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    25 MW Straw-Fired, High Efficiency Power Plant1. AimThe aim of the proposed project has been to design, construct, own and operate a new electricity generation capacity based on renewable energy sources, in this case on straw, with the possibility of adding wood chips, with a sound technological and economical basis. The owner, EHN, expects this project to promote the implementation of its future strategies and plans in its fields of activity. Bio-energy crops are already being investigated at demonstration scale as a fuel alternative, also.From the point of view of technological development, the aim has been to demonstrate the innovative technical solutions, high efficiency steam boiler with high steam temperature for wood and straw firing with new superheater construction, to solve slagging and corrosion problems up to now related to combustion of straw. The successful demonstration has created (and will create) new project and job opportunities by offering a viable solution to exploit difficult biomass fuels which currently are treated mostly as waste.2. Introduction设计巴巴工作室www.88doc88.comPhoto 1: View of the Sangesa Power Plant with straw barn onthe right, and boiler building on the leftThe power plant is an electricity generation facility based on renewable energy, which supplies a net amount of 25 MW of electricity to the grid. An additional power production of about 2.5 MW of electricity is generated for consumption in the own operation systems of the plant, and heat production is nowadays released at the condensing system, which is cooled by a water intake from an irrigation channel of the Irati river.The plant operation availability is expected to be 8.000 hours/year, which leads to an annual electricity production of 200 GWh. The plant is located at the Industrial Area of Rocaforte, near the locality of Sangesa, in the region of Navarra, Spain.The technology is based on an innovative biomass boiler, together with a conventional steam circuit and steam turbine process. The core technology is located in the boiler, which includes novel hanging platen superheaters for the steam, specifically designed with special materials and shapes for minimizing corrosion on their surface. It also includes a vibrating hydro grate made of two different sections, and an innovative feeding system design, including safety devices for fire prevention. The whole boiler and feeding system is an improved design of the technological partner, the Danish company FLS milj.As fuel, the plant is initially designed for using only straw 100%, and also mixtures of wood chips and straw up to 50% (in heat values). At the moment, only the investments in facilities and logistics for straw have been carried out, but enough space is available for the construction of an additional barn and feeding systems for wood chips. Annual fuel consumption of the plant is 160 000 tons/year of straw, mainly of wheat, barley and corn, all of which is collected all around the region. Logistics for fuel collection in the fields, handling, transport and storage include long-term contracts with farmers and service companies in order to provide the whole annual supply.The plant first connection to the grid was achieved on 25th June 2002. After several operation tests the plant has reached full load operation, and results are completely