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    书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语中级模拟115剑桥商务英语中级模拟115READINGPART ONE Look at the statements below and the text about the marketing principle. Which section (A, B, C or D) does each statement (1-7) refer to? For each statement (1-7), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. You will need to use some of these letters more than once. Marketing Principle A Brilliant marketers try to keep open and flexible, yet there is one unchanging maxim which they share: customers buy products to acquire benefits. Those few words hold the secret of many an innovative organisations success. It is a principle which can be applied to almost any product/market decision. The principle itself is almost deceptively simple, which is why some marketers pass it by. The successful marketing organisation will pay more than lip service to its meaning, because it represents the most basic yet most important principle of marketing. B Customers do not buy a product for the product itself. Customers buy clean floors, not floor polish. They buy security, not insurance policies, high performance engines (or status), not Ferraris; better lubrication, not industrial cutting oil. An innovative tool manufacturer realised, through the course of its relationship with its customers, that a major problem on the production floor was the time lost in changing abrasive discs. With this in mind, the manufacturer has in the past few months been exerting himself to get the problem solved with the help of a group of technicians. C The company invested a lot of time and money in seeking a solution, and invented a highly specialised system of binding grit to disc. The result was a new disc which had a longer life and could be removed and replaced faster than the old type. This gave the organisations customers the benefit of more efficient production time and better value for money. The benefit in the example served a dual purpose: it gave the customer the advantage of time-saving and cost-effectiveness, and at the same time solved a traditional problem of changing discs. The problem in this case was a customer need which had to be satisfied. D The concept of customer benefits shows the importance of an organisation being orientated towards the customer, or market, rather than the product, An organisation, for example, manufacturing adding machines in a marketing environment which is moving towards calculators will soon find itself and its product obsolete. It must consider what the benefits of its product arein this case computing sums accurately and quicklyand make sure that it is providing that benefit better than any other organisation. If a more cost-effective method of computing comes along, the customer will naturally be attracted to that product which incorporates those developments and can therefore provide increased benefits. 1. The principle benefits not only customers but also manufacturers.答案:D解析 not only customers but also manufacturers. 对应线索 the customer will naturally be attracted to that productprovide increased benefits. 答案精解 题目意为:这一原则使顾客与生产商都获益。D段指出“the customer will naturally be attracted to that productcan therefore provide increased benefits.”即:满足顾客需求的产品不仅能吸引顾客,使他们获益,也能使生产商获得更多利润。这与题干中的benefits not only customers but also manufacturers表意相吻合。 2. The customers of the tool manufacturer were found working with discs in low efficiency.答案:B解析 in low efficiency 对应线索 time lost 答案精解 题目意为:人们发现,使用这个工具制造商所制造产品的顾客工作效率低下。B段指出“that a major problem on the production floor was the time lost in changing abrasive discs.”即:顾客在使用这种工具进行生产时由于不停更换磨盘而浪费了很多时间。其中,文中的time lost与题干中的in low efficiency相对应。 3. If the principle is established in practice, it will enhance the performance of the marketing organisation.答案:A解析 established in practiceenhance the performance 对应线索 Those few wordshold the secret of many an innovative organisations success 答案精解 题目意为:如果这一理念得以付诸实践,营销部门的业绩将会提高。A段指出“Those few words hold the secret of many an innovative organisations success.”即:这几个字反映出不少具有创新意识的部门的成功秘诀。其中,文中的secret of many an innovative organisations success与题干中的“If the principle is established in practice, it will enhance the performance of the marketing organisation.”相对应。 4. The marketing principle indicates that manufacturers should treat their customers as their first concern.答案:D解析 treat their customers as their first concern. 对应线索 the importance of an organisation being orientated towards the customer 答案精解 题目意为:生产商应该把顾客作为他们的首要关注对象。D段指出“The concept of customer benefits shows the importance of an organisation being orientated towards the customer”即:使顾客获益的理念表明了以顾客为中心的重要性。其中,文中的being orientated towards the customer与题干中的first concern相对应。 5. The tool manufacturer was innovative in the production of discs.