who I am, what works for me, what doesnt, what my values are. Those types of things are critical to really know about a real me, and then about the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. W: You have 276 que


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