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    书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语高级模拟70剑桥商务英语高级模拟70READINGPART ONE Look at the statements below and at the five extracts from an article about a post-DVD future on the opposite page. Which extract (A, B, C, D, or E) does each statement (1-8) refer to? For each statement (1-8), mark one letter (A, B, C, D, or E) on your Answer Sheet. You will need to use some of these letters more than once. There is an example at the beginning. A Its official: the heyday of the DVD is over. Walt Disney OEO Robert A. Iger recently implied as much in an analysts callthe only studio boss to suggest public that Hollywood can no longer count on a cash cow that has yielded billions in profits. DVD sales slid 6.3% last year. While the economy is likely a factor, its also clear that audiences are bypassing DVDs because they have a range of other options, from watching movies and TV shows online to playing video games. As such, Hollywood executives face a conundrum familiar to many CEOs. They have to prop up a product that is losing momentum, buying time while they rethink their entire business model. B Next-generation Blue-ray discs will give the DVD a lift, but studio bosses still are scrambling to shore up sales. Iger may believe the DVDs best days are behind it, but he too is trying to goose disc sales. He has been pushing the studio to make more Disney-branded films. Not only are parents more likely to buy Disney DVDs than other movies, but Disney-branded films can be marketed through the companys theme parks, TV channels, and stores. "The Disney brand," Iger says, "gives us an advantage." C As DVD sales decline, studios are looking for ways to cut costs so they can make more money on each disc. A primary target: the so-called backend deals that give stars and directors a piece of a films revenues. Increasingly, executives are insisting that a film must break even before the studio will share proceeds. Sony Pictures Entertainment is forging such deals, "we can no longer afford to give away money when we cant be sure what the DVD sales are going to be", says studio chief Michael Lynton. D Right now, most studios are taking baby steps. Rather than waiting weeks between the release of the DVD and the online and cable versions of a movie, Warner Bros. and others are releasing a select few simultaneously. The aim is to entice teens and others who arent buying DVDs. There also are moves afoot to let TV viewers download movies after they have opened in theaters but before they go on sale as DVDS. The idea, says Fox Filmed Entertainment Co-Chairman James Gianapulos, is to charge a premiumsome in the industry have said as much as $40for an early viewing of a high-definition flick. E Paramount arguably has gone the furthest: Its premiering movies on the Web. Last year it streamed the comedy Jackass 2.5 on Blockbusters site for free. The 64-minute film attracted 15 million viewers. It generated word of mouth, says Paramount, helping the studio sell the movie through a variety of sites. "You can use the Internet to launch a film like you use a movie theater," says the studios digital czar, Thomas Lesinski, who plans to produce more low-budget flicks for the Web. 1. Studios have found new ways to make more profits without the sales of DVD.答案:D2. Some CEOs are betting on the company brand to prop up DVD sales.答案:B3. To change the awkward situation of DVDs, it is an effective option for some companies to turn to the net for help.答案:E4. Studio managers are struggling with DVD sales, even if there are some new editions.答案:B5. The present situation of DVD sales is changing the means of profit distribution.答案:C6. DVD sales are great influenced by some other available entertaining choices.答案:A7. Taking advantages of website would probably promote DVD sales.答案:E8. The great decrease of DVD sales has brought many CEOs a big headache and an alarming warn.答案:APART TWO Read this text about new ideas for management. Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill in each of the gaps. For each gap (9-14), mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet. Do not use any letter more than once. There is an example at the beginning. When 10 IBM management trainees piled into a minibus in the Philippines for a weekend tour last October, the last thing they expected was to wind up local heroes. Yet thats what happened in the tiny village of Carmen. After passing a water well project, they learned the effort had stalled because of engineering mistakes and a lack of money 1 They organized a meeting of the key people involved in the project and volunteered to pay $250 out of their own pockets for additional building materials. Two weeks later the well was completed. Locals would no longer have to walk four