答案:C解析 was innovative 对应线索 invested a lot of time and money in seeking a solutioninvented a highly specialised system of binding grit to disc 答案精解 题目意为:这家磨盘制造商具有创新精神。C段指出“The company invested a lot of time and money in seeking a solution, and invented a highly specialised system of binding grit to disc.”即:该企业投入大量时间和金钱寻求解决问题的方法,发明了一种特别专门的生产工具。其中,文中的invested和invented与题干中的was innovative对应。 6. Changing discs was no longer time-consuming work which caused a big problem in customers work.答案:C解析 no longer time-consuming work 对应线索 a new disc which had a longer life and could be removed and replaced faster 答案精解 题目意为:替换磨盘再也不是一种很费时间的事情,不会给顾客带来工作上的麻烦。C段指出“The result was a new disc which had a longer life and could be removed and replaced faster than the old type.”即:新的磨盘使用寿命较长,而且替换起来也比原来的那种节省时间。其中,文中的faster than the old type与题干中no longer time-consuming work相对应。 7. Not all marketers pay attention to the marketing principle.答案:A解析 Not all marketers 对应线索 some marketers 答案精解 题目意为:并非所有的营销者都重视这一营销理念。A段指出“The principle itself is almost deceptively simple, which is why some marketers pass it by.”即:这一理念似乎很简单,这也是为什么一些营销者会忽略它的原因。其中,文中的some marketers与题干中not all marketers相对应。 PART TWO Read the article below giving advice to managers about performance reviews. Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps. For each gap (8-12), mark one letter (A-G) on your Answer Sheet. Do not use any letter more than once. Performance Evaluation When we are introduced to someone for the first time, we automatically form an impression based on his or her appearance, voice, and personality traits. Right or wrong, these first impressions can be lasting ones. Sometimes we base our evaluations of other people on more substantial evidencethe way they perform their jobs or interact with their co-workers and superiors, for example. Although many of the evaluations we make on a daily basis are not conscious, they still have a significant impact on the way we view the people around us. If youre a manager, your working day involves a series of appraisals. Perhaps you begin by making the rounds of various activities for which you are responsible, checking on where major pieces of work stand. You chat briefly with your employees, find out what theyre doing. 1 .Back at your own desk, you go through your mail, answering according to what you know about the person youre addressing. The way you hand out work assignments is also based on what you know about individual employees. You provide instruction, guidance, and coaching on the basis of each workers experience and maturity. If you have visitors during the day, you unconsciously size them up and adjust your speech and actions accordingly. 2 .If an employee is up for salary review, you decide whether or not he or she merits more money. If there is a vacancy in the department, you weigh the relative qualifications of the available candidates before making your decision. These are standard activities for any manager or supervisor, and yet each involves a deliberate act of appraisal. The point here is that performance appraisal is not an occasional or chance occurrence. 3 . Outside the work environment, of course, the evaluations we make of other may merely determine whether or not we choose them as our friends. 4 .These judgments may determine who gets a job, who is given an opportunity for additional training, who gets a raise or a promotion, who is transferred or reassigned, and who is terminated. This is one reason why performance evaluation skills and techniques deserve the attention that is given. The purposes for which performance evaluation are conducted are almost as varied as the techniques that have been developed to gather the necessary data. 5 .For example, employees could be motivated to improve their performance. AIn your contacts with your own boss, you organise your material and present your information in a way that will gain his or her approval. BIt is an integral part of the managers job as it is beneficial to both the one being evaluated and the company per se. COn the basis of your knowledge of each of them, you decide whether or not a particular work item requires your attention. DBut there are some objectives that all evaluation systems share. EFew managers would dispute that employees are the companys most valuable asset. FBut the evaluation we make in the context of an employment relationship are far more crucial in terms of outcome. 1.答案:C解析 作为经理,你可能会先了解各项工作的进展情况,把握工作的主要任务。你会和员工交谈,了解他们都在做哪些方面的工作。 后一句 回到办公桌旁,你会查看邮件,并根据你对对方情况的了解进行回复。 推测出 前一句说明,作为经理你对实地工作的实施情况进行了解。而后一句说明你在办公室里处理的案头工作。根据前句和后句所述内容,可推断出所缺句子应为,根据实地了解,你会对工作中应注意的重点做出判断。对应C项:基于你对各项工作的实地了解,你会作出决定将对哪项工作给予更多关注。 2.答案:A解析 如果你在当天有一些来访者,你会根据自己的判断不知不觉地选择合适的谈话内容和方式。 后一句 如果需要评估一名员工的薪酬情况时,你会考虑他/她是否符合加薪的条件。 推测出 前一句说明与他人沟通时会做出的判断和准备。