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    常用英语词汇大盘点目录contents01 Ability/Skill 能力或技能02 Awkwardness/Unskillfulness 笨拙03 Strength 力量04 Weakness 虚弱(弱点)05 Beauty 美06 Ugly 丑陋07 Happy 快乐的08 Sad 悲伤的09 Humorous 幽默的10 Uninteresting 无趣的11 Uninterested 不感兴趣的12 Important 重要的13 Unimportant 不重要的14 Kind 亲切的15 Unkind 刻薄的16 Polite 有礼貌的17 Impolite 没礼貌的18 Generous 慷慨大方的19 Miserly 吝啬的,贪婪的20 Brave 勇敢的21 Cowardly 怯懦的22 Honest 诚实的,正直的23 Dishonest 不诚实的24 Love 爱01 Ability/Skill 能力或技能Formal Words List (正式场合用词)名词accomplishmentskill achieved by training or education 通过培训或教育获得的技能;成就;成绩adeptnessability resulting from a combination of skill and training 由技能和培训相结合而产生的能力;熟练;内行adequacyability that is sufficient but no more than sufficient 足够的能力;足够;恰当aptitudenatural or native ability 才能;天资brilliancegreat natural ability rather than that which comes from learning or experience 天赋(非后天习得或来自经验的才华或能力);才华横溢capabilitypotential ability 潜力;才能;本领competenceability equal to the requirements of a job 足以胜任某项工作的能力;资格;胜任craftspecial skill 特殊的技能;技巧;手艺dexterityreadiness and grace in physical activity; especially, skill and ease in using the hands (手或身体的)灵巧;娴熟;敏捷diplomacyskill in dealing with people, managing human relationships, avoiding the arousal of hostile emotions, etc. (处理人际关系等的)手腕;圆滑facultyphysical ability; natural aptitude of any kind 才能;本领;技能;智能;(身体生来就有的)机能flairnatural ability in a special field, so that one does something in a uniquely successful way (天生的或特别的)才能;天赋;天资geniusunique or extraordinary natural ability 天才giftnatural ability of a very high order for some special work (用于某些特殊工作的高层次的)天赋;才能;天资initiativeactive ability to start something new, begin a course of action, etc. (在创新或行动方面体现出的)主动性;进取心prudenceskill in management of ones affairs 处理个人事务的技能;精明;精打细算;有头脑qualificationcapability; competence 能力;资格;品质strategyskill in execution or planning (执行或计划的)能力;策略;计谋talentnative, rather than acquired, ability; unusual ability and intelligence in a field 天赋(通常是在某一领域的能力和智慧);才干;才能techniqueskill of expertness in the procedure, details, or performance of an art, science, etc. (科学、艺术等方面在过程、细节或表现方面展示的)专业技巧;技术;方法workmanshipability, skill, or artistry of a worker in his work 工人在工作中体现的能力、技巧或艺术性;手艺;工艺;技巧Formal Expressions (正式场合表达)对话1.A: She has a certain aptitude for math. When she was a teenager, she was already taking college level math courses.B: I know! She really has made a lot of accomplishments in the field and her adeptness is amazing.A: I think she was born with the ability to solve math problems. I myself have toiled year in and year out just to achieve the minimum adequacy.B: Well, her brilliance in the field of math is rare. You shouldnt compare yourself to her!2.A: Margarets flair for fashion design is a real talent.B: Her technique and workmanship are exquisite.A: Do you know what her qualifications are? Did she receive a degree from a university?B: Her competence comes from many years of hard work and learning on the job.3.A: He is a genius when it comes to investing. Hes made a lot of money on the stock market.B: He does have a gift for picking the right stocks.A: My approach to investing has been one of prudence. I am very cautious and dont speculate.B: I havent invested in the past but am making a new initiative to start this year.4.A: I have a new strategy for getting better grades in school this year.B: Oh really? Whats your technique?A: Simple. I realize I havent used all my capabilities to date. I am going to try harder.5.A: He has a real skill when it comes to diplomacy.B: Do you know what his technique is that makes him so skilled?A: Its a natural gift. He just knows how to deal with people effectively.B: I have seen him network at social events and he does seem to have a certain flair for dealing with all types of people.6.A: Lorna has a special craft. Shes able to mold figures out of clay.B: She should go into businessyouve got the money, shes got the skill.7.A: My husband has absolutely no faculty whatsoever for manual work. He doesnt know how to fix anything.B: Its a good thing that youve got plenty of manual dexterity. You can make repairs to the house and he can do the housework.Business is the salt of life.Informal Words List (口语化用词)名词green thumbThe green thumb refers to someone that has a passion or knack for growing things or gardening. It is used to describe someone in a good or complimentary way, i.e., “That person has a real green thumb”. It is a positive expression and often utilized for those that enjoy working with nature.know-howKnow-how refers to the amount of information or skill one has about something. It is used in a positive sense to describe someones strong level of knowledge. For instance, he has a lot of know-how about this subject. The individual in essence knows how to deal with, explain, etc. his subject of expertise.on the ballThis expression is a relatively