miles for drinkable water. And the trainees learned a lesson in collaborative problem-solving. "You motivate people to take the extra step, you created a shared vision, you divide the labor, and the impact can be big", says Erwin van Overbeek, 40, who runs environmental sustainability projects for IBM clients. While saving a village well wasnt part of the group agenda for that trip, its the kind of experience the architects of IBMs Corporate Service Corps had in mind when they launched the initiative last year. Modeled on the U.S. Peace Corps, the program aims to turn IBM employees into global citizens 2 Those people were then trained and dispatched to emerging markets for a month in groups of 8 to 10 to help solve economic and social problems. The goal, says IBMs human resources chief, is to help future leaders "understand how the world works, show them how to network, and show them how to work collaboratively with people who are far away." Like most corporations, IBM trains managers in classrooms, so this represents a dramatic departure, while other companies encourage employees to volunteer for social service, IBM is the first to use such programs for management training, says Rosabeth Moss Kanter, a professor at Harvard Business School. "This is a big innovation. This kind of active service is a good way to train managers." 3 This year some 500 people will participate, and the list of countries will expand from five to nine, including Brazil, India, Malaysia, and South Africa. The teams spend three months before going overseas reading about their host countries, studying the problems theyre assigned to work on, and getting to know their teammates via teleconferences and social networking Websites. On location, they work with local governments, universities, and business groups 4 Participating in the program is not without its risks. Charlie Ung, a new-media producer from IBM Canada, got malaria while working in Ghana and spent a week in the hospital 5 IBM planners deliberately choose out-of-the-way places and bunk the teams in guest houses that lack such amenities as Western food and CNN. "We want them to have a transformative experience, so theyre shaken up and walk away feeling theyre better equipped to confront the 21st century." says Kevin Thompson, the IBMer who conceived of the CSC program and now manages it. IBM concedes that one month overseas is a short stint, but it believes participants can pick up valuable lessons. Debbie Maconnel, a 45-year-old IT project manager in Lexington, Ky., says the trip prompted her to change her management style 6 She used to give assignments to the overseas employees and then leave them on their own. Now she spends more time trying to build a global team. A. The program is growing rapidly. B. It has set up a Peace Corps-like program that aims to turn top management prospects into global players. C. The IBMers decided to do something about it. D. It was coordinated with activities of 13 people in the U.S. and 12 in India, Mexico and China. E. Anything there would be done from upgrading technology for a government agency to improving public water quality. F. Other participants report encounters with wild dogs in Romania. G. Last year, IBM selected 300 top management prospects out of 5,400 applicants. H. Yet thats what happened in the tiny village of Carmen. 1.答案:C解析 前一句指出,在一次用水工程项目的实施过程中,他们意识到工程的施工失误和资金短缺已经使得他们所有的努力都付诸东流;而后一句提到,他们组织了一次包括所有工程负责人的会议,敦促每人自掏腰包250美元用于支付额外的建设材料的费用。可以推测出所缺句子的作用是连接“出现的困难”和“采取的具体措施”。选项C中提到:IBM的项目负责人决定采取一些相应的措施。符合上下文的语境要求。2.答案:G解析 前一句讲了学习美国和平公司的模式,这个计划旨在将IBM的员工转化为全球化的公民;后一句提到,于是他们便被编成8人至10人的小组分别受训,试图解决一些经济和社会问题。可以推测出所缺句子是IBM学习其他公司的培训模式,接下来采取了什么样的行动,挑选了哪些人进行训练。对应选项G中提到的:去年,IBM公司从5,400名申请者当中挑选了300名最有希望成为高层领导的员工接受这种培训。3.答案:A解析 前一句提到这种积极的服务活动计划将是一个培训员工的极佳措施;后一句指出,今年,将有约500人参加这次培训计划,涉及的国家将由5个增加至9个,包括巴西、印度、马来西亚和南非。可推测出所缺句子应该是对这种培训项目的实施和发展情况的介绍或者评价。对应选项A中提到的:这一项目正在迅速发展。4.答案:E解析 前一句指出在培训地点,他们与当地政府部门、学校以及商业团体一起进行工作;后一段提到了这个培训计划的参与者们并不是没有风险的。可推测出所缺句子应该是对他们在培训地点与当地的各个部门进行合作所完成的各项工作或者解决的各项问题的介绍。对应选项E中提到的:在那里,从为政府部门的工作提供技术升级支持到改善当地水质等事情都可能涉及到。5.答案:F解析 前一句提到Charlie Ung,一个来自IBM加拿大公司的新媒体制作人在加纳染上了疟疾,并入院治疗一个星期;后一句提到IBM的项目设计人总是故意选择一些偏远的地区,促使受训人不得不从缺少西方食品和CNN等各种舒适条件的寄宿人家里逃走。可推测出所缺句子应该是另外一些参加培训的人员在受训过程中遭遇到危险的例子。对应选项F中提到的:其他参与者也曾声称在罗马尼亚遭到野狗袭击。6.答案:D解析 前一句提到Debbie Maconnel,一位来自Lexington的45岁的IT项目负责人说,这次旅行促使她改变了她的管理方式;后一句说,她曾经总是将任务分派给海外的员工,然后不闻不问,但是现在她会花费更多的时间建立一个全球化的团队。可推测出所缺句子应该是对Debbie所参加的这次培训的简单介绍。对应选项D中提到的:这项计划是与13名美国员工,以及12名来自印度、墨西哥和中国的员工共同进行的。