后一句说对员工是否加薪的评估。前句和后句所讲内容并无直接联系,由此可见所缺句子应是对前一句的补充或是对后一句的开启。而后一句只是一种情况假设,不需要单独一句作为开启,所以应是对前一句的补充。对应A项:和自己的老板谈话时,你需要组织材料,并要以赢得老板青睐的方式向其汇报。这正是对前一句的补充和举例。 3.答案:B解析 管理人员都有许多日常的事情要做,但这些事情都涉及到一些有意的表扬行为。重要的是,这些表扬行为不是偶然和随意的行为。 推测出 前一句指出,对员工的业绩评估不是偶然和随意的行为。据此句内容可推断出,后面要讲的仍是对业绩评估的看法。对应B项:那是经理工作中的一个有机部分。此句中的代词it指代的就是“performance appraisal”,即“业绩评估”,故符合文意要求。 4.答案:F解析 在工作以外的环境中,我们对他人的判断只会使我们决定是否与对方交朋友。 后一句 这些判断会决定谁会被录用,谁能得到额外的培训,谁会得到晋升,谁会被调动,谁又会被辞退。 推测出 前一句是讲对他人的判断在工作以外的环境中的影响。后一句说这一判断对一个人的工作中的影响。可以推断所缺的句子是前后两句的衔接句。对应F项:但是我们在工作中对他人的判断所产生的影响则要大得多。此句承前启后,故为正确答案。 5.答案:D解析 业绩评估的目的如同工作中为获取数据信息而采取的方法那样各不相同。 后一句 例如,员工会受到激励而在工作中表现更好。 推测出 前一句是说业绩评估的目的跟收集资料的方法一样不尽相同,而后一句则举出了一个例证。所缺句子应表达在不同中还有相同点。对应D项:但仍有一些目标是各种评估都需要达到的。 PART THREE Read the article below about the importance of a name and the questions on the opposite page. For each question (13-18), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. The Importance of a Name A name cannot make or break a product or company. It was not the name Edsel that doomed Fords ill-fated car brand; the letters IBM, and the words they stand for, were not the critical ingredient in IBMs success. What matters is how well a companys goods or services meet its customers needs. Having said that, however, we contend that a well-chosen name can give a company a decided marketing edge over comparable competitors, and that the branding effect of a strong corporate name can be especially important for service companies. Why? Because in services the company name is the brand name. Services do not lend themselves to individual branding the way tangible products do. Goods can be positioned and marketed with specific, appropriate brand names: Pampers, Alka Seltzer, Black flag. Consumers may be loval to such brands without ever knowing that the goods came from Procter performance, after all, is primary. So how important, really, is a service brand name? The answer is that strong branding can accelerate market awareness and acceptance of a high-quality service, while weak branding can accelerate failure for a poorly conceived or delivered service. It was widespread skepticism about the strategy that turned the name into a lightning rod for criticism. To be sure, one can find flaws with the name. When introduced, it was defined as acombination of "allegiance" and "aegis", and the very fact that it needed to be explainedand its pronunciation make clearsignaled a problem. But this is hindsight. Had the strategy been sound and well executed, we obviously would not be citing Allegis as a flawed brand name. Federal Express furnishes a contrasting example. We can now say that this is a strong and appropriate brand identity: Express delineates the nature and speed of the service, and Federal suggests a far-flung, perhaps governmentally sanctioned enterprise, But without its superlative ability to track and deliver parcels, and without its courteous employees and its professional-looking uniforms, trucks, envelopes, and advertising, the Federal Express brand would not be an example of excellence. The name was part of an overall operating strategy backed up by a sophisticated, cohesive branding programme. Are there any hard-and-fast rules for naming a service company? Beyond avoiding obvious negative connotations, there are no absolute. A strong service brand should immediately identify the service supplier and distinguish it from competitors. The customers could recognise the service benefit instantly from the brand name and understand, use and recall it with ease. A service company will obtain more advantages if its name is broad enough to cover not just the organisations current business but also foreseeable expansions. 1. The first paragraph implies thatA.Edsel was not a good name, so it broke Fords car brand.B.the name IBM helped its company succeed.C.a product failed because of its quality, not because of its name.D.the name couldnt meet customers needs.答案:C解析 推理判断题。考查对第一段中心思想的把握。 解题关键句 题目意为:“第一段做出了什么暗示?”文中第一段首先指出,名称不能成就一个企业,或者毁灭一个企业,进而举出正反两例,说明企业成功与失败不是其名称造成的。然后说明成败的关键在于其是否能够为顾客提供满意的产品和服务,暗示了正确答案为C。 2. A well-chosen name is important to a service company becauseA.it gives a company an advantage to compete with others.B.it shows the difference to its competitors.C.it could broaden the market of a company.D.the company name is the brand name in service.答案:A解析 事实细节题,考查在服务行业中企业选好名称为什么重要。 解题关键句 题目意为:“在服务行业中企业选好名称为什么十分重要?”文中第二段指出,选好名称能够使企业在同行业竞争者中占有决定性优势,A项恰恰符合此意。 3. The difference between the name of a service company and those of other companies is thatA.the products are tangible but services are not.B.the name of a service company is a companys image but the names of other companies are not.C.customers are loyal to brand names of products but are not to names of ser


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