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    M7U4reading(2) 知识点 换种思路上课[讲课适用].ppt

    distinction n. 特质,特点;区别, 差别 It has the distinction of being the oldest and most complex underground system in the world. 【line 2】 伦敦地铁久负盛名, 因为它是世界上最古老且最复杂的地铁系统。,have the distinction of 有特点 此句话有没有什么特殊的地方?,1,学校课堂,The all-aluminum MonstedVincent Starflight pusher airplane has the distinction of being the only four-engined aircraft ever to be built in Louisiana.,2,学校课堂,Nasa astronaut Scott Kelly now has the distinction of being the American astronaut who has spent the most number of days in space520 days.,Scott Kellys one-year mission aboard the International Space Station has helped to advance deep space exploration and Americas Journey to Mars.,3,学校课堂,The Dumbbell Nebula Messier 27 has the distinction of being the first planetary nebula ever discovered.,哑铃星云,也称梅西耶27,nebjl,4,学校课堂,make a distinction between 对加以区别,5,学校课堂,2. Horse-drawn buses, trams, cabs and carriages were used to convey people to and around the city centre. 【line 6】 马拉车、有轨电车、计程车和四轮马车被用来将人们送往市中心以及周围一带。,convey vt. 运输,输送,I find it hard to convey my feelings in word. Words cant convey how happy I was.,我觉得难以用言语表达我的感情。,言语无法表达我内心的喜悦之情。,6,学校课堂,7,学校课堂,Mr. Li, _ his disappointment with our job, marched out of the room with anger A. conveying B. conveyed C. having conveyed D. having been conveyed,C,8,学校课堂,3. However, new trains had to be developed and the plan required raising a large amount of money, so the digging was postponed until 1860. 【line 14】 Its required that everyone _ (be) present on time. =Everyone is required _(be) present on time.,(should) be,n. 要求;需要; 必要条件,requirement,满足要求 usually pl. meet/satisfy the/ones requirements,to be,9,学校课堂,【用法点拨】require= require doing require to be done,The screen of your smartphone _,=requires to be replaced.,requires replacing.,10,学校课堂,【改错】 Before entering the cinema, all the people were required show their tickets. Mr. Green talked with his woman secretary and required that she kept the new plan secret.,to,keep,11,学校课堂,3. As better ways for digging tunnels were developed, the first railway tunnel under the River Thames was dug in 1884. 【line 26】 随着更好的挖掘隧道方法的发明,第一条在泰晤士 河下的铁路隧道于1884年开始动工。,as 随着,随着时间的流逝 Astimewenton/by. 随着我们变得成熟,父母也在变老。 Aswe get mature, our parents become older.,12,学校课堂,Travelling on these lines was not convenient, though, as each line was possessed by a different company, and many were very far from each other. 【line 31】,was,【改错】 Travelling on these lines were not convenient, though, as each line was possessed by a different company, and many were very far from each other.,as 因为,13,学校课堂,The London underground system is working to transport huge numbers of people as it has done for many years. 【line 56】,as “像”“正如”,入乡随俗,When in Rome, do as the Romans do.,14,学校课堂,as可作虽然、尽管解,引导让步状语从句。,尽管我们累了,我们还是在写作业。 _, we are still doing our homework. 尽管他很努力尝试,他从来没有成功。 _, he never succeeded.,Tired as we are,Though he is a child, he knows a lot. 用as引导让步状从,如何表达? Childasheis,heknowsalot.,Hard as he tried,15,学校课堂,【改错】 A king as he was, he couldnt have everything in control. Hot although the night air was, we slept deeply because we were so tired after the long journey. 【2012陕西】,【填空】 _(success) as she is, she doesnt feel happy.,Successful,as,16,学校课堂,【真题在线】 1. Coach, can I continue with the training? Sorry, you cant _you havent recovered from the knee injury. 【2012重庆高考】 A. until B. before C. as D. unless 【解析】选C。考查状语从句。句意:教练, 我可以继续训练吗?很遗憾,你不能,因为你 膝关节损伤还没有恢复。as因为,引导原因状语从 句。,17,学校课堂,4. Passengers were transported in carriages without windows, which were pulled through the narrow tunnels by steam engines. 【line 18】 The doctors think she will pull through after the operation. Its going to be tough but well pull through it together.,恢复健康,完成,做成(十分困难的事),18,学校课堂,19,学校课堂,This traffic problem led to the development of the underground system. 【line 10】 Because of the smoke from the steam engines, early underground lines needed large holes leading to the surface at regular intervals, so that people could get fresh air and would not choke. 【line 24】 早期伦敦的地铁线每隔一段就需要有通往地面的大洞,以使乘坐地铁的人能呼吸到新鲜空气而不致窒息。 两个lead to 意思是否一样? 将第二句译成中文。