successful.3. Technical descriptionBoilerThe straw and wood fired boiler is an improved FLS milj design. It includes a vibrating hydro grate specially defined for handling the specific quality of the straw to be burnt. The grate is made in two sections that enable the use of straw or a mixture of wood and straw as fuel, having low ash melting temperature and difficult sintering or slagging properties.The straw is fed to the boiler through four mechanical feed openings. The transportation of the burning mass and the ash through the grate is made by the ash removal system, which periodically vibrates, during a few seconds every 5 minutes. The cycle of vibration and the intervals are adjusted during the commissioning of the boiler depending on the quality of the straw. The grate itself is made as a boiler panel wall, including perforations for input of the combustion air. This type of grate has very low maintenance costs and high reliability.Photo 2: Boiler, turbine and offices buildingsAsh that falls down from the grate is then transported to a container, and the fly ash is collected in the bag filter. The remaining particle content in the flue gases is less than 50 mg/Nm3. From the bag filter ash hoppers, the ash is conveyed to a fly ash container. Both the bottom and fly ashes are being reused as organic fertilisers.The hot flue gases are led to the hanging platen superheaters inside the boiler and then to the second pass, where the feed water economizer and combustion air preheaters are located. Economizer and air pre-heating are used to cool the flue gases down to approximately 130C before releasing them through the stack into the atmosphere.SuperheatersThe new straw fired hanging platen superheaters increase the steam temperature up to 540C directly with the straw combustion gases inside the boiler. Due to the rapid high temperature corrosion caused by the alkaline contents of the straw ash, the superheaters have been carefully designed, using resistant materials, an exact design (including the appropriate additional surface area for heat exchange), and completely eliminating the use of natural gas or other fuels for superheating the steam. A research project with the Public University of Navarra is also undergoing, aiming at analysing new materials for these superheaters.Steam cycleThe power plant process is designed for high electrical efficiency. This is accomplished by using the condensate and feed water pre-heating, “internal co-generation”. The high pressure and temperature steam (100 bar, 540C) is fed from the boiler to the extraction-condensing steam turbine. Steam is extracted from the steam turbine for pre-heating in four uncontrolled extractions. The exhaust steam from the turbine is condensed in a condenser using river water as cooling medium. From the condenser the condensate is returned through the pre-heating stages to the feed water tank and further to the boiler for steam generation.Figure 1: Process diagramTurbine - GeneratorThe steam turbine is of extraction-condensing type. It has a capacity of 30 MW at the terminals of the alternator. With an auxiliary power consumption of nearly 2.5 MW, the average net electrical output is 25 MW. The alternator output voltage is 10 kV. The plant is connected to the 66 kV grid through a block transformer. Separate auxiliary transformers are used to feed the auxiliary power for