PART THREE Read the following extract from an article about online ads and the questions on the opposite page. For each question (15-20), mark one letter (A, B, C, or D) on your Answer Sheet. Online Ads After a decade of experimentation, companies have yet to find a reliable way to burnish their brands online. Research shows barely more than 1 in 1,000 people click on banner ads. Whats more, they rarely hang around long enough to absorb a brand message. Former Madison Avenue hotshot Matt Freeman aims to change all that. Freemans company, Beta-wave, is developing ways to boost visitor "engagement" and plans to charge advertisers not just by each click or view but also by peoples attentiveness. The concept is untested, but it has generated excitement. Several venture capital shops in December put $22.5 million into Beta-wave. "Matts ahead of the curve," says Sean Finnegan, chief digital officer at Starcom Media Vest, which buys ads for Coca-Cola, Procter > 答案:C解析 本题问从文章第一段看,Freeman的目标是什么?文中第一段提到“Freemans company, Beta-wave, is developing ways to boost visitor engagement and plans to charge advertisers not just by each click or view but also by peoples attentiveness.”即:Freeman的公司正致力于提高访问者的参与度,并打算以此作为向广告商收费的标准,而不是简单的点击率。因此,选项C符合题意。2. What did Freeman do to confuse Madison Avenue greatly?A.He developed new ads for a great number of famous companies.B.He attracted a lot more peoples attention on online ads.C.He charges advertisers not only by click or view on ads on the website.D.He quit as a boss in a promising company and opened a small company himself.答案:D解析 本题考查Freeman做的哪一件事情令麦迪逊大道的所有专家都十分不解?文中第二段提到“Mad Ave was shocked when Freeman quit as Tribal DDB Wordwides boss in June to run a small company called GoFish.”即:当得知Freeman辞掉在Tribal DDB公司的老板职位,转而自己开了一家叫做GoFish的小公司时,麦迪逊大道被震惊了。因此,选项D为正确答案。3. The websites Betaware represents mainly draw attentions ofA.parents of kids aged 6 to 17.B.a valuable audience to stop by Betaware sites every week.C.25 million people who would check on Betaware sites monthly.D.25 million kids aged 6 to 17 and their moms to spend nine minutes at Facebook.答案:C解析 本题考查Betaware网站主要是吸引那些人群的注意力?文中第三段提到“Beta-wave represents share a valuable audience: kids aged 6 to 17 and their moms. The 25 million people who stop by Beta-wave sites each month spend an average of 15 minutes per visit vs. nine at Facebook, according to industry tracker Comscore.”即:Beta-wave网站吸引了一批非常有价值的关注者:6到17岁的青少年和他们的母亲。这2,500万人平均每个月会花费十五分钟的时间对网站进行一次访问,而Facebook只能吸引他们花费九分钟。因此,选项C最符合题意,为正确答案。4. Why Freeman charge not only for clicks on ads but also peoples attentiveness?A.Companies are eager to see the effect of their ads directly.B.Companies want to reduce the cost on the online ads.C.He knows how to deal with advertisers questions.D.He plans to attract more peoples attention on his website.答案:A解析 本题问Freeman为什么不只按照对广告的点击量而且还按照人们的关注度进行收费?文中第四段提到Still, Freeman knows companies want more evidence to prove that their ads are working. "Advertisers always say, why am I paying for reach when what I want is peoples attention?" 即:Freeman知道,公司关注的是能证明他们广告正在高效发挥作用的证据。“广告商总是说,既然我想要的是人们的关注度,那为什么我要为人们单纯的点击付费?”因此,选项A为正确答案。5. According to paragraph five, what does Freeman do to carry out his plan?A.He renamed his company Beta-wave.B.He set up something of his own company using TV as a media.C.He enlisted GoFish for his first experiment.D.He created a distribution platform for clients to check out their ads.答案:B解析 本题问根据文章第五段,Freeman为了实施他的计划采取了下列哪项行动?文中第五段提到“To make that happen, Freeman is borrowing from television, which has been shoring up its prospects with "band integrations".”即:为了实施计划,Freeman正求助于电视媒体,从而使得他的计划能以综合旗帜的形式得到支持。因此,选项B为正确答案。6. What can you infer from the whole passage?A.Beta-wave is considered to be the most successful ads company.B.We will probably see some popular stars in the videos made by Beta-wave.C.Beta-waves success depends on how many people attention and clicks are drawn in online ads.D.Freeman plans to charge sponsors to set up sites like Beta-waves.答案:B解析 本题考查从整篇文章中能够推断出下列哪一选项?文章第六段提到“For the first such experiment, Freeman has enlisted Raven Symone. The Disney twin star will appear in a video and provide style tips that likely will include nods to certain products.”即:作为这一计划的第一项实验,Freeman已经锁定了Raven Symone。迪斯尼公司的双胞胎明星将在一段电视录影当中亮相,并且将为广大观众提供愿意选择某些产品的理由。因此,选项B符合题意,为正确选项。PART FOUR Read the article below about a new move on marketingmatching prices to demand. Choose the best words or phrases to fill each gap from A, B, C, or D on the opposite page. For each question (21-30), mark one letter (A, B, C, or D) on your Answer Sheet. There is an example at the beginning. Matching Prices to Demandin Real Time Can an ice cream shop charge more for a cone on a hot day? Should a parking space get 1 as the garage fills up? Boston Consulting Group senior adviser George Stalk believes business canand shouldcharge according to 2 . The idea builds on a longtime strategy most 3 the airline industry, called yield management, in which carriers 4 prices as planes fill up. The consultant, who in the late 1980s coined the term "time-based competition", the notion that 5 is a strategic w


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