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    Longman welcome to English 3A 1-3复习资料.doc

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    Longman welcome to English 3A 1-3复习资料.doc

    Longman welcome to English 3A 复习资料姓名:-一单元(Weather and seasons)天气和季节单词:weather (天气warm(温暖的)hot(炎热的) cool(凉爽的) cold(寒冷的) foggy(有雾的) windy(有风的)rainy(有雨的) dry(干燥的) season(季节) spring(春天) summer(夏天) fall(秋天) winter(冬天) plant flowers(种花) go to the park(去公园) eat ice-cream(吃冰淇淋) go swimming(去游泳) fly kites(放风筝) go hiking(去郊游) wear a scarf(围围巾)eat hotpot(吃火锅句型:1. Whats the weather like in spring?春天天气怎么样?Its warm and foggy.温暖多雾2. Whats the weather like in summer? 夏天天气怎么样?Its hot and rainy.炎热多雨3. Whats the weather like in autumn? 秋天天气怎么样?Its cool and dry.凉爽干燥4. Whats the weather like in winter? 冬天天气怎么样?Its cold and windy.严寒多风。5. I like spring.我喜欢春天Its warm and foggy.温暖多雾I plant flowers and go to the park.我种花去花园6. I like summer.我喜欢夏天。Its hot and sunny.天晴很热I eat ice-cream and go swimming.我吃冰淇淋和游泳。7. I like autumn.我喜欢秋天。Its cool and dry.凉爽干燥I fly kites and go hiking.我放风筝和郊游。8. I like winter.我喜欢冬天Its cold and windy.寒冷多风I wear a scarf and eat hotpot.我围围巾和吃火锅。二单元(Festivals we like)我喜欢的节日单词:节日:Christmas(圣诞节) Chinese new year(春节) Mid-Autumn Festival(中秋节) Easter(复合节)Dragon Boat Festival(端午节) 月份:January(一月) February(2月)March(三月) April(4月) May(五月)June(六月) July(7月) August(8月) September(9月) October(10月) November(11月) December(12月) 节假日活动短语:get lucky money(得幸运钱) eat moon cakes(吃月饼) eat chocolate eggs(吃巧克力蛋) watch fires(看烟花) give presents(得到礼物) send cards(送卡片)句子:1) Which festival do you like best?你最喜欢哪个节日?I like Mid-Autumn Festival best. We eat moon cakes at Mid-Autumn Festival.我最喜欢中秋节,中秋节我们可以吃月饼。2) Which festival do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个节日?I like Christmas best. We give presents at Christmas.我最喜欢圣诞节,圣诞节可以收到礼物3) Which festival do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个节日?I like Chinese New Year best. We watch fireworks at Chinese New Year.我最喜欢春节,春节可以看烟花4) Which festival do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个节日?I like Easter best. We eat chocolate eggs at Easter.我最喜欢复合节,复活节可以吃巧克力蛋。5) Which festival do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个节日?I like Dragon Boat Festival best. We watch dragon boat races at Dragon Boat Festival.我最喜欢端午节,端午节可以看龙舟比赛。三单元:单词:Open Day(开放日) Speech Day(演讲颁奖日) the school picnic(学校郊游) the school fair(学校集市) the school concert(学校钢琴会)句型:Whens the school picnic?学校的郊游是什么时候?Its on the seventh of the November.11月7日Whens the Sports Day?学校运动会什么时候?Its on the second of May.5月2日一、词汇Season:spring summer autumn winter Weather:hot warm cool cold dry foggy rainy windy sunny Festivals:Chinese New Year (get lucky money watch fireworks) Easter (eat chocolate eggs)Dragon Boat Festival (watch dragon boat races)Mid-Autumn Festival (eat moon cakes)Christmas (give presents send cards) School events:the shool fair Open Day the school concert Speech Day the school picnic Sports Day Parents Day Actions:plant flowers go to the park eat ice cream go swimming fly kites go hiking wear a scarf eat hotpot 二. 句型1. Whats the weather like in spring/summer/ autumn /winter?Its .2. Which festival do you like best?I like best.3. When s the school picnic?Its on the seventh of November.下面是一张Tina的学校发出的邀请函,请根据此邀请函,回答虾类问题。(8分)InvitationSunny SchoolInvites you to ourSchool concertOn 22nd November From 3:00 to 4:30 1 Whats the name of the school? 2. What does this invitation for ? 3. Whats the date? 4. When will it be finished(结束)?


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