plants own power consumption.4. Performance of the plantBefore starting the plant operation, straw collection and storage in the field started in summer 2000. Campaigns of years 2001 and 2002 were used to fine tuning the logistics activities and increasing the amount of stored straw. The plant first connection to the grid was achieved on 25th June 2002, which meant the start of the commissioning and monitoring phase. Since then, several tests and adjustments have been made, including the gradual power increase until full load was reached at the beginning of 2003. In July 2003 the plant is still adjusting its production parameters, and full commercial operation will start after summer.During the first whole year of operation at testing level (from June 2002 to May 2003), the plant has consumed an amount equivalent to 99 124 tons of straw with 11 % of moisture, and the corresponding electricity supplied at the utility substation has been 118.94 GWh. The efficiencywill be improved to 200 GWh/a with 160 000 tons of straw once commercial operation will be reached.The proposed renewable energy project has a clearly positive impact on the environment in the region, as it replaces electricity which would otherwise be produced with fossil fuels, and it does not add the current emissions of straw combustion, because the straw is often burned on the fields. On the contrary, because of the controlled combustion and flue gas cleaning, the CO and particle emissions from the power plant are clearly lower. It is calculated that with the biomass fired power plant of 25 MW, some 210 000 tons/year of CO2 and 4 600 tons of SO2-emission are avoided in comparison to power production with coal.5. Economic PerformanceThe operational cost consists of the fuel supply costs and the operation & maintenance costs of the plant. Cost of straw supply is around 36 /t, including every logistic activity until fuel reaches the plant. As the annual consumption is 160 000 tons, fuel supply costs are around 5 760 000 /year. On the other hand, the ordinary O&M costs are estimated around 12 /MWh, plus other financial, amortization, spare parts and extraordinary costs. The expected incomes of the plant will depend on the rate for electricity supply to the grid by biomass means, which is annually revised. As an average, the utility purchases the electricity at a rate of 65 /MWh, so that the annual electricity sales will be around 13 million .As financial sources, the European Commission has contributed with 3 million , and the Spanish “Instituto para la Diversificacin y Ahorro de la Energa” (IDAE) has financed another 2.4 million , plus a share of 10% of the total investment. Taking these contributions into account, as well as the previous performance data, the payback period is estimated to be around 15 years.Concerning job creation, the continuous operation of the power plant creates 24 new permanent jobs at the power plant and approximately 80 jobs more in gathering, processing and transport of the fuel, and other various activities. Also, during the construction period there was an average of 200 people working on site during 18 months.6. Proj ect IdentifiersProject:BM/12/97Owner:EHN (Corporacin Energa Hidroelctrica de Navarra, S.A)Yanguas y Miranda, 1 5E-31002 PamplonaSPAINTel: +34 948 22 94 22Fax: +34 948 22 29 70www.ehn.esContractors: FLS MILJ A/S, POWERTECHNICS CONSULTING ENGINEERS OY, IDAE (Instituto para la Diversificacin yAhorro de la Energa)Technology: FLS (boiler and straw handling)Alstom-ABB (turbine & power generator group)Abengoa (manager of the plant engineering and construction)Total Cost:51 000 000 EC Support: 3 000 000 25MW高效秸秆燃烧发电厂1目标建设方案的计划已经开始了设计,建造。