positive one. It means that someone is busy, but in a good way, and generally they have a lot of different things going on, as opposed to one thing. It is often used when someone is trying to say that they are busy, but keeping things in balance and well managed. If you say “She is really on the ball,” that means she is very sharp to understand things, very quick to do her work, and always on time.ones thingWhen we say “ones thing” we are using it to refer to ones passion, or ones interest about a certain topic or subject matter. For instance, we might be referring to a friend and say “his thing is fast cars”, which means he likes fast cars; they are his passion or specialty. Ones thing in life can be big in scope or small, such as ones thing in life is staying young at heart, or it can be something simple, like ones thing eating ice cream on a hot summer day.the formulaUsually when we use the word, the formula, this is not really a slang expression, but more to denote a method or way of doing something, though it is not like a science or mathematical equation that is very complex. For instance, one sometimes says “The formula for success is having a lot of determination, stamina and good luck.” Sometimes it can also be used in place of saying the “secret”, like “What is your formula for staying slim?”the goodsThis term can be used either to mean real goods, like “Have you got the goods tonight?” the stuff, the products. It can also be used to imply information. “Have you got the goods on that girl?” Do you know what she is up to, what she is doing or what she is about? It is a strong slang expression that is used more by working class or blue collar workers.the right stuffThe right stuff is commonly used when referring to whether or not something is good enough. It is an adjective, and used in a positive framework. For instance, one can say “Does he have the right stuff?” (Does the candidate have what it takes to do the job well?) “Is that the right stuff that you gave me?” (Is it appropriate for what I wanted?)up to the taskThis is used when discussing whether or not some one or something is qualified or talented enough to do the job at hand. Are they up to the task at hand? Can they do it? Can they complete it on time or in a quality way? It is neither negative no positive, as one can say “He wasnt up to the task,” meaning he wasnt good or strong enough, or “He was up to the task,” and he performed well.what it takesThis is usually used when we talk about doing a job or a task. It is a performance word. “Does the car have what it takes to drive across the country?” “Does the singer have what it takes to compete internationally?” Again, it can either be a negative or positive, you either do or dont have what it takes to finish, complete or even start something.what ones intoWhen we say “what ones into,” this is referring to ones interest, hobbies, or passion. It is a common expression that replaces “likes” or “is interested in”. For instance, Bob is really into skiing. Or, it doesnt matter what ones into when one is a student, but when you are working full-time, this is important.动词be great atThis is a very positive term to imply that someone would be good at something that they do, or that they try. For instance, one would say “He would be great at modeling, as he is such a handsome boy.” It is a term that is used to show confidence in someones abilities.be hot stuff atThis term can be used negatively or positively. It can be used as a compliment about someones behavior, such as “That person is going to be hot stuff at cooking, once he graduates from the program.” It can also be used in a derogatory way to imply someones arrogance, such as “Does he think he is going to be hot stuff at cooking, when he has only taken one cooking course?”can a duck swimThis phrase is used as a short comeback when someone says something that is obvious to the listener. For example, “Are you good at driving?” and the listener would say, “Can a duck swim?” Of course, I can do the thing that you are referring to. It is as obvious to me as the fact that ducks swim.cut the mustardTo cut the mustard is used when one is referring to whether or not someone or something is good enough or if they are at the standard of quality that is necessary for a job or task. For instance, often a boss will say “I hope that that employee can cut the mustard around here, if not, I will have to fire him.” Can they work at the quality that is expected by the company or an employer?have it in oneTo say “Does she have it in her” is implying “Does she have the ability, stamina to do something.” For example, “Does she have it in her to play ball after she just had that knee operation?” Or, “Does one have it in one to do something potentially difficult or dangerous?”know ones onionsThis expression is not that commonly