,导致,20,学校课堂,【read】 Because of the smoke from the steam engines, early underground lines needed large holes leading to the surface at regular intervals, so that people could get fresh air and would not choke. 【line 24】 【改错】 Because the smoke from the steam engines, early underground lines needed large holes led to the surface at regular intervals, so that people could get fresh air and would not choke. 【line 24】,leading,of,21,学校课堂,Between the two parts of the concert is an interval, _ the audience can buy ice-cream.A. when B. where C. that D. which,A,22,学校课堂,The roads became so busy that no one could travel anywhere. 【line 9】,Because of the smoke from the steam engines, early underground lines needed large holes leading to the surface at regular itervals, so that people could get fresh air and would not choke. 【line 24】,以便,如此以至,23,学校课堂,【read】 The roads became so busy that no one could travel anywhere.,【改错】 The roads became such busy that no one could travel anywhere.,so,24,学校课堂,【改错】 The roads became such busy that no one could travel to anywhere. 你要去哪里? 我要去上学。,Where are you going? Im going to school.,25,学校课堂,带你去任何地方,26,学校课堂,去任何地方,27,学校课堂,带我回家,28,学校课堂,5. However, most trains to London only went to the outer city limits, because building railway tracks into the city would have damaged many old buildings. 【line 5】 但大部分通往伦敦的火车只能到伦敦的外界,因为在 市区修建铁路会损坏很多古建筑。,这个句子相当于 If railway tracks _(build) into the city, they would have damaged many old buildings.,had been built,29,学校课堂,任何地方,我本将一直追随,在你左右。,30,学校课堂,We lost our way in that small village, otherwise we _(visit) more places of interest yesterday. 【2012福建高考】,would have visited,31,学校课堂,6. Having seen the situation, a wealthy American businessman, Charles Yerkes, undertook the job of improving the system in 1902. 【line 33】 看到这种情况,一位名叫查尔斯耶基斯的美国富商于1902年承担起了改善地铁系统的工程。,为什么用having done? Having seen the situation表示分词的动作发生在 句子谓语动作之前。,32,学校课堂,【真题在线】 _to work overtime that evening, I missed a wonderful film. 【2012重庆高考】 A. Having been asked B. To ask C. Having asked D. To be asked 【解析】选A。考查非谓语动词。句意:我那天晚上因为被要求加班而错过了一场精彩的电影。having been asked既表被动,又表完成,在句中作原因状语。,33,学校课堂,(2)undertake v. 承担、从事,I dont think he can _.,我认为他不能单独承担这项工作。,undertake the work alone,34,学校课堂,You undertook to do homework yesterday.,Undertake to do 承诺、保证做某事,35,学校课堂,7. Many new stations were constructed, the most famous of _ were designed by an architect named Charles Holden. 【line 41】,which,(2014天津卷) English is a language shared by several diverse cultures, _ uses it differently. all of which B. each of which C. all of them D. each of them,B,36,学校课堂,It is reported that two schools, _are being built in my hometown, will open next year. both of which B. each of which C. both of them D. each of them,A,37,学校课堂,Many new stations were constructed, the most famous of which were designed by an architect named Charles Holden. 出题点? 【改错】 1. Many new stations were constructed, the most famous of them were designed by an architect named Charles Holden.,2. Many new stations were constructed, the most famous of them was designed by an architect named Charles Holden.,38,学校课堂,39,学校课堂, Many new stations were constructed, the most famous of _were designed by an architect named Charles Holden.,不能把them改成which, 请将这句话改成正确的。 Many new stations were constructed, the most famous of them were designed by an architect named Charles Holden., Many new stations were constructed. The most famous of _ were designed by an architect named Charles Holden.,which,them,40,学校课堂,不能把them改成which, 请将这句话改成正确的。 Many new stations were constructed, the most famous of them were designed by an architect named Charles Holden.,and,41,学校课堂,6. Visit our ticket office and buy one of the travel cards that permit you to travel all over the underground system. 【line 60】 permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 我们学校不允许学生在学校使用手机。 Our school doesnt permit students to use smartphones at school. 我们学校不允许在学校使用手机。 Our school doesnt permit using smartphones at schol.,42,学校课堂,permit常用于以下句型: _, what do you want to do at this weekends? 如果时间/天气允许,这周末你想做什么?,If time / weather permits,(=Time / weather permitting),permission,n.,43,学校课堂,44,学校课堂,Those who have passed are permitted _ (enter) the building.,to enter,45,学校课堂,


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