现拥有一个以秸秆和添加木屑作为原料并拥有较好的经济和技术基础的新的发电厂。拥有着EHN。希望这个项目能更好的实现,作为燃料的替代物的生物能源作物正在示范范围被调查。从技术方面说。科技创新才是解决的方法。用新的加热工程燃烧秸秆和木屑来获得高温高效率的蒸汽锅炉,通过过热器的改进来解决秸秆燃烧引起的炉渣和腐蚀问题。一个成功的范例已经创造(将创造)了新的项目和新的工作机会。为实现在多数被作为废物的不同作物提供了一个解决方案。2引言图片:Sangesa秸秆发电厂厂房在右边,蒸汽锅炉建筑在右边这个发电厂是基于可再生能源的发电厂,它能为电网提供的净发电总量是25MW另外大约2.5MW的电量用于工厂的自身系统的运作和消耗。并且生产中产生的废热通过灌溉渠被释放在Irati河中。这个工厂产生的可利用能源预期为800小时每年,平均每年200GWH的电量。这个工厂坐落于西班牙靠近Sangesa的一个工业区里面。 这种技术是基于一个改进的锅炉,一个传统的蒸汽循环系统和一个蒸汽涡轮机。这种技术的核心除了锅炉外还有一个为蒸汽而设计的悬在空中的平板过热器,其设计时候利用特殊的材料和形状把腐蚀程度降到最低,它还包括一个由两个不同尺寸构成的震动水壁炉和一个包含防火安全设施的喂入系统。整个的锅炉和喂入系统是合作伙伴FLS milj公司的一个人改进设计。 作为燃料,一开始被设计成燃用100%的秸秆或是可以是木屑和秸秆混合燃烧。此时,不仅工厂和运送秸秆的车辆已经开始投资,而且存储秸秆的库房和木屑喂入系统还有一个足够大的空间正在建设。该厂每年的秸秆消耗量是160000吨每年主要是在四处搜集小麦,大麦和玉米的秸秆。为了提供足够一年的燃料,负责在田里收集处理,运输和储存的后勤部门将长期与农场主接触来为公司服务。2002年6月25日该电厂第一次上网,经过几次操作测试工厂达到了满负荷运行,其运行效果良好。3技术说明照片2:锅炉,涡轮和办公大楼 锅炉用秸秆和木屑来烧锅炉是FLS milj的设计。它包括震动的水炉蓖,用来特别处理秸秆这种具有特殊燃烧特性的物质炉蓖由两部分组成,使得该炉蓖能使用秸秆或是秸秆和木屑的混合物作为燃料。该燃料的灰点低并且具有不同的泉华熔渣特性。秸秆是通过四个机械喂入口来为锅炉提供燃料的。正在燃烧的物质和燃烧灰的运输是通过炉蓖由美五分钟几秒的整栋的除灰系统来完成的振动的周期和时间间隔可根据秸秆的质量来调节。炉蓖箱就像一个平面的炉墙,同时当作助燃空气的入口,这样炉蓖有非常低的维修费用和喝高的可靠性。从炉蓖落下的粉煤灰被运送到一个灰斗内,粉煤灰被收集在布袋除尘器里,这样废气中剩下的微粒含量不到50毫克每立方纳米了,这些灰最终被送到飞灰容器中。无论是低灰还是飞灰都能当作有机肥料来使用。热尾气通过垂悬在锅炉里面的平板过热装置然后进入第二个通道,在这里装有省煤器和空气预热器。省煤器和空气预热器可将废气冷却带大约130摄氏度,然后通过烟囱释放到空气中。过热装置新的秸秆燃烧使锅炉内的燃烧气体直接加热悬垂的平板过热器装置,使蒸汽温度升至540摄氏度。由于秸秆灰的碱性物质造成的高温腐蚀速度快所以过热器选用抗腐蚀行材料进行了准确设计。一个准确的设计(热交换包含适当的换热面)和完全消除使用天然气或是其它燃料加热蒸汽的研究设计正在由Navarra公立大学进行。目标是对这些过热装置的新的材料进行分析。蒸汽循环能源厂被设计的过程有很高的电子效率。它被用来冷凝和给水的加热而建造。“内部同时进行”,高压,高温的蒸汽从锅炉被喂到了冷凝萃取蒸汽涡轮机中,蒸汽从预先加热的涡轮机被提取到了四个自由的提取器中。从涡轮机中排出的蒸汽被压缩在了一个由河水作为冷却剂的冷凝器中。冷凝器中的浓缩物通过预热阶段被返回到了给水箱中并且将到锅炉中来生产蒸汽。图1 :流程示意图汽轮机-发电机蒸汽涡轮机是萃取冷凝式的。这个发电机有30万千瓦的最大发电能力和一个耗电量近2.5万千瓦的辅助能力。它平均净发电量为25万千瓦,发电机的输出电压喂10千伏。该工厂是通过变压器链接到66千伏电网的,还有单独的辅助变压器用来供应电厂自身的消耗。4.工厂业绩工厂开始运作前,在2000年的夏天就开始在这个地区收集并储存秸秆了。2001到2002年被用来完善后勤物流的运转和进一步增加秸秆的储量。该工厂在2002年6月25日首次实现了连接到网络。这意味着开始进入调试和检测阶段。从那以来,经过多次的测试并进行调整,包括逐渐的增加大电量。知道2003年初实现了电量的满载。在2003年7月,该工厂仍在调整生产数据中,预计在夏季以后开始进行商业运作。在第一个全年测试级别中(2002年6月至2003年5月)。该厂已经消耗了大约99124吨含水11%的秸秆,相对应的,在有效的电站中已经提供的电力有118.94瓦。一旦进入商业的运作中该工厂的发电量将达到200Gwh/a,并且消耗160000吨的秸秆。提议的可再生能源方案对这个地区的环境有一个跟明确的正面影响作用。因为它取代了用化石燃料进行电力生产,同样也不会增加当前秸秆燃烧的排放量,因为秸秆经常在地里被燃烧。相反,由于控制了燃烧和烟气的净化,电场中一氧化碳和颗粒的排量明显较低。经过计算25万千瓦的再生能源发电厂和利用煤来发电相比较每年可避免生产210000吨的二氧化碳和4600吨的二氧化硫。5. 经济实绩工厂运转的花费包括燃料供应和运作以及工厂的维修费用。秸秆供应的花费成本大约是36 /t,其中包括燃料到达工厂后勤部门的运转费用。其每年大约消耗160万吨,每年燃料供应的花费大约是5 760 000 。另一方面,普通的O&M消费大约是12 /MWh,再加上其他的资金,分摊多余部分和额外的花费。工厂的收益取决于其每年向电网提供的电量,这是每年都在修订的。作为一个平均数,公共事业购买电的速度大约在65 /MWh,所以每年的销售电量将达到1300万。作为资金来源,欧盟已经提供了3百万,西班牙的“Instituto para la Diversificacin y Ahorro de la Energa” (IDAE)提供了另外的240万的资金,再加上另外的10%的总投资。考虑到这些资金的入账还有前期工作的花费,想要回收成本大约需要15年。在创造工作岗位方面,电厂将创造24种新的固定工作并且在燃料的收集,处理和运输方面也能提供80多个工作岗位,和其他不同的工作。而且,在工厂建筑的建造阶段也平均有200人在这工作18个月。6.项目鉴定项目: BM/12/97业主: EHN(Corporacin Energa Hidroelctrica de Navarra, S.A)Yanguasy Miranda, 1 5 E-31002潘普洛纳西班牙Tel: +34 948 22 94 22电话: +34 948 22 94 22Fax: +34 948 22 29 70传真: +34 948 22 29 70www.ehn.es承包商:财务和后勤系统MILJ A / S公司,工程师OY IDAE (Instituto para la Diversificacin y Ahorro de la Energa)技术: FLS (锅炉和秸杆处理)Alstom-ABB (涡轮&发电器小组)Abengoa (工厂工程学和建筑的经理)总成本: 51 000 000 EC支持: 3 000 000


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