used, but means one has the information or knowledge about a particular matter or subject. For instance, you can ask about someone, “Does that guy know his onions?”, implying “Does he know what to do in this situation?” or “Can he do what is being asked of him?”know ones stuffTo know ones stuff is similar to the above expression and means one knows something in terms of information or skill, or one has the ability or knowledge to do something. For instance, she really knows her stuff for she has an excellent background in nutrition and healthy living. That individual can even be seen as an expert or someone that has a wide base of knowledge.know ones way aroundTo know ones way around implies that someone knows how to get around in a particular location or place. We sometimes say “She really knows her way around the kitchen”, which means that she has an excellent understanding of how to cook and how to use all the items in a kitchen. Or, one can say “I really know my way around Beijing, it is my hometown and I know all the streets and sights.”know the ropesTo know the ropes is also referring to knowledge known, but it is more associated with knowledge of a particular methodology or mode of action. Sometimes we say “He really knows the ropes around here,” which means that that individual really knows what to do, how to behave, how to act in a certain environment.shineTo shine means that like an object that shines in the sun, an individual “shines”. He or she stands out among others, for his/her ability to do something or talent. It is commonly used when referring to someones performance, for example, “That girl really shined at practice yesterday,” she was a lot better than she normally is.In doing we learn.Informal Expressions (口语化表达)对话1.A: I have had a hard time cutting the mustard at work. I feel like I just dont have the right stuff.B: You know, I feel the exact opposite. I feel like Ive got what it takes to succeed in my current job.A: Can you teach me how? I would really like to have the goods to perform well and succeed.B: Well, I can try to teach you, but you will really have to work on your own because they cant be taught. Once you know your stuff, youll look like an expert, too!2.A: He is really on the ball! Did you see his report?B: Yeah, hes got the know-how to do well.A: His report was finished one month before the due date. Hes definitely got what it takes to succeed.B: Yeah, he really shines in class. I think he is the teachers favorite student!3.A: I really want to get to know John, but I can never start a conversation. Do you know what hes into?B: I think his thing is race cars. He is always talking about them. And, he knows his way around a race track.A: He does seem to know what its all about.B: I think racing is boring, but thats his thing, not mine!4.A: You dont have a green thumb, do you? Your plants are all dying.B: Well, tending to plants in not what Im into.A: Ive got the know-how when it comes to taking care of plants.B: Where do you get off making such a claim? Ive seen your plants and they dont look too healthy.5.A: Marks really on the ball when it comes to work.B: Yeah, hes really go the goods. Since hes been here for a long time, he knows the procedures.A: He sure does know the ropes around here.B: And, he knows all the tricks to get what he wants.6.A: Is Janine really up to the task of working and looking after a family?B: Dont be so sexist! There are two in every relationship. What about Roger?7.A: Im confident that Ive got what it takes to become the next company CEO.B: So you think youve got the formula, Tom? I guess since youve finished your MBA and worked here for 10 years, you should know how to get there.8.A: Does Andy really have it in him to lead his basketball team out of this slump?B: Yes, Im sure he can do ithes been leading this team through good times and bad for over twenty years.9.A: You had what it took to make it into the NBA, but do you have what it takes to stay there?B: Ive got the goods, coach, and Ill prove it. Just give me a chance!10.A: Does Terry know what hes supposed to be doing down at the head office today?B: Of coursethe guy knows his onions. Hes just getting up-to-date on all the latest industry news.11.A: Weve brought Kyle in to work on the new notebook were developing. He really knows his stuff.B: Good to meet you, Kyle. The whole team is looking forward to working with you.12.A: I pride myself on being great at football.B: Oh, really? Everyone else thinks you pride yourself on stubbing your toe, falling over and missing open goals.13.A: Jeanie thinks shes really hot stuff at samba dancing.B: Well, she did live in Brazil for five years, and used to go to all of the good dance bars.14.A: Are you up to a game this rough?B: Of course! Can a duck swim


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