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    Book4 Unit3阅读1语言使用导学案.doc

    Book4 Unit3 阅读1语言使用导学案Class: group: name: 组内评价: 教师评价: 【使用说明与学法指导】1. 自主学习,对照基础知识,用15分钟总结归纳词汇用法并熟练使用右栏知识树知识。2. 限时完成导学案的合作探究部分,规范书写。3. 必须熟记本单元知识点的用法。【学习目标】1.To master the usage of words and phrases firmly and improve the ability of using them freely.2.To learn the methods of making up sentences by self-directed study and cooperation.3.To be full of passion and enthusiasm and enjoy the pleasure of expressing yourself in English flexibly.【自主学习】内容:理解和背诵词汇的知识树并利用知识树完成自主学习部分练习题。目标达成:1.AB层次画出知识树,并完成所有练习并背住所有例句。2.C层画出知识树,并完成所有练习题。 .Words1. content1.We should .我们应该对我们现在拥有的东西感到知足。2.I here.我很乐意待在这儿。3.The Tv was broken,so we have to .(我们只好听收音机)4.He tipped (包里的东西)onto the table.2.entertain 1.He for hours.他既讲故事又讲笑话,把我们逗乐了好几个小时。2.I usually on Sunday.我常常在星期天请朋友们吃饭。用entertain 的适当形式填空It seems to her that everything is .The local are listed in the newspaper.Bob us to dinner yesterday.3. overcome1. They in the battle.在这场战役中他们战胜了敌人。2.She struggled to (战胜羞怯).3.She (战胜伤痛)to win the olympic gold medal.4.The learner of a second language has many obstacles .(有很多障碍要克服)4.convince1. How can I the fact. 我如何才能让你相信事实呢?2.He I should study law .他使我相信,我应该学习法律。3.Ive been trying to .我一直劝他去看病。4.Are you that he is not coming back.你确信他不回来了吗?5.This is not a story but most people like to talk about it.6.I am of his honesty.Phrases:1. up to now1. . 到当前为止,他一直很安静。2.I can take in my car.我的汽车最多能带四个人。3. .他在忙什么?4.Shall we eat out or stay in? .(这由你决定)5.He the part of Othello.他演不了奥赛罗这个角色。6. to help those in need.我们有责任协助那些有困难的人。2. badly off1.She for a while after her husband died.在丈夫去世后的一段时间内,她过得很贫困。2.The factory the equipment.这个工厂相当缺乏设备。3.Jack has lost his job and .杰克丢了工作,境况比以前更糟。3.pick out 1.She from dozens of applicants for the job.她从大批的求职者中被选中承担这项工作。2.Theres such a big crowd .人太多了,我找不出山姆来。4.cut off 1.He in an accident at work。他在一次工伤中被切断了手指。 2.They for not paying their phone bill 他们未付电话费,被停机了。 3.My explanation by loud protests.我的解释被强烈的抗议声打断了。 4.He all human contact.他被断绝了与所有人的联系。5.star in 1.He so far.到当前为止,他主演过很多著名电影。2.Sarah has missed her chance of .莎拉已经错失了在学校戏剧中扮演主角的机会。6.with +宾语+宾补1. , Jack felt lonely.因为房子空空的,杰克感到很孤独。2. , we found his home easily.因为有那位向导带路,我们很容易找到他家。3. , they went to the cinema happily.所有的任务都完成了,他们高兴地去看电影了。4. , she will spare no time to attend the party.有那么多的作业要做,她抽不出时间参加聚会。 研究词汇的知识树获得知识梳理水平和语言使用:1. content adj. 满足的;满意的feel/be content with(=be satisfied/pleased with) 对满足be content to do sth.(=be willing/ready to do sth.)乐意做某事;满足于做某事vt.使满意,使满足content oneself with sth.满足于;对感到满意n.U满足,满意;pl.所含之物,目录;sing.含量2.entertain vt.&vi. 使欢乐,款待entertain sb.with sth.(=sb. be entertained with sth.) 用使人快乐entertain sb. to sth. 用招待某人entertaining adj. 令人感到愉快的entertainment n. 娱乐活动;招待3. overcomevt. &vi. 战胜;克服 (overcame, overcome)4.convince vt. 使信服;说服convince sb. of sth. 使某人确信某事convince sb. that使某人相信convince sb.to do sth.说服某人做某事convinced adj. 确信的;信服的be convinced that/of convincing adj. 令人信服的1. up to now 直到现在(相当于so far,通常与现在完成时连用)up to 还表示下列含义:“多达;至多”;后常接数字从事于,忙于“由决定”,常形成固定短语be up to sb.,用it 作主语“胜任;适合”“是的职责”2. badly off 穷的;缺少的(反:well off 富裕的;处境好的) be badly off for sth.某物短缺;不够(=be short of /be lacking in)worse off “更贫困的;(情况)更糟糕的”better off 更富裕的;处境更好的3.pick out 挑出;辨别出 4.cut off 切断停止;中断(供给)打断(某人并阻止其谈话)使与外界隔绝,常用于cut sb./sth. off fromcut down 砍到;削减;减少cut in 插嘴cut out 剪除;删除cut up 切碎cut across 抄近路穿过;取捷径通过5. star in 担任主角;主演star(starred,starred,starring)6.with +宾语+宾补(adj./adv./n./介词短语/doing/done/to do)【合作探究】内容:利用本节所学的词汇,短语或句型完成下列练习,提升在语境中灵活使用的水平。1.Kissinger is confedent that China and the US will difficulties and build up a structure of friendly cooperation.A.reduce B.expand C.confuse D overcome2.-How could you my sister so easily in the crowd? -Because she stood out in her red dress.A.pick up B.take up C.pick out D.take out3. ,she has been observing the chimps for ten years and she has decided to carry on her career for another twenty years.A.At present B.In time C.At times D.Up to nowt4.Those who are not with the rpogress they have made will have greater success.A.proud B.afraid C.popular D.content5.The runner made a(n) decision that he would rather take part in the game though he got hurt badly.A.interesting B.discouraging C.astonishing D.disappointing6.With the electricity because of the road repairs,the whole building was completely dark.A.cut up B.cut off C.cut out D.cut down7.-How are things in your village? -Modern farmng methods have been brought in and the villagers are now than before.A.well off B.better off C.badly off D. worse off8. The film Under the Hawthorn tree, directed by Zhang Yimou, was a success, which Zhou Dongyu and Dou Xiao .A.fell in B.starred in C.dropped in D.joined in9.令人惊讶的是他赢了这场比赛。 that hed won the match.(astonish)10.我们最终由小女孩带路到达了那个村庄。 We finally got to the village .(lead)11.我如何才能让你相信那个事实? How can I ?(convince)12.我最喜欢的老电影之一是卓别林主演的。 One of my favorite old films is the one Chaplin .(star)13.他克服了种种困难并最终取得成功。 He and succeeded at last.(overcome)14.在人群中很容易辨认出他,因为他很高。 It is easy in the crowd because he is very tall.(pick)15.当前,他一直住在家里。 He up to now.(live)巩固落实内容:掌握4个单词,6个短语的用法和合作探究练习。目标达成:1.AB层能够背诵所有例句,活用所学知识。2.C层能够理解背诵所有例句。


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