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    安徽蚌埠龙子湖区 人教版 六年级英语 上册第一学期(期终期末考试) 教学质量检测监测调研 统联考真题模拟卷.docx

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    安徽蚌埠龙子湖区 人教版 六年级英语 上册第一学期(期终期末考试) 教学质量检测监测调研 统联考真题模拟卷.docx

    安徽蚌埠龙子湖区 2017-2018 学年第一学期六年级英语期终试卷(人教版)(满分:100 分 时间:50 分钟)听力部分(共 20 分)一、仔细听,选择所听到的内容,将标号写入题前括号中。(5 分)()1.A.jasmine)2.A.subway)3.A.stuck)4.A.deep)5.A.B.helmetB.ferryC.featureC.taxiB.secretaryB.reporterB.C.universityC.trafficC.二、仔细听,选出正确的选项。将标号写入题前括号中(。5 分)()l.Now we are)2.They are all)3.Is your father athe supermarket.A.in front ofA.worriedB.behindB.afraidB.pilotof dogs.?A.fisherman. A.by bikeA.hiking)4.Six students usually come to school)5.We can go today.B.by busB.fishing三、仔细听,选择正确的答句,将标号写入题前括号中。(10 分)()1.A. At the bookstore.)2.A.Yes, he is.B.On Saturday afternoon.B.Yes, he does.C.With my mother.C.No, he cant.C.She can swim.C.By train.)3.A.She is angry.)4.A.She feels angry.)5.A.Im a student.B.By subway.B.Please count to ten.B.I can play soccer.笔试部分(共 80 分)C.302557183.一、翻译成英语。(12 分)1.更多的2.博物馆5.谜3.教练4.词典6.明信片9.科学家12.中秋节7.呼吸8.商人11.看病10.聚会二、按要求写单词。(4 分)left(对应词)can(否定形式)country(复数)dance(现在分词)安徽蚌埠龙子湖区六年级英语期终试卷 1 三、对话配对(5 分)()1.What does your uncle look like?A.My parents.)2.Wow! So many pictures of flowers.)3.I like this comic book.)4.Who is talking?B.Yes.C.Tall and strong.D.Theyre from my brother.E.Really? Me too!)5.What an interesting film!四、选择合适的答案,将标号填入题前括号(。10 分)()1.)2.)3.)4.)5.)6.does Sam feel?A.HowB.WhatB.GoC.Whyat a red light.A.Stop and waitleftC.Slow down and stopC.Stop, atthe hospital.B.Tum, atA.Go, onlet the dogs run too fast.A.NotA./B.DontC.Doesntgo to the bookstore tomorrow? Ist half price then.B.What C.Why notare you going to do?B.WhenShanghaiA.WhereC.What)7.A:How do you getB:We getBeijing?there by car.B./, /, /A.to, from, toC.to, from, /()8.A:A.Where, work)9. Please count to ten. After that, youdoes she work? B:Sheat sea.C.How, worksfeel so angry.B.Where, worksA.will)10.A:B.shouldC.wontare your hobbies? B:I like.A.Which, singingB.What, singC.What, singing五、用所给单词的适当形式填空(。6 分)1.What will the boy2.Im going to be a3. Mr Jones often4. Peter likes(do)?(science).(go) to work by ship.(swim) in the sea.(wear) warm clothes.5. Its cold. You should6. You must(pay) attention to the cars.安徽蚌埠龙子湖区六年级英语期终试卷 2 六、按要求写句子。(12 分)l.Where is the zoo?(看图写答句).2.Does John live in China(? 改为陈述肯定句)3.I often walk to school(同义句).4.I am going to a cinema next Sunda(y. 就划线部分提问)5.What should he do(? 看提示完成答句)6.Mary is a police officer(就划线部分提问)?.(深呼吸)?七、排序。认真读句子,将它们重新排列组成一个合适的对话(。6 分)1.It doesnt matter. We can go next week.2.Not well.3.Im ill. We cant go to the zoo today.4.Whats wrong with you? You look tired.5.Lets go to the hospital.6.How do you feel now?7. OK.Next week.() () () ( 7 ) () () ()八、阅读。(20 分)(一)Mousy has a stomachach(e 胃疼)Its the New Years Day. Its seven oclock in the evening. All the mi(ce老鼠)in Mousysfamily are getting together in their living(ro起om居室). On the big table there is a lot of food, likerice, fish, eggs and vegetables. They are going to have supper.Mousy is the only son of his parents. But hetiisnn the living room.Where is he? What do hisparents worry about? Mousy is not out. He is at home. He is staying in his bedroom. Why?Because New Years Day is coming. He has a lot of food to eat and he eats too much. He has a安徽蚌埠龙子湖区六年级英语期终试卷 3 stomachache now.根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。(10 分)()1.Mousy is the only son of his parents.)2.Today is New Years Day. Mousy is out.)3.On the table there is a lot of food.)4.Mousy has supper on New Yeasr Day.)5.Mousy has a stomachache.(二)Magical(有魔力的)Space(太空)The universe(宇宙)includes(包括)the Earth(地球)and all the things in space. Itincludes(包括)planets(行星),stars and galaxie(s 星系). The universe is I3,750,000,000years old. Astronomer(s 天文学家)study the universe with the help of telescop(es望远镜).There are countle(ss无数的)stars in the universe. They have bright li(gh光t ). Stars havedifferent colors.The sun is the neare(st 最近的)star to us. It gives the he(at 热)and light to all the thingson Earth(地球). Light helps the animals, plants and us humans to live and grow. The sun isabout 150,000,000km away from us. If Liu Xiang ran from Earth to the sun at his f a(st最est快的) speed(速度), he would take(花费)about 560 years to reach(到达)it.根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。(10 分)()1.Astronomers use telescopes to study the universe.)2.There are 13,750,000,000 stars in the universe.)3.Liu Xiang would(将)need(需要)about 560 years run from the Earth to the sun.)4.The moon is the nearest star to us.)5.The sun gives water to all the things on Earth.九、请写一段自我介绍。不少于40 词。(5 分)提示:可以写写你的爱好、家人、他们的职业、怎样去工作等等。安徽蚌埠龙子湖区六年级英语期终试卷 4 安徽蚌埠龙子湖区 2017-2018 学年第一学期期终检测六年级英语参考答案听力部分一、1.C二、1.A三、1.A笔试部分一、略2.B2.B2.B3.C3.B3.B4.A4.A4.B5.A5.A5.C二、right三、1.C四、1.A五、1.docountriescant4.Adancing5.B2.D2.A3.E3.B4.B5.C6.C7.C8.B9.C5.wear10.C2.scientist3.goes4.swimming/to swim6.pay六、1. Its next to the post office2.John lives in China3.I often go to school on, foot4.Where are you going next Sunday5. He should take a deep breath6.What does Mary do七、4317625八、(一)1.T2.F(二)1.T 2.F九、略3.T4.F5.T3.T4.F5.F安徽蚌埠龙子湖区六年级英语期终试卷 5


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